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Elizabeth Cady Stanton


Grace M. Willow room June 2013

Famous Quotation: "The best protection any women can have... Is courage."
Best known for: she helped with women suffrage. She fought really hard to get women the right to vote and she worked on abolishing slavery. I think that without her when I turn 18 I wouldn't be able to vote without her. I'm glad she did what she did because things might be different without her.

What I nd interesting: That she worked to abolish slavery and she is white. I also nd it interesting that women couldn't vote before 1902. I chose this person because she got women's rights, and I am a girl. I think all people should have equal rights.

3 Key Qualities: 1.Communicated and shared 2. Took action 3. Overcame hardship or challenge

Overcame a Hardship/Challenge
Women could not vote and could not own property in the 1800s. When she tried to change the law the boys refused to change it. They called her names and they also called her crazy. I think they are not thinking right because every one should have the same rights and not letting things change is just plain rock brain.You should not call people names.

Showed Compassion and Empathy

She was white, and she wanted to help African Americans. She was an abolitionist. I think that she is being nice because she could have just said it's not affecting my life so why bother to x it.

Took Action
She decided that women should have more rights. She organized the1848 Seneca Falls Convention in order to get women more rights. I think that she did the right thing because if you believe in something reasonable, and it is not happening, you should change it.

Men were ghting against her but she kept on trying. She fought back with her words and gave lots of speeches. I think that is good because no matter what other people think you should keep on trying.

Impact: How Things are Different Today

Women couldn't own property and they could't vote or go to college and things might still be true if Elizabeth Cady Stanton hadn't led the way. I think that getting the right to vote is important because if women can't get close to changing laws.

Demonstrated Bravery
When people called her names and called her crazy she kept on trying to change the law and stand up for women's rights. Her father didn't want laws to change and she went against her father. I think that is important because stood up for her rights. I think that is brave because going against your father takes courage.

Communicated and Shared

She read aloud their "Declaration of Rights and Sentiments." She was trying to show that everyone is created equal. I think that making a speech is communicating because she is telling people about her ideas.

Elizabeth Cady Stanton.

Persevered when: Boys fought back and turned her down but she kept on trying. Showed compassion when: even though she was white and she wanted to help free slaves from slavery.

Took action by: Giving speeches telling people about her ideas.

Made a difference when: She was ghting really hard to get women the right to vote and other things to.

Author Talk
Im similar to my Change Maker because she believes that all people should be created equally and I do too. Im a Change Maker when I help with the craziness of my 3 brothers and calm them down.

My Change Maker is connected to Susan B. Anthony because she worked on women suffrage and making change just like Elizabeth.

Elizabeth Cady Stanton Elizabeth leads the way.

Americans who tell the truth.

They led the way

A Change Maker is: Someone who makes a change in the wold for what they believe in. Suffrage The right to vote.

Abolitionist Someone who helps like Elizabeth did when she helped slaves in slavery.

Getting a lot of people together to make a speech.


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