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Unit 4 Food and measurements

Word accident (n) air (n) Definition Translation a situation in which someone is injured accidente (n) the mixture of gases around the Earth that we breathe to let someone do or have something, or let something happen a hard round fruit that has red, light green or yellow skin and is white inside the liquid that comes from apples apples that are crushed so they are almost liquid to help someone a long curved tropical fruit with a yellow skin a seed or a pod that comes from a climbing plant and is cooked as food, e.g. baked beans, kidney beans meat from a cow coffee without added milk or cream a clear liquid in which meat, chicken, fish or vegetables have been cooked and which is eaten as soup or used to make sauces to take air into your lungs and send it out again aire (n)

allow (v)

permitir (v)

apple (n)

manzana (n)

apple juice (n) apple pure (n)

zumo de manzana (n) pur de manzana (n)

assist (v) banana (n)

ayudar (v) pltano (n)

bean (n)

juda (n)

beef (n) black coffee (n) bouillon (n)

carne de ternera (n) caf solo (n) caldo (n)

breathe (v)

respirar (v)


Word broccoli (n)

Definition a green vegetable that has short branch-like stems to clean something or make something smooth and tidy using a brush a solid yellow food made from milk or cream that you spread on bread a unit for measuring the amount of energy that food will produce a long pointed orange vegetable that grows under the ground a solid food made from milk, which is usually yellow or white in colour and can be soft or hard a small round red or black fruit with a long thin stem and a stone in the middle to bite food several times before swallowing it a common farm bird that is kept for its meat and eggs

Translation brcoli (n)

brush (v)

cepillar (v)

butter (n)

mantequilla (n)

calorie (n)

calora (n)

carrot (n)

zanahoria (n)

cheese (n)

queso (n)

cherry (n)

cereza (n)

chew (v)

masticar (v)

chicken (n)

pollo (n)

clear liquid diet (n)

a diet that consists of liquid foods, e.g. dieta lquida (n) black coffee, tea with lemon, bouillon, clear fruit juices, clear fruit ices, clear gelatin desserts a hot dark brown drink that has a slightly bitter taste a brown sweet soft drink making you feel physically relaxed, without any pain or without being too hot, cold, etc. caf (n)

coffee (n)

cola (n) comfortable (adj)

cola (n) cmodo (adj)

corn (n)

a tall plant with large yellow seeds that maz (n) grow together on a cob to put something over or be over something in order to hide, close or cubrir (v)

cover (v)



Definition protect it


cranberry juice (n)

a drink made with the liquid that comes from cranberries sweet food served after the main part of a meal produced for people who have diabetes produced for people who have diabetes to change food that you have just eaten into substances that your body can use exactly in a particular position or direction to take liquid into your mouth and swallow it without problems or difficulties the physical and mental strength that makes you able to do things a unit for measuring liquid equal to 0.028 litres many different types of fruit cut into small pieces a diet that is designed for when the body can digest all liquids but still cannot tolerate solid food to pass waste liquid or waste matter from your body a unit for measuring weight in the metric system a hollow green vegetable that you can cook or eat raw in salads

zumo de arndanos (n)

dessert (n)

postre (n)

diabetic (adj)

para diabticos (adj)

diabetic (adj)

para diabticos (adj)

digest (v)

digerir (v)

directly (adv)

directamente (adv)

drink (v)

beber (v)

easily (adv) energy (n)

fcilmente (adv) energa (n)

fluid ounce (n)

onza de fluido (n)

fruit salad (n)

macedonia de frutas (n)

full-liquid diet (n)

dieta totalmente lquida (n)

go to the toilet (v phr) gram (n)

ir al lavabo (v)

gramo (n)

green pepper (n)

pimiento verde (n)

grilled (adj)

you cook it by putting it on a flat metal a la parrilla (adj) frame with bars across it and above or below strong direct heat PHOTOCOPIABLE 2012 Pearson

Word hip (n)

Definition one of the two parts on each side of your body at the top of your leg the process of cutting into someone's body to remove damaged parts of the patient's hip joint and replace them with new artificial parts a sweet sticky substance produced by bees and used as food frozen sweet food made of milk, cream and sugar a piece of sweet-tasting ice on a stick that you suck a unit for measuring weight equal to 1000 grams 1000 joules; a unit equivalent to 0.239 nutritional calories a type of Italian food made with flat pieces of pasta, meat or vegetables and cheese a substance that is not a solid or a gas, e.g. water, milk a unit for measuring liquid in the metric system a small amount of something the main part of a meal to look at someone in their eyes

Translation cadera (n)

hip replacement operation (n)

operacin de sustitucin de cadera (n)

honey (n)

miel (n)

ice-cream (n)

helado (n)

ice-lolly (n)

polo (n)

kilogram (n)

kilogramo (n)

kilojoule (n)

kilojulio (n)

lasagne (n)

lasaa (n)

liquid (n)

lquido (n)

litre (n)

litro (n)

little (adj) main course (n) make eye contact (v phr) mashed (adj)

poco (adj) plato principal (n) establecer contacto visual (v)

food that is cooked and crushed until it pur (n) is soft and smooth potato that has been cooked and crushed a small flat piece of cloth which protects a surface, e.g. on a table pur de patatas (n)

mashed potato (n)

mat (n)

esterilla (n)


Word maybe (adv)

Definition used to make a suggestion you are not quite sure about the length, height or weight of something

Translation posiblemente (adv)

measurement (n)

medida (n)

Mediterranean (adj) menu (n)

relating to the area of southern Europe mediterrneo (adj) around the Mediterranean sea a list of all the kinds of food that are available for a meal white liquid produced by cows that is drunk by people a unit for measuring an amount of liquid; there are 1000 millilitres in one litre an amount of food or drink that you put into your mouth at one time a white Italian cheese that is often used on pizza preventing something, e.g. a cup from sliding accidentally the process of giving or getting the right type of food for good health eggs mixed together and cooked in hot fat, sometimes with other foods added the process of cutting into someone's body to repair or remove a part that is damaged the liquid that comes from oranges to ask for food or a drink men (n)

milk (n)

leche (n)

millilitre (n)

milmetro (n)

mouthful (n)

bocado (n)

mozzarella (n)

mozzarela (n)

non-slip (adj)

antideslizante (adj)

nutrition (n)

nutricin (n)

omelette (n)

tortilla (n)

operation (n)

operacin (n)

orange juice (n) order (v) ounce (n)

zumo de naranza (n) pedir (v)

a unit for measuring weight equal to onza (n) 28.35 grams; there are 16 ounces in a pound an Italian food made from flour, eggs pasta (n) and water and cut into various shapes;

pasta (n)



Definition usually eaten with a sauce


pea (n)

a round green seed that is cooked and guisante (n) eaten as a vegetable a hollow red, green or yellow vegetable, eaten either raw or cooked with other food a food made of thin flat round bread, baked with tomato, cheese and sometimes vegetables or meat on top pimiento (n)

pepper (n)

pizza (n)

pizza (n)

plastic apron (n)

a piece of clothing made from a light delantal (n) strong waterproof material that covers the front part of your clothes to protect them a flat and usually round dish that you eat from expressing support, agreement or approval a unit for measuring weight equal to 16 ounces or 0.454 kilograms to say that you admire and approve of someone or something an amount of something that can be counted or measured a pie without a top filled with a mixture of eggs, cheese and vegetables to get better after an illness a food that consists of small white or brown grains that you boil in water until they become soft enough to eat to cook something, e.g. meat in an oven a small round loaf of bread for one person large fish with silver skin and pink plato (n)

plate (n)

positive (adj)

positivo (adj)

pound (n)

libra (n)

praise (v)

elogiar (v)

quantity (n)


quiche (n)

quiche (n)

recover (v) rice (n)

recuperarse (v) arroz (n)

roast (adj)

asado (adj)

roll (n)

bocadillo (n)

salmon (n)




Definition flesh


serve (v)

to give food to someone as part of a meal a small amount of food, e.g. a vegetable that you eat with a main meal not hard or firm food; easy to chew a thick meat and tomato sauce served with spaghetti a thin tube of paper or plastic for sucking up liquid a healthy butter substitute made from sunflowers to make food or drink go down your throat a pie without a top on it containing a sweet filling a hot drink made by pouring boiling water onto dried leaves the hard white objects in your mouth that you use to bite and eat food a round soft red fruit eaten raw or cooked as a vegetable a piece of furniture with a flat top with raised edges supported by legs the meat from a turkey eaten as food a cup that has two places to hold it

servir (v)

side dish (n)

guarnicin (n)

soft diet (n) spaghetti bolognaise (n) straw (n)

dieta blanda (n) espaguetis a la boloesa (n)

pajita (n)

sunflower spread (n) swallow (v)

margarina (n)

tragar (v)

tart (n)

tarta (n)

tea (n)

t (n)

teeth (n pl)

dientes (n)

tomato (n)

tomate (n)

tray table (n)

mesa-bandeja (n)

turkey (n) two-handled cup (n) vegetable (n) vegeterian (adj) visually impaired

pavo (n) taza de dos asas (n)

a plant that is eaten raw or cooked with no meat or fish the eyes are damaged, less strong or

verdura (n) vegetariano (adj) con problemas visuales (adj)


Word (adj) yoghurt (n)

Definition not as good as before a thick liquid food that tastes slightly sour and is made from milk none at all, or the lowest possible amount


yogur (n)

zero (n)

cero (n)


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