Name: Bianca Brainwood Date of Birth: 17/ 05/ 1997

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Name: Bianca Brainwood Date of birth: 17/ 05/ 1997

Year: 1997 Month: May (Taurus) Day: 17th Hour: 10:00

Lunar birth phase is: The first Quarter

The moon is depicted as the Goddess differently at different times.

During the new moon she is depicted as the virgin or the maiden, a nubile seductive deity of burgeoning sexuality and emergent procreative powers. As the Moon increases to full, the image becomes one of the fertile mother, pregnant with life. In the last phase, as she wanes to darkness, she is portrayed as the witch, or crone, the wise woman versed in magical arts, a sorcerer and mistress of disguise with powers to heal and transform all that passes through her hands.

Mystical Trinity: The three faces of the Moon Goddess represent Natures cycles and fuse the conscious, unconscious and sub-conscious processes of the human mind. Our material, emotional and spiritual faces. The moon has become the archetype of creation, womanhood and the feminine psyche.

Goddess Diana: Diana: Also known as Artemis. She is the goddess of the hunt and roams the woodlands as a spirit. She is known to protect animals and young girls. She is the sister of Apollo and is known for being well versed in healing and protection of innocence.

FACTS ABOUT THE Moon : Increased fertility rate, especially if you live at the sea. A day before the New moon, the latter is Black. In magic and astrology it is also called Lilith. It is the strongest destructive point. The new moon and the full moon are of particular importance. Magick groups gather together for work. They are called Esbath. When the moon is black, it is possible to plunge into the deepest parts of your subconscious. To find things that are hidden to us and arouse your ancient blood.

Just like during the waning moon this is a period to put evil curses and imprecations, to reject love and coolings. Besides, at this moment, magicians can break psychic attacks, treat illness and cure evil curses. The ascending moon is used for charms to excite love, talismans charging, fortune and money attracting.

WITCHES SABBATH: The witches Sabbath and other ceremonial nights are held on Force nights, especially during four moon holidays that are the most significant for Witches. The most famous and well known Witch celebration is Samhein: Samhein, or Samhain, is the Eve of all Saints day, the 31st of October. Initially All Saints day was one of the big fire holidays in Britain in the period of druids. In Scotland it was associated with the time when spirits of dead people, demons and sorcerers were immensely active and gracious. On this night, people held rites for getting known their future marriage partners and youths gave themselves up to pleasure. Elder people protected carefully their houses from Demons and Witches because they had a great power that night.

Beltane is on the 30th of April. The eve of Mary was considered to be a night when all demons, ghosts and bad faeries cropped up and held wild festivals. It symbolized the vernal equinox. Ritual foods for this day are fruit and vegetables. On this day, merlins favorite, King Arthur was born. The Christians feast the day of Saint Walpurgis and only for that reason do a lot of people still celebrate this pagan holiday.

IMBOLC! Imbolc is on the 2nd of February. It is the only holiday that begins in the morning and not in the evening. A lot of candles are lit Ritual foods must have a lot of components This is a day when dark forces awaken after winter

Force days! 1. The first force day is Ostara, and it is on the 22nd of March. It is also the vernal equinox. It is the holiday of spring and natures awakening. Magick premonitions are held The ritual foods are usually fruit and vegetables

2. MABON!!!

- The autumnal equinox is held on the 22nd of September. - it celebrates wise men, autumn and teachers - it relates to the element of Water and is celebrated in an open space, probably outside. -


Is celebrated from the 21st of June until the morning of the 22nd. Magical rites connected to the element of Earth are held. At night people make fires, and love orgies. It is the holiday of summer and love


Starts on the 22nd of December and finishes on the The rites held are connected to the element of Water. It is the time for meditation, finding of perished ancestors and the opening of new abilities. Black tourmaline is used by witches to help with charms and love potions

For an earth pentagram begin from the bottom left point

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