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Hadron and NuclearPhysicswith ElectromagneticProbes K. Maruyamaand H. Okuno (Editors) 2000 Elsevier ScienceB.V. All rightsreserved.


Two-nucleon emission experiments at Mainz

Peter Grabmayr a aPhysikalisches Institut der Universits Tiibingen, Auf der Morgenstelle 14, D-72076 Tiibingen, Germany e-mail address: Two-nucleon emission experiments performed with real and virtual photons at the cw-electron accelerator MAMI at Mainz are discussed. We have studied the reaction mechanisms of photon absorption. Evidence for effects due to nucleon-nucleon correlations at short internucleon distances is presented. The need of a combined analysis of high resolution (y,NN) and (e,e'NN)experiments is emphasised. 1. I N T R O D U C T I O N The mean field concept to describe properties of nuclear states has been rather successful in the energy range around the Fermi surface which represents the classical low-energy, low-momentum regime. Only more recent one-particle transfer and knockout experiments [1,2] revealed that about 25% of the strength was missing. Immediately this was traced back to the principal worries stated already at the time of birth of the shell model more than 50 years ago, namely, that the high momentum components apparent at short internucleon distances spoil the mean-field concept and that they shift strength high up into the continuum where the typical spectroscopy cannot pursued anymore. The strong repulsion observed at small relative distances is well known in free nucleon-nucleon (NN) scattering; to a certain degree this short-range feature survives in atomic nuclei despite the creation of an average potential contributed by all nucleons and the supportive Pauli principle. Thus one observes deviations from the mean field behaviour which are the so-called nucleon-nucleon correlations. There are several kinds of trivial correlations as e.g. due to Pauli principle or conservation of centre-of-momentum which are included in the "free" two-nucleon density PNN:

~[pN(rl)" p n ( r 2 ) free



e.g.P aul i-correlations

The dynamical correlations Cdyn are in the centre of interest and in particular those which can be connected with short inter-nucleon distances:
Cdyn(r], r2) = PNN -- P~_NN (2)




184 The long ranged correlations have been incorporated into specific mean field approaches (see. e.g. ref. [3]). However, the treatment of the short ranged correlations is more intricate. One of the strongest argument for short ranged effects in the nuclear medium still arises from theoretical investigations of nuclear binding. A recent compilation by H. Miither [4] demonstrates the need of NN correlations for binding of nuclear matter at the empirical saturation point using realistic NN potentials. Simple Hartree-Fock calculation yield binding only with effective potentials. While for different modern NN potentials about the same binding energy per nucleon is extracted from Brueckner-Hartee-Fock calculations different contributions of the 7r exchange have been found. This clearly indicates different off-shell behaviour of these potentials which fit the phase shifts for NN scattering with equal quality. The tensor part of these potentials is poorly defined, however tensor type correlations play a crucial part in the calculations for the n p channel [4].

Figure 1. The two-nucleon density for two l p l / 2 nucleons (adapted from ref. [4]). Recent investigations aim towards modern techniques to produce two-hole spectral functions for real nuclei [4,5,9]. Here, a result based on the exp(S)-method for 160 is given [4]. The correlated wave function ~ is derived from the uncorrelated one (I) through:
9 =oxp 9

with the operator 1

S'~ = n'-~ ~



. . . PnlSn["l

. . . "n



. .

a;, av,~ . . . a~,~


where the creation and annihilation operators produce sets of n particle-n hole states. Limiting the calculations to n=2 the correlated wave functions read
r > = 1.1 > + 11-1 >


A OIIU, > r

> +$21"1"2 >


The two-body density for two protons in the l p l / 2 orbit of 160



-- 1 >[2


is given in Fig. 1. The x, z-plane is selected for y=0 where the second particle is fixed at (x=0, y=0, z=2 fro). On the left side of Fig. 1 the operator $2=0 and therefore

185 the two-body density is just the product of two one-body densities (irrespective of the location of the second particle). For $2~0 however, a clear depletion in the two-body density can be observed at the position of the second particle. Similar calculations for the T = 0 np pair reveals not only an expected increase of strength by a factor of about 4 but also its concentration at short internucleon distances despite larger meson exchange contributions. As one-nucleon removal is not an adequate tool one has to investigate the two-nucleon removal experiments. This experimental method for an access towards correlations had been suggested already in the 50-ies, in particular pion and photon induced reactions. Both probes are understood to be absorbed dominantly on nucleon pairs at relative close proximity [10]. However, beam quality, energy resolution and background reactions, as e.g. the notorious final-state interaction, prevented serious progress. However, the new generation of experimental techniques for cw accelerators and large area, high resolution detectors on one side and new developments of nuclear structure and reaction models permit a renewed approach towards NN correlations. The aim of the present experimental series is a combined analysis of (~,,np), (%pp), (e,e'np) and (e,e'pp) to exploit the advantages of each of the reactions.

Figure 2. Experimental setup with tagger, proton hodoscope PiP [11] and neutron timeof-flight array [12]. Three kinematical regions are indicated.

Figure 3. Layout of the three spectrometer facility [13] at Mainz.

The experiments of the P i P / T O F group are performed at the cw electron accelerator MAMI [14] at Mainz using the Glasgow tagging spectrometer [15]. Electron beams of 855 MeV impinge on 4 #m thin Ni radiator or on 100 #m thick diamond crystal in case polarised photons are needed. The photon beam is collimated in order to be well defined (diameter of approx. 1,5 cm) on the nuclear targets which consist either of liquid helium within a kapton can or of sheets of graphite or lithium. The photon flux is calibrated to free running scalers within the tagger focal plane by so-called 'tagging efficiency' measurements. Typical values of ~t=45:t:2% have been obtained. The target is surrounded by a ring of I mm thick plastic counters, which act as start detectors for charged particles and as veto detectors for neutrons to be selected from TOF[12]. Charged particles are


detected by the fivefold layered hodoscope PiP[11]. Protons are discriminated against deuterons and pions via the A E - E technique. The energy of these particles is extracted exclusively from the pulse height after proper correction for quenching and energy losses in air and dead layers. The neutron energy is obtained from the time-of-flight measured by TOF with an average FWHM of about 0.7 ns. The charged particles in TOF can be selected by appropriate cuts on pulse height vs. time-of-flight. An overall energy resolution (Era) of 6 MeV has been obtained. The angular resolution of 3~ in polar and of 9~ in azimuthal direction can be translated into a momentum resolution of 35 MeV/c. The 160(e,e'pp)14C experiments with virtual photons employ the three spectrometer facility [13] with high beam currents (I~80 pA). a waterfall target [16] was used and a so-called super-parallel kinematics was selected [17], which suppressed A currents.

3. R E A C T I O N M E C H A N I S M S

OF T H E (~/,NN) R E A C T I O N S

The three observables of importance are the missing energy, the missing momentum and the relative momentum between the two nucleons of the pair. The missing momentum p~m is defined as the difference between incoming photon momentum k and the outgoing nucleon momenta Pn and gp" /Tin = k - / T n - gp. In plane wave impulse approximation (PWIA) Pm can be interpreted as the momentum P of the pair before the interaction. It governs the gross features of the angular and energy dependence of the cross sections. The missing energy E m - k - Tn- Tp- TR is defined as the difference of kinetic energies of particles in the in- and outgoing reaction channels. In particular, TR is the kinetic energy of the recoiling ( A - 2) system calculated relativistically from pro. Finally, the relative 1 momentum is defined as/Tr = 7 ( P p - g~)" Note, that there is no modelfree possibility to get a handle of the relative momentum ~r in the initial state.

Figure 4. The (7,np) reaction for three photon energy ranges is compared for the targets 12C and 4He.

Figure 5. The (~/,pp) reaction for three photon energy ranges is compared for the targets 12C and 4He.

187 An overall picture of the competing reaction mechanisms is obtained best by comparison [18,19,7] of the data to the predictions of the Valencia model [20]. For three photon energy bins the missing energy spectra for the (7,np) reaction on 12C and 4He are plotted. The 12C data are well described by the calculations. For 4He a qualitative agreement can be stated. It is observed that even at highest photon energies the yield at low E,~ arises from the two-body photon absorption process. The yield at higher photon energies (~150 MeV) for 4He is reduced relative to that for 12C due the reduced influence of final state interactions. The description of the (~,pp) reactions is less satisfying. These findings permit the concentration on low excitation energies Ex = E m - Q of the residual nuclei. In contrast to the Valencia model, state-of-the-art calculations [21,22] permit a proper treatment of the two-nucleon knockout reaction including the competing processes. Effects of the NN correlations are expected to be recognised through excess of high momentum components in angular distributions different from the quasideuteron prediction or in general in unexpected variation of cross sections, particular when final states with specific quantum numbers can be selected because of a sufficiently high energy resolution.

Figure 6. Angular distribution of the 12C(~/,np) reaction at Ez <50 MeV and at E~=(135+20) MeV.

Next, we focus on the angular distribution of the 12C(~/,np) reaction at E~ <50 MeV and at E~=(135+20) MeV [23]. With three detector settings a very large part of the relevant phase space is covered (see Fig. 6, left). The dominant back-to-back emission of neutron and proton is clearly observed. In order to obtain the angular distribution shown in the right of Fig. 6 the counts have been summed as indicated by the small white rectangles along the ridge. The thin solid (dot-dashed) line indicates the acceptance-integrated experimental cross section for photodisintegration of the deuteron with (without) considering Fermi motion of the np pair within the carbon nucleus. The failure to describe the data is a clear indication of medium modification of the pair and of existence of additional processes beyond the simple quasideuteron picture. Proper calculations [22] including 7r-


and p meson exchange currents can account for shape and magnitude of the data.

~'1.00 m ~'0.75 _o :& ~ o_ 0.50


150<E~,<250 MeV
9 o 6Li (55.3) 7Li (51.4) 9
g r o u n d s t a t e

0 ~ o

E ~ 3 0 0 - 4 0 0


S R C ~ ~ ,


\ 0.25
b ":)

9 ~

f9 0 9149 %o 1 4% 90 0 ~ _ t n nn I~ " ~ _ _O.~L_~V~__ ~ ' ~ F . . . I . , . , , , v I : , : C-7V'.- .v'T'l 0 100 200 300 400 missinq m o m e n t u m [ M e V / c ]

-o F"

>~ 1.00


150<E.z<250 M e V


~ 10




x 0.25 -o

x~*,. ' : ' ~

excited stote



100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800



O.OOr-..,,... 0 100

,. .v... 1 400 missing m o m e n t u m [ M e V / c ]

,.., 200

,,,. 300

Figure 7. Missing momentum distributions in 6'7Li and 4He.

Figure 8. Experimental recoil momentum distributions from the 3 choices of kinematics in the photon energy range 300< E~ <400 MeV normalised by the prediction of the 2N model from ref. [6].

The missing momentum distributions give a clear evidence (within the limitation of PWIA) on internal momenta of the pair before interaction. Fig. 7 shows the distributions for the (7,np) reaction on the two isotopes 6,7Li and 4He. For the ground state transitions the emission from the d and t cluster is assumed, whereas he notation excited state indicates that at least one of the two nucleons comes from the inner s-shell. However, the comparison with the 4He missing momentum distribution suggests that there is no shell mixing at all. A connection between the centroids and the binding energy can easily be seen in Fig. 7. The numbers in brackets indicate the integrated strengths and we find another indication of failure of the simple quasideuteron picture in the similarity of those two numbers for the ground state transition which is in contrast to the number of available pairs. This is another hint that the quantum number of the pair plays an important role in the photon absorption process. Fig. 8 shows the momentum distribution for the 12C(7,np) reaction normalised to the prediction of the 2N model of [6]. Presently the rise a high pair momenta is interpreted as a further hint towards NN correlations. A prediction (solid line) of correlated wave functions in LOA including tensor correlations by Sarra and Orlandini [9] reproduces the trend correctly. The increase at high recoil momentum can explained due to nucleonnucleon correlations involving one ejected nucleon and one which is remaining within the ( A - 2) residual nucleus. As FSI can not be excluded in this broad data sample it will be important to show the recoil momentum distribution for individual states.


4. H I G H R E S O L U T I O N



Despite the new insights obtained with the experiments described above, it turned out that the averaging over all states of a single shell model orbital does not pin down the reaction models sufficiently as ambiguities of the model with respect to nuclear structure or reaction amplitude may not be resolved. Therefore, we presently aim for two-nucleon emission experiments which resolve final states. In general only a few partial waves contribute to a transition to a single final state. The cross sections are predicted to exhibit distinctive distributions depending on the spin and isospin quantum numbers of the final states. The nucleus 160 is the best candidate from the nuclear structure point of view both from experimental and from theoretical considerations. High resolution (e,e'pp) experiments and the search for short range correlations of scalar type are reported elsewhere [17]. As shown in Fig. 9 the two model calculations by Giusti and Ryckebusch are quite good but do not give sufficiently good results which are needed to select the best potential for the NN correlations. The np channel must be investigated when searching for the tensor type correlations as they are not present in the pp channel. Despite the strong contribu-


50 4O
30 20 1o o

0.2 0.0 0 -0.2
1-100 , i , ,
" I ~ = ~ ,

1" (T=O) ; Ex---'O.MeV

I*(T=0); E x=3.95 MeV

~" .v % "~
-J o 5 1o 15 25 30 e x c i t a t i o n e n e r g y E*(14 C) / M e V 2o

0.2 0
.=.___ 9
'I I , I ,



! 0

i , I . , . -0.2 100 200 300 4 0 0 - 1 0 0





m'-" 1# J

~ 0* (T=I);E=2.31MeV

0.3 " 2+(T=0);I~=7.03MeV

le 2



~~ 0.~

. . . .





o 1


-i -IN

I #


I 2N

I 310

-0.1 4N -100







missing mamcntum / MeV/c

0 100 200 300 m is s in g m o m e n t u m ( M e V )

400 -100



missing momentum

300 400 (MeV)

Figure 9. Missing energy spectrum for the ]60(e,e~pp)14C reaction and the missing momentum distribution for the ground state transition (from Ref. [17]).

Figure 10. Predicted momentum distributions and nucleon polarisations for the four lowest states in the 160(e,e'np)14N reaction [22].

tions of meson exchange currents in the np channel there is a very specific sensitivity to NN correlations as predicted by J. Ryckebusch [22]. The final states of the four sets in

190 Fig. 10 correspond to the first four states of Table 1. The spins of the states are explained by the dominant configurations of pl/2 and p3/2 removal; which in turn fixes the angular momentum and thus the partial waves. The different contributions are reflected in the shapes of the missing momentum distributions. The NN correlations (Fig. 10, dashed lines) can make up to 50% of the cross sections; they affect also the shapes. First (e,e'np) experiments on 3He and 160 are in preparation.

Table 1 Properties of low-lying states in 14N. Coefficients of fractional parentage (cfp) are compared to measured cross sections [24]. Ex/MeV 0.0 2.3 3.95 7.03 11.05

1+ ,0 0 +, 1 1+, 0 2 +,0 3 +,0

configuration (pl/2) -2 (Pl/2) -2

L 2 0

(P1/2)-l(p3/2) -1 (P1/2)-1(p3/2) -1
(P3/2) -2

2 2

cfp 0.21 -0.19 -0.19 0.28 0.33

~d2~ [sr~-~2] 1.4+0.5 1.7 :t: 0.5 1.6-t- 0.4

Table 1 and Fig. 11 present results from a low energy, high resolution lao(7,np)14N experiment [24] performed at E.y=72 MeV at MAXlab in Lund. Unfortunately, no missing momentum distribution could be extracted in this experiment in order to verify the angular momentum transfer. However, the obtained cross sections give a nice example of the sensitivity of the photoabsorption processes to nuclear structure. Despite the same coefficient of fractional parentage predicted by simple shell model arguments the cross section for the first excited state is less than 5% of its neighbours. This state has isospin T = I and is the isobaric analogue state to the ground states of 14C and 140. In preparation of the new high resolution experiments also the 160(3,,pp)14C reaction will be investigated in order to complement, together with the (e,e'pp) data of ref. [17], the fourfold data set of real and virtual photoabsorption each with pp and np emission from 160 for a combined analysis. Employing solid state HP-Ge detectors with large solid angles (up to 0.7 sr) and of 25 mm thickness, a pilot run of 5 hours clearly showed the feasibility. In Fig. 12 the ground state transition is well separated from levels at Ex ~6 MeV; as the resolution is mainly governed by the tagger resolution which will be improved by a "tagger microscope", also a separation of the excited states is expected in future (~/,pp) experiments. 5. S u m m a r y The present status in search of NN correlations in nuclei has been reported. The new generation of high resolution experiments on 160 with real and virtual photons will permit a stringent state-by-state comparison of measured momentum distributions with various model calculations. It is expected that the correlation functions from different potentials


200 175 150 125 5. 100 "o ._~ >75 50 25 0 -25

, , , , ,I , , , | . . . . . w


AE = 1.6MeV (FWHM)

_--- 1 lublsr2












Missing Energy (MeV)

excitation energy / MeV

Figure 11. High resolution 160(~,,np)14N experiment [24].

Figure 12. 5 hour pilot run for the high resolution 160(V,pp)14C experiment [8].

can be selected and an understanding of the in-medium properties of nucleon pairs will be gained.

I would like to acknowledge useful discussions with J. Ryckebusch and H. Miither. I am indebted to all members of the PiP/TOF group for the strong support of our common interest.

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192 16. N. Voegler and J. Friedrich, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. 198 (1982) 293 17. G. Rosner et al., contrib, to Int. School on Nuclear Physics, Erice, 1999, Prog. Part. Nucl. Phys. 44 (2 000) 18. T. Lamparter et. al., Z. Phys. A355 (1996) 1 19. P. Grabmayr, in "correlations and clustering phenomena in subatomic physics", ed. O.Scholten, NATO ASI B (1997) 53 20. R.C. Carrasco et al., Nucl. Phys. A570 (1994) 701 21. C. Giusti, ibid, p. 148; Nucl. Phys. A571 (1994) 694 22. J. Ryckebusch, ibid, p. 19; Phys. Lett. B383 (1996) 1; private comm. 23. T.T.-H. Yau et al., Eur. Phys. J. A1 (1998) 241 24. L. Isaksson et. al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 83 (1999) 3146

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