Summer 2013 Trinity Trumpet

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Trinity Trumpet

Our lives need to be examples of persistence, application and faithfulness to Godly principle; allowing the Father to utilize our efforts and build upon them for the good of the whole. Solomon stated it this way: whatever your hands find to do, do it with all your might. (9:10) The Apostle Paul in his letter to the Colossian church charged: Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men. (3:23) This is our calling. In the recent tragic hours of the Boston Marathon bombings it was deeply moving to read of the heroic selfless response of spectators on the scene: > Carlos Arredondo, a Costa Rican immigrant, was at the finish line, passing out American flags, honoring his son killed in Iraq. Rushing to Jeff Bauman, a spectator whose shirt was on fire and whose leg was severed; he beat out the fire with his own hands, removed his shirt to be used as a tourniquet and stayed with him until medical help arrived. > Restaurants opened their doors and their generosity provided food, water, Wi-Fi service and allowed their outlets to be used to recharge cell phones. Taped on the wall beside my desk are the challenging words of Methodisms founding father, John Wesley: Do all the good you can, By all the means you can, In all the ways you can, In all the places you can, To all the people you can, As long as ever you can. Jesus gave us further insight into this by defining for whom we are to perform good deeds. He affirmed to an expert in the law we are to love the Lord your God with all your heart..and love your neighbor as yourself. (Luke 10:27) As we respond to those opportunities of service to our neighbor we demonstrate our love of the Lord as we reveal His love to them. It is my prayer this has been my ministry at Trinity. I have read the last chapters of the Book. I know who wins. You do, too. In the interim continue to do, as Christ words echo within your spirit: whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me. (Matthew 25:40) In the twilight of my ministry the third chapter of Eccessiaties burns in my spirit: There is a time for everything and a season for every activity under heaven. As our season of ten years of ministry here at Trinity closes Jeanne and I thank you for the privilege of serving you. Rev. William A. Kniceley

Trinity United Methodist Church


Inside This Issue

Health Outreach Ministry Parish Nurse Christian Education Scholarship News Bible Studies Ask the Rev H. S./College Graduates UMW News News and Notes 2 3 4 4 5 6 7 8 8, 10, 11, 19 9 10 11 12, 14, 16 13, 15, 17 18

Missions Membership News Summer Recipe Church Calendars Birthdays Thank You Notes

Summertime Poetry Health Outreach Ministry

Dr. Dot Baker

Summer is a bright and active season. This article offers a few summertime poems and a thank you to Rev. Bill Kniceley. Days of Tea and Sunshine -- Out on the veranda on a tablecloth of lace - She's laid out her cups of china in their dignity and grace. She's set the wicker rockers near the morning glory vine and she's taking off her apron for the clock has struck its chime. It's early Sunday evening and the supper table's spread with her bowl of homemade jelly and her plate of fresh-baked bread. Three- minute eggs are ready as he steps through the screen door to their days of tea and sunshine ...golden days they've had in store.. While the balmy breezes rustle summer leaves upon the tree ...the golden couple reminisces of the things that used to be. Then a neighbor stops to linger near the steps, at end of day to partake of tea and sunshine in the good old-fashioned way. Many summers have they lived there many falls and winters, too. Many promises of springtime kept their faces bright and new. Now, they're happy, though they're aging ...just to see the daytime's end and to share the tea and sunshine from their back porch once again. (Nan Sexton)

Sandbox-- There are few things that can make a child smile As much as playing in the sand - Where one can build moats and castles With as little as their own bare hands. It trickles through their fingers - Such warm and tiny grains; Between the toes it is cool and squishes After a welcomed summer's rain. The sandbox is a wonderful place To pass the time of day; Where imagination is limited only By the child who loves to play. (Unknown) Fourth of July -- What a fun day! we all have to say. The best July 4th ever. From fireworks to picnic lunch, we sure did do a bunch. The memories we'll have forever. Spending time with family and friends, with whom the fun never ends. We celebrated the U.S.A. today. (Heather Law Howe)

Jesus on the 4th of July -- We gather 'round to celebrate on Independence Day. Pay homage to our country as the children run and play with barbecues and picnics and fireworks in the air. The flag we own is proudly flown to show how much we care. The stars and stripes spell freedom. She waves upon the breeze while bursts of colors can be seen above the towering trees. This is all quite wonderful. We revel in delight. But God above in divine love has brought this day to light. With just a stroke of liberty, a touch of His great hand, He gave democracy to us and helped this country stand. The stripes upon our stately flag were touched by His sweet grace. Each star of white that shines so bright reflects His loving face. So as you turn to face the flag for battles that were fought, be filled with pride for those who died and freedoms that were bought. But don't forget to thank the One that gives the bright display the reason why we paint the sky on Independence Day. (Marilyn Ferguson) THANK YOU to Rev. Bill Kniceley: a hearty thanks is not sufficient to express gratitude from Trinitys Health Outreach Ministry. Rev. Bill, you are a consummate Christian gentleman. You have fully encouraged and supported the Health Outreach Ministry efforts over the years. You led an inspiring Spiritual Journey community health session. Truly, we commend your service and wish a healthy and satisfying retirement to Jeanne and you.

By Carolyn Lewis, RN

We officially begin summer on June 21, however, as our days get longer and the sun rays get stronger, we begin to see people with sunburns, and although many want a tan in the summer, limiting time in the sun is very important to prevent burns and also increased risk for skin cancers. We can take steps to prevent serious damage to our skin and below is an article on sun precautions printed from Regions Hospital in St. Paul, MN. Sunshine like all enjoyable things has its good and bad sides. Knowing about safe sun exposure can help avoid dangers and prevent burn-injured skin. Burn patients need to be cautious about sun exposure and are generally restricted from any significant sun exposure for one to two years after injury. This necessitates a change for individuals such as landscapers and construction workers who work outdoors. Newly-healed burned skin is very sensitive and fragile. Exposure of burn-injured skin to any sunlight is discouraged until all the red color has faded. Wounds may turn very dark brown or blotchy even after only brief exposure to the sun. Unprotected skin can experience a slight sunburn in as little as 12 minutes on a summer day. And long -term overexposure may lead to skin cancer even on uninjured skin. Sunburns can occur through exposed customfitted elastic garments. Skin covered by a typical summer shirt fabric can experience sun damage in about an hour. Thats because a typical cotton t-shirt has a sun protection factor (SPF) of only seven and offers significantly less sun protection than recommended by the medical community. Furthermore, a typical 30 SPF sun screen, even though it may claim to provide protection from ultraviolet (UV) rays, does not block all the suns damaging rays. To protect skin from the sun, The American Academy of Dermatology recommends the following guidelines. (Burn doctors additional recommendations are in bold type.) Wear sun glasses that block 99100 percent of UV radiation. This type of sun glasses can help prevent cataracts and other eye damage caused by UV rays. When buying sun glasses, look for a tag stating its percentage of protection. Wear a hat, preferably one with a wide brim. This will help protect the areas most prone to sun exposure: eyes, ears, nose, neck and the top of your head! Put on some clothes! Even if you look great in that bathing suit, throw on a t-shirt! Your skin needs the extra protection. Wear UV sun-protected clothing.

Always use sunscreen. A sunscreen with a SPF of at least 15, preferably 20 SPF or higher, blocks most of the suns harmful rays. Reapply every two hours. When working, playing or exercising outdoors, remember that even waterproof sunscreen can come off when you sweat or wipe off water. Avoid the midday sun. The hours between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. are when the suns UV rays are strongest. If possible, try to avoid these times or at least follow this entire list of precautions! Stay out of the sun for the first 18 months to two years following a burn injury or until the skin has matured. Check the daily UV index. The UV index predicts sun exposure levels and indicates what precautions you should take if you will be outdoors. Generally, you can find the days UV index rating on your local news or newspaper. Avoid sunlamps and tanning parlors. Sunlamps damage the skin and unprotected eyes and are best avoided entirely.

Sunless self-tanning products

Self-tanners work by using the active ingredient dihydroxyacetone (DHA). DHA combines with protein in your skin to create a tan. Sunless tanning creams are an acceptable alternative to tanning. Do not use tanning creams over grafted or donor areas until the skin has matured, 1218 months postgraft. Try the patch test, using the product first on a small area to check for a reaction before applying to a larger area. Regions Hospital 640 Jackson Street, St. Paul, MN 55101

OCJamboree Summer Show

I am taking reservations for the summer musical produced with local talent at the OCJamboree. We need all the reservations in by June 21st. Date July 11th 2013 Time 2:00 p.m. Number of reserved seats 30 Cost $24.75 We will carpool and leave from the Kmart parking lot. We will make plans to have dinner as the time gets closer and I know exactly how many we are going to have. This OCJamboree Theater is small, but nice theater and the performers and owners are all strong Christians and they provide great music and comedy. I have booked a Christmas Bus Trip Wednesday November 6th 2013 to American Music Theater for a 3 p.m. show. Will have a cost for this trip later this summer and will post it in the bulletin and in the September newsletter.

Christian Education
by Janal Walton Director of Childrens Ministries

JUNE 23-27, 2013-Vacation Bible School at Trinity UMC, is on Sunday-Wednesday from 6:00-8:15
pm. Our preschoolers (3 and 4 Year olds) will meet from 6:00-7:30 pm. The final night will be at Bethesda UMC with a family dinner and outdoor games in the grassy grove at Bethesda. All children are invited to step right up at the EVERYWHERE FUN FAIR: WHERE GODS WORLD COMES TOGETHER. Explore and experience Gods welcoming love at VBS. The adventures include interactive Bible fun and great music, super science, cool crafts, global games, and more. Registration forms are in the office, on line or at Summer Sunday School. Each family will get a family music CD. Please invite your neighbors because the more the merrier and we have invited Bethesda UMC, Wicomico Presbyterian Church, and Faith Baptist. A work day to prepare for VBS has been scheduled in the JMB on Friday, June 21, at 9:00 am. We would love your help!

Summer Sunday School starts May 26 for children and youth of all ages at 10:00 a.m. Each week we will explore a different Bible hero and look at the lessons we can learn from that character. Youth can earn community service hours for school. Are you able to be a helper with this fun?

The Board of Trustees through the Scholarship Committee awarded five scholarships to graduating seniors on Sunday, May 5. We are proud of all our graduates and wish them success and Gods continued blessing as they move forward. Katherine Burkett Parkside High School Caitlin McCain Parkside High School Charlotte Miller Parkside High School Ashley Reese James M. Bennett High School Kelly Stewart James M. Bennett High School

The Board of Trustees announced two scholarships awarded from the Rev. George P. Patterson Scholarship which has been established in honor of Rev. Pattersons tenth anniversary as senior pastor of Trinity United Methodist Church. Mark Thomas is studying at Palmer Theological Seminary in Wynnewood, Pa. Mark is a member at Trinity. Zac Wheeler is studying at Palmer Theological Seminary in Wynnewood, Pa. Zac is Youth Pastor at Trinity. We are pleased and proud to offer assistance to these fine young people as a tribute to Rev. George Patterson. May God continue to bless us all.


Coming this fall

WEDNESDAY NIGHT BIBLE STUDY Every Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. beginning September 11


The Book of

The Study of Christ A Course in Christology

Join us every Wednesday night this fall as we study the life of Christ as viewed by His beloved disciple, John. Johns gospel emphasizes the Judean ministry of Christ in contrast to the other gospels that concentrate on Christs Galilean ministry. John presents both the simple Gospel of Christ as well as an in-depth plunge into Christology, making this book the most theological of all the Gospels. From its opening chapter, John explores the mystery of the Word and shows Christs existence from eternity. John interprets for us what Jesus said or did and takes us into the Holy of Holies when writing about the eternal Word: Christ. A fantastic journey into the life of Christ will be made each Wednesday night at 6:30 p.m. in the sanctuary starting September 11.

Every Tuesday at 1:00 p.m. Room 303 of the JMB Starting September 10
Explore Israels beautiful hymnal: The Book of Psalms. While it offers comforting words in times of crisis, the Book of Psalms also contains more prophecy than any other book of the Tanakh. Explore the nature of ancient mid-east poetry and the fascinating prophetic words from a variety of authors in this popular yet often misunderstood book of the Bible. Study the Book of Psalms like you have never studied it before. This two year adventure in the Psaltery of Israel occurs every Tuesday at 1:00 p.m. beginning September 10.

Irv Brumbley to lead a Gaither Hymn Sing at Trinity

On Sunday, July 14 at 6:00 p.m., Trinity will host a Gaither style hymn sing in the sanctuary led by Irv Brumbley. Irv is known throughout the area as a talented musician and organizer of Gaither style hymn sings with participants that include the host congregation. People come from all over to worship in these local church hymn sings. You wont want to miss this important event as the great gospel songs are presented with the Spirits anointing. It will be a time of great fun and worship in song. SEE YOU THERE!


If you have a biblical /religious question, call the church

office and have it answered in ASK THE REV! by Rev. DeFino. Q. Does it matter if we believe in Allah or Jesus? Isnt Allah just another name for God?

The belief that Allah, the name of God in Islam, is the same as the God taught in Christianity is a very popular belief and seems to fit the Politically Correct sentiment that is prevalent in todays society. But nothing could be further from the truth! It is stated that Allah is simply the Arabic word for God. Although this is true, the fact that it is not translated into the vernacular shows that it is intended to be identified with the doctrine of Islam and not of any other belief system. Christianity translates the word God in the language of the people. We say God, while Italians say Dios, the French say Dieu etc. Muslims, however, worldwide use the Arabic word Allah to specifically point to their religious view. But is all this just semantics? A resounding NO! Everyones belief system starts with their view of God, even if they are atheists. The Islamic view of God is vastly different from the God of the Bible. Allah is viewed as a capricious deity in whom one can never truly know if he or she will enter heaven. It is a God that brings salvation exclusively on works, and that is the reason good Muslims must pray five times a day to Mecca and participate in the other four pillars of Islam (1). Many radicalized Muslims are willing to commit suicide along with the killing of innocent people because they believe that is the one and only one sure way to get to heaven. This is vastly different from the God of love who was willing to send His only son to die for our salvation as taught in Christianity. The attempts to link the two religions together because of the common ancestry of Abraham and the fact that the Quran mentions Jesus is nothing more than a coy plot of Satan to deceive many Christians into believing that all religions or at least both Christianity and Islam ultimately lead to God. The idea that Allah and the God of the Bible are one is soundly rejected by Scripture. Such a belief not only distorts the true view of God, but devastates the entire salvation message of a loving God sending His son to die for our sins and that the acceptance of His act on Calvary is the only means for our salvation. We should view Muslims with love, but realize that they are in need of the salvation message offered to them through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The greatest thing we can do for them is to live a loving and caring life as Christ taught us, so that they can come to know Christ as their personal Savior. That will never happen if Christians, in an effort to be politically correct, distort their own view of God by claiming that the two views of God and Allah are in fact the same.

__________________________ 1. The five pillars of Islam are 1) reciting and believeing the words There is one God and Mohammad is his prophet 2) Praying five times a day facing Mecca 3)Charitable giving 4) Fasting during the month of Ramadan 5) Making a pilgrimage to Mecca at least once in their life if at all possible.

Commencement is a Beginning.... by Gustavus Federated Church, Gustavus, Ohio It is of interest that the name given to graduation ceremonies is commencement. This word signifies not an ending, but the act of beginning. It refers to the beginning of the next phase of life, for which the educational process has prepared us. That new phase may be a full-time job, marriage, additional education or some combination of these, but whatever that next phase is, there is a real sense in which the end is also the beginning.


Gordon Abercrombie II Parents: Michael & Kathleen Abercrombie Harrison Cropper Brennan Parents: Mark & Virginia Brennan Katherine Elizabeth Burkett Parents: Jeffrey & Barbara Burkett Ryan Michael Deysher Parents: John & Bonnie Deysher Matthew Wesley Eberspeaker Parents Phil & Denise Eberspeaker Jonathan Hamilton Evans Parent: Jeffrey Evans Robert Lewis Horsey III Parents: Robert & Tracy Horsey Alexa Lauren Hudson Parents: Alan & Daryl Ann Hudson Colbey William Hunt Parent: Ruth Richins Matthew Christopher Jones Parents: Pete Jones & Jennifer Rayne Caitlin Timmons McCain Parents: William & Teresa McCain Charlotte Lee Miller Parents: Thomas & Kathleen Miller Cody Leigh Moore Parents: Leighton Moore & Nancy Moore Joseph Warren Pitsenbarger Parents: Warren & Susan Pitsenbarger Ashley Brooke Reese Parents: Frank & Ashley DelGaudio Hunter Patrick Shaner Parents: Patrick & Christine Shaner Kelly Anne Stewart Parents: Robert & Nancy Stewart Samantha Joan Titus Parents: Jeffrey & Teresa Titus

Jacob Adams University of Baltimore Parents: Dean & Donna DeFino Andrew Haldeman University of Maryland Eastern Shore Parents: Regan & Valerie Haldeman Thomas Malone University of Maryland College Park Parents: Gene & Donna Malone Adam Meeks University of Maryland Med School Parents: Dick & Margy Meeks Kelsey Miller University of Maryland Parents: Thomas & Kathleen Miller Christine Okerblom Salisbury University Husband: Christopher Okerblom Eva Paxton Delaware Tech. Community College Parents: Guinn & Tammy Paxton Rebecca Rossi Dickinson College Parents: Dave & Vonda Rossi

Jake Vincent University of Maryland Eastern Shore Parents: Carl & Tina Vincent, Susan Vincent Maggie Vincent Salisbury University Parents: Carl & Tina Vincent, Susan Vincent

TRINITY UMC MILITARY COUPON PROGRAM T.A. Phillips Trinity continues to hugely support this program. Since July 2009, we have exceeded $880,000 value of coupons. We mailed April 2013s coupons to U.S. Army, Schweinfurt, Germany HELPFUL TIPS: Please do not tear the coupon booklets apart. Leave the booklets fastened together just like they arrive in the newspaper. If you do cut out the coupons: cut them into single coupons not in strips or folded on each other. These tips greatly help to sort and compile the coupon totals. As always, thank you for your response to support this mission to military personnel and families who serve our country. Report for the Program Year Month(s) Number of Months Coupons Dollar Value ($) of Months Coupons Grand Total Number of Coupons for year Grand Total Dollar Value ($) of Coupons for year Grand Total Number of Coupons Grand Total Dollar Value ($) of Coupons

(July 2009 April 2013) 2009 2010 2011 2012

2013 2013

(July 2009 April 2013)

JulyDecember JanuaryDecember January December January Dec

January April April 11,485

66,790 175,747 155,434 136,103


$94,226.83 $271,660.93 $234,841.97 $206,300.62

$75,842.64 582,657 $882, 877.99




READY TO EAT MEAT Canned ham, Spam, beef stew, chili, pork & beans, spaghetti & meatballs, Vienna sausage, corned beef, etc.

Arent U Glad U Support Trinity!

Bring any food you want: canned, boxed or packaged!

For June 30, I am asking for a special donation of food items for the Lazarus Food Pantry. We would like to honor Reverend Kniceley for his support of the Lazarus Food Pantry during his tenure at Trinity. So, if you are able, please consider bringing in food items for the pantry to honor him. The food themes for the Lazarus Food Pantry in the next three months are as follows: June: Ready to eat meat such as canned ham, Spam, beef stew, chili, pork and beans, spaghetti and meatballs, Vienna sausage, corned beef, etc. July: Ready to eat snack items such as granola bars, crackers, fruits, pudding, and juice boxes. August: Whatever you would like to donate that is canned, boxed, or packaged!!! Some suggested items are cereal, pasta and sauce, peanut butter and jelly, tuna and chicken helper, canned soup, vegetables and fruits, and ready to eat meat and snack items. As always, the Lazarus Food Pantry greatly appreciates any donated food items. There is an ongoing need for large diapers: sizes 3, 4, and 6, as well as mens and womens personal hygiene items. They also have a need for the plastic grocery store bags that are used to line the brown paper bags before packing with the food items. The BLUE Wal-Mart plastic bags seem to work especially well, but any plastic grocery bags would be greatly appreciated! During the summer worship schedule, we will be collecting food and non-food items at the 9:00 am Riverwalk Service, as well as in the back of the church sanctuary at the 8:00 am and 10:00 am Services! Trinity has reached 57,087 food items since the beginning of this program in 2005. Thank you for your support! The Lazarus Food Pantry is also looking for volunteers to interview the families that come to the pantry for food and financial assistance on Tuesdays and Thursdays. The only requirement is good people skills, and some training will be provided. If interested in helping your community in this way, please call me or the Lazarus program coordinator, Dawn Shores, at Salisbury Urban Ministries, 410-749-1563. During the summer months, Salisbury Urban Ministries Kids Caf provides a summer program for children from poor and at risk neighborhoods. This summer program will run Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 9 am to 3 pm. Donations of craft supplies, juice boxes, breakfast bars, and cookies would greatly be appreciated. If you are interested in helping in any way with this very worthwhile childrens ministry, please call me or Eileen McMann at Salisbury Urban Ministries at 410-749-1563. Norman and Lorna Lyster and Trinity volunteers will continue to serve hot meals to the poor and hungry at the Joseph House soup kitchen on the third Wednesday of every month, during the summer months. If interested in volunteering, the summer serving dates are June 19, July 17, and August 21, 2013. Saturday, September 7, 2013, volunteers from Trinity will be preparing and serving a hot meal for Gods Kitchen at Grace United Methodist Church. If you are interested in helping please feel free to contact me. Thank you again for your GENEROSITY and CONTINUOUS support of ALL Trinitys mission projects! Kay Hopkins Missions Chairperson 443-944-0698


Membership News (Continues through Sunday, September 1) Worship Services Worship services will be held in the sanctuary at 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. and at the Riverwalk area (located next to the Holiday Inn) at 9:00 a.m. In the event of rain, we will hold the Riverwalk Service in the JMB at the same starting time. Please feel free to come dressed as you would for the outdoor service. Cancellations will be announced on the church website or on the church voice mail. Summer Sunday School at 10:00 a.m. at the JMB.

CHICKEN BBQ A chicken BBQ to benefit Salisbury Urban Ministries will be held on Saturday, July 6 from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Reverend Bob Townsend will be cooking up his Famous and Award Winning Chicken Barbeque. Carry-outs can be picked-up at Bethesda UMC. Platters include 1/2 chicken, BBQ beans, chips, and a roll for $10 each. Tickets will be available in June at the church office and after all the church services. Thank you for your support!

M.O.P.S. MOTHERS OF PRE-SCHOOLERS Are you a mother of young children? If yes, we would like you to join our new Mom group focused on supporting one another through our faith and friendship. If you are interested in joining the group or have questions, please contact Stacie Dees at 410422-7221 or


M elonelon - andand - M ozzarella Salad

3 cups peeled, coarsely chopped fresh peaches (about 1 1/2 lb.) 1 (8-oz.) tub fresh small mozzarella cheese balls, cut in half 3 tablespoons chopped fresh basil 3/4 cup Lemon-Poppy Seed Dressing 4 cups seeded and cubed watermelon 4 cups cubed honeydew melon 3 cups sliced fresh strawberries 2 cups seedless green grapes, cut in half Garnishes: fresh raspberries, mint leaves Preparation: Toss first 3 ingredients with 1/4 cup Lemon-Poppy Seed Dressing. Layer watermelon, peach mixture, honeydew, berries, and grapes in a large glass trifle dish or tall glass bowl. Serve immediately, or cover and chill up to 8 hours. Toss with remaining 1/2 cup dressing just before serving. Garnish, if desired.

A SPECIAL THANK YOU TO OUR SERVICE PERSONNEL The summer months hold special significance for our country: Memorial Day is May 27, Flag Day is June 14, and Independence Day is July 4. We are all blessed to live in this country and to have men and women who are willing to sacrifice to protect our freedoms. We would like to thank all those who are serving or have served.
CURRENTLY SERVING Air Force Sr. Airman Kyle L. Mills 1211 South Linden Street Wichita, KS 67207 Navy Lt JG Tim Emge 1205 Hancock Street, Apt 514 Quincy, MA 02169

CONGREGATIONAL CARE We had a great visit with our friends at Pine Bluff on May 24, and we thank Tom Hopkins for doing our devotional that day. Our next visit will be on June 28. Our ladies and one gentleman really look forward to our visits, and we are blessed that this ministry has continued to grow. Thank you to the ladies who helped with the funeral reception for Mrs. Mary Sadler and also to those who provided deserts. Dr. Sadler and his family were very appreciative for the luncheon and outpouring of sympathy. Mrs. Mary Sadler will be missed by all who knew and loved her and looked forward to her smiling face and quiet demeanor. LUNCH BRUNCH June 12 will be our last lunch bunch until September, and as per custom, we are doing a picnic style luncheon. We have some very special entertainment lined up as well as our famous Filet of Frankfurters that are on the menu. We hope that you will really try to make this event since it will be Rev. and Mrs. Kniceleys last time with us. Since this is a picnic, please feel free to dress casually, and our theme will celebrate Flag Day so Red, White and Blue. We need reservations no later than June 10. We will post our fall schedule in the September newsletter so please plan to join us again in the fall.

Andrew Morris 774 EAS/OPS APO AE 09355 Army 1st Lt Ryan Daniel Marines Capt. Posey, Travis D. 7399 Lewis Avenue Gloucester, VA 23061 Sgt J.K. Thorsten 273 Blue Creek Farm Drive Jacksonville, NC 28540

Capt. Robert Freshwater 2671 Scotch Pine Drive North Park AK 99705 Vinyard, Henry CJSOTF-A SOTF-S Camp Brown APO AE 09355 Sgt Lucas Lynch 1012 Arthur Court Apt. 445 Salisbury, MD 21804

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 Zac/Stacey Wheelers Anniversary Bill Vacation 2
8 & 10am Worship in Sanctuary Communion(8 & 10am) 9am ASP Commissioning 10am Sum. Sun. Sch. 4pm Youth Group

4 10am UMW Executive Committee

6 9am Prayer Group 12pm Pastors Advisory Bill Vacation Carolyn Vacation ANNUAL CONFERENCE 13 9am Prayer Group

Bill Vacation

Bill Vacation

Bill Vacation

Carolyn Vacation ANNUAL CONFERENCE 14

Carolyn Vacation ANNUAL CONFERENCE 15

9 8 & 10am Worship in Sanctuary 9am Riverwalk Service 10am Summer Sunday School
16 8 & 10am Worship in Sanctuary 9am Riverwalk Service 10am Sum. Sunday School ASP Trip



12 11:30am Lunch Bunch

7pm Evening Book Club 17 ASP Trip Dean/Donna DeFinos Anniversary Joseph House Feeding ASP Trip ASP Trip 18 19

George/Vera Pattersons Anniversary 20 9am Prayer Group

6:30pm Salisbury Cruise Club 21 22

ASP Trip

ASP Trip 4pm Freshwater Vow Renewal Bruce/Phyllis Oldhams Anniversary 29

ASP Trip

ASP Trip

8 & 10am Worship in Sanctuary 9am Riverwalk Service 10am Summer Sunday School




27 9am Prayer Group

28 10am Pine Bluff Visitation

VBS 30 8 & 10am Worship in Sanctuary 9am Riverwalk Service 10am Summer Sunday School Bill & Jeannes Reception






6 - Christopher Bozman Steve Dickerson Luke Emge Allie Guy Mildred Palmer Rick Smoak, Jr. 7 - Logan Barnes Debra Downing Denise Eberspeaker Susan Richardson Penny Wilson
PLEASE NOTE: If your name does not appear on this list it does not mean that we do not have you as a Trinity member. It only means that we do not have your birth date. Please give the church office a call with any additions to, or corrections of this list.

14 - Michael Abercrombie, Jr. Leisl Ashby Linda Brown Rebecca Edney Paige Greenwood Amanda Howard Christopher Okerblom Karen Payne Kaye Thomas Tom Ward 15 - Kirby Ashcraft Katlinn Barnes Matthew Gilland Griffin Harmon Marion Oakley 16 - Margo Hunt Graham Moore Scott Robertson Karen Smith 17 - Thomas Leonard Marcie McGrillies Rachel McGrillies Warren Pitsenbarger Woody Wilson, Jr. 18 - Wayne Baker Danny Gregory, Jr. Kristi Jenkins Norman Webster Dan Williams Claire Wright 19 - Brett Miles Doris Webster 20 - Claire Blevins Jamie Holland Gary Knight Sue Lankford Gavin Mann Bettie Nichols Tom Preller 21 - Holly Agnew Chad Lowe Joe Poteet 22 - Joe Beach, Jr. Marisa Farrelly Katie Fox Chip Jenkins Judith Jones Sydney Mills Lynne Smoak

Judith Stubbs 23 - Ken MacFarlane Brian Tregoe Marlene Waller Pam Wiseman 24 - Ellie Ennis Michael Harris Dora Larimore 25 - Barbara Culver Caden Pavese Jordan Plymale Jane Seagraves Lindsay Wallingford Emily Wright 26 - Mark Blades David Clark Jacob Corry John Fleming Taylor Lawson Emory Leonard, Sr. Kim Miles David Reichenberg Mitzi Scott 27 - Julien DuBuque Sonnie Lucas Peter Whaley 28 - Natalie Booth June Burton Jacob Chandler Alice DeCola 29 - Alyssa Massey Tim Pusey Anna Simulis Pam Weeg 30 - Hannah Bozman Kathleen Hearne Dawn Hinman Michelle Mann Philip Mason Ashley Reese Alison Wootten

8 - Cale Ashcraft Nancy Buchanan Sherri Harkins Tanner Leonard Liam Nelson Mary Nelson Micah Outten Chuck Ulm Brian Wright 9 - Barbara Benedict Michael Murray Jesse Saywell Gayle Whitelock 10 - David Downes Maysen King William Layfield Lucas Payne David Shave Donna Thompson Morgan White 11 - Anne Calloway Kitty Shockley Linda Townsend 12 - Brittany Grier Melissa Kiser Elizabeth Nelson Trevor Peters Kennedy Soper Richie Wright II 13 - David Hooper, Jr. Kurt Kohler Jill McCabe (Mrs. Douglas) Peyton Pearce Gerry Staton

JUNE 1 - Frank DelGaudio III Tom DuPont Jamie Flaig Andrea Hudson Chris Mitchell Chris Shaffer Jennifer Trader Laurie Webb Joyce Webster 2 - Ann Collins Darryl McJilton Sophia Peters Fred Ropko 3 - Kim Gordy Hulda Kreis John Long II T. J. Mumford Gray Turner 4 - Sheila Darrah Debbie Harris Richard Wood Allen Wootten 5 - David Barnes Jennifer Downing Sherie Henderson Tom Mertensotto Michael Payne Blake Twilley Steve Windmuller

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
1 2 3 4 Church Office Closed 5 6 Moms Morning Out Closed Moms Morning Out Closed INDEPENDENCE DAY 11 9am Prayer Group 12 13 7 8 & 10am Worship in Sanctuary 9am Riverwalk Service 5:15pm SPRC 10am Summer Sunday School 6:30pm Salisbury Cruise Club 8 9 10

14 8 & 10am Worship in Sanctuary 9am Riverwalk Service 10am Summer Sunday School 6pm Irv Brumbley Gaither Show 21 8 & 10am Worship in Sanctuary 9am Riverwalk Service 10am Summer Sunday School Harry/Pat Grays Anniversary Ron Poseys Birthday 28 8 & 10am Worship in Sanctuary 9am Riverwalk Service 10am Summer Sunday School



17 Joseph House Feeding

18 9am Prayer Group



5:15pm Trustees




25 9am Prayer Group

26 10am Pine Bluff Visitation


5:15pm Finance Committee




5:15pm Administrative Board


6 - Carole Adkins Robert Horsey III Sharon Kriegisch Amy Luppens Dan Peters David Price Alexa Sande Keith White Lea Wimbrow 7 - Dylan Maine PLEASE NOTE: If your name does not appear on this list it does not mean that we do not have you as a Trinity member. It only means that we do not have your birth date. Please give the church office a call with any additions to, or corrections of this list. JULY 1 - Mary Boltz Lauren Crouse Dick Dayton Hannah McCabe Jennifer Race Harriett Russell 2 - Teresa McCain Teri Nelson Lil Stacy Dan Williams (Mardela, MD) Caleb Wilson 3 - John Culver Shirley Davis Robbin Gray T. A. Phillips Natalie Shaffer 4 - Mimi Boulden Marissa Dickerson Colbey Hunt Mike Kelley 5 - Harrison Brennan Krissy Gilbert Michelle Hillyer Courtney Parsons 8 - Tyler Barnes Linda Boltz Richard Bowers Liam Charlton Gail Davis Melissa Waller 9 - Casie Culver Konley Golden Mason Shetler Keith Staton 10 - Jack Calloway Allison Ford Shelly Frost Julie Marvel Bruce Mooney Barrie Smiley Ruth White 11 - Nicole Acle Joseph Bernstein Vickie Blades Bill Fowler Bleecker Hawkins Joseph Ireland Cory Kohler Regina Lankford Carol Mears 12 - Gary Brown Gwen Poore Charles Smith, Jr. 13 - Beverly Gordy Emily OBrien 14 - Lucia Bozzelli Cassie Dempsey Hannah Hillyer Genevieve Payne Nancy Pusey Jeffery Thamert Jaclyn Zockoll

15 - Darlene Breeding Shelby Byrd Carolyn Chandler Mark LaVorgna Everett Morton Ruth Nichols Jim Wiese 16 - Morgan Helfrich Judi Mason David Roe Mark Simulis Clay Thompson 17 - Marcia Helms Karen Long Tyler Mitchell Michael Nichols 18 - Lauren Follebout Cindy Laws 19 - Karen Culver Joshua Henderson Cheryl Plymale Zachary Savage 20 - Gorden Abercrombie Terry Dix Jennifer Dwiggins Isabelle Mahon Samantha McJilton George Mengason Joseph Scott Robert Yocubik 21 - Dolly Burkett Kimberly Carey Evan Mellone Addie Tregoe Jeffery Webster 22 - Nathan Douse Riley Forrestal Emily Hooper Bev Horner Janice Morton 23 - Richard Carlson Loudell Insley Kaytlyn Senkbeil 24 - Emma Chandler Tracy Horsey

25 - Melissa Bell Linda Lloyd Isaac Mah Melody Whitelock 26 - George Murdoch Hannah Outten Connor Smith 27 - Kelly Fleming 28 - Jonah Corry Edward Mahon Charley Meeks Burton Mitchell John Stuart 29 - Gabriel Alfano Jordan Davies Don Denayer Devon Fahner Suzanne Hogg Christopher Okerblom Emil Paul Wendy Simpson Libby Truitt 30 - Kennedy East Margaret Ewing 31 - Jack Kutchen, Jr. Terry Sell Mike Williams


August 2013
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu
1 9am Prayer Group



4 8 & 10am Worship in Sanctuary Communion (8 & 10 am Only) 9am Riverwalk 10am Summer Sunday School

8 9am Prayer Group


Chris/Sarah McCabes Anniversary 12 13 14 15 9am Prayer Group 16 17

11 8 & 10am Worship in Sanctuary 9am Riverwalk 10am Summer Sunday School

Joseph House Feeding

Newsletter Articles Due

Sue Poseys Birthday 18 8 & 10am Worship in Sanctuary 9am Riverwalk 10am Summer Sunday School 19 20 21 22 9am Prayer Group Joseph House Feeding Bill/Jeanne Kniceleys Anniversary Ron/Sue Poseys Anniversary 26 27 28 29 Mail Trumpet 30 31 23 10am Pine Bluff Visitation 24

25 8 & 10am Worship in Sanctuary 9am Riverwalk 10am Summer Sunday School


6 - Suzy Benedict Donna Malone Scott Malone Howard Phoebus 7 - Bobby Andrews Keeley Block Jim Cummins Brett Darrah PLEASE NOTE: If your Zachary King name does not appear on Tami Ryan this list it does not mean Ashley Wood that we do not have you as a Trinity member. It only 8 - Judith Clark means that we do not have Corrie Culver your birth date. Please give Ashton Evans the church office a call Christopher Howard with any additions to, or Ron Laws Aaron Waller corrections of this list.

Connie Strott 15 - Lisa Barnes Julie Stout 16 - John Calloway, Jr. Joey Croquette Ian Hinman Jake Lloyd, Jr. Emily Ritchey Ruth Ann Savage 17 - Matthew Adams Jane Ashcraft Gary Chandler Catherine Giles Walker Harman Hillary Hogg Stella Luppens Scott Mahon William Quigley Dr. Richard Snyder Cohen Weeg Phil Wood 18 - Maude Ahtes Bill Draucker Sophia Fowlkes Matthew Menzel Karen Rouse John Routenberg Laura Smith Hunter Wright 19 - Larry Albright Christine Bryson Leigha Early Kathy Hansley Peter Lischick Alex Mah Angie Mills Colleen Mooney Nancy Schofield 20 - Joel Davies Laurie Jones June Marshall Cindi Martin Sam Shannahan Pat Stein 21 - Ryan Boyce Robert Bullock Helen Burns Ron Gilland William Hobbs Don Horner Donna Knopf Greg Peacock Blake Washington

22 - Ryan Hedger Joe Hetherington Robbie Shaw III Suzanne Wilson 23 - Heather Hammond Frances Townsend Cody Vojtko 24 - Karalynn Fykes Marie Graef Patty Green Lindsay Smith Bill Trader 25 - Laura Benedict Scott Booth Ross Hammer Don Henderson Matthew Jones Paul Lewis, Jr. Jason Loar Carly Veditz 26 - Josh Downes Will Harmon 27 - Irene Layton Sonya Prado 28 - Kasey Ashcraft Kathy Breithut Kelsey Carey Charles Cherry Mark Edney Lindsay Hall Amanda Harris Doug McCabe Joshua Price 29 - Rebecca Boyce Sarah Forrestal Hugh Jackson Ronald Nelson Sky Smith 30 - Logan Charlton Maddox Ferro Eleanor Hoekstra Dwight King Doug Ward Cody Wheatley 31 - Matthew Cooper Ed Ford Lorraine Ford Rev. Howard Gordy Ryan Mann Lita Pascarella

1 - Jay Bozman, Jr. Erika Corry Ed Freshwater Vicki Gray Lee Larimore Brock Lawson Logan McIntyre Brita Paul Jimmy Sarbanes Luke Twilley Trent Warfield 2 - Debbie Benedict Tom Berry Finley Helfrich Jamie Hudson Susan Lloyd Natalie Tull 3 - Don Bilski Landon Cabell David Duplechain Mimi Parks Krista Warfield 4 - Jack Bowen Warren Boyce Georgia Cooper Devin Dunsten Suzanne Harkins Brady Leonard Nelson Ryder 5 - Clark Blackburn John Rivello Hunter Shaner

9 - Todd Grier, Jr. Josephine McJilton Colton Payne Julien Scott IV Gwyn Terrell Zachary Titus Dana Wootten 10 - Barbara Baker Joni Boyce Evan Kiser Anthony Mellone, Jr. Aiden Pusey Andrew Thorsten 11 - Bob Hoekstra Nancy Johnson Bailey Moses Josh Shaffer 12 - Jessica Fox Frank Harrrison Bradley Henderson Sue Posey Calvin Robinson 13 - Tyler Adams Diane Beach Chad Brown John Custis Jeffery Duplechain William Hannemann David Huddleston Raymond Hudson, Jr. Matt Lankford Barry Tull 14 -Nancy Horner McKayla Mahon Jill McCabe Bill Mengason

Thank you!
Words cannot express the comfort we have received from our Trinity family during Karens recent surgery and recovery process. For you prayers, cards, meals, visits, phone calls, and expressions of caring, we are truly grateful. Thank you and God bless, Bob and Karen Rickards I appreciate your contribution to my week at Camp Pecometh this upcoming summer. I really enjoyed it last year when it was my first time, so I was very eager to go back this summer, and for you to contribute to that means a lot. Sincerely, Daniel Ulm Thank you so much for the pineapple bundt cake that was delivered to me after my Mom passed away. Fran Hastings is a wonderful cook. Most of all I enjoyed Frans visit. It was nice to finally meet first hand one of Trinitys shining faces who brings a smile to my face on Sunday mornings. Thanks again, Ann Marie A. Barnes Thank you very much for the generous scholarship you presented to me. I am grateful for the opportunity to apply this to my studies at American University in Washington, D.C. Trinity United Methodist has done so much For me over the years. Trinity helped me grow in the grace and love of God. I will always carry this with me in the future. I enjoyed the special service on Sunday, May 5. It was absolutely beautiful. I would also like to thank the congregation for the inspirational book Moving On. Thanks again, Carly Miller Many thanks to my Trinity family for the cards and prayers I received following my fall at church. A special thank to those who assisted my daughter, Pattie, at that time. I am also very appreciative for Rev. Pattersons and Rev. Kniceleys visits to the hospital. Laura Elzey Thank you for selecting me to receive the church scholarship. It will be greatly appreciated as I continue my education in the fall. Thank you for all the support for my family and me throughout the years. Sincerely, Caitlin McCain

Peninsula Delaware Conference Salisbury District

Rev. Peggy Johnson Peninsula Delaware Conference Bishop Rev. Charlotte A. Nichols Salisbury District Superintendent Church Staff Rev. George R. Patterson, Senior Pastor Rev. Bill Kniceley, Associate Pastor Rev. Dean DeFino, Associate Pastor Mr. Zachary Wheeler, Youth Pastor Mrs. Phyllis Oldham, Sanctuary Choir Director Mrs. Sarah McCabe, Childrens Choir Director Mr. David Lawson, Organist Rev. Harry Gray, Handbell Choir Director Mrs. Janal Walton, Director of Childrens Ministry Mrs. Carolyn Lewis, RN, Parish Nurse Mrs. Tracy Shannahan, CPA, Church Accountant Mr. Wayne Tull, Sexton Mrs. Sue Posey, Office Manager Dr. Dorothy Baker, Riverwalk Organist Mr. Jonathan Evans, Video & Sound Technician Church Leaders Mr. Chuck Dix, Administrative Board Chairperson Mrs. Lynne Smoak, Administrative Board ViceChairperson Mr. Tony Sarbanes, Lay Leader Mr. Bob Moore, Staff Parish Relations Chairperson Mr. Jim Thomas, Board of Trustees Chairperson Mr. Carl Vincent, Finance Committee Chairperson Mr. Kelly Shannahan, Nominations Committee Chairperson Mrs. Ellen DiCintio, Treasurer Committee Leaders Mr. Tom Hopkins, Annual Conference Member Mrs. Kay Hopkins, Missions Committee Chairperson Mrs. Carolyn Lewis, Congregational Care Committee Chairperson Mrs. Laura Robertson, Safe Sanctuary Team Chairperson Mrs. Vickie Blades, Membership Chairperson Mrs. Jane Bowers, United Methodist Women President Mr. Ed Freshwater, United Methodist Men President Dr. Dorothy Baker, Health Outreach Ministry Mr. Ron Moore, Trinity Trumpet Editor Mrs. Becky Blizzard & Mrs. Karen Albright, Video Ministry


Save-the Date Medication Issues: What Do You Need to Know? Interactive Workshop Where should I buy my medicines? What about online pharmacies? How do I safely store, take, monitor, and dispose of my medicines? What is polypharmacy? Whats the news about prescription medicine use & abuse? Why should I talk to my health care provider & pharmacist about my medicines? How do I talk to my pharmacist? FOR ? Open to everyone -- Be sure to invite a friend WHEN? Thursday July 11, 2013 7-9 PM WHO? Melissa Ruark, Registered Pharmacist WHAT? Interactive session with information and tips WHERE? Asbury United Methodist Church in Salisbury, MD 1401 Camden Avenue (1 block south of Salisbury University) Mackey Room 103 use the Office Entrance door Light refreshments & Free Parking COST? Free Sponsors: Asbury & Trinity UM Churches Partner: Community Pharmacy HOW? Must pre-register by Monday July 8 Call Asbury UM Church office at 410-749-2131 to register or for questions


School Supplies Needed

If you have appreciated hearing Sounds Of Praise, our handbell choir, and have ever considered becoming a bell ringer, nows your chance. Sadly, we have two members who are moving, and that creates two positions to fill. If youve never rung before, tutorials can be arranged over the summer. It can be a rewarding way to serve our God and to lead fellow worshippers in praise. You may come, try it, and decide its not your gift- - and thats OK. To talk about this and/or arrange a hands-on look at bell ringing, please contact Rev. Harry Gray at
Help children in need start the school year off right! This year we will provide school supplies for about 35 children attending Kids Cafe at Salisbury Urban Ministries and will participate in a school supply collection sponsored by HALO. Any of the items on the list will be accepted, or you may write a check out to Trinity UMC with School Supplies written on the memo line. Please deliver the items by Sunday, August 11. Items should be placed in the back of the sanctuary or brought to the church office. School supplies list: new backpacks, crayon packs, pencils, child scissors, glue sticks, loose leaf paper, marble composition books, zippered pencil pouches, pocket folders, highlighters, small bottles of sanitizer, and boxes of zip sandwich or quart bags.


Trinity United Methodist Church 112 High Street Salisbury, MD 21801 Church: 410-749-5562 FAX: 410-749-8830 E-mail: Office Hours: 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday-Friday Visit us on the web at


Return Service Requested

Thank You
Newsletter Staff General Editor: Ron Moore Mailing Coordinators: Warren & Joyce Boyce Proofreader: Karen Long May Bulletin Folders Jackie Bounds Warren and Joyce Boyce Judy Briele Dolly Burkett Joyce Dunn Allison Freshwater Bonnie Gibson Bill Hortsman Linda Nelson Sarah Renshaw Laura Twilley Barbara Webster


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