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Regional Spotlight

JUNE 2013
P u b l i s h e r s W e e k ly . c o m

m o r f s g n i t e e Gr

The Nashville Publishing Story l The Top 10 Movers & Shakers l Hot Titles for the Summer and Fall l What Nashvillians Are Reading



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New York Times bestselling author JOHN C. MAXWELL teaches readers how to turn every loss into a learning experience. [LP], [EB]

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FaithWords, Center Street, and Jericho Books are divisions of Hachette Book Group.



By Paige Crutcher


Home to 100 publishers, a growing literary community, and Ingram, the city has become a vital publishing hub

ashville wears the moniker Music City U.S.A. with pride, but its also one of the top publishing cities in the U.S. Much like country music in Nashville, the publishing industry has adapted and grown over the years. Part of what makes Nashville a great place to live and work is its sense of community; theres a real sense of family here, says Ingram Content Group CEO John Ingram of the home he calls a little bit country and a little bit city. The founding of Ingram was a happy accident that occurred in 1964 when Ingrams father, Bronson Ingram, and then Vanderbilt University vice chancellor John Stambaugh combined efforts to purchase the Tennessee Book Company. Bronson Ingram would go on to buy out Stambaughs portion, and over the decades the company would grow its small textbook depository into what it is today: the worlds largest distributor of physical and digital content. Today Ingram delivers books, music, and media content to over 38,000 retailers, libraries, schools, and distribution partners in 195 countries. B&H Publishing can trace its roots back 250 years to Holman Bibles and the A.J. Holman Company. As part of Life4

Way Christian Resources, the Bible, books, audio, and video producer is headquartered in downtown Nashville where it has over 2,000 employees in the home offices. Selma Wilson, vice-president of B&H Publishing Group, notes, We are a community of readers and learners. The music writers are legendary. If you look at the New York Times bestsellers list, you will often find a title that came from a Nashville publisher. Ingram and Wilson are just two of the industry insiders who understand how community and growing literary activity thrive in this metropolis that has been named the it city by the New York Times. Wilson notes, Nashville has been in the spotlight as one of the top cities to see in 2013, and Business Week called it one of the countrys best cities. In January, a Gallup poll ranked Nashville as one of the top five regions for job growth. As reported by Randy Ellison of Targoz Strategic Marketing, the city with a population of 1.16 million boasts 43 bookstores the majority of which are religious oriented or associated with a university, six are used, four independent, and eight are retail chains; a major national distributor; multiple litfriendly media outlets; a large writing communityand lots of publishers. Publishing in Nashville is part of

mainstream America, says literary agent Greg Daniels of his hometown. More and more New York Times bestsellers are coming out of publishers in Nashville. Ive been an agent for six years and I am continually amazed at the talent pool here. Daniels, a former executive for Thomas Nelson, is also responsible for the formerly anonymous publishing blog SlushPile Hell that received national attention. Local literary agent Jonathan Clements of Wheelhouse Literary Group notes, Within the creative community, Nashville truly is a haven, and a breeding ground, of sorts, for dedicated, extremely talented writers... of books, and not just country songs. Nashville is more than just steel guitars and cowboy boots.

The beauty of the city is part of the lure for both writers and publishers. Byron Williamson of Worthy Publishing notes that Nashville is fertile soil for talent and publishing, and the people living here rarely feel the continued growth of the city. The population has boomed enormously in the past 25 years, he says. To be the 30th-largest city, it feels more like a town of 100,000, and the hills, rivers, and lakes are breathtaking in fall and spring. Inspiration is easy to find in the rolling

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hills and scenic landscape found along Music Citys many backroads. Author Robert Hicks says of moving to Nashville, Lawrence Wright once wrote that Nashville was the first really beautiful place he had ever lived. I left a beautiful area to come to Nashville, but I have to agree, Nashville is set in a picturesque place, in the green hills of Middle Tennessee. Everywhere I look there is inspiration, if I am only will to accept it. Co-owner of Parnassus Books and bestselling author Ann Patchett says, Im always just looking for some quiet time to work. Nashville gives me that. I grew up here. The familiarity brings peace of mind. Indeed, the citys unique sense of community is a big draw for publishers and authors alike. It was a key factor in why Simon & Schuster moved Howard Books from West Monroe, La., to Nashville after it acquired Howard in 2006. The West Monroe location proved a difficult destination for agents and authors. Hundreds of authors and agents have come through the doors to do business in the new location in Nashville. More than that, Jennifer Smith, director of publicity with Howard Books, says, The diversity of this city lends itself well to the creative world; both publishing and music. The two industries co-exist in harmony in the city. Its a storytellers town and from the minute you arrive youre aware of that tradition, whether youre talking about music or literature, says bestselling author Adam Ross. But because its also so affordable, and neighborhoods are exploding all over the city, its a fertile place for the creative class. Weve got great painters, writers, actors, and songwriters, but theres plenty of room for more. While a large city, Nashville often feels like a small town in its appeal to outsiders and artists. There is a strong

sense of community and respect for all art, whether it be music, visual art, architecture, or the written word, says publicist Ellen Myrick, a former manager of Davis-Kidd. I think there is a feeling that if you are a serious artistand by serious I mean committed not humorlessyou will find a home a supportive network here. Centrally located, Nashville is a short flight from Manhattan and Boston, with Christian publishers settled in and around the citys downtown. For touring authors, its only a few hours drive to several thriving southern cities. There are practical reasons for being here, such as travel, says former West Coaster, and bestselling author, Karen Kingsbury, But more than that, the community lends itself to connecting. Its about relationships here. Fear and competition paralyze creativity. Those dont exist here.

Everywhere I look there is inspiration, if I am only willing to accept it.

 Robert Hicks


Nashvilles literary community is a thriving world unto itself. From Barnes & Noble and the local library writing and critique groups to Bill Peachs Author Circle of Middle Tennessee to the monthly meetup hosted by local bestselling authors JT Ellison and River Jordan at Union Station Hotel, authors continue to come together. Ellison says of the writing community, Any event you go to will have two or three major bestselling authors as well as beginning writers and debut authors, and lots of readers a mix that makes our scene unpretentious and welcoming. Theres renowned journalist John Seigenthalers A Word on Words, one of Nashville Public Televisions signature programs, which has been celebrating authors, literature, and ideas for close to three decades, and River Jordans Clearstory Radio program. Every Wednesday and Sunday Jordan hosts Clearstory on 107.1, bringing bestselling, award-winning, and debut authors on air in Nashville to talk about the written word. She says of the program, The fact that there is an actual literary radio program that features interviews and news on author readings, signings, festivals, workshops and other gatherings in the community speaks highly of the people of Nashville. Not only is there an incredible amount of writers and literary events happening this is a reading city. Organizations like Sisters in Crime, SEMWA, Womens National Book Association, and Mystery Writers of America each have chapters in Nashville. Theres also Music City Romance Writers (Music Citys local RWA chapter), Tennessee Writers Alliance, and the various Nashville Writers Meetups.
W W W . P U B L I S H E R S W E E K LY. C O M



Nashville celebrates its authors and showcases talent through events and festivals. The city lays claim to one of the largest festivals of southern literature, the Southern Festival of Books, known as SoFest. This year marks the festivals 25th anniversary, and will be held October 1113. The event has grown from a few thousand the first year to more than 30,000 annually now, says director of literature and language programs of Humanities Tennessee, Serenity Gerbman. One of the best things about the festivals longevity is our ability to see writers careers take root and blossom over time. The festival is inclusive of all authors, with a goal of helping Tennessee scribes connect with readers in a shared celebration of the written word. In 2012, 15% of the speakers were local authors attending to promote their latest work. Along with SoFest, Nashville is home to mystery and thriller conference, Killer Nashville and the YA festival, UtopYA. Beth Terrell, author and executive director for Killer Nashville, notes, I think there was a very narrow stereotype of Nashville, and its just now becoming clear to others that theres a lot more to the city than that. The city also hosts a conference for both songwriters and authors, Hutchmoot. The conference is a celebration of authors, poets, songwriters, and artists in all mediums. This year, all 130 available tickets sold out in three minutes. Hutchmoot cofounder Pete Peterson says of the conference, which has a Christian spin and draws artists from all over the country, Nashville is full of so many different artists. When you live here, you realize there is a whole lot more to the city than country musiccountry music is just the sideshow.


While Hutchmoot provides the only conference for both songwriters and authors, East Side Story showcases twice-monthly pairings of musicians and authors during its free show, East Side Storytellin. Every first and third Tuesday of the month, the bookstore brings together a featured author and a musician for a night of readings and song, and after the show a recording of the performances runs on WAMB radio. Many writers in Nashville hope the next collaboration will be between songwriters and authors. Matthew West, Grammy-nominated singer/ songwriter turned author, notes, Musicians and writers naturally share a healthy amount of mutual admiration. Songwriters find inspiration in the books they read and authors find inspiration in the songs they hear. Chapter 16, an online site dedicated to reviewing and covering new books of note about Tennessee or by local authors, is a leading provider of book content in the state. Founded in 2009 by Humanities Tennessee, Chapter 16 director Margaret Renkl says, We suspected newspapers stopped covering books because they no longer had the staff, not because they

no longer cared about books. That left us with a need to engage the local community about books. Chapter 16 became the online version of what happens at SoFest every year. Chapter 16s work now appears in a number of weekly state newspapers including the Nashville Scene, Nashville City Paper, Memphis Commercial Appeal, and the Knoxville Sentinel. The monthly book review publication, BookPage, has called Nashville home for 25 years. BookPage is in Nashville because the city is the hometown of our founder and publisher, Michael Zibart. The Zibart family owned and operated bookstores in Nashville for more than 100 years and Michael was an executive vicepresident at Ingram before launching BookPage in 1988, says editor Lynn Green. Our print edition goes to 400,000 readers each month through subscribing bookstores and public libraries.


Helping hands are a prominent part of Music City. Meg Nugent, executive director of Nashville Adult Literacy Council, says, Last year, our program served 1,500 learners with 500 volunteer
continued on page 8

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continued from page 6

Nashville publishing is more than just Christian.

 Jonathan Merkh

tutors and 33 classes. In Nashville, one in eight adults cannot read well and needs our help. Thomas Nelson recently joined with NALC, which has a long-standing partnership with the library system on providing for space and materials. Dollar General Literacy Foundation is celebrating its 20th year of fundraising in honor of J.L. Turner, founder of the franchise. Turner was functionally illiterate with a third-grade education, and the foundation was created in his honor. Over 30 million adults read at the lowest level of illiteracy and one out of three youth drop out of high school, says Denine Torr, Dollar Generals director of community initiatives. Over the past 20 years we have invested over $75 million in grants to nonprofits to help individuals prepare for the GED, or learn the English language. We have primary emphasis on adults because if you reach the parent you will reach the child. DGLF has helped more than 4.7 million people learn to read, receive their high school equivalency certificate or learn English. Nashvilles writing community is vast and diverse. Many of Nashvilles homeless are vendors for local paper, the Contributor. The twice-monthly street paper is written by staff writers and outside contributors including the vendors. Editor Andrew Krinks says of the talent of the contributors, I think one of the best-kept secrets of Nashvilles writing scene are the people who dont have any reputation aside from maybe writing for the Contributor. Ive met a number of individuals living on the streets or in shelters in Nashville whose creativity astounds me.


With close to 100 publishers ranging from small press to large residing in Nashville, Christian and inspirational houses serve as the major niche for the market. Its the Christian wing of New
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York in the publishing world, Howard Books vice-president and publisher Jonathan Merkh says. Nashville publishing is more than just Christian, but its definitely the lions share here. Publishing in Nashville began in the 19th century when several denominations established headquarters and colleges in the city and, in doing so, also opened publishing houses and bookstores. Publishers like Upper Room started as a daily devotional guide in 1935 today it publishes seven magazines and the Upper Room line of books. In the 1960s, Thomas Nelson moved its operations to Nashville. Started in 1798 in Edinburgh, Scotland, Nelson came to Nashville when Sam Moore acquired the publishing house in 1969. The company has remained there after it was acquired by private investors in 2006 and, last year, by HarperCollins. David Moberg, senior v-p and group publisher for Harper Collins Christian Publishing, credits the relationship-oriented focus of the company for its longstanding success. The companys main goal is to serve its authors by collaboration and long-term planning. Were driven by our passions, but it also goes through the filter of the marketplace. We want success for our company, our vision, and authors. Its important we preserve our editorial integrity of our books. Theres a commitment to produce great books that are successful and give everyoneauthors, agents, editorsa chance to experience that success. One of their most successful relationships to date is with author Max Lucado, who has sold over 100 million copies of his books. Now, along with Zondervan as part of HCCP, the future looks bright for Nelson. Were really excited about our future, Moberg says. Our vision is to impact the world with a very positive message. Harper is providing support for us to become a part of their organization and to affirm what our vision is. I think
continued on page 10

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continued from page 8

HCCP has brought together two formative Christian companies [Zondervan and Nelson], and by bringing us together under HCCP, they have given us the chance to become a global company whose mission is to inspire the world with the Christian faith. As Nelson grew, so did publishers like Abingdon an imprint of the United Methodist Publishing House, which has been in operation since 1789; United Methodist Publishing; Lifeway; Southern Baptist; RH Boyd; and Turner Publishing, among others. Weve been publishing from the heart of downtown Nashville since 1854, says Tamara Crabtree, executive director of marketing at Abingdon Press. So not only is it our location, but its also an important part of our history. Nashville is a vibrant city brimming with appreciation for arts and culture and is the perfect home for a thriving publishing industry. Turner Publishing, three times named on Publishers Weeklys Fast-Growing Publishers List, has produced over 1,000 titles since 1984. Turner recently acquired the digital and print assets for approximately 1,500 John Wiley titles. Our goal is to continue to offer a successful, traditional publishing model to authors and their readers, says Todd Bottorff, president and publisher at Turner. That requires new ideas for operations and marketing. While we have made progress, we view the need for improvement as a lifelong pursuit. The Wiley list fits perfectly with our focus. The quality of the authors and books is extraordinary. We are continuing to publish works they signed and are interested in seeing new submissions related to the list. An entrepreneur himself, Bottorff credits Nashvilles best-kept secret as a unique combination of the love people have for publishing and their entrepreneurial spirit, which allows them to adapt to the changing environment successfully. Guideposts, founded in 1945 by Dr.

Norman Vincent Peale, Ruth Stafford Peale, and Raymond Thornburg, is a Christian faith-based magazine and non-for profit publisher. Ideals, acquired by Guideposts in 2000, will celebrate its 70th anniversary in 2014. The company, which launched in 1944 with the publication of the Christmas Ideals magazine, has been in Nashville for close to 30 years. Ideals childrens editorial program, marketing, and retail sales are all based out of the Nashville office. Guideposts Books is based in New York City. Today we continue to publish two issues of Ideals magazine each year, and we have a robust childrens list that we publish under the imprints of Ideals Childrens Books, CandyCane Press, and Williamson Books, notes Peggy Schaefer, publisher of Ideals Publications. Ideals motto and focus is as simple as its tagline: share a book with a child and share a moment of love. Our strengths lie in the 28 age group and in the inspirational, holiday, family, and values categoriesand thats what were focusing on. Ideals, which partnered with Big Idea in Franklin, Tenn., to create a line of VeggieTales Books a few years ago, is launching a new inspirational board-book series in the fall called Rufus and Ryan. In the longer term, we will be looking at publishing opportunities around the Common Core State Standards and expanding into older age groups and additional categories. Recent additions to the city include Hachettes Nashville division comprised of FaithWords, Jericho Books, and Center Street. The group began in 2000 when Rolf Zettersten left as the publisher of the trade division at Nelson to start a new Christian imprint for Time Warner Book Group. Its first list was published in the fall of 2001 under the Warner Faith imprint, which was changed to FaithWords when Hachette bought TWBG. We started Center Street in 2004 when a number of our

Christian authors expressed a desire to write books for the general market, says Zettersten, who is now senior v-p and publisher of Hachette Nashville. Center Street has since matured and broadened its mission to include several categories, including fiction, health and fitness, conservative political, and self-help. Jericho Books was launched last fall to publish Christian books for a younger, more progressive, audience. Under the direction of v-p and publisher Wendy Grisham, Jericho Books publishes nontraditional voices that offer fresh perspectives on todays culture and reflect on the growing changes in the Church (see interview with Grisham, p. 14). Another relatively new publisher is Worthy Publishing. Byron Williamson, CEO of Worthy, notes, Nashville soil is fertile: Worthy Publishing, now only 18 months in commerce, is one of the few independent voices in inspirational publishing, one not owned by a multinational media company. We love the entrepreneurial spirit and creative juices we inject into each project we embrace. The companys 2013 list includes 70-millioncopy bestseller Jerry Jenkinss next major novel, I, Saul ; Stephen Mansfields upcoming, edgy nonfiction work, Killing Jesus; and Dr. Davids Jeremiahs legacy study resource, The Jeremiah Study Bible.
continued on page 16

10 P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y J U N E 2 0 1 3

more than just great

melodies. Some of Thomas Nelsons and Zondervans bestselling authors are honored to call Nashville home. Our authors walk many different paths but the passion to inspire lives through stories that honor God is shared by all. Take a look at just a few of our proud Nashvillian authors who are committed to serving their community for a greater purpose.

Bond of BroThers
Wes Yoder 9780310324539

niv once-a-day counTry faiTh devoTionaL

Deborah Evans Price 9780310422938 Coming November 13

LeT hope in
Pete Wilson 9780849964565 Coming November 13

ToTaL money makeover

Dave Ramsey 9781595555274 Coming November 13

The singLe woman

Mandy Hale 9781400322312 Coming November 13

Matthew West 9781400322565 Coming November 13

why did i Lose my JoB if god Loves me

Rick Pritkin 9780310429449

chasing francis
Ian Cron 9780310336693

The voice
Nashville translators 9781418549015

aLways daddys princess

Karen Kingsbury 9780310716471

The mercifuL scar

Rebecca St. James and Nancy Rue 9781401689223 Coming November 13

The inkLings of oxford

Harry Lee Poe and James Ray Veneman 9780310285038

speak Love
Annie Downs 9780310742876 Coming November 13

To whisper her name

Tamera Alexander 9780310291060

Thank you god for mommy

Amy Parker 9781400317073

LincoLns BaTTLe wiTh god

Stephen Mansfield 9781595553096


It is a reflection of my own faith journey. What I love about the books and authors is that they, like me, have struggled with religion. The idea behind our books is to be real and raw.


By Paige Crutcher
favorite subject. It is a reflection of my own faith journey. What I love about the books and authors is that they, like me, have struggled with religion. The idea behind our books is to be real and raw. Grishams goal is for others who are not traditional faith followers or find it difficult in many churches to find the faith behind the faade, as she puts it, to find acceptance and home in the books Jericho publishes. Grisham considers Jericho Books a vital part of religions ongoing conversation. Its titles showcase opposing views, but maintain respect for differing perspectives, continuing to celebrate differences. It is about taking the fear out of the other where there is no us versus them, but just all of us together trying to figure it outwhile being loving and kind and gracious to each other. The idea of the imprint came in the autumn of 2007. I was working for Hodder & Stoughton and came to Nashville to visit the FaithWords offices, Grisham recalls. It was my first time to meet the team here, and I was talking shop with Rolf [Zettersten], pondering the differences between our lists. We talked about setting up a joint list to which we might both contribute titles that were a little different from the traditional books on our lists. Over the next few years, each time Grisham ran into Zettersten, theyd return to the mustard seed idea and contemplate how to grow it to life. Grisham returned home to the U.S. in 2010 for cancer treatment, with the combined list still on her mind. We soon realized that our idea was much bigger than wed initially thought and that there was some real potential to do something important here. It was the birth of Jericho.

graduate of the University of Mississippi and the University of Warwick (in Warwickshire, U.K.), Wendy Grisham isnt a novice in the publishing industry. Prior to launching Jericho Books last fall, Grisham was the director of publishing at Hodder Faith, an imprint of Hodder & Stoughton, a division of Hachette UK. Hachette is a wonderful company, Grisham says. So when the opportunity to set up Jericho and run it came to me, I was over the moon. Before her position with Hodder, Grisham worked at Alpha International, serving as the publishing director for EMEA (Europe/Middle East/Asia). Before that she was at Random House UK. As the sister of bestselling author John Grisham, her love of books and publishing runs deep. I came from a family of readers and the move into publishing seemed like a natural migration. We were either at the library or in a bookstore every Saturday morning, she says. One of the few women publishers in Nashville, Grisham loves what she does and doesnt mind the challenge of joining what previously has been referred to as a boys club. Grishams main role in starting up Jericho was acquiring titles. Our design, publicity, marketing and sales are handled by experts like Jana Burson and Chelsea Apple. I love Janas eye and think she has great judgment. She brought in Sober Mercies by Heather Kopp for Jericho Books. She might do a book or two here or there. The imprint publishes 10-12 books per year. Their authors include Brian McLaren, Lillian Daniel, Shane Hipps, Jay Bakker, Justin Lee, and Becca Stevens. Grisham refers to the imprint as her

14 P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y J U N E 2 0 1 3

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number of people; and to extend regional the regional leadership of the university by stimulating research projects within the South and by publishing worthwhile material from non-university members, says Post.

ing writers include Tracy Smith, Lauren Groff, Billy Collins, Wells Tower, and Manuel Munoz.


Booksellers in Nashville have made a comeback after the closing of Borders, and loss of beloved Davis-Kidd in 2010. Celebrated independents like Mysteries and More and BookManBookWoman are known for treating their authors like gold and are considered staples in the community. In 2011 Ann Patchett and Karen Hayes brought Parnassus Books to the city. A more intimate venue than Davis-Kidd, but with a similar location, the staff at Parnassus works tirelessly to bring in big-name authors, support local ones, and create a rich literary environment reflective of Nashville. Barnes & Noble Vanderbilt draws the university crowd, as well as a steady stream of readers and authors. The bookstore hosts poetry and book signings, as well as music and university events. Nashville is a vibrant city that attracts both local and nationally recognized authors, as well as academic writers from Vanderbilt. With an established music industry, a growing food scene, and a world-class academic university, Nashville is the place to be, says communications manager John Lasiter. Books are part of the cadence and DNA of Nashvillians; as second nature as an easy smile, slow drawl, or the bonedeep appreciation for a good front-porch rocking chair. Randy Elder, owner of Nashvilles oldest books t o r e , E l d e r s B o o k s , explains, The charm of a book has to do with a lot besides the word on the page. Its in the binding, illustration, and the smell. The subtle aspects to books are the charm. We preserve that aspect, the history.


If they want authors to come to Nashville, they cannot take the retail side for granted.

continued from page 16

Karen Hayes

University presses like Vanderbilt University Press, established in 1940, and Knoxvilles University of Tennessee Press, continue to thrive. Throughout its earlier history, VUP published a lot of Southern history, poetry, philosophy, and literature, but in the past decade, weve refocused to add more titles in the social sciences and area studies, especially Latin American Studies, says Susan Havlish, sales and marketing manager of VUP. The University of Tennessee Press, founded in 1940 by UT president James D. Hoskins, publishes in 20 disciplines, and 65% of its titles trace their way back to the Southern Mountains somehow, according to Tom Post, publicity and promotions manager. For over 70 years, the mission of the press has remained the same. The goals of the press continue to be the three mandates laid out by president Hoskins: to stimulate scientific and scholarly research in all fields; to channel such studies, either in scholarly or popular form, to a larger

A recent and celebrated reading series in Nashville its inception was in early 2011is Salon@615. Hosted by Humanities Tennessee, Parnassus Books, the Nashville Public Library, and the Nashville Public Library Foundation, Salon@615 supports and brings great writers to the city such as Michael Chabon, Barbara Kingsolver, Dennis Lehane, and Jon Meacham. The Nashville Public Library is instrumental in keeping reading, authors, and books at the epicenter of the city. Karen Hayes, co-owner of Parnassus Books, notes, The NPL was the first to set up a series of community meetings to find someone who would want to open another bookstore after Davis-Kidd and Borders closed. Parnassus Books was born out of those meetings. We opened our doors a year and a half ago to a community that realized if they want authors to come to Nashville they cannot take the retail side for granted anymore. We ended up partnering with both the NPL and Humanities Tennessee for larger author events. The series, Salon@615, and the venues and promotion our combined organizations can procure, has made Nashville a very attractive place for authors on tour. Vanderbilt Universitys Master of Fine Arts Program in the English departmentthe faculty of which includes Lorrie Moore, Peter Guralnick, and Tony Earleybrings readers the Gertrude & Harold Vanderbilt Visiting Writers Series. Past visit-

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Publishing Tastemakers
These 10 leaders on the Nashville literary scene play an essential role in determining which books become bestsellers in the city and help shape the Nashville literary community. Their influence also extends beyond the city limits and into the nations book culture.
John Ingram, CEO and chairman of Ingram Content Group. John joined Ingram Industries Inc. in 1986. He is the chairman of the capital campaigns for Vanderbilt Athletics and Currey Ingram Academy, and active as a volunteer in a number of educational and charitable organizations. Ann Patchett, co-owner of Parnassus Books and bestselling author. Patchett helped bring Nashville an independent bookstore in place of Davis-Kidd after its closing in 2010. She and co-owner Karen Hayes are considered driving forces in Nashville as they continue to bring authors, book events, and national attention to the city. Serenity Gerbman, Steward of Southern Festival of Books (SoFest). Gerbman and her colleagues (which include Margaret Renkl of Chapter 16 and the staff running Salon@615 at Nashville Public Library) at Humanities Tennessee bring events, authors, and support to Nashville. Her passion and ambition help make SoFest one of the biggest book festivals in the South. Rolf Zettersten, senior v-p and publisher, Hachette Nashville. After leaving Nelson in 2000, Zettersten spearheaded Hachettes launch of a Nashville publishing division, which now includes three imprints, FaithWords, Center Street and Jericho Books. Zettersen is also the author of three books, including a Gold Medallion winner. John Seigenthaler, host of A Word on Words. At A Word on Words, one of Nashville Public Televisions signature programs, Seigenthaler has been celebrating authors, literature, and ideas for close to three decades. Seigenthaler has interviewed notable guests such as Ann Patchett, Billy Collins, Madison Smartt Bell, J.T. Ellison, Adam Ross, and Lee Smith.
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Becky Nesbitt, vice-president and editor-inchief of Howard Books. Nesbitt previously led the Tyndale fiction division for more than a decade. She has worked with many CBA and New York Times bestselling authors, including Left Behind series authors Jerry Jenkins and Tim LaHaye. Nesbitt is often referred to as an enthusiastic book lover, constantly on the hunt for fresh ideas and the art of the written word. Killer Nashville Writers Conference. Started in 2006 by author and filmmaker Clay Stafford, this ever-expanding writers conference is held each August. Killer Nashville offers 60+ events, with everything from forensics seminars, craft workshops, keynote lectures, and writer pitch sessions to agents and editors. Past guests of honor have included: Michael Connelly, Jeffery Deaver, Carol Higgins Clark, and Peter Straub. David Moberg, senior v-p and group publisher for Thomas Nelson. Moberg has been with the company for almost 25 years. A major player in the industry, Moberg is known for his passion, knowledge, and ability to spot talent. For a quarter of a century, he has led the team behind bestselling author Max Lucado. Elyse Adler, administrator of special programs at the Nashville Public Library. Adler is renowned for her enthusiasm for good programing and the ability to make these events happen in the library and Nashville. The library is also the site of author reading series Salon@615, held in its auditorium, in partnership with Nashville Public Library Foundation, Humanities Tennessee, and Parnassus Books. Greg Daniels, founder of the Daniels Literary Group. Daniels, who started his agency in 2007, previously spent over a decade at Thomas Nelson as v-p and associate publisher for W Publishing Group. He is responsible for the bestseller Same Kind of Different as Me, and the ECPA Gold Medallion Award winning books A Table in the Presence and Extreme Devotion.
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Whispers of Hope: 10 Weeks of Devotional Prayer by Beth Moore (Oct.) Moore, who was recently named among Christianity Todays 50 Women t o Wa t c h : T h o s e Most Shaping the Church and Cul ture, presents her personal method of prayer. Moore, a sought-after speaker and teacher, is president and founder of Living Proof Ministries. God Is Able by Priscilla Shirer (Oct.) Teacher and speaker Priscilla Shirers first release since her 2011 New York Times bestseller The Resolution for Women!, God Is Able is a biblical reminder that God is always up to great things, even when His great things are greater than instant remedies and visible change. Shirer is also among Christianity Todays 50 Women to Watch. Church and Culture. She and her husband Jerry are founders of Going Beyond Ministries.

from Nashville
By Paige Crutcher


PW checked in with some of Nashvilles leading publishers to see what titles they will be promoting in the months ahead. Given the mix of Christian and mainstream houses in the city, the titles run from inspirational works to Bibles to thrillers.
Break Out! by Joel Osteen (Oct.) In his dynamic, inspiring, and faithbuilding new book subtitled Five Ways To Go Beyond Your Barriers and Live an Extraordinary Life, bestselling author Joel Osteen provides practical steps and encouragement for creating a life without limitations. This book will help readers break out and break free so they can have greater faith, increase productivity, improve relationships. God Is Not Mad at You by Joyce Meyer (Sept.) In this liberating, fresh approach to ones walk with God, Joyce Meyer tackles a hot spot in the battlefield of the mind: the fear of Gods anger. The Reason for My Hope by Billy Graham (Oct.) Who would refuse rescue? This is the question Billy Graham asks throughout this book. The answer is sometimes surprising because there are indeed people who refuse to be saved, even if they are in a hopeless situation. Why? Each chapter draws the reader in by posing questions for contemplation using relevant illustrations about what the world thinks in contrast to what the Bible says. Youll Get Through This by Max Lucado (Sept.) To people who fear they wont make it through, or fear that depression will never lift, the yelling will never stop, or the pain will never leave, Max Lucado offers refreshing assurance.

The Quest by Nelson DeMille (Sept.) Masterful bestselling novelist Nelson DeMille recreates one of his earliest works, a powerful, suspenseful adventure featuring four desperate people on an unholy search for the Holy Grail. Eyes on Target by Scott McEwen and Richard Miniter (Nov.) Told through the eyes of current and former Navy SEALs, Eyes on Target is an inside account of some of the most exciting top-secret missions in American history. In this book, Navy SEALs step forward and reveal their minute-by-minute, bullet-by-bullet experiences in the face of death and danger.

The Church Builder by Stephen L. Carter The author of the bestselling The Emperor of Ocean Park offers his first Christian fiction title, written under the pseudonym A.L. Shields.

Dear Mr. Knightley by Katherine Reay (Nov.) Samantha Moore survived years of darkness in the foster care system by hiding behind her favorite characters in literature, even adopting their very words. After college, Samantha receives an extraordinary opportunity: The anonymous Mr. Knightley offers her a full scholarship to earn her graduate degree at the prestigious Medill School of Journalism. The sole condition is that Sam write to Mr. Knightley regularly to keep him apprised of her progress.

Fifteen Minutes by Karen Kingsbury (Oct.) By the novelist dubbed the Queen of Christian Fiction by Time magazine, Fifteen Minutes explores the cost of fame and celebrity set against the backdrop of Americas favorite singing competition.

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Miss Kays Cookbook by Kay Robertson (Nov.) With a backwoods country flair, the cookbook that fans of the reality TV series Duck Dynasty have been waiting for is finally here. True to her down-home style, Miss Kay doesnt disappoint. From fried chicken to fried frog legs, sausage gumbo to crawfish touffe, and buttery biscuits to red beans and rice, Miss Kay is a master of the back-country, homecooked meal. The Circle of Thirteen by William Petrocelli (Oct.) In 2082 a catastrophic explosion rocks the dedication ceremony of the new United Nations in N e w Yo r k C i t y. Security director Julia Moro is on the job, chasing after the misogynistic leader of Patria, a long-disbanded international terrorist organization now being whispered about again on the streets. As her investigation unfolds, a deep secret from Moros past threatens to strip her of everything she cherishes. interviews, Hunt describes how collaborators came together from opposite sides of the political aisle and, in an extraordinary few hours, reached agreement that the corruption and madness of the sitting governor of Tennessee, Ray Blanton, must be stopped. Unclenching Our Fists: Abusive Men on the Journey to Nonviolence by Sara Elinoff Acker (Oct.) Eleven first-person stories of men from diverse class and racial backgrounds who have made a long-term commitment to end their physical and emotional abuse and control their behavior. These men speak frankly about the abuse they inflicted on their families, what it took to get them to face themselves, and how they feel about the damage they have caused.

Pastrix: The Cranky, Beautiful Faith of a Sinner & Saint by Nadia Bolz-Weber (Sept.) Nadia Bolz-Weber, the former standup comic who has become a Lutheran pastor, weaves hilarious rants and stunning theological insight into her personal narrative of a flawed, beautiful, and unlikely life of faith. Mixed-Up Love by Jon M. Sweeney and Michal Woll (Oct.) Sweeney, a Catholic, a n d Wo l l , a J e w, guide readers through the challenges, compromises, and blessings of being in relationships, dealing with family, and raising children in an interfaith household.

A Bead and a Prayer: A Beginners Guide to Praying with Beads by Kristen E. Vincent (Aug.) A Bead and a Prayer introduces Protestant prayer beads to Christians who have no experience in praying with beads. Vincent explores the history and art of using beads in prayer, explains how to use prayer beads, includes instructions for making your own set of prayer beads, and offers a variety of prayers. Saffron Cross: The Unlikely Story of How a Christian Minister Married a Hindu Monk by J. Dana Trent (Oct.) A memoir about the relationship between Dana, a Baptist minister, and Fred, a devout Hindu and former monk. The two meet on eHarmony and begin a fascinating, sometimes daunting but ultimately inspiring journey of interfaith relationship and marriage.

I, Saul by Jerry Jenkins (Aug.) Told from the point of view of the disciple Luke, the apostle Paul, and Augie, a modernday scholar, I, Saul is a fast-paced story of intrigue and mystery. Readers may be reminded of Indiana Jones and The Da Vinci Code. The Jeremiah Study Bible by Dr. David Jeremiah (Nov.) Drawing from more than 40 years of study, a respected Bible teacher presents the best new study Bible for todays reader. The Jeremiah Study Bible focuses on three simple things: What does the Bible say, what does it mean, and what does it mean for you?
W W W . P U B L I S H E R S W E E K LY. C O M

Saturday Millionaires by Kristi Dosh (Oct.) Last year, the 120 colleges in the Football Bowl Subdivision produced over $1 billion in revenue. Despite the enormous revenue, college football is in upheaval. Schools are accused of throwing their academic missions aside to fund their football teams and the media and fans are beating the drum for athletes to be paid. Saturday Millionaires shows that schools are right to fund their football teams first; that athletes will never be paid like employees; how the media skews the financial facts; and why the TV deals are so important.


Coup: The Day the Democrats Ousted Their Governor, Put Republican Lamar Alexander in Office Early, and Stopped a Pardon Scandal by Keel Hunt (Aug.) Coup is the behind-the-scenes story of an abrupt political transition, unprecedented in U.S. history. Based on 163





102,000 copies at outlets that report to BookScan, while Family, released earlier, sold over 152,000 copies. The Acuff business book was only released in April and has sold over 40,000 copies at BookScan outlets. Another book of strong interest in Nashville was the autobiography of University of Tennessee womens basketball coach Pat Summitt. Sum It Up was #12 during the April 15May 12 period, and since its release in March about 11% of the books 47,100 copies sold at BookScan outlets were in the Nashville area. The top-selling book nationwide during the period was David Baldaccis The Hit, which was #7 in Nashville, followed by Nora Robertss Whiskey Beach, which was #4.

Bestseller Mix

ashville readers gave a strong boost to a couple of hometown publishers this spring. In the four weeks between April 15 and May 12, the topselling print title in the Nashville area was Start: Punch Fear, Escape Average and Do Work that Matters by Jon Acuff, published by Thomas Nelson. In second and third place, at outlets that report to Nielsen BookScan, were two Duck Dynasty-related titlesHappy, Happy, Happy and The Duck Commander Family, both released by Howard Books. None of those three titles cracked the top 10 bestselling books on BookScans national overall bestselling list in the period, although the two Dynasty books have been national bestsellers. Through May 19, Happy, Happy, Happy sold over


APRIL 15MAY 12, 2013


2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

Start Happy, Happy, Happy The Duck Commander Family Whiskey Beach Dead Ever After 12th of Never The Hit Control The Best of Me The Great Gatsby Oh, the Places Youll Go! Sum It Up Proof of Heaven Jesus Calling Calico Joe The Witness Lets Explore Diabetes with Owls Wind Chime Point Lean In The Great Gatsby (movie tie-in) The Lost Years Odd Apocalypse Daddys Gone A Hunting World War Z Stolen Prey

Jon Acuff Phil Robertson Willie & Korie Robertson Nora Roberts Charlaine Harris Patterson/Paetro David Baldacci Glenn Beck Nicholas Sparks F. Scott Fitzgerald Dr. Seuss Pat Summitt Eben Alexander Sarah Young John Grisham Nora Roberts David Sedaris Sherryl Woods Sheryl Sandberg F. Scott Fitzgerald Mary Higgins Clark Dean Koontz Mary Higgins Clark Max Brooks John Sandford

Thomas Nelson Howard Books Howard Books Putnam Ace Books Little, Brown Grand Central Threshold Grand Central Scribner Random House Crown Archetype Simon & Schuster Thomas Nelson Dell Berkley Little, Brown Mira Knopf Scribner Pocket Books Bantam Simon & Schuster Three Rivers Berkley

9781937077594 9781476726090 9781476703541 9780399159893 9781937007881 9780316210829 9781455521210 9781476739878 9780446547635 9780743273565 9780679805274 9780385346870 9781451695199 9781591451884 9780345541338 9780425264768 9780316154697 9780778314424 9780385349949 9781451689433 9781451668926 9780553593099 9781451668940 9780307346612 9780425260999

$22.99 $24.99 $23.99 $27.95 $27.95 $27.99 $27.99 $12.00 $8.00 $15.00 $17.99 $28.00 $15.99 $15.99 $7.99 $16.00 $27.00 $7.99 $24.95 $15.00 $7.99 $9.99 $26.99 $14.95 $9.99

2125 1816 1541 1254 1170 1131 1108 1033 969 918 845 833 706 666 656 653 619 615 578 552 538 528 524 510 259

Hardcover Hardcover Hardcover Hardcover Hardcover Hardcover Hardcover Trade Paper Mass Market Trade Paper Hardcover Hardcover Trade Paper Trade Paper Mass Market Trade Paper Hardcover Mass Market Hardcover Trade Paper Mass Market Mass Market Hardcover Trade Paper Mass Market


Information supplied by Nielsen BookScan. Copyright 2013 The Nielsen Company. All rights reserved.

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