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General Chaos Weather

D6 Result 1 Effect Sarge The Trees Are Screaming All models within 6 of D6 pieces of terrain chosen by the rolling play must take a Pinning test. Until the end of the next turn, models within this range count as suffering from the effects of Fear. Rain of Oil Until the end of the next turn, non-vehicle models treat the entire board as Difficult terrain. Additionally, any Vehicle suffering from an Immobilized result may move this turn as if not Immobilized. No Effect Bulletstorm Until the end of the next turn, all non-vehicle models not inside a building count as being in Dangerous Terrain. Pall of Darkness Until the end of the next turn, the entire board counts as being under the effects of the Night Fighting special rule. If Night Fighting is already in effect, then until the end of the turn, all ranges detailed in the Night Fighting special rule are halved and models with the Night Vision special rule are suffer the unmodified effects of Night Fighting, even though they would normally be immune to them. Bottomless Pit Center the large blast template over the center of the table. The template then scatters 4D6 inches from that point. Any models that end up under the template must take an Initiative test or be removed as a casualty (Monstrous Creatures gain a +1 bonus on this test. Non-Walker vehicles count as Initiative 3 for purposes of this test.) If any unit still has surviving models under the template, move that unit by the minimum distance necessary to clear all the models from beneath the template whilst maintaining squad coherency and avoiding impassable terrain. Units that were locked in combat prior to the opening of the pit must remain in base contact if possible, but otherwise models cannot be moved within 1 of an enemy model. Vehicles, including immobile vehicles, retain their original facing if they are moved. Any models that cannot be moved out of the way are destroyed. For the remainder of the game, the area that the template ended over counts as Impassable terrain.

3 4 5

Khornate Weather 1 2 3 4 5 6 Nurglite Weather 1 2 3 4 5 6

No Effect

No Effect

Slaaneshi Weather
D6 Result 1 2 Effect

3 4 5 6 Tzeentchan Weather 1 2 3 4 5 6

No Effect

No Effect

Daemon This special rule supersedes the Daemon special rule described in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook and includes the following special rules. Additionally, some models with the Daemon special rule will also possess a subtype, aligning them with a specific God of Chaos. These subtypes are Khorne, Tzeentch, Nurgle and Slaanesh. Fear Daemons have the Fear special rule as described in the Warhammer 40,000 rule book. Fearless Daemons are Fearless as described in the Warhammer 40,000 rule book. Invulnerable Daemons have the Eternal Warrior special rule as described in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook. In addition, if the profile of a Daemon includes a Save (Sv) characteristic, this is its Invulnerable save. Some models may also have an armor save, but this will be noted separately in their entry. Daemonic Assault Model with the Daemon special rule are never placed on the battlefield during deployment. Instead, they always start the game in Reserve, even in missions that do not normally allow this rule to be used. The controlling player must declare if any independent characters are on their own, counting as a separate unit in reserve, or if they are joining a unit, in which case they and their unit are a single unit in reserve. The enemy deploys normally. At the beginning of the controlling players first turn, he must divide the army into two groups that must include, as much as possible, the same number of units. One of these halves is selected to deploy first. The units in the half that have been chosen to make the Daemonic Assault arrive on the controlling players first turn, using the Deep Strike rules. The remaining units are held in reserve and their arrival is rolled for as normal. When these units become available, they enter play by Deep Strike. When an enemy psyker suffers the Perils of the Warp on a roll of a 12, then until the beginning of its next turn, all Daemons of Chaos units that enter play by Deep Strike may deploy within 6 of the psyker as if he were a friendly model equipped with a Chaos Icon of their type. Animosity Even though they are from the same army, certain groups of Daemons will treat each other as if they were Desperate Allies as detailed in the Allies section of the Warhammer 40,000 rule book. These groups are Daemons of Khorne towards Daemons of Slaanesh and Daemons of Tzeentch towards Daemons of Nurgle.

Additionally, Independent Characters from this army may only join units if they possess the same daemonic subtype as that character. Independent Characters selected from other detachments may not join Daemon units. Finally, unless an HQ unit with the same daemonic subtype is included in the army, then any Troops, Fast Attack or Heavy Support units with that subtype instead count as Elites choices. Favored Units Units in this army list that contain the same number of models as their deitys favored number (or an exact multiple thereof) at the beginning of the game are considered a Favored unit. Independent Characters are not counted for this purpose if they are attached to a unit. The favored numbers for each type of daemon are 9 for Tzeentch, 8 for Khorne, 7 for Nurgle and 6 for Slaanesh. Sorcerous For the purposes of making Deny the Witch rolls, all Daemons of Tzeentch count as being Mastery Level 1 Psykers. Daemonic Gifts Daemons do not have wargear like mortals do, but instead have Daemonic Gifts. Some Daemons can be given additional Daemonic Gifts at the cost given in their entry in the Army List.

Daemonic Gifts
Gifts of Chaos Boon of Mutation Boon of Mutation is a ranged weapon, but the Daemon may be in close combat at the time it uses it, as may be the target. Pick any one model (no line of sight required) and roll to hit. If a hit is scored the target must immediately take a Toughness test. If the test is failed, the target is turned into a shapeless blob of flesh and is removed as a casualty. Note that, as no wounds are taken, no saves apply. Models without a Toughness characteristic cannot be affected. If the player using this Gift has a Chaos Spawn model available, he may replace the victim with a Spawn. If the model was in base contact with any models, move it so that it is 1 away from them. The spawn is not a Daemon, but is a normal unit under the control of the player that used the Gift, (for details, see the Chaos Spawn unit entry). The new Spawn may do nothing for the rest of the turn when it is created. Breath of Chaos Breath of Chaos is a shooting attack and is a template weapon. Any models hit by the template suffer one wound on a D6 roll of 4+, with no Armor or Cover saves allowed. Vehicles touched by the template suffer a glancing hit on a D6 roll of 4+. Chaos Icon When a friendly unit with the Daemon special rule Deep Strikes within 6 of a Chaos Icon it does not roll for scatter, provided that the icon was on the table from the beginning of the turn and has nor arrived from Reserve in the same turn. If the profile lists a specific chaos god, then only daemons belonging to that god may benefit from the icons effects. Iron Hide Models with Iron Hide receive a 3+ Armor save. Daemonic Flight Models with Daemonic flight move like Jump units. Monstrous creatures with Daemonic Flight instead become Flying Monstrous Creatures. See the Warhammer 40,000 rule book for descriptions of each. Daemonic Gaze Daemonic Gaze is a ranged weapon with the following profile: Range Strength AP Type 24 5 3 Assault 3 Unholy Might The Daemon has +1 Strength on its profile. Instrument of Chaos If the Daemon bearing this gift is involved in a fight which results in a draw, its side counts as having won by one wound. If both sides contain an Instrument of Chaos, the result remains a draw.

Gifts of Khorne Aura of Bloodlust All models within 12 of a model with this gift have the Rage special rule. Blessing of the Blood God A model with this Gift and any unit they have joined pass their Deny the Witch rolls on a 2+. Additionally, a model with this Gift gains a 2+ Invulnerable save against attacks from Force weapons. Chaos Armor Models with Chaos Armor have a 2+ Armor save. Death Strike The Daemon has a ranged attack with the following profile: Range Strength AP Type 12 As user 2 Assault 1 Fury of Khorne A model with this Gift gains +D3 Attacks when charging rather than the normal +1 Attack. Hellblade At the beginning of each fight sub-phase, a model with this gift that is engaged in close combat must choose to count as being armed with either a Power Sword or a Power Axe. If a unit contains multiple models with this gift, each model chooses which option they use separately. Juggernaut of Khorne A model with this Gift changes its type to cavalry and gains +1 Strength, Toughness, Wound and Attack. Rage of Khorne A model with this Gift gains the Rage special rule if they dont already have it. The model always counts as having failed its Rage check, however it must still take a Leadership test at the start of each of the controlling players turns. If the test is failed, the unit suffers Rage as normal, but if it is passed, the model gains the Fleet special rule and may launch an assault, even if it ran in the same turn. Tearing Strike The close combat attacks of a model with this gift gain the Rending special rule.

Gifts of Nurgle Aura of Decay Enemy models in base contact with a model with this Gift suffer a -1 penalty to their Attack value, to a minimum of 1. Cloud of Flies A model with this gift counts as being armed with defensive grenades. Additionally, a model with this gift does not suffer the Initiative penalties for charging enemies through cover, but instead fights at their normal Initiative in the ensuing combat. Nausea Any enemy unit that targets a model with this Gift with a shooting attack suffers a -1 penalty to their Ballistic Skill. Noxious Blade The close combat attacks of a model with this gift have the Poisoned (2+) special rule. Nurgles Rot At the beginning of the controlling players Shooting phase, all enemy models within 6 of one or more models with this gift (even those locked in close combat) take an automatic Strength 2, AP - hit. Roll to Wound as normal. Nurgling Infestation 12 points A model with this Gift gains an additional +3 Attacks at Weapons Skill 2 and Initiative 2 with the Poisoned special rule. This Gift does not stack with the attacks granted by a Palanquin of Nurgle. Palanquin of Nurgle A model with this Gift gains +1 Toughness, +2 Wounds and gains an additional +3 Attacks at Weapons Skill 2 and Initiative 2 with the Poisoned special rule. A model with this Gift gains the Very Bulky special rule. Plaguesword A model with this special rule has the Poisoned (4+) special rule.

Gifts of Slaanesh Aura of Acquiescence A model with this Gift counts as being armed with defensive grenades. Additionally, a model with this Gift does not suffer the Initiative penalties for charging enemies through cover, but instead fights at their normal Initiative in the ensuing combat. Ecstatic Seizures This is a shooting attack that automatically hits an enemy unit within 24. Every non-vehicle model in the target unit takes a hit at its own unmodified Strength. Pavane of Slaanesh A model with this gift has a special shooting attack with a range of 18. If this attack hits, the firer may immediately move the target unit up to D6. This movement follows the same rules as a normal move, except that it is not slowed by Difficult terrain. For example, Dangerous terrain tests are taken as normal, victims may not be moved off the table, out of combat, into impassable terrain or to within ` of enemy models and so on. An enemy unit may only be moved by this gift once per turn, successive hits have no effect. The Pavane has no effect on vehicle, other then Walkers, which are affected as normal. Rending Claws A model with this Gift counts as being armed with a pair of close combat weapons with the Rending special rule as described in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook. The bonus attacks will always be included in the Daemons profile. Sensory Overload A model with this Gift has a shooting attack with the following profile: Rng S AP Type 24 4 4 Assault 4, Blind, Concussive, Pinning She Who Thirsts All of the attacks of a model with this Gift wound automatically if they hit. Saves may be taken against these wounds normally for a weapon of that type. This power has no effect on Vehicles. Siren Enemy units attempting to target a model with this Gift with shooting attacks or attempting to charge the model must first pass a Leadership test. If the Daemons Leadership is greater, then the target unit suffers a negative modifier to their Leadership score equal to the difference between the two for the purpose of taking this test. Soporific Musk A model with this Gift has the Hit and Run special rule. Steed of Slaanesh A model with this Gift changes its unit type to Cavalry and adds +3 to its Run moves. Additionally, it gains +1 Attack and gains the Scout special rule. Transfixing Gaze At the beginning of the Fight sub-phase, a model with this Gift may select one enemy model in base contact with them. This model must test as if the model with this Gift had the Fear special rule. Leadership tests made against this Gift suffer a -4 penalty.

Gifts of Tzeentch Bolt of Change This Gift grants a shooting attack. Treat it exactly as if it were a Beam psychic power with the following profile: Rng S AP Type 18 8 1 Assault 1 If this weapon hits a vehicle and causes an Explodes result, roll 2D6 to determine the explosion distance. Disc of Tzeentch A model with this Gift gains +1 Attack and changes their unit type to Jetbike. Eye of Tzeentch A model with this Gift may re-roll a single To-Hit roll, To-Wound Roll, or Saving throw in each player turn. Master of Sorcery A model with this Gift has the Adamantine Will special rule. Additionally, they may use one additional ranged weapon in its Shooting phases (but not the same one twince, as normal.) Soul Devourer The close combat attacks of a model with this Gift ignores Armor saves in close combat. In addition, if a model suffers any unsaved wounds from the Daemons close combat attacks, it must immediately take a Leadership test for each wound suffered on its own unmodified Leadership value. If any of these tests are failed, the victim suffers Instant Death. Talisman of Tzeentch A model with this Gift counts as being armed with a psychic hood. If the model or any unit it has joined passes its Deny the Witch roll, the enemy psyker that targeted them immediately suffers the Perils of the Warp. Twisting Path A model with this gift has a shooting attack that automatically hits an enemy unit within 18. That unit must take a Pinning test with a -2 penalty to their Leadership value. If successful, then all friendly units containing a model containing a Daemon of Tzeentch gain the Preferred Enemy special rule until the end of the following player turn. Tzeentchs Firestorm A model with this Gift has a shooting attack with the following profile: Rng S AP Type 24 D6+1 D6-1 Assault 1, Large Blast For each model that is removed as a casualty as result of this weapon, the remainder of the unit immediately takes a further D3 Strength 3 AP- hits. These extra hits do not themselves generate more hits. Warpfire A model with this Gift has a shooting attack with the following profile: Rng S AP Type 18 4 4 Assault 3 We Are Legion During the Shooting phase, a model with this Gift does not have to target all of its ranged weapons or psychic powers against the same target unit. Instead, it may target each of its ranged weapons and psychic powers at different target. All targets must be declared before any rolls to hit are made. It may then choose to assault any of the units it has fired against. If the model with this Gift is an Independent Character and joins a unit, it may choose different targets then its units. The unit it has joined is not affected by the shooting of the Character in regards to which units they may assault in the ensuing Assault phase.

Bloodthirster.260 points
WS BS S Bloodthirster 10 10 7 Special Rules: Daemon (Khorne) Fearless Furious Charge Rage of Khorne Daemonic Gifts: Chaos Icon (Khorne) Daemonic Flight Death Strike Iron Hide T 6 W 5 I 5 A 5 Ld 10 Sv 4+ Unit Type Unit Composition FMc (Ch) 1 Bloodthirster Options: May take a daemon weapon cost varies May have any of the following: - Instrument of chaos +5 pts - Fury of khorne +10 pts - Blessing of the blood god +15 pts - Aura of bloodlust +20 pts - Unholy might +20 pts - Chaos Armor +25 pts

Keeper of Secrets..200 points

WS BS Keeper of Secrets 8 4 Special Rules: Daemon (Slaanesh) Fearless Fleet Daemonic Gifts: Chaos Icon (Slaanesh) Aura of Acquiescence Rending Claws Siren S 6 T 6 W 4 I 10 A 6 Ld 10 Sv Unit Type Unit Composition 4+ Mc (Ch) 1 Keeper of Secrets Options: May be given a daemon weapon cost varies May have any of the following: - Instrument of chaos +5 pts - Sensory overload +8 pts - She Who thirsts +10 pts - Transfixing gaze +10 pts - Daemonic gaze +15 pts - Estatic seizures +15 pts - Unholy might +15 pts - Soporific musk +20 pts - Pavane of slaanesh +25 pts

Great Unclean One...170 points

WS BS Great Unclean One 6 4 Special Rules: Daemon (Nurgle) Fearless Feel No Pain (4+) Slow and Purposeful Daemonic Gifts: Chaos Icon (Nurgle) Noxious Blade Nurgles Rot S 6 T 7 W 6 I 2 A 4 Ld 10 Sv Unit Type Unit Composition 4+ Mc (Ch) 1 Great Unclean One Options: May replace its noxious blade daemonic gift with a daemon weapon cost varies May take any of the following: - Cloud of flies +5 pts - Instrument of chaos +5 pts - Nausea +5 pts - Aura of decay +10 pts - Nurgling infestation +10 pts - Unholy might +15 pts - Breath of chaos +30 pts

Lord of Change.250 points

WS BS S Lord of Change 6 5 6 Daemonic Gifts: Bolt of Change Chaos Icon (Tzeentch) Daemonic Flight Daemonic Gaze Eye of Tzeentch Soul Devourer Warpfire Special Rules: Daemon (Tzeentch) Fearless T 6 W 4 I 6 A 3 Ld 10 Sv 4+ Unit Type Unit Composition FMc (Ch) 1 Lord of Change Options: May be given a daemon weapon cost varies May have any of the following: - Instrument of chaos +5 pts - Twisting path +5 pts - Master of sorcery +10 pts - Talisman of tzeentch +15 pts - Tzeentchs firestorm +15 pts - Breath of Chaos +25 pts - Boon of mutation +30 pts - We are legion +40 pts

Elites Troops
Bloodletters of Khorne...80 points
WS BS S Bloodletter 5 4 4 Special Rules: Daemon (Khorne) Furious Charge Daemonic Gifts: Hellblade T 4 W 1 I 4 A 2 Ld 8 Sv 5+ Unit Type Unit Composition In 5 Bloodletters Options: May include up to fifteen additional bloodletters +16 pts per model The entire unit may be gifted with iron hide +5 pts per model Gift one model with a chaos icon +25 pts Gift another model with an instrument of chaos +5 pts If the unit is favored, gift another model with fury of khorne free

Daemonettes of Slaanesh...70 points

WS BS S Daemonette 4 3 3 Special Rules: Daemon (Slaanesh) Fleet Daemonic Gifts: Aura of Acquiescence Rending Claws T 3 W 1 I 6 A 2+1 Ld 7 Sv 5+ Unit Type Unit Composition In 5 Daemonettes Options: May include up to fifteen additional daemonettes +14 pts per model The entire unit may be gifted with soporific musk +2 pts per model Gift one model with a chaos icon +25 pts Gift another model with an instrument of chaos +5 pts If the unit is favored, gift another model with transfixing gaze free

Plaguebearers of Nurgle80 points

WS BS S T Plaguebearer 3 3 4 5 Special Rules: Daemon (Nurgle) Feel No Pain Slow and Purposeful Demonic Gifts: Nurgles Rot Plague Sword W 1 I 2 A 1 Ld 9 Sv 5+ Unit Type In Unit Composition 5 Plaguebearers

Options: May include up to fifteen additional plaguebearers +16 pts per model The entire unit may be gifted with cloud of flies +2 pts per model Gift one model with a chaos icon +25 pts

Gift another model with an instrument of chaos +5 pts

If the unit is favored, gift another model with a noxious blade free

Pink Horrors of Tzeentch..100 points

WS BS S Pink Horror 2 3 3 Blue Horrors 2 3 3 Special Rules: Daemon (Tzeentch) Pink Horrors Division Daemonic Gifts: Warpfire T 3 3 W 1 1 I 3 3 A 1 1 Ld 8 8 Sv 4+ 4+ Unit Type Unit Composition In 5 Pink Horrors In Options: May include up to fifteen additional pink horrors +20 pts per model The entire unit may be gifted with we are legion +4 pts per model Gift one model with an instrument of chaos +5 pts Gift another model with a chaos icon +25 pts If the unit is favored, may gift another model with bolt of tzeentch free

Division Models with this special rule have the Feel No Pain special rule. If their Feel No Pain roll is failed, remove the model as a casualty as normal. However, if the roll is passed, the model does not suffer the inflicted wound as normal, but then loses the Feel No Pain special rule and are replaced with a Blue Horror. Blue Horrors are otherwise identical to Pink Horror and keeps any upgrades they have purchased, but loses the Division special rule. To represent this, either lay the model on its side, or replace it with a Blue Horror model if one is available.

Nurgling Swarm.15 points

WS BS S Nurglings 2 1 3 Special Rules: Daemon (Nurgle) Swarm Daemonic Gifts: Plague Sword T 3 W 3 I 2 A 3 Ld 5 Sv 5+ Unit Type Unit Composition In 3 Nurgling Bases Options: May include up to six additional nurgling bases +15 pts per base

Fast Attack

Heavy Support
Daemon Prince..125 points

WS BS S Daemon Prince 7 6 6 Wargear: Close Combat Weapon

T 6

W 4

I 5

A 4

Ld 10

Sv 5+

Unit Type Unit Composition Mc (Ch) 1 Daemon Prince Special Rules: Daemon Models with the mark of Slaanesh may have any of the following: - Aura of Acquiescence +8 pts - Sensory overload +8 pts - Transfixing gaze +10 pts - Soporific musk +20 pts - Pavane of slaanesh +25 pts Models with the mark of Tzeentch may have any of the following: - Twisting path +5 pts - Master of sorcery +10 pts - Soul Devourer +10 pts - Bolt of Change +15 pts - Talisman of tzeentch +15 pts - Tzeentchs firestorm +15 pts Models without the mark of Khorne may have one of the following (models with the mark of Tzeentch may have up to two): - Daemonic gaze +20 pts - Breath of Chaos +25 pts - Boon of Mutation +30 pts

Options: May replace close combat weapon with a Daemon Weapon cost varies May take any of the following: - Instrument of Chaos +5 pts - Iron Hide +15 pts - Unholy Might +20 pts - Daemonic Flight +50 pts May be given a single Mark of Chaos: - Mark of Khorne +10 pts - Mark of Nurgle +15 pts - Mark of Slaanesh +8 pts - Mark of Tzeentch +15 pts Models with the mark of Khorne may have any of the following: - Fury of khorne +10 pts - Blessing of the blood god +15 pts - Death Strike +15 pts - Chaos Armor +25 pts Models with the mark of Nurgle may have any of the following: - Cloud of flies +5 pts - Nausea +5 pts - Plague Sword +5 pts - Noxious Blade +10 pts - Nurgling infestation +10 pts Plague Hulk of Nurgle points Plague Hulk Special Rules: WS 3 BS 2 S 7 F 13 Armor S R 12 11 I 2 A 4 HP 5

Unit Type W

Unit Composition 1 Plague Hulk

Daemonic Gifts:

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