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Metabolic Masterpiece Fat Loss Nutrition Plan

By Scott Tousignant

Copyright 2010, Scott Tousignant and

You should recognize that any exercise program involves some element of risk. You should consult with your physician or health care professional to see if the recommendations within this report is something you can do without endangering your health and for diagnosis and treatment of illness and injuries, and for advice regarding medications. While exercise is normally very beneficial, it is important that you undertake the advice within this report, knowing that you do not have any health conditions that may be aggravated or damaged by activities suggested within this report. The author of this report shall have neither liability nor responsibility to any person or entity with respect to any damage or injury alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by the information contained in this book. You should never discontinue taking medications prescribed by your doctor without specific consultation with your doctor. You should obtain clearance from your doctor before you undertake any program of exercise as the activities may be too strenuous or dangerous for some people. Before making any changes to your personal diet and nutrition habits it is recommended that you consult with your physician or health care professional. The nutrition advice within this report is not intended for the treatment or prevention of disease, nor as a substitute for medical treatment. The nutrition advice outlined herein should not be adopted without consultation with a physician or your health professional. Use of the nutrition advice herein is at the sole choice and risk of the reader. The authors are neither responsible, nor liable, for any harm or injury resulting from the nutrition advice suggested.

Copyright 2010, Scott Tousignant and

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Introduction To Body Sculpting Nutrition

Whether your goal is to burn fat or gain muscle, the nutrition principles that I am about to share with you are a perfect compliment to the body sculpting workouts within the Metabolic Masterpiece Body Sculpting Program. These are not breakthrough or cutting edge strategies. These are time tested and proven nutrition principles that have sculpted the best physiques in the world for over half a century. My nutrition philosophy is, Why try to re-invent the wheel, when tens of thousands of the hottest and sexiest men and women on the planet have already created a proven blueprint to follow? Those HOT women and men with the best physiques in the world are fitness models and bodybuilders. I refer to these sculpted women and men as Physique Artists.

2 Powerful Nutrition Characteristics Of A Physique Artist

There are two powerful nutrition characteristics that make a Physique Artist stand out from the crowd... a) Physique Artists Plan Their Meals b) Physique Artists Track Their Progress The best bodybuilders and fitness models make the effort to plan and track their nutrition with detail and precision. They are methodical with their approaches. Theres no guess work involved, which means that youve got to know how many calories you are consuming each day. That may sound like a lot of work, but it really isnt. In fact, its easier and less stressful than the way that most people go about mindlessly eating and trying to figure out what they are going to eat for dinner each night. The way to make calorie counting easy and effortless is to create a 7 Day Master Meal Plan. Make a list of the top healthy foods and meals that you enjoy. Then calculate the calories for each meal and snack. Thats it! You only have to count calories this one time. You do it once and stick to the plan.

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Of course there will be the odd occasion when you have a different treat or go out for dinner as a cheat meal and youll need to take into account those calories, which were not a part of your master meal plan, but for the most part (90-95% of the time), youll be sticking to the foods that you typically eat and youll already know the calorie content. In the Metabolic Masterpiece Body Sculpting Program I make things even more effortless for you by providing a variety of easy to prepare healthy meals that include the calorie content and nutrition facts. Choose the meals that appeal to you and add them to your own 7 Day Master Meal Plan based on my proven fat burning meals. In addition to planning their meals in advance, Physique Artists track their progress that has resulted from their planned meals. If they have not achieved the desired fat loss or muscle building results from their plan, they recognize that a simple tweak in portion size is all that needs to be adjusted in order to reach their goal. This feedback loop is the key to their ongoing success. If you are not willing to plan and track your nutrition I suggest that you ask yourself the question, How serious am I about transforming my average body into a sculpted work of art?

The Top 2 Fat Loss Nutrition Strategies Of A Physique Artist

Physique Artists prefer to keep things simple when it comes to nutrition. A great chunk of their results boils down to two key strategies... a) Carb Cycling b) Energy Partitioning Carb Cycling is a nutrition practice where you simply reduce (not eliminate) your carbohydrate intake for 3 days, followed by 1-3 days of increased carb intake depending on whether your goal is to burn fat or build muscle. Energy Partitioning is a nutrition practice that utilizes the fuel that you consume in an effort to feed your muscles and prevent those calories from being stored as fat. With Energy Partitioning you will consume a good chunk of your calories around your workout and exercise for the day. These calories will be burned as fuel during your workout and used to repair, rebuild, and refuel your muscles for the next workout. In short, these calories will be used to sculpt your body.

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The 5 Step Process For Fat Loss

Applying the 2 powerful nutrition characteristics and 2 fat loss nutrition strategies of the best Physique Artists in the world can be boiled down to a simple 5 Step Process...

Step #1 - Know Your Goal: Fat Loss or Muscle Building

The workouts within the Metabolic Masterpiece Body Sculpting Program can be used for both fat loss and muscle building. What will determine the outcome is your nutrition. The foods that you consume will always be the same. Its the quantity and how you cycle your carbs that will make the difference. Fat Loss Nutrition - If your primary goal is fat loss I recommend creating a caloric deficit of 15% for 3 days. This range provides you with the best chance of gaining some precious lean muscle mass while you burn unwanted fat from your body. This deficit range also makes it much easier to manage your hunger. Most people dont even feel like they are on a diet when their deficit is only 15%. On the 4th day you will increase your calories up to your TDEE (maintenance level). This increase in calories should come mostly from carbohydrates. Thats why the call it carb cycling. You go 3 days on lower carbs followed by 1 day of increased carbs. The increase in calories on the 4th day will prevent your body from going into starvation mode. The increase in carbohydrates on the 4th day will replenish your glycogen stores (energy). Overall, this refeed day is a great mental break from dieting as well. If you follow the Energy Partitioning practice of consuming a larger chunk of your calories around your workout, your chances of gaining muscle during this fat loss phase will certainly increase. Muscle Building & Fat Burning Nutrition - If your primary goal is to build muscle, but you would still like to burn some fat in the process, I recommend creating a 15% deficit for 3 days followed by a 15% surplus for 2 days. Once again, the difference from your 15% deficit to your 15% surplus should come mostly from carbohydrates. Your protein and fat intake should stay relatively the same. Once again, if you are consuming a good chunk of your calories around your workout, your chances of gaining muscle will increase.

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Muscle Building Nutrition (Lean Gains) - If your goal is to build muscle, while maintaining your current body fat percentage, I recommend creating a 15% deficit for 3 days followed by a 15% surplus for 3 days.

Step #2 - Calculate Your Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE)

Were going to use the Harris-Benedict Formula to calculate your caloric intake during this 12 week transformation. First well calculate your basal metabolic rate (BMR)... Men: 66 + (13.7 x wt in kg) + (5 X ht in cm) - (6.8 X age in years) Women: 655 + (9.6 X wt in kg) + (1.8 X ht in cm) - (4.7 X age in years) Conversions: 1 inch = 2.54 cm 1 kg = 2.2 lbs Heres an example of a male who is 58 tall, 35 years old, and weighs 165 pounds... BMR: 66 + 1027.5 + 863.6 - 238 = 1719.1 1719.1 calories is what this particular male would burn if he was at rest all day. This does not take into account his activity level. While following the Metabolic Masterpiece Body Sculpting Program, you will be weight training 4-5 days per week and walking 5 days per week. Based on this activity level I recommend that you multiply your BMR by 1.55. For the example above, this male would multiply 1719.1 X 1.55 = 2664.61 Therefore the average Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE), that this male would experience while following the Metabolic Masterpiece Body Sculpting Program is 2665 calories per day. NOTE: As you progress and release fat from your body or gain muscle, you should recalculate your BMR and TDEE. Toward the end of your body sculpting journey your BMR and TDEE will be slightly lower or higher because you weight has changed. If you are still going by your original calculations even though you may be 10 or 15 pounds

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lighter, your caloric deficit may be 100-500 calories less than what you think it is or even worse. That could lead to stalled results during the home stretch.

Step #3 - Calculate Your Caloric Deficit and Surplus

If we continue with the example of the 35 year old male who is 58 and weighs 165 lbs, the calculations would look like this... Fat Loss As The Primary Goal (3 days low - 1 day TDEE) 15% deficit (TDEE x .15) 2664.61 x .15 = 399.69 2664.61 - 399.69 = 2264.92 With a 15% deficit, this male would consume 399.69 calories less than his TDEE, equalling 2265 calories for his deficit days. Heres what his carb cycling schedule would look like... Day 1, 2, 3 = 2265 calories consisting of mostly lean protein, veggies, and healthy fats. Any starchy carbs should be consumed early in the day or around the workout. Day 4 = 2665 calories consisting of lean protein, veggies, healthy fats, and an increased amount of starchy carbs. Once again, its ideal to consume the starchy carbs earlier in the day or immediately after your workout. You would then continue to repeat this cycle of 3 days in a 15% caloric deficit and 1 day of TDDE caloric intake. If you want to get more aggressive with your deficit 20-30% would be acceptable, but dont expect to gain any muscle in the process. I dont recommend sticking with this kind of aggressive deficit for any kind of extended period of time. 4-6 weeks max! You will experience hunger with an aggressive deficit like this. Its definitely not easy. 20% deficit (TDEE x .20) 2664.61 x .20 = 532.92 2664.61 - 532.92 = 2131.69

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With a 20% deficit, this male would consume 532.92 calories less than his TDEE, equalling 2132 calories for his deficit days. 25% deficit (TDEE x .25) 2664.61 x .25 = 666.15 2664.61 - 666.15 = 1998.46 With a 25% deficit, this male would consume 666.15 calories less than his TDEE, equalling 1998 calories for his deficit days. 30 % deficit (TDEE x .30) 2664.61 x .30 = 799.38 2664.61 - 799.38 = 1865.23 With a 30% deficit, this male would consume 799.38 calories less than his TDEE, equalling 1865 calories for his deficit days. Muscle Building & Fat Loss (3 days low - 2 days high) 15% Surplus (TDEE x .15) 2664.61 x .15 = 399.69 2664.61 + 399.69 = 3064.3 With a 15% surplus, this male would consume 399.69 calories more than his TDEE, equalling 3064 calories for his surplus days. Heres what his carb cycling schedule would look like... Day 1, 2, 3 = 2265 calories consisting of mostly lean protein, veggies, and healthy fats. Any starchy carbs should be consumed early in the day or around the workout. Day 4 & 5 = 3064 calories. As mentioned earlier, this increase in calories should come from carbohydrates, while maintaining the same amount of protein and fats that you consumed in your deficit days. Typically I will increase the amount of oatmeal, potatoes, sweet potatoes, or quinoa on these days. Ill add more oatmeal to my high protein pancakes for breakfast and Shepherds Pie is a common dinner for me on these surplus days. I may also use these days to consume whole wheat bread or pasta.

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You would then continue to repeat this cycle of 3 days in a 15% caloric deficit and 2 days in a 15% surplus. Muscle Building Lean Gains (3 days low - 3 days high) Heres what his carb cycling schedule would look like... Day 1, 2, 3 = 2265 calories consisting of mostly lean protein, veggies, and healthy fats. Any starchy carbs should be consumed early in the day or around the workout. Day 4, 5, & 6 = 3064 calories. You would then continue to repeat this cycle of 3 days in a 15% caloric deficit and 3 days in a 15% surplus.

Step #4 - Determine Your Macronutrient Ratio

As Ive been alluding to, the only thing that you need to change between your deficit days and your TDEE or Surplus days is your carb intake. This actually simplifies things for you by keeping your protein and fats relatively the same each day. When it comes to body sculpting nutrition, my Top Two Priorities are: 1) Meeting my caloric needs for the day. 2) Meeting my protein intake goal for the day. I recommend consuming between 1 to 1.5 grams of protein per pound body weight. What I have found works best for me is sticking around the 1.5 grams per pound body weight. One of the reasons is because protein tends to make you feel fuller, which can be especially helpful on deficit days. Going with the example above, with a 35 year old male weighing 165 pounds, his protein intake would be between 165 grams and 247.5 grams per day. As I mentioned, I prefer to stick around the high end when it comes to protein. There are 4 calories for every gram of protein, therefore if the male in this example went with the high protein consumption of 247.5 grams of protein per day, 990 of his daily calories would come from protein.

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For fat intake, I recommend consuming 0.4 grams per pound of body weight. Using the example above, the fat intake for this male would be 66 grams per day. There are 9 calories for every gram of fat, therefore 594 calories per day would come from fat intake for this male. Lets use these numbers to see what the weekly macronutrient breakdown would look like for this male... Fat Loss As The Primary Goal (3 days low - 1 day TDEE) NOTE: Using the example of a 35 year old male 58 tall and 165 pounds. Day 1, 2, 3 (15% deficit) = 2265 calories. Protein = 247.5 grams or 990 calories Fat = 66 grams or 594 calories. The balance of the calories will come from carbohydrates. 2265 - 990 (protein calories) - 594 (fat calories) = 681 There are 4 calories for every gram of carbohydrates. Therefore 681 carbohydrate calories would equal 170 grams. Carbs = 170 grams or 681 calories Day 4 (TDEE) = 2665 calories. Protein = 247.5 grams or 990 calories Fat = 66 grams or 594 calories. The balance of the calories will come from carbohydrates. 2665 - 990 (protein calories) - 594 (fat calories) = 1081 Carbs = 270 grams or 1081 calories

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Muscle Building & Fat Loss (3 days low - 2 days high) NOTE: Using the example of a 35 year old male 58 tall and 165 pounds. Day 1, 2, 3 (15% deficit) = 2265 calories. Protein = 247.5 grams or 990 calories Fat = 66 grams or 594 calories. Carbs = 170 grams or 681 calories Day 4 & 5 (15% surplus) = 3064 calories. Protein = 247.5 grams or 990 calories Fat = 66 grams or 594 calories. The balance of the calories will come from carbohydrates. 3064 - 990 (protein calories) - 594 (fat calories) = 1480 Carbs = 370 grams or 1480 calories Muscle Building & Fat Loss (3 days low - 2 days high) NOTE: Using the example of a 35 year old male 58 tall and 165 pounds. Day 1, 2, 3 (15% deficit) = 2265 calories. Protein = 247.5 grams or 990 calories Fat = 66 grams or 594 calories. Carbs = 170 grams or 681 calories Day 4, 5, & 6 (15% surplus) = 3064 calories. Protein = 247.5 grams or 990 calories Fat = 66 grams or 594 calories. Carbs = 370 grams or 1480 calories

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Step #5 - Plan Your Meals Based On Your Calculations

Theres a famous quote that, If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. I totally agree! If you are just going to wing it when it comes to your meals, you are opening the door for sabotage. If you are waiting until the last minute to decide what you are going to have for dinner, theres a pretty good chance that youll be picking at some unhealthy foods while you prepare dinner, or maybe youll even end up ordering in pizza out of convenience. Having a master meal plan will set you up for success and help you avoid any potential stumbling blocks. Calculating your caloric and macronutrient intake may seem like a lot of work at first glance, but it should only take 10-minutes at the most to run those numbers. That 10minute time investment will pay huge dividends throughout your body sculpting journey. Now that you have the calculations out of the way, its time to plan your meals around those numbers. Ill create several menus consisting of meals that add up to my 15% caloric deficit and meets my desired protein goal for the day. Then Ill do the same for my TDEE days or 15% surplus days. On the following pages I will be providing sample meals that you can use to plug into your own Master Meal Plan. You may have to adjust the quantity of certain ingredients in order to match up with your personal caloric intake, but that should be relatively simple. Personally, I plan for 4-6 meals per day. One of the reasons is because I find that if I consume fewer meals I get too full. My stomach cant handle large volumes of food. The other reason is because if I go too long between meals I am more likely to overeat during my meals. There isnt much of a difference metabolically speaking if you consume 3 or 6 meals. The difference is in your behaviors and how you respond to the meal frequency. Lifestyle really comes into play when determining your meal frequency.

Common Foods
If you were to look at my personal meal plan, you would see that I eat a lot of the same foods every day. Eggs, egg whites, oatmeal, blueberries, bananas, protein powder, and a Full Strength shake are foods that I consume on a daily basis. Some people may call that boring, but to me its far from boring. Every time that I make eggs I do something

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different with the recipe. Eggs are my favorite food to eat and its the easiest way to ensure that I meet my vegetable quota for the day. I love the fact that I dont have to think about what Im going to be eating during the first 8 hours of my day. It makes my life so much easier and its a healthy habit that simply cannot be broken. Dinner is where I add some variety. Often times there is enough leftover so I may have the same dinner two days in a row. Common dinners that we have throughout the week are; Shepherds Pie, Salmon and Veggies, Beef Barley Soup, Chicken Stir Fry, Stuffed Peppers, Chicken and Veggies, and Lean Burgers. My largest meal of the day, as Ive mentioned, is the meal immediately after my workout. Consuming a large portion of your calories after your workout is a great way to create a Temporary surplus, giving your muscles the opportunity to recover, repair, and most important GROW!

Caloric Content of Common Foods

Food 1/4 cup oatmeal 4 egg whites (1/2 cup) 1 large egg 1/2 cup blueberries 1 medium banana Full Strength Shake ON Gold Standard Whey 1 can tuna (drained) 1/4 cup raw almonds 4 oz Salmon 8 oz Chicken Breast Lean burger pattie Calories 75 cals 60 cals 70 cals 40 cals 110 cals 300 cals 120 cals 140 cals 210 cals 140 cals 220 cals 170 cals 10 carb 7 carb 1 carb 10 carb 29 carb 25 carb 3 carb 1 prot 40 prot 24 prot 32 prot 7 prot 23 prot 52 prot 22 prot 5 fat 1 fat 2 fat 19 fat 4 fat 2 fat 11 fat Carb 13.5 carb Protein 2.5 prot 14 prot 6 prot 4.5 fat Fat 1.5 fat

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Food 4 oz Lean ground beef 1/4 cup Quinoa (uncooked) 1 cup brown rice Spinach (170 grams) 7 oz white potato 5 oz sweet potato 4 Tbsp Salsa 2 slices of whole wheat bread 1 Tbsp raw honey 1 Tbsp natural peanut butter 1 oz cheddar cheese 2 cups mixed veggies

Calories 199 cals 172 cals 216 cals 70 cals 160 cals 180 cals 20 cals 170 cals 60 cals 95 cals 120 cals 140 cals


Protein 23 prot

Fat 11 fat 5 fat 2 fat 1 fat

31 carb 45 carb 8 carb 36 carb 40 carb 4 carb 30 carb 17 carb 3.5 carb

6 prot 5 prot 6 prot 4 prot 2 prot 1 prot 2 prot

2 fat

4 prot 7 prot

8 fat 10 fat

28 carb

8 prot

Note: Please check the labels on the containers of your egg whites, eggs, oatmeal, blueberries, and protein powder as nutritional content will vary from brand to brand.

Food Measurements
I recently invested in a food scale. Its been one of the best decisions that Ive ever made. If you read the labels of certain foods such as egg whites, frozen blueberries, or oats, you will see that the serving size is in cups and grams. If you simply go by cups, you could either be under or over estimating the calories in those foods. For example; On the package, 1 cup of frozen blueberries equals 140 grams. Yet if you poured 1 level cup of blueberries it wouldnt equal 140 grams. You need to pour a heaping mound of blueberries in 1 cup in order to equal 140 grams. I was overestimating how many calories I was consuming from blueberries because I was relying on cups as my measurement.

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On the other had we have oatmeal which reads 1/2 cup or 40 grams on the label. When I pour the oatmeal in the 1/2 cup and weigh it, the measurement is more than 40 grams. Therefore I was over underestimating how many calories I was getting from oatmeal. 1/4 cup of egg whites is 63 grams, yet when I fill up 1/4 cup its often less than 63 grams. If I look up 1 medium banana in a calorie counter book, it lists it at 4.4 oz. If you simply eyeball each banana, they are all different sizes, so how do you know what a medium banana really is unless you weigh it? These ingredients make up a high protein pancake, which is one of my favorite daily meals. If I was to simply guess or use only measuring cups, I could easily be off by over 100 calories, which can make a big impact on the outcome of your results over the course of a day and even more so over the course of a week. When clients tell me that they are eating really well and dont understand why they arent burning fat, its usually because of the errors in caloric intake estimations. They are consuming more than they think because they are either guessing or simply going by cups instead of weighing their food. It takes seconds to weigh your food as you cook it. That small time investment can have a significant impact on your overall results. Yes, you can burn fat without counting calories and without weighing your food. What that means is that you are a very good guesser. I prefer to be more precise with nutrition and take as much guess work out of the equation. I want to be as certain as possible about what I can expect to achieve throughout the week.

Track Your Progress

As I mentioned earlier, one of the powerful nutrition characteristics of a physique artist is that they track their progress. At the end of the week, if you followed your meal plan to a T, based on your calculations and you gave your best effort to the Metabolic Masterpiece Body Sculpting Workouts, but you did not achieve your desired weight loss or muscle building goal, you will have to make some minor tweaks to your nutrition. Taking the time to run your numbers in the calculations is very important, but this still is only meant to provide you with a starting point. We are all different, which is why we

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must pay attention to our feedback loop each week and make the necessary adjustments in order to reach our goals.

As I mentioned, I consume a Full Strength shake daily and love it! I consume it as a post-workout meal or for breakfast on non-workout days. Full Strength fills me with loads of energy to help me perform my absolute best, both in and out of the gym. With 40 grams of the best quality protein, 25 grams high quality carbs, 5 grams of healthy fats, 12 grams of glutamine, and much more, its no wonder that Full Strength satisfies my hunger while providing my body with everything that it needs to transform. Plus, Shawn Phillips, the creator of Full Strength, is one heck of a stand up guy! NOTE: I pride myself on being completely transparent. If you decide that you would love to experience the benefits of Full Strength also, and you make the wise investment by clicking through the Full Strength links in this book, I will earn $5 per box. Its important to note that I was recommending Full Strength to my friends, family, and customers for several months prior to becoming an affiliate of their nutrition shake. In addition to Full Strength, I also add protein powder to my high protein pancakes, and on occasion will consume an extra shake throughout the day in order to meet my protein consumption goal for the day. My personal choice is Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard Whey Protein. It contains 24 grams of protein, 3 grams of carbs, and 1 gram of fat. I have no affiliation with this company at all. For the past few months I have been consuming 5 grams of creatine monohydrate (made with Creapure), mixed in a warm cup of water. I plan on experimenting with 2 servings per day. The only other supplement company that I have endorsed is Prograde Nutrition. I have used their Protein Powder, EFA Icon (healthy fats), and their BCAAs to ensure that I was getting enough quality protein to preserve my muscle mass when I was in a more aggressive fat loss deficit. I am also a Prograde Partner and earn a percentage from each purchase that is made through the links within this book. Although I do have a monetary interest in recommending Prograde Supplements, I have also been a user of these supplements

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for the past 3 years. The quality is top notch and the Prograde company itself is based on the highest integrity.

Metabolic Masterpiece Meal Plan

Below, you will find samples of the meals that I have consumed throughout this body sculpting journey. Review the meal options for breakfast lunch, and dinner and use them to create your own 7 Day Master Meal Plan. You can modify from week to week by making substitutions from the meals listed below. You will just have to modify the portion sizes to suit your daily caloric intake. Heres what I recommend... As you go through the recipes, think about how each meal would best suit your schedule. Are there certain days where your schedule is hectic after work and it would be tough to prepare a healthy dinner? Those would be great days to wake up 15minutes early and prepare a slow cooker meal. It will be cooking all day and will be ready for you when you get home. If there are days when you prefer an easy lunch it would be a great opportunity to have left overs from the previous nights dinner or double up on the breakfast recipe. Some of the High Protein Pancake recipes are high in calories. It could be ideal for some people to make the full recipe and use it as two separate meals. Many of the lunch recipes are quick and easy to make. Plus you can make a bit extra and have it as a snack if you desire. By mixing and matching the recipes and meals, you can create your own 7 day Master Meal Plan, which you can follow every week. This will totally take the guess work out of nutrition and set you up for fat loss success! We are continuing to add more recipes and meal plans to the Metabolic Masterpiece program, so be sure to check back regularly and keep an eye on your inbox for any update announcements. Enjoy these healthy and delicious meals! NOTE: You can find more meals and videos on our Metabolic Masterpiece Meals webpage.

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Breakfast Options
Full Strength Shake
Full Strength Shake 300 cals 25 carb 40 prot 5 fat

Full Strength High Calorie Shake

Full Strength powder 1/4 cup rolled oats 1 cup raspberries 1 Tbsp raw honey 1 Tbsp cinnamon 300 cals 75 cals 80 cals 60 cals 25 carb 13.5carb 17 carb 15 carb 40 prot 2.5 prot 2 prot 5 fat 1 fat 1 fat

Total Protein Smoothie #1

1 cup Greek Yogurt 1 cup blueberries 1 Tbsp ground ax seeds 1 Tsp cinnamon 1 Tsp nutmeg 1/2 cup water




160 cals 80 cals 46 cals

16 carb 20 carb 3 carb

24 prot

2 prot

3 fat

Total Protein Smoothie #2

1 cup Greek Yogurt 1 cup strawberries 1 Tbsp ground ax seeds 1 Tsp cinnamon 1 Tsp nutmeg 1/2 cup water




160 cals 60 cals 46 cals

16 carb 13 carb 3 carb

24 prot 1 prot 2 prot 3 fat





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High Protein Smoothie

1 cup Greek Yogurt 1 scoop protein powder 1 cup blueberries 1 Tbsp ground ax seeds 1 Tsp cinnamon 1 Tsp nutmeg 1/2 cup water 160 cals 120 cals 80 cals 46 cals 16 carb 3 carb 20 carb 3 carb 2 prot 3 fat 24 prot 24 prot 1 fat





Protein Pancake #1
4 egg whites (1/2 cup) 1 scoop protein powder 1/4 cup rolled oats 1/2 cup blueberries (frozen) 1 Tbsp cinnamon 60 cals 120 cals 75 cals 40 cals 3 carb 13.5carb 10 carb 14 prot 24 prot 2.5 prot 1 fat 1 fat





Protein Pancake #2
4 egg whites (1/2 cup) 1 large egg 1 scoop protein powder 1/2 cup rolled oats 1/2 cup blueberries (frozen) 1 Tbsp cinnamon 60 cals 70 cals 120 cals 150 cals 40 cals 1 carb 3 carb 27 carb 10 carb 14 prot 6 prot 24 prot 5 prot 4.5 fat 1 fat 2.5 fat





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Protein Pancake #3
6 egg whites (3/4 cup) 1 scoop protein powder 1/4 cup rolled oats 1/2 cup blueberries (frozen) 1 Tbsp cinnamon 90 cals 120 cals 75 cals 40 cals 3 carb 13.5carb 10 carb 21 prot 24 prot 2.5 prot 1 fat 1 fat





Protein Pancake #4
6 egg whites (3/4 cup) 2 large eggs 1 scoop protein powder 1/4 cup rolled oats 1/2 cup blueberries (frozen) 1 medium banana 1 Tbsp cinnamon 90 cals 140 cals 120 cals 75 cals 40 cals 110 cals 2 carbs 3 carb 13.5carb 10 carb 29 carb 1 prot 21 prot 12 prot 24 prot 2.5 prot 9 fat 1 fat 1.5 fat





Protein Pancake #5
6 egg whites (3/4 cup) 1 scoop protein powder 1/2 cup rolled oats 1/2 cup blueberries (frozen) 1 medium banana 1 Tbsp cinnamon 1 Tbsp Raw Honey 60 cals 17 carb 90 cals 120 cals 150 cals 40 cals 110 cals 3 carb 27 carb 10 carb 29 carb 1 prot 21 prot 24 prot 5 prot 1 fat 2.5 fat






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Protein Pancake #6
6 egg whites (3/4 cup) 1 scoop protein powder 2/3 cup rolled oats 1/2 cup blueberries (frozen) 1 medium banana 1 Tbsp cinnamon 1 Tbsp Raw Honey 60 cals 17 carb 90 cals 120 cals 225 cals 40 cals 110 cals 3 carb 40 carb 10 carb 29 carb 1 prot 21 prot 24 prot 7.5 prot 1 fat 4 fat

Total Protein Pancake #7

8 egg whites (1 cup) 1 scoop protein powder 1 cup rolled oats 1 cup blueberries (frozen) 1 Tbsp raw honey 1 Tbsp cinnamon




120 cals 120 cals 300 cals 80 cals 60 cals 3 carb 54 carb 20 carb 15 carb

28 prot 24 prot 10 prot 1 fat 5 fat

Total Protein Pancake #8

6 egg whites (3/4 cup) 2 large eggs 1 scoop protein powder 3/4 cup rolled oats 1/2 cup blueberries (frozen) 1 medium banana 1 Tbsp cinnamon




90 cals 140 cals 120 cals 225 cals 40 cals 110 cals 2 carbs 3 carb 40.5carb 10 carb 29 carb

21 prot 12 prot 24 prot 7.5 prot 9 fat 1 fat 4 fat

1 prot






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Protein Pancake #9
2 egg whites (1/4 cup) 2 large eggs 1 cup rolled oats 1/2 cup blueberries (frozen) 1 medium banana 1 Tsp cinnamon 1 tsp nutmeg 30 cals 140 cals 300 cals 40 cals 110 cals 2 carbs 54 carb 10 carb 29 carb 1 prot 7 prot 12 prot 10 prot 9 fat 5 fat

Total Watch video here >>> Protein Pancake #10

4 egg whites (1/2 cup) 1 scoop protein powder 1/4 cup rolled oats 1 Tbsp natural peanut butter 1 medium banana 1 Tbsp cinnamon





60 cals 120 cals 75 cals 95 cals 110 cals 3 carb 13.5carb 3.5 carb 29 carb

14 prot 24 prot 2.5 prot 4 prot 1 prot 1 fat 2 fat 8 fat

Total Protein Pancake #11

8 egg whites (1 cup) 1/2 cup blueberries 3/4 cup rolled oats 1/4 cup unsweetened apple sauce 1 apple diced 1 Tbsp cinnamon





120 cals 40 cals 225 cals 100 cals 80 cals 10 carb 40 carb 26 carb 22 carb

28 prot

7.5 prot

4 fat





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Protein Pancake #12

4 egg whites (1/2 cup) 1 large egg 1 cup blueberries 1 cup rolled oats 1 scoop protein powder 1 Tbsp cinnamon 60 cals 70 cals 80 cals 300 cals 120 cals 1 carb 20 carb 54 carb 3 carb 10 prot 24 prot 5 fat 1 fat 14 prot 6 prot 4.5 fat






Protein Pancake #13

4 egg whites (1/2 cup) 1 medium banana 1/4 cup rolled oats 1 scoop protein powder 1 Tbsp cinnamon 60 cals 110 cals 75 cals 120 cals 29 carb 13.5carb 3 carb 14 prot 1 prot 2.5 prot 24 prot 1.5 fat 1 fat






Protein Pancake #14

8 egg whites (1 cup) 1/2 cup blueberries 3/4 cup rolled oats 1 scoop protein powder 1 Tbsp cinnamon 120 cals 40 cals 225 cals 120 cals 10 carb 40 carb 3 carb 7.5 prot 24 prot 4 fat 1 fat 28 prot





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High Protein Crepes #1

8 egg whites (1 cup) 1 scoop protein powder 1/4 cup rolled oats 1 medium banana 1 Tbsp cinnamon 120 cals 120 cals 75 cals 110 cals 3 carb 13.5carb 29 carb 28 prot 24 prot 2.5 prot 1 prot 1 fat 1.5 fat






Directions: Blend all ingredients together in a blender. Pour 1/5 of the mix into a frying pan and spread out so its thin. Watch Video Here >>>>

High Protein Crepes #2

8 egg whites (1 cup) 1 scoop protein powder 1/2 cup blueberries 1 medium banana 1 Tbsp cinnamon 1 Tbsp Natural Peanut Butter 95 cals 3.5 carb 4 prot 8 fat 120 cals 120 cals 40 cals 110 cals 3 carb 10 carb 29 carb 1 prot 28 prot 24 prot 1 fat





Directions: Blend all ingredients together in a blender. Pour 1/5 of the mix into a frying pan and spread out so its thin. High Protein Crepes #3 - Very Low Carb
8 egg whites (1 cup) 1 scoop protein powder 1 tsp nutmeg 1 Tbsp cinnamon 1/2 tsp vanilla extract 120 cals 120 cals 3 carb 28 prot 24 prot 1 fat




Directions: Blend all ingredients together in a blender. Pour 1/5 of the mix into a frying pan and spread out so its thin.
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High Protein Crepes #4 - Low Carb

8 egg whites (1 cup) 1 scoop protein powder 1/2 cup blueberries 1 Tbsp cinnamon 1 Tbsp Natural Peanut Butter 95 cals 3.5 carb 4 prot 8 fat 120 cals 120 cals 40 cals 3 carb 10 carb 28 prot 24 prot 1 fat





High Protein Crepes #5

6 egg whites (3/4 cup) 2 large eggs 1 Tbsp cinnamon 1/2 tsp vanilla extract 90 cals 140 cals 2 carb 21 prot 12 prot 9 fat





Filled the crepes with 1 cup of blueberries - 80 cals 20 grams carbs You dont need to use as many blueberries as I did. Watch video here >>>>

Tuna Omelet
1 extra large egg 1 can tuna 4 egg whites 1 oz cheddar cheese 4 Tbsp Salsa 80 cals 140 cals 60 cals 120 cals 20 cals 4 carb 1 carb 7 prot 32 prot 14 prot 7 prot 1 prot 10 fat 6 fat 2 fat





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Tuna, Veggie Omelet

3 large eggs 1 can solid white tuna 2 cups mixed veggies 1 oz cheddar cheese 4 Tbsp salsa 1 Tbsp ground black pepper 210 cals 140 cals 140 cals 120 cals 20 cals 4 carb 28 carb 3 carb 18 prot 32 prot 8 prot 7 prot 1 prot 10 fat 13.5 fat 2 fat






Tuna, Spinach Omelet

2 extra large eggs 1 can tuna Spinach (170 grams) 1 oz cheddar cheese 4 Tbsp Salsa 160 cals 140 cals 70 cals 120 cals 20 cals 4 carb 8 carb 2 carb 14 prot 32 prot 6 prot 7 prot 1 prot 12 fat 2 fat 1 fat 10 fat






Salmon, veggie, omelet

4 egg whites 4 oz Salmon 2 cups mixed veggies 1 oz cheddar cheese 4 Tbsp salsa 1 Tbsp ground black pepper 7 oz white potato on the side 160 cals 36 carbs 4 prot 60 cals 140 cals 140 cals 120 cals 20 cals 4 carb 28 carb 14 prot 23 prot 8 prot 7 prot 1 prot 10 fat 4 fat






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Eggs, Chicken, and Spinach

4 oz Chicken Thighs 2 extra large eggs 4 egg whites Spinach (170 grams) 4 Tbsp Salsa 188 cals 160 cals 60 cals 70 cals 20 cals 8 carb 4 carb 2 carb 19 prot 14 prot 14 prot 6 prot 1 prot 1 fat 11 fat 12 fat






Red Green Scramble - from Tom Venutos Burn The Fat Inner Circle
1 large egg 5 egg whites 1 small tomato 4oz 1 cup chopped spinach 1/2 cup red pepper 1/2 cup green onions Black Pepper Sea Salt 70 cals 75 cals 30 cals 27 cals 20 cals 16 cals 6 carb 6 carb 4 carb 4 carb 1 carb 6 prot 17.5 prot 1 prot 1 prot 1 prot 4.5 fat

Total Watch how we prepare this meal on video >>>> Eggs, Spinach, and Red Pepper
3 extra large eggs 1 tomato Spinach (170 grams) 1 Red Pepper ground black pepper 1/2 Tsp crushed chillies





240 cals 30 cals 70 cals 40 cals

3 carb 6 carb 8 carb 8 carb

21 prot 1 prot 6 prot 1 prot

18 fat

1 fat






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Eggs and Mushrooms

3 extra large eggs 1 tomato 5 Mushrooms 1 oz Cheddar cheese ground black pepper 240 cals 30 cals 70 cals 120 cals 3 carb 6 carb 8 carb 21 prot 1 prot 6 prot 7 prot 1 fat 10 fat 18 fat

Total Eggs and Broccoli

3 extra large eggs 1 tomato 1 cup broccoli ground black pepper 1/2 Tsp crushed chillies





240 cals 30 cals 44 cals

3 carb 6 carb 8 carb

21 prot 1 prot 4 prot

18 fat

Total Eggs and Toast

3 large eggs 2 slices of whole wheat bread





210 cals 170 cals

3 carbs 30 carb

18 prot 2 prot

13.5 fat 2 fat

Total Oatmeal and Berries

1 scoop protein powder 3/4 cup rolled oats 1 cup blueberries (frozen) 1 medium banana 1 Tbsp cinnamon





120 cals 225 cals 80 cals 110 cals

3 carb 40.5carb 20 carb 29 carb

24 prot 7.5 prot

1 fat 4.5 fat

1 prot






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Lunch Options
In many cases I will have the same thing for lunch that I ate for breakfast. In other cases I will have leftovers from the previous nights dinner. This makes meal preparation quite simple! If youre looking for a little more variety, heres some other options that my friends from Prograde Nutrition have allowed me to share... Prograde Chicken Avocado Wraps - This is a recipe from Prograde's 197 Healthy and Delicious Fat Burning Recipe book
2 Whole wheat tortillas (10 inch) 1 1/2 cups shredded Romaine Lettuce 6 oz chicken breast (cut into strips) 1 medium tomato 2 Tbsp chopped red onion 2 Tbsp Barbeque sauce 2 Tbsp Light Ranch Dressing 1 avocado 220 cals 15 cals 165 cals 35 cals 15 cals 45 cals 70 cals 165 cals 7 carb 3 carb 10 carb 6 carb 9 carbs 32 carb 2 carb 8 prot 1 prot 39 prot 1 prot 0.5 prot 1 prot 0.5 prot 3 prot 4.5 fat 15 fat 2 fat 4.5 fat 1.5 fat






Directions: Top tortillas with lettuce, chicken, tomato, avocado and onion. Mix barbecue sauce and dressing; drizzle evenly over tortillas. Secure with toothpicks. Enjoy! Watch how we prepare this meal on video >>>> Prograde Steak Wraps - This is a recipe from Prograde's 197 Healthy and Delicious Fat Burning Recipe book
1 Whole wheat tortillas (10 inch) 1/2 cups shredded Romaine Lettuce 4 oz sirloin steak (cut into strips) 1 oz cheddar cheese 1 Tbsp salsa 1/4 avocado 110 cals 5 cals 144 cals 120 cals 5 cals 40 cals 1 carb 2 carb 1 prot 4 fat 16 carb 1 carb 25 prot 7 prot 4 fat 10 fat 4 prot 1 fat

Total Watch how we prepare this meal on video >>>>





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Prograde Tuna Pockets - This is a recipe from Prograde's 197 Healthy and Delicious Fat Burning Recipe book
2 Whole wheat tortillas (10 inch) 1 cup shredded Romaine Lettuce 1 can solid white tuna 1 medium tomato 1/4 cup Light Ranch Dressing 1 cup cucumber 220 cals 10 cals 140 cals 35 cals 140 cals 40 cals 7 carb 12 carb 2 carb 32 carb 2 carb 32 prot 1 prot 1 prot 1 prot 9 fat 4 fat 2 fat 8 prot 2 fat






Directions: Mix cucumber, tomato, tuna and dressing. Line pita bread halves with lettuce; fill with tuna mixture. I added some ground black pepper simply because I love it. Watch how we prepare this meal on video >>>>

Sesame Chicken Fingers - This recipe comes courtesy of my friend Isabel De Los Rios, author of "The Diet Solution Program"
4 oz chicken breast 1/4 tsp low sodium soy sauce 1/4 tsp Dijon mustard 1 tsp water 1 Tbsp tumeric 1 Tbsp toasted white and black sesame seeds 47 cals 2 carb 1.5 prot 4 fat 110 cals 2 cals 1 cals 0.5 carb 26 prot 1 fat





Directions: In a small bowl, marinate the chicken with the soy sauce, mustard, water, and turmeric up to 1 hour. Coat the chicken with sesame seeds. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Place the chicken in a nonstick baking pan. Bake for 12 to 15 minutes or until chicken strips are cooked through.

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Salad Options
Loaded Chicken Salad
6 oz chicken breast 3 cups lettuce 1/2 cup blueberries 1/2 cup red pepper 1/2 cup green pepper 1 cup cucumber 2 Tbsp slivered almonds 2 Tbsp walnuts 1 Tbsp sunowerseeds 2 Tbsp raisins 165 cals 30 cals 40 cals 20 cals 20 cals 12 cals 105 cals 100 cals 42 cals 65 cals 4 carb 10 carb 5 carb 5 carb 3 carb 3.5 carb 1.5 carb 1.5 carb 15.5 car 3.5 prot 2.5 prot 2 prot 0.5 prot 9.5 fat 10 fat 3.5 fat 39 prot 2 prot 1.5 fat






Authentic Greek Salad with Chicken - (makes 4 servings) This is a recipe from Tom Venuto's Burn The Fat Inner Circle
16 oz chicken breast 3 medium tomatoes 2 green peppers 1 medium onion 16 pitted Kalamata black olives 4 oz low fat Greek feta cheese 3 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil 1 Tbsp oregano Dash of sea salt 440 cals 105 cals 40 cals 60 cals 145 cals 120 cals 360 cals 21 carb 10 carb 14 carb 3 carb 8 carb 24 prot 40.5 fat 2 prot 12 fat 104 prot 3 prot 4 fat

Total Per Serving Watch how we prepare this meal on video >>>>

1270 317.5

56 14

133 33

56.5 14

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Prograde Santa Fe Grilled Chicken Salad - This is a recipe from Prograde's 197 Healthy and Delicious Fat Burning Recipe book
8 oz chicken breast 4 cups Romaine lettuce 1 medium tomoato 1/2 cup mexican style cheddar cheese 1/4 cup light ranch dressing 1/4 cup salsa 220 cals 40 cals 35 cals 120 cals 140 cals 20 cals 5 carb 7 carb 1 carb 12 carb 4 carb 52 prot 3 prot 1 prot 18 prot 1 prot 1 prot 2.5 9 fat 2 fat






Directions: Toss romaine lettuce, chicken breast strips, and tomatoes in large bowl; sprinkle with cheese. Combine dressing and salsa. Pour over romaine mixture; toss to coat. Watch how we prepare this meal on video >>>>

The Ultimate Muscle Salad - This recipe comes courtesy of my friend Mike Geary, author of "The Truth About Abs" and co-author of "The Fat Burning Kitchen"
2 hard boiled large eggs 1 cup spinach 1 cup mixed leaf lettuce 1 large shredded carrot 1/2 avocado 3 Tbsp chopped pecans 1/4 cup dried cranberries 140 cals 30 cals 10 cals 31 cals 82 cals 142.5cal 98 cals 2 carb 7 carb 2 carb 7 carb 4.5 carb 3 carb 25 carb 12 prot 1 prot 0.5 prot 1 prot 1.5 prot 2.5 prot 7.5 fat 15 fat 9 fat






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Dinner Options
Stuffed Peppers (serves 6)
6 large green or red peppers 1 pound lean ground beef 1 cup brown rice 3 cups Canned Tomatoes (unsalted) 2 1/2 cups pasta sauce 1 cup water 4 garlic cloves 1 cup diced onion 2 cups black beans 1/4 cup parmesan cheese 1 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil 4 oz cheddar cheese 1 Tbsp chilli powder 1 Tbsp oregano 1 tsp ground black pepper 16 cals 60 cals 560 cals 100 cals 120 cals 480 cals 28 prot 4 carb 14 carb 100 carb 1 prot 28 prot 8 prot 4 fat 8 fat 13.5 fat 40 fat 300 cals 796 cals 685 cals 150 cals 300 cals 143 carb 24 carb 60 carb 72 carb 12 prot 91 prot 15 prot 12 prot 10 prot 12 fat 45 fat 5 fat

Total Per Serving

3567 594.5

417 104

205 51

127.5 32

Directions: First, cook 1 cup of brown rice and lean ground beef separately. Next, fry up the garlic and onion with 1 Tbsp of olive oil. Add brown rice, ground beef, black beans, unsalted canned tomatoes, ground black pepper, basil, chili powder, and parmesan cheese. Place 6 peppers into your slow cooker with the top of the peppers removed. Stuff the peppers with the rice and ground beef filling. Extra filling can be placed in the slow cooker. Pour the tomato sauce and water into the slow cooker while pouring some of it over the stuffed peppers. Sprinkle cheddar cheese on top. Cook for 7 hours on low in the slow cooker.

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Salmon, Broccoli, and Tomato dish (4 servings)

4 oz Salmon x 4 pieces 4 cups broccoli 5 Tbsp Extra Virgin Olive Oil 3 cups diced Tomatoes (unsalted) 1 Tsp Thyme 1 Tsp ground back pepper 1 Tsp Dill 6 garlic cloves 1 Tbsp basil 24 cals 6 carb 560 cals 176 cals 600 cals 150 cals 36 carb 6 prot 31 carb 92 prot 18 prot 16 fat 1 fat 67.5 fat

Total Per Serving

1510 377.5

73 18

116 29

84.5 21

Cooking Directions for the Fish: Place the fish fillet on a sheet of tinfoil. In a small bowl pour two table spoons of extra virgin olive oil. Add Thyme, black pepper and any seasoning of choice to the olive oil. Spread the olive oil mixture over the fish and sprinkle additional seasoning if desired. Sprinkle diced garlic cloves over the fish. Wrap the fish completely with the tinfoil and place on the barbecue for 10-15 minutes Cooking Directions for the Broccoli Side Dish: Cook broccoli over low heat in a sauce pan with extra virgin olive oil. Place 3 cups of diced tomatoes or cherry tomatoes in a medium bowl. In a separate small bowl add 2 Tbsp of olive oil along with 1 Tbsp of basil and at least 2 cloves of garlic. Mix it up into then add it to the tomatoes. Add the tomatoes and mixture to the broccoli and cook over low heat for 2-3 minutes. Watch how we prepare this meal on video >>>>

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Shepherds Pie (6 servings)

2 lbs lean ground beef 4 lbs white potatoes 19 oz creamed corn 1 cup milk 6 garlic cloves 1592 cal 1463 cal 259 cals 121 cals 24 cals 332 carb 60 carbs 12 carbs 6 carb 181.5pro 38 prot 4 prot 8 prot 90.5 fat 1 fat 1 fat 4.5

Total Per Serving

3459 576

410 68

231 38.5

97 16

Directions: Cook lean ground beef in a medium saucepan with 3 finely chopped garlic cloves. (We also used ground chicken and turkey with this recipe as well as sweet potatoes and its outstanding!) While your beef is cooking boil white potatoes with 3 cloves garlic. When your potatoes are soft, drain the water and mash them with skim milk and seasonings of your choice. ( we often boil our potatoes with a few garlic cloves which also get mashed). We havent tried this yet, but Im sure that you could also use almond milk as a substitute for the skim milk and even add some almond butter. Next after your potatoes are mashed and lean beef cooked, simply place the lean ground beef in the slow cooker followed by a can of creamed corn and finally add your mashed potatoes on top. Turn your slow cooker on high and cook for 20-30 minutes. (NOTE: We alternatively place the shepherds pie in a casserole dish and cook it in the oven at 350 degrees for 40 minutes.) Watch how we prepare this meal on video >>>> LEAN Shepherds Pie (6 servings) - preferred meal ****
2 lbs lean ground chicken 4 lbs white potatoes 19 oz creamed corn 1 cup milk 6 garlic cloves 800 cal 1463 cal 259 cals 121 cals 24 cals 332 carb 60 carbs 12 carbs 6 carb 192 prot 38 prot 4 prot 8 prot 4 fat 1 fat 1 fat 4.5

Total Per Serving

2667 444.5

410 68

242 40

10.5 2.5

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Thanksgiving Shepherds Pie (6 servings)

2 lbs lean ground chicken 4 lbs sweet potatoes 19 oz creamed corn 1 cup milk 6 garlic cloves 960 cal 1450.5 259 cals 121 cals 24 cals 337 carb 60 carbs 12 carb 6 carb 224 prot 22.5 prot 4 prot 8 prot 8 fat 4 fat 1 fat 4.5

Total Per Serving

2811.5 468.5

415 69

258.5 40

17.5 4

Beef Barley Soup (makes 6 large servings)

16 oz lean beef cubes 1 medium onion 3 carrots 3 stalks celery 5 cups water 3/4 cup pearled Barley 5 cups tomato sauce 1 Tbsp parsley 1 Tbsp ground black pepper 1 tsp sugar Beef Bouillon 480 cals 400 cals 96 carbs 100 carb 15 prot 3 fat 576 cals 60 cals 93 cals 18 cals 14 carb 22 carb 4 carb 100 prot 1 prot 2 prot 1 prot 16 fat

Total Per Serving Watch how we prepare this meal on video >>>>

1627 271

236 39

119 20

19 3

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Chili (makes 6 large servings)

1 pound lean ground beef 2 cups kidney beans 2 cups mushrooms 3 jalapeno peppers 3 cups diced tomatoes 1 1/2 cups frozen corn 1 onion 6 cloves garlic chili powder cumin 5 cups tomato sauce 3 cups water 400 cals 100 carb 796 cals 520 cals 30 cals 12 cals 150 cals 165 cals 60 cals 24 cals 92 carb 4 carb 3 carb 36 carb 44 carb 14 carb 6 carb 6 prot 4 prot 1 prot 1 fat 91 prot 36 prot 4 prot 45 fat 4 fat

Total Per Serving

2157 359.5

299 50

142 24

50 8

Meatless Chili (makes 6 large servings)

2 cups brown rice 2 cups kidney beans 12 cups (1.36 kgs) mixed veggies 3 cups diced tomatoes 1 can tomato sauce crushed chillies cayene pepper cumin 1369 cal 520 cals 560 cals 150 cals 400 cals 286 carb 92 carb 128 carb 36 carb 100 carb 29 prot 36 prot 32 prot 6 prot 10 fat 4 fat

Total Per Serving Watch how we prepare this meal on video >>>>

2999 500

642 107

103 17

14 2

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Lentil Soup (makes 6 large servings)

1 cup Lentils 3 cups (1 large can) diced Tomatoes 2 cups black beans 3 carrots (shaved) 3 stalks celery 1 1/2 cups frozen corn onions cilantro ground black pepper crushed chillies 5 cups water 230 cals 150 cals 520 cals 93 cals 18 cals 165 cals 60 cals 40 carb 36 carb 92 carb 22 carb 4 carb 44 carb 14 carb 18 prot 6 prot 36 prot 2 prot 1 prot 4 prot 1 prot 1 fat 4 fat

Total Per Serving Watch how we prepare this meal on video >>>> Chicken Enchiladas (2 servings)
12 oz chicken breasts diced 1 red pepper - chopped 1 cup salsa 1/4 package light cream cheese 1/2 cup grated low fat cheddar cheese 1 Tbsp fresh cilantro 1 Tsp cumin 1 Tbsp crushed chillies 4 whole wheat tortillas

1236 206

252 42

68 11

5 1

330 cals 24 cals 80 cals 120 cals 120 cals 5 carb 16 carb 4 carb 1 carb

78 prot 1 prot 4 prot 6 prot 18 prot 9 fat 2.5 fat


64 carb

16 prot

Total Per Serving

1114 557

90 45

123 61.5

11.5 6

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Spicy Quinoa (4 servings)

1 cup quinoa 2 cups vegetable broth 1 cup frozen corn 1 medium onion 4 cloves garlic 688 cals 30 cals 140 cals 60 cals 20 cals 124 carb 6 carb 30 carb 14 cals 4 carb 24 prot 2 prot 4 prot 1 prot 1 prot 1 fat 11 fat

Total Per Serving

938 234.5

178 44.5

32 8

12 3

Two of my favorite meals that are a) whole chicken prepared in a slow cooker with sweet potatoes b) roast and sweet potatoes prepared in a slow cooker. Its a little more difficult to calculate the exact caloric content of these meals, but they are AWESOME! Youll find them on the Metabolic Masterpiece Meals webpage.

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Keep your eyes out for more meals and recipes. I will be updating it frequently. If you are feeling a little overwhelmed by all the number crunching, dont worry. Thats a natural reaction. Understand that its way easier than it may initially sound. Within 15 minutes you should have all the numbers that you need for your caloric deficit, TDEE, and caloric surplus. Creating your personal 7 day meal plan will not take much longer either, especially with the meals that I have shared in this book, which have the calorie counts included. Once you put in this initial upfront work, its pretty straight forward from here on out. If you have any questions at all, youll be able to find me in the support community where I will be more than happy to help you out. Its very important to note that any information and advice that I provide when it comes to nutrition is heavily influenced by Tom Venuto and his books Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle and The Holy Grail Body Transformation Program. If you are familiar with Toms work, the strategies that I have shared probably look very familiar to you. What you will gain from my nutrition advice is simply seeing how I apply Toms strategies in the meals and recipes that I prepare, as well as the timing of my meals. On the following page I have included a worksheet that you can use as your nutrition log if you wish. I personally prefer to log my nutrition electronically, because I eat a lot of the same meals and I can simply copy and paste a meal that I previously ate. Now its time to ROCK! Get out there and sculpt that body!

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Day:________ Date:_________ Meal 1 Time:______ Food __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ Food __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ Food __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ Food __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ Food __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ Food __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ Amount _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ Amount _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ Amount _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ Amount _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ Amount _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ Amount _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________

Meal 2 Time:______

Meal 3 Time:______

Meal 4 Time:______

Meal 5 Time:______

Meal 6 Time:______

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The Fat Loss Quickie YouTube Channel is constantly being updated with top notch fitness tips, video demonstrations, recipes, and motivation strategies. Be sure to subscribe to our YouTube Channel updates.

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