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Media Relations Cell FMS Delhi

Management Science Association

This is the body at FMS Delhi which co-ordinates all the student driven activities. As a Full time MBA student you will be a part of this body and would have an opportunity to contribute to it. The Administration team and the various Societies of MSA will form the structural foundation of your two years at FMS and will keep you occupied with timelines which would stretch well beyond the classroom. The mission is to promote Learning Helping you in getting involved in functional responsibilities, taking initiative and showing independent and creative thinking All this while setting the most demanding of standards and working with people of intellect, ability and diverse backgrounds. This document will give you an understanding of the MSA and its activities which you would witness soon and hopefully would be an integral part of.

Enjoy the ride !

Table of Contents
Message from General Secretary, MSA ................................................................................................. 4 Message from Secretary of Finances, MSA .......................................................................................... 5 Message from Secretary Corporate Relations & Placement ........................................................... 6 Message from the Secretary - Media Relations .................................................................................... 7 Message from the President Marketing Society ................................................................................ 8 Message from the President Finance Society .................................................................................... 9 Message from the President Consulting Club .................................................................................. 10 Message from the President HR & OB Society................................................................................ 11 Message from the President Systems Society ................................................................................. 12 Message from the President E-Cell ...................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. Message from the President VIHAAN: The Social Service Cell .................................................... 14 Message from the President FMS Scholastic Council .................................................................... 15 Message from the Secretary Alumni Relations ................................................................................ 16 Message from the Secretary Cultural Affairs .................................................................................... 17 Message from the Secretary Sports .................................................................................................. 18 Message from the Secretary Fiesta ................................................................................................... 19

Message from General Secretary, MSA

Dear Batch of 2015

Congratulations to you all for making it to the Red Building of Dreams. I am sure you must be as ecstatic as we were a year ago. Cherish this not as a milestone of achievement but as a marker of commencement for a brighter and successful life few years down the road. On behalf of Management Science Association (MSA), I would like to welcome you in this institute crowned with a rich legacy and a deep history. Remember that you are not simply giving your two years to this course here. You are giving the most important and crucial 2 years of your lifetime and believe me this time-period will fly by in no time. You are here to make the best out this time. You will bring out the diamond in you through the courses taught by faculty inside the classroom, the competitions that come round the year, the events that we organize or participate in, the corporate interactions that are held and the peer-learning that you will experience. Over the years, MSA has taken one thing very religiously: Enriching the journey of the upcoming Batch and ascertaining ample opportunities across the streams and fields to unleash the true potential. It is therefore to the best interests of all of us to avail the system to the best possible extent. There are Societies and Cells to make sure that you are exposed to myriad aspects of management education to give you a holistic perspective. At last but not the least, I take this opportunity to assure you that the path that you have chosen to realize your brighter future will definitely leave you with a lifetime experience. The Batch of 2015 will leave no stone unturned to guide and support you at every turn. All we seek from you is your inquisitiveness, commitment and the flexibility to accept change as you proceed. Good luck! Bring out the Best! Lets make it worth!
Regards Vipul Kabra

Message from Secretary of Finances, MSA

Dear Batch of 2015 I would like to extend my heartiest congratulations and welcome you all to Faculty of Management Studies, Delhi. Its a matter of great honor and pride to be a part of the legacy and culture of one of the most prestigious institutes of the country. This place will not only serve as an ideal platform for giving a boost to your career but will also be instrumental in developing a rich thought process which will ensure that you succeed in every facet of life. FMS is a truly student-driven campus where a majority of activities are completely owned and driven by us. It is my honor and privilege to introduce our student body, Management Science Association (MSA) to you. MSAs breadth and depth of activities make it an organization without a peer in Indian B -schools. Right from the design of the Admission Brochure to the website; from conducting industry workshops and guest lectures to organizing national level fests, from helping the placement team to mentoring the incoming batch; every activity is meticulously planned and executed by the students. MSA owns the entire gamut of student initiatives at FMS. In order to successfully organize the wide range of events in accordance with the stature of a premier institute like ours, we require the necessary amount of funds. These funds that are mainly generated from the members contribution finance the smooth functioning of the large gamut of activities, both existing and new, that the MSA undertakes every year. It also enables us to organize and manage all the additional facilities that we, the students, require during the course of our MBA education. The annual contribution fee for this fund is Rs.30,000. Secretary, Finances is the official custodian of the fund and constitutes of a Finance Secretary, assisted by a Joint Finance Secretary from the first year. I look forward to interacting with you people and accompany you in the quest of your dreams. I wish you all the very best.

Regards Bhaskar Gupta

Message from Secretary Corporate Relations & Placement Dear Batch of 2015 Welcome to the Red Building of Dreams! You are about to be inducted into one of the finest and oldest B-schools in the country with a 58 year old legacy that thousands covet to be a part of. You are now the flag bearers of Brand FMS and responsible for taking it to newer heights. Considering the standards that have already been set, the task will not be easy but I assure you that you will never be short of support. Corporate Relations and Placement Team provides you with the platform and opportunities to pursue a career of your choice while introducing you to the right industry interface, thus allowing you to make a smooth transition to the corporate world when you pass out of FMS. This is done through internships, live projects, alumni interaction, competitions and engagement with stalwarts from the business world. I sincerely hope that you will make full use of this privilege by blossoming into thought leaders and change agents, positively impacting all stakeholders involved. You are in for a journey of a lifetime. So prepare your wings, this is where you will learn to fly! Warm Wishes Anuj Gupta Corporate Relations & Placement Team Abhishek Bansal Akash Kansal Dhruv Singh Raghuvanshi Gayathri Jayakumar Mohan Kumar S Naveen Aggarwal Parampreet Singh Baweja Shrey Walia Sujoy Dutta

Message from the Secretary - Media Relations

Hello Batch of 2015 On behalf of the Media Relations Cell, I extend my heartiest congratulations to all of you and welcome you to the FMS family. Any good Business school requires a strong media and communication channel to gain a sustainable competitive advantage. The Media Relations Cell at FMS attempts to provide this and much more. We are the preliminary contact point of FMS, responsible for both internal & external communications. We constantly strive to enhance the image of FMS in the minds of the various stakeholders, be it corporate houses, alumni, prospective students and even their parents. We ensure that FMS is seen and heard at the right places, at the right time. The Media team starts rolling even before the session starts, by supervising the FMS Admission results and waitlists along with ensuring a smooth welcome for the new batch through the Online Induction and Learning (OIL) Programme. From contacting reporters to handling the B-school ranking surveys in various magazines, from managing all communications to serving as the mouthpiece of the Management Science Association, from handling both the official as well as the unofficial websites to making our presence felt on Social Media, from being the first point of contact for the incoming batch to updating their emails and intranet accounts, from designing the FMS brochure to making the visiting cards, the Media Cell handles it all. However, the most important activity performed by Media Cell is keeping FMS in the news through regular press and online insertions. Ensuring the wide spread visibility of events conducted at FMS is one of the key deliverables of the Cell. The team sets a scorching pace as far as the work schedule throughout the year is concerned and we look forward to an exciting, challenging and fulfilling year ahead with you all. On behalf of the Brand Managers of FMS, I once again welcome you to FMS and wish you all a productive and enjoyable two years. Happy Learning ! Regards Divyam Singh

Media Cell Vivek Bharadwaj Dhawal Pratap Singh Apurv Narang Rishabh Mahajan

Message from the President Marketing Society

Dear Batch of 2015 On behalf of Team MarkSoc, I would like to congratulate you on having made your way to the Red building of dreams. The Marketing Society is the oldest interest group of FMS and through decades of its existence, it has helped shape FMS as one of the most sought-after campuses for Sales and Marketing profiles. Marketing, as a domain is extremely challenging and highly enjoyable since there is no one way to sell a product, it presents itself with exciting challenges and needs consistent practical learning to understand the market and ace it. Team Marksoc will take the necessary steps in order to guide you to develop skills and other necessities to retain and improve the brand FMS, alongside your personal learning, as the marketing campus of the country. Marksoc endeavors to provide the best possible opportunity to develop the skill set required through corporate competitions, guest lectures, interactive sessions and a plethora of other activities. Our activities also include corporate tie ups to improve the presence of top notch marketing companies on campus, I would also like to point out the marketing acumen of the students of FMS who have consistently aced events like Pepsis BIAC, Mahindra War Room, HUL Lime etc. This year, MarkSoc plans to go even bigger. It would be our endeavor to conduct grander events, yearn for strategic alliances, assist the incoming batch in whatever is the need of the hour, strengthen our solidarity with corporate and industry experts, bring back the old torchbearers of MarkSoc. Finally, I assure you that we, as a team we will leave no stone unturned to make your journey a memorable one and to guide and support you at every instance. We expect the same passion and commitment to make the most of the opportunity that you are provided with and make it truly matter. Lastly and most importantly, batch of 2015 - A warm welcome to being an FMSite, being BRANDED for life!

Regards Eshan Sett Team MarkSoc Ananta Reddy Harshal Joshi Parul Rai Pratham Karkare Vignesh Rajendran

Message from the President Finance Society

Dearest Batch of 2015 On behalf of The Finance Society, I extend my heartiest congratulations to all of you and welcome you to the FMS family! The thing always happens that you really believe in; and the belief in a thing makes it happen. -Frank Lloyd Wright It is with this conviction that The Finance Society strives to instill passion for finance amongst the students of FMS. The world of finance is ever evolving. It is full of complex linkages that govern the economies across the globe amidst unforeseeable events. The society functions to set the fundamentals in place so that the mind-boggling riddles of finance seem intellectually stimulating and enjoyable. It provides the lens to uncover the ideas and strategies that seem unfathomable to an untrained eye. Making finance much more than balance sheets and tedious calculations, the society aspires to bring forth the finance wizard in you. The vision is to crown brand FMS as the most coveted destination for finance talent amongst big known names across all facets of this diverse industry. The task is not easy but the team has taken up the challenge. We will ensure that the activities here will never let you lose sight of this vision. There will be gyaan sessions, corporate interactions, competitions, and serious discussions to keep you abreast with the latest developments across the globe. The team is ready to deliver and is waiting eagerly to meet you onboard filled with the same enthusiasm and fervor to achieve. Best Regards Nitesh Goyal Team FinSoc Arvind Hoskote Kumar Prashanth Mohit Singhal Nirpesh Agarwal Siddharth Jain

Message from the President Consulting Club Dear Batch of 2015 First of all, I, on behalf of Team Conclub, would like to congratulate you for making it to the hallowed walls of the red building. Consulting, as a domain presents one with fresh challenges by the minute, wherein the work can be extremely exciting on the one hand, equally demanding on the other and thus, Team Conclub will make all its endeavors in order to guide you towards tackling those challenges with the right attitude and skill set. It is not just a society but a place where work is utmost fun, passion guides actions and great camaraderie is always at display. We drive ourselves to sustain our brand FMS as the chosen destination for the top national and international consultants across the corporate world. Our activities include increasing the presence of Global consulting firms on campus, while preparing the students to face the same confidently. To accomplish that, we have activities ranging from corporate events, guest lectures, strategy games and competitions, industry publications, focused preparation for placements. An instance to quote the consulting acumen of the students at FMS would be in the form of KICC (KPMG International Case Competition) where FMS represented India globally for the International Finals for 2 consecutive years in 2011 and 2012. We are also the current champions of the Mahindra War Room and Pepsis BIAC. Beyond that, we have had some of the biggest names in the corporate world for Guest Lectures in our lecture series Talk to Consultants. Also last year Conclub organized a pan-India Strategy event Game of Thrones, where the best of the minds battled it out to be coveted as The Ultimate Consultants. Team Conclub looks forward to meeting you all. Warm Regards Prajata Das Chaudhary

Team ConClub Vinay Prithiani Aparajita Puri Keshav Jangra Mahesh Shetye B Queenie

Message from the President HR & OB Society Dear Batch of 2015 On behalf of the HR & OB Society, I would like to congratulate you for getting into the Red Building of Dreams. This is a unique journey, which I am sure all of you will cherish and enjoy. FMS has been a leader in producing world class managers, and has a legacy which all of you should be proud of. We expect all of you to live up to the expectations of being an FMSite. I would request all of you to make the most of your two years at FMS and take part in as many events as you can. But above all, make friends, enjoy, and develop a passion towards achieving excellence, be it in academics, sports, competitions or placements. MBA as a journey will teach you many things, from challenging your limits to testing your character. You will realize that you could do things you had never even imagined. The HR & OB Society will help you throughout this endeavor. We have a comprehensive Mentorship program to guide you, and we also conduct HR related events, online competitions, mock GDs and PI sessions with focus on your soft skills and all round personality development. Our objective includes promoting HR as a domain and as an enticing career option for those who wish to pursue it. Once more, I congratulate and welcome you all to FMS, the place where you will spend the two best years of your life. Remember that there is no end to learning, and FMS will provide you ample number of opportunities to grow, improve and excel. Feel free to contact us whenever you need assistance, have any doubts regarding yourselves or about the world around you. HR & OB Society will always be standing beside you for support Bon Voyage!

Regards Inderpreet Singh Narang

Team HR Soc Harpreet Singh Puneet Kochale Sneha Dugar Vinita Hatadia

Message from the President Systems Society Dear Batch of 2015 Congratulations!! On behalf of the Systems Society - the Operations & IT society at FMS, I welcome you to the FMS family. Enjoy this amazing fun filled journey full of challenges & learning. Systems Society at Faculty of Management Studies aspires to provide the students from assorted backgrounds the indispensable knowledge to effectively interface with the corporate world, a milieu where dot com & optimization of processes have the command to change the very nature of business. The Systems Society endeavors to provide a window to best practices in various industry verticals across IT and Operations. Right from arranging Corporate Interactions in form of keynote Speaker sessions & workshops/Industrial visits on best practices to short term Projects with IT and Operations organizations, we do it all. The idea behind it is to provide you with adequate opportunities to interface with the Corporate World and let you make an informed career choice. We are also the ones who are responsible for all Network hardware facilities and Internet facilities at campus, which is going to be to be indispensable for these two years of your life. Systems Society is dedicated towards developing successful management professionals, highly sought after by Corporates, who see technology as an enabler to management success. We dont doubt your ability to marvel in your careers ahead; we are just the ones who guide you in the right direction. Looking forward to enthusiasm and inquisitiveness from your side; dont worry, the fun will come along. Welcome on boardthe excitement is about to begin!!! Warm Regards Krishnendu Saha Team SysSoc: Ashish Pandav Bhupesh Yadav Praveen Kumar Ravi Singh

Message from the President- Entrepreneurship Cell

Welcome to FMS, batch of 2015! A lot of unprecedented experiences and enjoyment awaits you. So does a lot of hard work and struggle. The vision of E-Cell is to support the budding Entrepreneurs, within the institution and outside it, right from the stage of ideating to the stage of implementing the Business plan. Along with that, E-Cell attempts to boost your self-belief through various in-house activities and provides you opportunities to meet established Entrepreneurs, develop strong business ideas, learn the art of pitching and most importantly, bring the idea to fruition. The International Entrepreneurship Challenge (IEC) conducted by E-cell is one of the largest events of its kind where aspirants from all over the world compete for top honors. At E-Cell we have not just limited ourselves to business plans; there will be series of events which will give every student an opportunity to get involved like a chance to apply your expertise to consult StartUps et al. Of late, E-Cell has published its first issue of Entrospective magazine which gives a glimpse of innards of the Entrepreneurial world and is also working on developing business building skills in young managers to help them in their respective Industries. With the Placement Holiday provision in place, FMS has taken a purposeful and organized step in promoting entrepreneurship. We look forward to the batch of 2015 bringing in their own ideas and contributing to the legacy of FMS and that of E-Cell. Many of you would be looking for a great career in the top notch companies that offer placements here. But I believe most of you at some point of time in your life, would have dreamt of an idea that you would have wanted to pursue, an idea which could have become your passion. But as it is often seen, somehow this idea gets lost in the rigmarole of our lives. We at E-Cell would provide you the right platform and the required resources to make sure that the flame of your idea remains ignited. But for any of that to happen, at first, well request that you - DREAM! Because, no dream, my dear friends, is unreasonable. Regards Arjun Jaiswal

Team E-Cell Manoj T.L Uday Uddanti Ravinder Beniwal Mandar Darade

Message from the President VIHAAN: The Social Service Cell If there is shit all around me, how can I eat my ice cream? -S. Balaram Dear Batch of 2015 Team Vihaan welcomes you all and wishes that the next two years go on to significantly shape your dreams, aspirations and future. You all definitely have had the right passion, determination and enthusiasm, that along with the right conditions and circumstances, have helped you reach where you are today. However, even in this moment of success, we should realize that we stay in an environment, which unfortunately isnt what we would consider congenial for everyone. Yes, we are talking of those thousands of unfortunate human beings who do not have appropriate living conditions or the right environment to grow, study and pursue exciting career opportunities, etc. Team Vihaan, the Social Service cell of FMS, Delhi, tries to use the past experiences of its students, along with the education that we receive everyday during our stay in this campus, to help create the right conditions for these less fortunate ones and help them thrive. To this effect, the society carries out multiple events throughout the year like the Cleanliness drive, the Blood donation camps, Academic Counseling drives, Clothes donation drives, and Silent Auction, the flagship event of Vihaan, among others. We also partner with various NGOs, non-profit organizations as well as various corporate houses to assist them in their CSR activities. Apart from that, various live projects, guest lectures etc. on various prevalent issues in the society are held to help sensitize the students. The society has also looked to increase its ambit by including environmental initiatives. Vihaan has evolved into a society with a cause to behold, and a cause, which is not inspired by personal gains, but is motivated by social concern and a sense of responsibility. We dont work towards a profitable future, but for a more prosperous one. It has been four years since Vihaan came into existence, and the work done by the society has been appreciated and encouraged by all, press included. We intend to keep up the good work already done by those who have treaded the path before us, and would like to take this opportunity to invite you to join us in strengthening the cause this society promotes. Regards Aditi Khandelwal

Team Vihaan Dipanjan Das Pragnya Pradhan Shubhashish Mandal

Message from the President FMS Scholastic Council

We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act but a habit. - Aristotle
Dear Batch of 2015 Heartiest congratulations to all. We are Team FSC - the team which strives hard to make life easier for you in this hectic and busy MBA schedule. Our purpose is to enhance the academic experience at FMS by supplementing the learning with necessary inputs and key study material that allow students to develop a holistic perspective. We enable rigorous academic brainstorming by facilitating constructive interaction between the faculty and the students We also focus on gaining recognition for FMS at an international academic arena, on building relationships with foreign universities in terms of International Programs, attaining memberships in global associations and establishing international linkages which would catapult the Brand FMS onto a global stage. FSC covers the business skills that every MBA Graduate must possess like MS-excel, MS PowerPoint, up to date knowledge of current affairs and maintains all the resources required by anybody going through the grind of the academics at a prestigious Management Institution. We also cover niche fields in management like Sports management through a myriad of lectures, competitions and workshops to foster the desire to learn and develop all-round business acumen. Team FSC, gladly welcomes you all. Now we are all part of the FMS Legacy and its up to us to deliver excellence in all our tasks.

We shall not be simply good but for something deeper

Warm regards Manu Gupta Team FSC Amit Bhagat Kritika Nimesh

Message from the Secretary Alumni Relations

Dear Batch of 2015 Welcome to FMS, Delhi. In a couple of years, even you would become a part of the legendary FMS Alumni Network! Team Alumni Relations facilitates interaction among the Alumni, students and the faculty. It is a crucial interface which acts on what FMS Alumni Association envisages for the institute. It not only provides the best platform for students to learn from the industry experiences of our distinguished Alumni but also provides them with a great opportunity to network. Over the past half a century, our institute has produced some of the best corporate honchos who have brought glory to the institute. It is here that Team Alumni Relations plays a significant role - In tapping this immense potential by fostering ties with the best in the industry. We strive to provide maximum opportunities for the interactions We organize activities such as the FMS Annual Alumni Meet, Various City Chapter Meets, Annual Picnics, Silver Jubilee Reunions, and Mentorship Programmes such as GAMA. We also come out with a souvenir and our newsletter Footprints. It is our constant endeavour to grow from strength to strength and Team Alumni Relations is indeed a significant stake holder in achieving that mission of 10000 members of FMS Alumni Association! We hope that, we would be able to effectively tap the immense power of the extensive FMS Alumni Base and continue to enhance the lines of communication with the Alumni through various activities and initiatives. We would do our best to give you the best of networking opportunities with our beloved alums. We also seek your constant support and encouragement in making the FMS experience a wonderful one. . Warm Regards Saurabh Gupta Team Alumni Relations Aishwarya Singh Asif Muhammed Siddharth Verma Tapan Waval

Message from the Secretary Cultural Affairs

Frodo: I wish the Ring had never come to me. I wish none of this had happened. Gandalf: So do all who live to see such times; but that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us

Welcome Leaders!! There is a specific reason as to why I referred you all as Leaders and not Batch of 2015 or Dear All. It is my belief that whatever you may or may not learn at this great institute, no matter how low you score in your academics and how high during the placements, one thing which FMS would make out of you is great Leaders. As someone has rightly said, The only real training for leadership is leadership Competition, Deadlines, Pressure and Academics would become common words for you in a typical B-School Life. But with all this around, the Cultural Society will strive hard to make you feel relaxed and provide opportunities for showcasing the talent of FMS students. We all are artists, writers, musicians, dancers. Everything else is just a way to pay bills Music, Dramatics, Dance, Talent Hunt, Photography, Debates, Quizzes, Batch Parties, Magazines,we do it all ! Let us all board the train of FMS for a joyful ride filled with unique experiences and learning. Let us discover our abilities that make us more confident, tolerant, strong and innovative both in personal and professional life. At FMS, culture is what is left after everything we have learned has been forgotten. It consists of a broad outlook, unbiased approach, a heart with deep sympathy and strength of courage.

All the Best!

Warm Regards Neha Joshi

Message from the Secretary Sports

Dear Batch of 2015 Heartiest congratulations to each one of you on becoming a part of this legendary institution. You are about to start a journey which will be an inscription that most of you would be proud of. The rollercoaster is yours buckle up! We at Sports Society have always believed that Wealth & Health should go hand in hand. Sports Society is a body that tries to imbibe a discipline in you to take care of Health the missing puzzle in the life of an MBA. Sports society, FMS caters to various sporting activities, be it Inter & Intra batch events or national level tournaments a platform to showcase ones sporting talent, leadership qualities and working-in-a-team abilities. The fun filled activities throughout the year will act as a stress buster from the academic rigour and will give you an opportunity to interact with your peers. This year we successfully organized the Sporting Bonanza ALTIUS 2013- a multi-sport event which had participants from various top B- schools across India (for details do check out It was one of a kind experience for the participants as well as the spectators. The venue for this years event was the Yamuna Common Wealth Sports Complex, and judging from the reviews we got from the participants it will be hard to better their expectations this year. MBA is all about discipline, sticking to timelines, training well, never giving up and preparing for assignments, but at Sports Society we do our best to ensure you get your dose of fun as well. Sports Society is looking forward to your enthusiastic participation and support. We welcome you once again and wish you an exciting year ahead!

Warm Regards Shekhar Chaudhary

Sports Society Piyush Joshi Bijayini Samal Kali Kishore Chintha

Message from the Secretary Fiesta

Dear Batch of 2015, On behalf of Team Fiesta, I would like to congratulate each one of you for making it through one of the most prestigious management education institutes in the country. I can assure you that the two years which you will be spending in the Red building of Dreams would be amongst the most cherished moments in your life and would act as the stepping stones for a successful life ahead. A highly enriching and adventurous journey awaits you . Team Fiesta is responsible for conducting the Annual managerial festival of FMS which witnesses participation from all the premier management institutes of the country. This six-year old showcase event is the interface between FMS and the rest of the corporate world, academicians and leading business schools. Each year, a plethora of challenging and stimulating events are organized which encompass the entire spectrum of management and cultural disciplines viz. marketing, finance, consulting, HR, operations and in cultural events like Fashion show , Rock night , dance competition etc . Fiesta is also host to Icon, which is the flagship event of the fest and is amongst the most eagerly awaited competitions in the B-school calendar. Team Fiesta is also responsible for organizing and co coordinating the annual leadership s ummits of FMS, Conclave (Held in September) and Convention (Held in January/February). Both these events are ideal platforms for luminaries such as policy makers, noted academicians and corporate honchos to come forth and present their views on contemporary issues. This rich tradition has ensured that our students are moulded to become thought leaders rather than simply managers. Team Fiesta will ensure to enthrall you all with exiting events lined up in the near future. My best wishes for a highly enriching and productive journey ahead! Regards

Kanwar Bhalender Pratap Singh

Team Fiesta Chitra Singh Kantilal Rathore Nikhil Battula Shalinee Suman Yagya Pipariya

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