Soliloquy of Love

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Soliloquy of Love
By Ricardo Saul LaRosa

Heart! Heart of mine, why did you let me down the path of sorrows and ill-fated
romance? Why didn’t you look out for me? I trust you with my most sacred of
feelings and secrets. Why did you let me down! Why, why I must know!

You have brought me so much miseries and torments. I have been hurt beyond
repair; I believe I will never ever love again; my emotions have been left cold and
indifferent. I have become cold and apathy rules my feelings. This was my worst
fear come true.

The Great Spirit of the Universe made me with a happy and poetic heart and this
was always my pride and joy; should this experience leave me un-poetic than it is
truly my punished for listening to you and trying to love Ida beyond what
Providence had ever planned. But why didn’t you warn me!

Heart of mine you must also be punished for your betrayal of my trust; you are
henceforth banish from my being until a time that my sorrows and furry may no
longer rip my soul apart. I wish things had turned differently with Ida and I but
they did not.

I damn you for your betrayal; I curse you for your failures; I hate you for your
idealism; for believing that true love can really come my way! I wish you were not
my heart for another would have looked out better for me. I wish you loneliness
and coldness and hardships and forever lost in this world never knowing the
grace of a true love; damn you a hundred times, heart of mine and now be gone!

Go Away! I no longer want to see you; you have caused me enough pain and grief
so why are you still here? Go away I no longer want to see you! Why do you
torment me still? Haven’t you done enough damage to my life?

(the Heart exists and the Poet is left alone)

Great and wondrous stars upon the infinite canvass of the universe you know

© 2009 by Ricardo Saul LaRosa

better than anyone else the life I have led and the many mountains I have
climbed, the struggles and disappointments that have overwhelmed my soul.
You know that in my life I have only know true love three times and Ida was the
last one. I guess I should not complain for three great loves in one life time are
more than most people ever experience; some have never even known a true love
even once. No, I am not complaining at all.

I am, indeed, very thankful for what I have been given in this lifetime for I realize
that I have been truly blessed by the Gods. I have been given so many blessings
that it would take all night just to write them down on paper.

Tonight, I call upon your great wisdom for guidance and some kind of lasting
closure to my love for Ida. I realize now that we are not going to be reunited for it
has been too many years since we last were together. I ask from the Great Spirit of
the universe for strength and forgiveness.

Forgiveness for loving a wonderful woman who was not at liberty to love freely
as she wanted to or as I insisted that she did. With all my heart and soul I am
sorry for the bad decisions I made and for all the hurt and sorrows our
relationship has caused Ida.

Tonight, I call upon your great compassion for Ida and I. We both have been
through a very trying time because of our love for each other. I ask you to mend
her heart and mind from all illness this relationship has caused her. I ask you that
you make her anew again and renew her zest for life that she always held dearly
so that she may continue her life as prosperous and joyous as ever before.

Tonight, I call upon your great strength for Ida and I so that we both may go on
about our lives as happily and peacefully as ever. She is a beautiful woman both
on the outside as well as the inside and her compassion towards others is endless.
She did not deserve the heartaches and pains that our romance gave her. For the
pain I have cause Ida I am truly sorry, but not, nor ever for having known her and
for us falling in love. Never!

Tonight, I call upon your great peace to comfort Ida and I for we both have been
hurt beyond words. A peace of divine love that only you can gives us for the

© 2009 by Ricardo Saul LaRosa

healing process will take some time.

Tonight, I call upon your great mercy upon Ida and I for her sin and mine are
clearly. For she was not free to love me as she did nor should I have pushed her
passed the line of good judgment. I accept without bitterness or anger the
punishment that the stars have in store for me. Whatever mercy you have for me I
give them for Ida; upon her most true mercy prevail as for me I shall accept the
sentence as is without complaints.

Tonight, I call upon your great powers to take away the love that I have for Ida in
my heart. I have suffered enough and the pain is unbearable. If it is written in the
stars that Ida and I will not be reunited in this lifetime than holding on to the great
love that I feel for her has no purpose and it will only torment me.

Tonight, I humbly call upon you in this prayer; I ask nothing for myself for I have
been blessed heavenly; I ask for my long lost Ida for her peace of mind and
happiness and a lasting closure of this great love that we both shared.


© 2009 by Ricardo Saul LaRosa

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