Digilent Plug-In Xilinx v14

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Digilent Plug-in for Xilinx 14.

x Tools User Manual

Revision: July 27, 2012 1300 NE Henley Court Suite 3 Pullman, WA 99163 (509) 334 6306 Voice and Fax

The Digilent Plug-in for Xilinx tools allows Xilinx software tools to directly use the Digilent USB-JTAG FPGA configuration circuitry. For 14.x, Xilinx Impact, ChipScope Pro, EDK Xilinx Microprocessor Debugger (XMD) command line mode, and EDK Xilinx Software Development Kit (SDK) are currently supported by the Plug-in. Refer to http://www.xilinx.com/ for more information about these Xilinx design tools. Software Versions Tested: Xilinx ISE Design Suite Version 14.x only (Refer to http://www.digilentinc.com/ for versions of the plugin for later Xilinx ISE versions) Digilent Adept System 2.9 (or Digilent Adept Runtime 2.9 for Linux) or greater Supported Operating Systems: Microsoft Windows 32-bit and 64-bit Operating Systems Linux: Red Hat and CentOS 4, 5, 6 (x86/x64), and SUSE 11 (x86/x64)

Plug-In Installation
To begin, ensure that Xilinx ISE Suite (14.x only) and Digilent Adept System 2.9 (or greater) for Windows, or Digilent Adept Runtime 2.9 (or greater) for Linux, is installed on the host computer. For Windows Systems also ensure that Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Service Pack 1 Redistributable Package MFC Security Update is installed on the host computer. The Visual C++ Package is available for download at the following website: http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=26368 The plug-in files libCseDigilent.dll and libCseDigilent.xml must be copied to a location that is searched by the ISE Suite. Beginning with version 13.1, ISE searches for Plug-ins in the following locations: 1. The .cse directory under the current users directory. On Windows systems the path to the current users directory is specified by the %USERPROFILE% environment variable. On Linux systems the $HOME variable specifies the path to the current users directory. 2. The .cse directory under the all users directory on Windows systems or the path specified by the $XIL_CSE_PLUGIN_DIR environment variable on Linux systems. On Windows systems the path to the all users directory is specified by the %ALLUSERSPROFILE% environment variable. On Linux systems the $XIL_CSE_PLUGIN_DIR environment variable specifies the path to the all users directory. 3. The ISE installation directory.

Doc: 506-026

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Digilent Plug-in for Xilinx Tools Users Manual

When ISE searches for a plug-in in the .cse directory it looks for compatible plug-ins in the following locations: 1. On Windows systems .cse\<platform>\<ISE version>\plugins\<vendor>\<plugin>\ is searched. On Linux systems .cse/<platform>/<ISE version>/plugins/<vendor>/<plugin>/ is searched. If a plug-in is found under a directory whose platform, ISE version, vendor, and plug-in name match then its loaded and the search is terminated. For example, if the 32-bit Windows version of iMPACT 14.3 attempts to open the Digilent Plug-in then ISE will search for libCseDigilent.dll and libCseDigilent.xml under the .cse\nt\14.3\plugins\Digilent\libCseDigilent\ directory. If this path exists and the files are found then the plug-in is loaded and the search is terminated. 2. On Windows systems .cse\<platform>\<older ISE version of the same major release>\plugins\<vendor>\<plugin>\ is searched. On Linux systems .cse/<platform>/<older ISE version of the same major release>/plugins/<vendor>/<plugin>/ is searched. For example, if the 32-bit Windows version of iMPACT 14.3 attempts to open the Digilent Plug-in then ISE will search for libCseDigilent.dll and libCseDigilent.xml under the .cse\nt\14.2\plugins\Digilent\libCseDigilent\ directory. If the Plug-in is found its loaded and the search terminates. If the Plug-in isnt found then ISE will search for libCseDigilent.dll and libCseDigilent.xml under the .cse\nt\14.1\plugins\Digilent\libCseDigilent\ directory. Once this search is performed the Plug-in is loaded or the search is terminated. When ISE searches for a plug-in in the directory specified by the XIL_CSE_PLUGIN_DIR environment variable it looks for a compatible plug-in in the following locations: 1. $XIL_CSE_PLUGIN_DIR/<platform>/<ISE version>/plugins/<vendor>/<plugin>/ is searched. If a plug-in is found under a directory whose platform, ISE version, vendor, and plug-in name match then its loaded and the search is terminated. For example, if the 32-bit Linux version of iMPACT 14.3 attempts to open the Digilent Plug-in then ISE will search for libCseDigilent.so and libCseDigilent.xml under the $XIL_CSE_PLUGIN_DIR/lin/14.3/plugins/Digilent/libCseDigilent/ directory. If this path exists and the files are found, then the plug-in is loaded and the search is terminated. 2. $XIL_CSE_PLUGIN_DIR/<platform>/<older ISE version of the same major release>/plugins/<vendor>/<plugin>/ is searched. For example, if the 32-bit Linux version of iMPACT 14.3 attempts to open the Digilent Plug-in then ISE will search for libCseDigilent.so and libCseDigilent.xml under the $XIL_CSE_PLUGIN_DIR/lin/14.2/plugins/Digilent/libCseDigilent/ directory. If the Plug-in is found its loaded and the search terminates. If the Plug-in isnt found then ISE will search for libCseDigilent.so and libCseDigilent.xml under the $XIL_CSE_PLUGIN_DIR/lin/14.1/plugins/Digilent/libCseDigilent/ directory. Once this search is performed the Plug-in is loaded or the search is terminated. Please note that if ISE finds a plug-in in more than one location the first compatible version found is loaded and the search is terminated.


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Copyright Digilent, Inc. All rights reserved. Other product and company names mentioned may be trademarks of their respective owners.

Digilent Plug-in for Xilinx Tools Users Manual

Installing the Plug-in in the Current Users Directory The Digilent Plug-in can be installed in the current users directory on a Windows system by copying libCseDigilent.dll and libCseDigilent.xml to %USERPROFILE%\.cse\nt\14.1\plugins\Digilent\libCseDigilent\. For 64-bit Windows, use nt64 in place of nt. The path to the current users directory can be determined by executing echo %USERPROFILE% in a command prompt. The Digilent Plug-in can be installed in the current users directory on a Linux system by copying libCseDigilent.so and libCseDigilent.xml to $HOME/.cse/lin/14.1/plugins/Digilent/libCseDigilent/. For 64-bit Linux, use lin64 in place of lin. The path to the current users directory can be determined by executing echo $HOME in a terminal. Installing the Plug-in in the All Users Directory The Digilent Plug-in can be installed in the all users directory on a Windows system by copying libCseDigilent.dll and libCseDigilent.xml to %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\.cse\nt\14.1\plugins\Digilent\libCseDigilent\. For 64-bit Windows, use nt64 in place of nt. The path to the all users directory can be determined by executing echo %ALLUSERSPROFILE% in a command prompt. The Digilent Plug-in can be installed in the all users directory on a Linux system by copying libCseDigilent.so and libCseDigilent.xml to $XIL_CSE_PLUGIN_DIR/lin/14.1/plugins/Digilent/libCseDigilent/. For 64-bit Linux, use lin64 in place of lin. The path to the all users directory can be determined by executing echo $XIL_CSE_PLUGIN_DIR in a terminal. Please note that a system administrator must add the $XIL_CSE_PLUGIN_DIR variable to the profile of all users that are expected to use the plug-in. Installing the Plug-in in the ISE Installation Directory The Digilent Plug-in can be installed in the ISE installation directory by copying libCseDigilent.dll (libCseDigilent.so on Linux systems) and libCseDigilent.xml to the plugins directory. For the Windows version of ISE Design Suite, the typical location is C:\Xilinx\14.1\ISE_DS\ISE\lib\nt\plugins\Digilent\libCseDigilent. For 64-bit Windows, use nt64 in place of nt.

For the Windows version of ISE Lab Tools, the typical location is C:\Xilinx\14.1\LabTools\LabTools\lib\nt\plugins\Digilent\libCseDigilent. For 64-bit Windows, use nt64 in place of nt. For the Linux version of ISE Design Suite, the typical location is $XILINX/lib/lin/plugins/Digilent/libCseDigilent. For 64-bit Linux, use lin64 in place of lin.
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Digilent Plug-in for Xilinx Tools Users Manual

Impact Setup
Xilinx Impact is used to download bitstreams to FPGA boards. The following steps show how to use Impact with the Plug-in. 1. Launch Impact, double click on Boundary Scan, and select the Cable Setup menu item from the Output menu.

2. Select Digilent USB JTAG Cable for the Communication Mode.


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Copyright Digilent, Inc. All rights reserved. Other product and company names mentioned may be trademarks of their respective owners.

Digilent Plug-in for Xilinx Tools Users Manual

3. The Port: drop-down list should now contain a list of available devices. Select a device to connect to. Some devices allow the TCK frequency to be adjusted. If you would like to adjust the devices TCK frequency then proceed to step 4. Otherwise, click on OK and proceed to step 6.

4. The devices TCK frequency can be selected using the TCK Speed/Baud Rate: drop-down list. This list initially contains two options: Default Speed and Select Speed. Choose the Select Speed option and click OK.


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Digilent Plug-in for Xilinx Tools Users Manual

5. If the device is capable of setting the TCK frequency then the TCK Speed/Baud Rate: dropdown list will be populated with a list of available frequencies. If the device isnt capable of setting the TCK frequency then the TCK Speed/Baud Rate: drop-down list will become empty. Select the desired frequency and click OK.

6. Right Click in the Boundary Scan window to and then click on Initialize Chain.


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Copyright Digilent, Inc. All rights reserved. Other product and company names mentioned may be trademarks of their respective owners.

Digilent Plug-in for Xilinx Tools Users Manual

7. Impact is now ready to communicate with the FPGA on the board.

ChipScope Pro Analyzer Setup

The following steps show how to use the Plug-in with ChipScope Pro Analyzer. 1. Launch ChipScope Pro Analyzer and select the Digilent USB JTAG Cable menu item from the JTAG Chain menu.


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Digilent Plug-in for Xilinx Tools Users Manual

2. A dialog box containing two drop-down lists should appear. The first list, labeled Device:, contains a list of all Digilent devices available to be opened. The second list, labeled Speed:, lists the available TCK frequencies for the currently selected device.

3. Select a device from the Device: drop-down list.

4. Select the desired TCK frequency from the Speed: drop down list and click the OK button. Please note that some devices only support a single TCK frequency.


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Copyright Digilent, Inc. All rights reserved. Other product and company names mentioned may be trademarks of their respective owners.

Digilent Plug-in for Xilinx Tools Users Manual

5. ChipScope Pro Analyzer is now ready to communicate with the devices on the board.

EDK Software Development Kit Setup

The following steps show how to use the Plug-in with Xilinx Software Development Kit. 1. Launch Xilinx Software Development Kit, open an existing workspace, and select the Configure JTAG Settings menu item from the Xilinx Tools menu.


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Digilent Plug-in for Xilinx Tools Users Manual

2. A dialog box named Configure JTAG Settings should appear on the screen. In this dialog select Digilent USB Cable from the Type: drop-down list and press OK.

Xilinx SDK is now configured for the Digilent Plug-in. Programming and debugging operations will now use the first Digilent cable found by the Plug-in. Please note that version 14.1 of Xilinx SDK does not provide any means of selecting which Digilent device is used when more than one device is detected. This limitation should be addressed in a future release of Xilinx SDK.


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Copyright Digilent, Inc. All rights reserved. Other product and company names mentioned may be trademarks of their respective owners.

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