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Amelia Earhart


Parker S. Willow Room June 2013

Famous Quotation: "Please know that I am aware of the hazards. I want to do it because I want to do it. Women must try to do things as men have tried. When they fail, their failure must be a challenge to others."
Best known for: Amelia had lots of ying adventures. In January 1935 she became the rst to y to Hawaii to SF. The next ight she took was across both the Atlantic & the Pacic Oceans. She was to y from LA to Mexico.

What I nd interesting: that Amelia had a talent for ying & she ew planes very well.

3 Key Qualities:

1. Persevered 2. Took action 3. Demonstrated Bravery

I chose this person because... I like planes & she liked planes too. She made stuff & I like making stuff too. I also like Amelia's hairdo.

Overcame a Hardship/Challenge
In 1920 Amelia went to an air show in Los Angeles & she got excited because she wanted to y. But women weren't supposed to go out on adventures. I think it's bad that only men could do what they wanted. Women had to stay around & do nothing.

Showed Compassion and Empathy

Before Amelia liked planes she helped wounded men from the army that have been shot. Amelia liked helping them. Then she liked planes so she started to only help people that were in planes. I think that Amelia only helped people that were in planes because she really really liked planes & she asked them about planes so she could ride planes.

Took Action
In 1928, Amelia Earhart became the rst women to y across the Atlantic Ocean. She checked the map on the plane called the Friendship. I think that when she checked the map on the plane she had to work hard so she didn't make mistakes. She became famous because she ew.

Amelia liked planes & rode them. She got thrown in an open eld & another time she crashed in a storm. Even though she had accidents, she kept ying & trying. I think Amelia worked very hard & she didn't stop trying. She didn't stop trying because she loved planes.

Impact: How Things are Different Today

If Amelia hadn't decided to y planes then women might not be able to y planes. Now girls know that they have the same rights as men.

Demonstrated Bravery
Flying was rough & dangerous. Planes were unsafe & they usually crashed but Amelia still wanted to y. Her father let Amelia have a short ight. Amelia was so excited as she took off. It was so pretty she knew she wanted to y. I think it was brave of Amelia to y when it was stormy out.

Communicated and Shared

Amelia Earhart wrote lots of stuff about her life. She also gave lectures. In her speeches she shared about war & the rights of women. I think she worked very hard for war to stop & for women's rights.

Amelia Earhart
Persevered when: Amelia liked planes & rode them. She got thrown in an open eld & another time she crashed in a storm. Even though she had accidents she kept ying.
Showed compassion when: Before Amelia liked planes she helped wounded men from the army that have been shot, or they got cut during the war. Amelia liked helping them. Then she liked planes, so she started to only help people that were in planes.

Took action: In 1928, Amelia Earhart became the rst women to y across the Atlantic Ocean. She checked the map on the plane called the friendship.

Made a difference: If Amelia had not decided to y planes then women might not be able to y planes.

Author Talk
Im similar to my Change Maker because I like planes and Amelia Earhart liked planes too. Im a Change Maker when I pick up trash from the bay.

My change maker is connected to the Wright brothers because they made the rst successful ight and Amelia Earhart was the rst women to make a successful ight.

A Picture Book of Amelia Earhart

Flying Ace: The Story of Amelia Earhart

A Change Maker is: Someone who changed something in everyone's life or in the world.

"Domestic robot":
Amelia made up this phrase to explain why she didn't want to marry. She didn't want to become a women who just cooked, cleaned, and did the laundry day after day.

Atlantic Ocean: The 2nd largest ocean in the world. It's the ocean between Africa & the United States. Amelia was rst women to y across this ocean.

Heroine: A woman who helped the world or did something very brave like a hero.

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