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Tu Casa con Sandy Flores

Algo. Can be translated as: anything (alguna cosa) or anything (cualquier cosa). Hay algo de lo que quiero hablarte. (There is anything I want to speak with you about.) Tienes algo que sirva para pegar un pster? (Do you have one thing that functions to peg this poster?) Nada(Nothing). Is the reverse of Algo: Ninguna cosa. Hay algo para comer?/ No hay nada para comer, tendremos que ir a comprar algo. (Is there everything to consume? / There is practically nothing to take in, we will have to go buy something.) Nada es ms importante que tu salud. (Practically nothing is more crucial than your wellness.) When Nada is in front of the principal verb, the negation is simple, but when it goes powering the verb, we need to have a double negation (the exact same transpires with Nada, Nadie, Ningn, Ninguno/a, Nunca/Tampoco). No hice nada el fin de semana. (I did absolutely nothing this weekend.) Alguien (an individual/someone/any individual). When we converse about Alguien, we are undertaking reference to: una persona, cualquier persona, no importa quin o qu persona. Detailed details on can be found at main website. Alguien me dijo que tienes un nuevo novio. (Someone informed me you have a new boyfriend.) Alguien tiene cambio de 100 dlares? (Does any person have adjust for U$S100?) Hay alguien que hable portugus en tu clase? (There is someone who speaks Portuguese in your class?) Nadie (no 1, no one, any individual): Ninguna persona, is the reverse of Alguien. Alguien tiene cambio de one hundred dlares? /No, nadie, lo siento. (Does anybody have change for $ 100? / No, no one, sorry.) Nadie contest mi correo electrnico. (No a single answered my e-mail.) No hay nadie en la casa y no tengo llaves. No podr entrar. (No one was home and I

have no keys. I will not be able to enter.) Algn/a (any ): These are Adjectives and indicate: at least one particular. We have to use it constantly with a noun. Tienes algn amigo que pueda ayudarme a traducir este texto? (Do you have a friend who can assist me translate this textual content?) Necesito alguna razn para no ir a trabajar maana. (I need to have a reason to not go to work tomorrow.) Algunos/as (some): These are adjectives too, and indicate some. Hay algunos chicos en mi clase que no estudian suficiente. (There are some men in my course who do not examine sufficient.) Tengo algunas preguntas para el profesor. (I have some questions for the trainer.) Ningn/a: Are adjectives which imply none or none of them. They always need to have nouns. Ningn disco de Los Beatles es malo. (No record of The Beatles is poor.) Ninguna mujer querr-a salir con l, es un maleducado. (No woman would want to date him, he is impolite.) Alguno/a-Ninguno/a: These words and phrases function like pronouns. Alguno de ustedes conoce a Mnica? (Do any of you know Monica?) Alguna de tus amigas se llama Sandra? (Are any of your pals named Sandra?) No, ninguna./Ninguna de mis amigas se llama Sandra.

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