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Fourth International Conference on FRP Composites in Civil Engineering (CICE2008) 22-24July 2008, Zurich, Switzerland

Theoretical, computational and experimental analysis of concrete structures reinforced with carbon fiber
Alex Alves Bandeira (1), Joo Virglio Merighi (1), Rita Moura Fortes (1), Simo Priszkulnik (1), Alfonso Pappalardo Junior (1), Michel Haddad (2).
(1) (2)

Professors of the Department of Civil Engineering of the Presbyterian Mackenzie University. Civil Engineering of the Department of Technology of Sika (Brazil).

ABSTRACT: The basic aim of this paper is to present a preliminary study of the behavior of concrete beams under compression and a flexural stresses, both reinforced with carbon fibers. In each research, theoretical formulations, experimental results and numerical methodology using the finite element methods are presented. To simulate numerically the rupture of the concrete speciments, the adequate parameters are considered to define the rupture surface of the Drucker-Prager criterion for structural concrete elements in higher tensions. For the flexural beam simulation, the Willam-Warnke criterion is applied. In the end of this paper numerical results are presented to conclude this research. 1 INTRODUCTION The basic aim of this paper is to present a preliminary study of the behavior of concrete elements under compression and a flexural stresses, both reinforced with carbon fibers. In each research, theoretical formulations, experimental results and numerical methodology using the finite element methods are presented. The objectives are: compare the efficiency and accuracy of the concrete theoretical formulations reinforced with carbon fibers with the experimental and numerical results; analyze the security coefficient of the concrete and the carbon fibers proposed by the Brazilian and American Code for composed materials produced in Brazil; analyze the carbon fiber efficiency considering the optimization in terms of carbon fibers numbers layers; present numerical models using finite elements method and its consistent formulations to simulated the structural reinforced concrete behavior and finally, applying the ANSYS program to simulate the numerical models. To simulate numerically the rupture of the concrete specimens, as shown in Figure 1, Figure 2 and Figure 3, the adequate parameters are considered to define the rupture surface of the Drucker-Prager criterion for structural concrete elements in higher tensions. To simulate the structural beam, the Figure 9 and Figure 10 show the 3D SOLID65 element of ANSYS program allows to simulated fragile materials and the specification of diffuse bars in up to any three directions. For the representation of the concrete a resistance criterion was created considering itself the characteristics of fragile rupture to the traction and the plastic behavior of the compression. It is regarding the Willam-Warnke criterion, supported by the SOLID65 element, incapacitated to the compression, associated to the Von-Mises criterion simulating plasticity for compression. By this methodology, a problem of flexural of armed concrete beam was analyzed, being compared its results to the theoretical one. The comparison of the results leading that the 3D SOLID65 model is capable to represent with considerable precision the experimental model, becoming thus an option, although the involved operational cost, for more necessary analyses of armed concrete structures. This methodology presented brings excellent contributions for the numerical simulation for finite elements of armed concrete structures.



Figure 1 Initial configuration

Figure 2 Rupture configuration

Figure 3 Rupture configuration

In this section a theoretical and experimental study of a concrete specimen reinforced with carbon fiber are presented. This reinforcement is done in several compressive strengths, strengthened with simple and multiple carbon fiber layers. The propose is to investigate the influence of strengthening concrete externally bonded with carbon fiber reinforced polymer systems in the resistant capacity and structural safety of columns. To obtain the average value in this experiment, several tests are made. Each one has its geometry defined by a cylinder with 150 mm ray and 300 mm height. The concrete mix composition and its properties are presented in Table 1.
Table 1 Concrete composition and properties Experimental registers Cement CPIII-40-RS Quartz sand granitic crushed stone (n 0) Ratio water/cement Consistent index Specific mass of the concrete Cement consume Quartz sand consume granitic crushed stone consume Water consume (kg) (kg) (kg) (kg/kg) (mm) (kg/m3) (kg/m3) (kg/m3) (kg) (kg) Concrete dosage 1.0 2.0 3.0 1.0 105 2 372.0 399.0 598.50 997.50 207.48

The carbon fiber used in this work is made by Sika, untitled SikaWrapPP-300 C Sikadur330. Its physical properties are presented in Table 2.
Table 2 Carbon fiber properties Elasticity Module 230 000 MPa Specific deformation of Rupture 1.5% Tractive ultimate resistance 3 900 MPa Blade layer Thickness 0.166 mm

The experimental test consists in a simple axial compression of test-bodies of concrete defined in Table 1. Basically, several specimens without carbon fiber reinforced were tested to obtain the compression characteristic resistance. Furthermore, the same procedures are replaced for specimens with one and two layers of carbon fiber reinforced. The reinforcement design for confinement in pillars of armed concrete of circular section depends on the increase determination of the compressive strength due to the confinement. Ac-


cording to ACI (2000), the increase of the compressive strength of the concrete, decurrent of the lateral confinement, is given by the expression:

7,9 f l 2 fl 2 n t f f , f cc = f c 2, 25 1 + 1, 25 , where f l = f f c c


where fc is the compression characteristic resistance, fl is the radial pressure of confinement imposed by the carbon fiber blanket, n is the number of layers, t is the final thickness of the reinforcement and ff is the breaking strength of the blanket of FRP (Fiber-Reinforced polymer) that are directly proportional to the increase of the concrete compressive strength and is the specimen diameter. The numerical simulation is done by finite element method, using ANSYS program. To model these experimental tests, the Drucker-Prager resistance criterion was used. This model is capable to represent the increase of the compressive strength in function of the increase of the confinement tension. According to this model, the meridians are straight and, therefore, only two parameters are necessary for the description of the concrete rupture surface. According to MohrCoulomb, the meridian can be defined by the function

= c tg


where c is the cohesion of the material (MPa) that, geometrically, it represents the linear coefficient and is the internal friction angle of the material, that represents the angular coefficient of the straight line. In this work, after several researches and experiments in laboratory, it is assumed that the Drucker-Pragers parameters depend of the compression characteristic resistance as defined by the following expressions

c = 1, 41 + 0,324 f ck , = 32 0, 275 fck .


Two types of finite elements had been used in this model: one is the PLANE42 axisymmetric plain elements of four nodes to represent the material concrete and the other one is the SHELL51 axisymmetric elements of two nodes to simulate the confinement of the carbon fiber blanket, as indicated in Figure 4 and Figure 5. The axisymmetric formularization was adopted, therefore, leads to the most economic models without losing quality of the results.
p [Mpa]

axisymmetric shell element of 2 nodes (SHELL51)

rotation axis

axisymmetric plain element of 4 nodes (PLANE42)

eixo de revoluo
75 mm

Figure 4 Axisymmetric finite element model

Figure 5 Specimen geometry

It is considered that the concrete is an isotropic material with elasto-fragile behavior with elasticity module defined by E = 5600fck and Poisson coefficient by 0.2. It is also considered that the carbon fiber reinforcement blanket is an orthotropic material of perfect elasto-fragile behavior. To model it the Von Mises criterion is used. The numerical procedure consists to apply the load incrementally in the top face of the finite element model until the rupture is gotten. The constraints are applied in the bottom face of the model, limiting itself only to the restriction of the vertical displacements. No lateral restriction was considered in this model.


300 mm

The simulation methodology is done by non-linear analysis by applying the load in several increments. Here it is assuming that the number of load increments is equal to 100. Observing in Table 1, the mean compression resistance of the specimen without carbon fiber reinforcement is equal to 34,2 MPa. In the numerical simulation, when the load increment reached the time increment 0,366 this such value correspond to the resistance of rupture in MPa, because after this time the numerical analysis lost convergence and consequently the analysis cannot get the equilibrium. The same procedure is done for the test-bodies with one and two carbon fiber reinforcement. The experimental and numerical results are presented in Table 3.
Table 3 Specimen results Mean compression resistance [MPa] Without carbon fiber reinforcement With one carbon fiber reinforcement With two carbon fiber reinforcement Experimental 34,2 48,4 67,8 FEM Simulation 36,6 50,2 78,4

In Figure 6 presents the longitudinal tensions (axial) and circumferential (tangential) in the limit of the rupture zone for a standard specimen with two layers of reinforcement.

STEP=1 SUB =9 TIME=.502578 SY (AVG) RSYS=0 DMX =3.806 SMN =-54.898 SMX =-40.739


DEC 1 2007 22:48:46

-54.898 -51.752 Y Z X

-48.605 -45.459 -42.312 -53.325 -50.178 -47.032 -43.885 -40.739 fck=34.2 MPa / 1 CFR / 50.2578132 MPa / 88.8128967

Figure 6 Longitudinal tensions of shear in the limit zone of the collapse

Figure 7 y stress


100 2 6,3mm

24 176
3 8mm

armed concrete beam

t 5mm



400 1750



(dimensions in mm)

Figure 8 Armed concrete beam model

The physical model consists of a beam with cross section 10cm 20cm, with the same concrete defined in section 2 (fck = 34,2 MPa), armed in longitudinally direction with 3 bars (CA50) of 8mm to support the flexural effect. The boundary conditions and dimensions are shown in Figure 8. The concrete beams were studied at Mackenzie University laboratory. The load was applied in two symmetrical points of the beam as shown in Figure 8. To make this experiment twenty beams are developed. Four beams is kept without carbon fiber reinforcement and four sets, each one with four beams, are made with one, two, three and four layers of carbon fiber reinforcement, respectively. Figure 9 and Figure 10 illustrate the initial configuration and the rupture configuration of a beam with two carbon fiber reinforcement.



Figure 9 Experimental Model

Figure 10 Rupture configuration

The constitutive equation defined by Williams and Warnke is used to model the nonlinear response of brittle concrete materials. This material model has five parameters of resistance to define the rupture surface, being able to be dependent of the temperature. Theses parameter are: ultimate uniaxial tensile strength (ft); ultimate uniaxial compressive strength (fc); ultimate biaxial compressive strength (fcb); ambient hydrostatic stress state (ah); ultimate compressive strength for a state of biaxial compression superimposed on hydrostatic stress state ah (f1); ultimate compressive strength for a state of uniaxial compression superimposed on hydrostatic stress state ah (f2). However, the failure surface can be specified with a minimum of two constants, ft and fc. The others Willam and Warnke default constants are defined as following

f cb = 1, 2 f c ; f1 = 1, 45 f c ; f 2 = 1, 725 f c .
tisfied. For more details refer ANSYS (2006). Here ft = 0,3 ( f ck )


The above equations are valid only for stress states where the condition h 3 f c is sa. This physical model is simulated by ANSYS. The 3D isoparametric solid element with eight nodes (Solid65) is used to model the concrete and the reinforcing bars (rebar) elements equivalent to 3 bars of 8 mm. The Shell63 element is used to model the carbon fiber reinforcement. The 3D model corresponds to 1110 nodes and 864 elements, see Figure 11 and Figure 12.
576 concrete elements
MAY 7 2007


144 elements with reinforced bars

boundary conditions

Purely flexural (bending) vertical cracks

Figure 11 Beam discretization with 720 Solid65 elements

Figure 12 Flexural cracks at increment 38

The theoretical model consists to obtain the solution of the following equilibrium equations of the cross section illustrated in Figure 13 by optimization procedures.
As f yk

f ck

0,8 x b ( h 0, 4 x ) + A 's f yk

f yk

( h d ") + As

f yk

d ' = f Mk


( d 0, 4 x ) + A 's

h x ( 0, 4 x d ") + Afc c bi E fc ( h 0, 4 x ) = f M k s x

The parameters and are the security coefficient of the carbon fiber, f is the load securitys coefficient, s is the steels security coefficient, c is the concretes security coefficient, Mk


is the flexural moment of the beam, c is the carbon fibers strain and Efc is the carbon fibers elasticity module. The mean deflexion of the beams during the increments of the loads is picked in Figure 14.
( )

0,85 fcd
0,8x Rsd Rcd

c s

d x h


d As d

M> 0 Rsd

d 0,4x

s fc



Figure 13 Analitical model

Figure 14 Experimental results: Beam deflexion

The Table 4 contains the theoretical, experimental e numerical results of the mean rupture load for each concrete beams without and with layers of carbon fiber reinforcement.
Table 4 Rupture load of the beams Number of carbon fiber reinforcement 0 1 2 3 4 Analytical 51,0 70,5 96,2 106,9 114,9 Experimental 62,5 87,5 95,0 103,0 110,0 FEM Simulation 54,5 80,7 99,9 100,0 111,0

4 CONCLUSIONS In the experimental tests all security coefficients are removed in the analysis. The authors can concluded that the numerical simulation using finite element methods lies to good accuracy solutions when compared with the experimental e theoretical analysis. Analyzing the results in Table 3, the Drucker-Pragers parameters defined in equation 3 get a good accuracy with the experimental results for the test-bodies without carbon fiber reinforcement and with one layer of carbon fiber reinforcement. The proposed equation of the Drucker-Pragers parameters should be in superior order to simulate numerically with more accuracy the specimen with more than two carbon fiber reinforcement. In the flexural beam analysis the analytical, experimental and numerical results lie to a good agreement between them. In the flexural beam after three layers of carbon fiber reinforcement it doesnt increase the resistance of the beam. To conclude the carbon fiber reinforcement made by Sika works perfectly with the established specifications. 5 REFERENCES
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