Plagiarism Guide

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Plagiarism Feb 2012

PoliticsNJ, The Pulblis Group, Hoboken, NJ.

According to the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary (, to plagiarize means: transitive senses : to steal and pass off (the ideas or words of another) as one's own : use (another's production) without crediting the source intransitive senses : to commit literary theft : present as new and original an idea or product derived from an existing source online citations

The most important reason to not plagiarize is that it robs you of the educational experiences involved in research, thinking, and writing. One of the main purposes of higher education is to: learn to do research, to help expand thought processes, to improve writing skills, and to learn to prepare presentations. Taking credit for someone elses work hurts you most of all.


Examples of Plagiarism
Copying and pasting text from online encyclopedias Copying and pasting text from any web site Using photographs, video or audio without permission or acknowledgement Using another students or your parents work and claiming it as your own even with permission Using your own work without properly citing it! Quoting a source without using quotation marks-even if you do cite it Citing sources you didnt use Getting a research paper, story, poem, or article off the Internet Turning in the same paper for more than one class without the permission of both teachers (this is called self-plagiarism)

From: Mirka, 2004, The Plagiarism Trap. Powerpoint Presentation


You may have been told that if you put something into your own words, you need not cite.

This is incorrect.
The material is still someone elses idea and requires acknowledgement. Paraphrasing requires a citation.


Paraphrase is the restatement of a text or passages, using other words. It is: Your interpretation of essential information and ideas expressed by someone else, presented in a new form. A legitimate way to borrow from a source (when accompanied by accurate documentation) A more detailed restatement than a summary, which focuses concisely on a single main idea.


Paraphrase A paraphrase typically explains or clarifies the text that is being paraphrased. For example, "The signal was red" might be paraphrased as "The train was not allowed to proceed. 14

6 Steps to Effective Paraphrasing

1. Reread the original passage until you understand its full meaning. 2. Set the original aside, and write your paraphrase on a note card. 3. Jot down a few words below your paraphrase to remind you later how you envision using this material. At the top of the note card, write a key word or phrase to indicate the subject of your paraphrase. 4. Check your rendition with the original to make sure that your version accurately expresses all the essential information in a new form. 5. Use quotation marks to identify any unique term or phrases you have borrowed exactly from the source. 6. Record the source (including the page) on your note card so that you can credit it easily if you decide to incorporate the material into your paper. 15

Exercise: On a separate piece of paper, write a paraphrase the following passage. Students frequently overuse direct quotation in taking notes, and as a result they overuse quotations in the final [research] paper. Probably only about 10% of your final manuscript should appear as directly quoted matter. Therefore, you should strive to limit the amount of exact transcribing of source materials while taking notes.

Lester, James D. Writing Research Papers. 2nd ed. (1976): 46-47


A plagiarized version: Students often use too many direct quotations when they take notes, resulting in too many of them in the final research paper. In fact, probably only about 10% of the final copy should consist of directly quoted material. So it is important to limit the amount of source material copied while taking notes.


A legitimate paraphrase: In research papers students often quote excessively, failing to keep quoted material down to a desirable level. Since the problem usually originates during note taking, it is essential to minimize the material recorded verbatim (Lester 46-47).

An acceptable summary: Students should take just a few notes in direct quotation from sources to help minimize the amount of quoted material in a research paper (Lester 46-47).


The US Congress appalling support of and behaviour during the discussions about SOPA and PROTECT-IP should be deeply disturbing to anyone who values the internet. These two pieces of legislation will probably kill the internet as it works today and replace it with something that looks a whole lot like the Chinese internet. The end of the internet as we know it? By Paul Furber , 15 February 2012 Brainstorm Magazine,

Paraphrased: [you need to ask yourself what part of this information you want to use in your work?] A consequence of the US Congresss support for the SOPA and PROTECT-IP legislation is that the spread of information could be restricted (Furber 2012).

Do you know how to paraphrase correctly? Paraphrasing is more than simply rewording the original material!

It must be almost entirely in your own words. You must use new synonyms and new phrases. Only technical terms should be repeated. Any exact words that are retained should have quotation marks around them. The sentence structure should be yours, not the same as in the source. Also see


Example: Unless steps are taken to provide a predictable and stable energy supply in the face of growing demand, the nation may be in danger of sudden power losses or even extended blackouts, thus damaging our industrial and information-based economies. John Doe, 1999, p.231.

Inadequate paraphrase: Doe (1999) recommends that the government take action to provide a predictable and stable energy supply because of constantly growing demand. Otherwise, we may be in danger of losing power or even experiencing extended blackouts. These circumstances could damage our industrial and information-based economy. (p.231).
See the similarities????? In both words used and sentence structure

The inadequate paraphrase is guilty of plagiarism even though the material is cited correctly. The writer has used too many word-for-word phases from the source. Also, the order of the ideas is unchanged from the source.

Compare the following correct paraphrase: Doe (1999) believes that we must find a more reliable source of energy if we are to have a dependable electricity supply. Without this, the nations economic base may be damaged by blackouts (p.231).
Using Sources Effectively: Strengthening Your Writing and Avoiding Plagiarism. Robert A. Harris. Los Angeles, California: Pyrczak Publishers, 2002.



Quotations should be used sparingly. They must be exact, word-for-word as they appear in the original document. Quotes require a citation in addition to the use of quote marks. Every quoted word needs to be cited. Even a short phrase or single word must be quoted and cited if it is unusual. pretzeled logic clandestine coup

Using Sources Effectively: Strengthening Your Writing and Avoiding Plagiarism. Robert A. Harris. Los Angeles, California: Pyrczak Publishers, 2002.


Quotations must be attributed to the original author and the source that you used. For example: If you use the phrase, Fourscore and twenty years ago, our forefathers . . . you must give credit to Abraham Lincoln and the book in which he is quoted.

Lincoln, Abraham. Gettysburg Address. In Lincoln at Gettysburg: the Words that Remade America, Garry Wills. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1992.



You cannot use someone elses paper, art work, or presentation without proper citation even if he gave you permission.

You may even have to cite yourself. If you created a work for a previous paper or presentation, and you are using it again, you must cite your previous work.


Free example code?

Free means economically free, you do not have to pay for it. The free stuff has a specific use and can only be used free for the intended use.

If you use the words, graphics, or ideas, you must give a citation.



Dont confuse copyright violation with plagiarism. Copyright law is very complex.

Under the terms of Fair Use, you may use quotes and ideas for your class work without getting permission of the authors IF you give proper citations.

If you are writing or creating for profit, you must get permission from others to use their ideas even if you use citations.


Common knowledge: Information that is easily observed the sky is blue, but not a detailed explanation of why the sky is blue. Commonly reported facts Nelson Mandela was a president of the South Africa Common sayings such as proverbs Waste not, want not; Look before you leap.

Common knowledge does not need to be cited, but be sure that what you are using really is common knowledge.



The Internet as a source of information? A copy (either paper or disk) should be retained. Internet sites must be examined very carefully for reliability, as all sources are not authoritative or trustworthy. Lack of author or publisher often indicates that the information should be treated with caution. The work of other students (e.g. home pages) may be consulted but should never be a sole source of information. Find more info on the author Check URL (edu/gov/org/com) Links to the site? Date on which it was updated? Links to other reputable sites? Wikipedia? Good for background/informal reading, but NOT for an academic citation Read:

HOW TO CITE Always ask your lecturer what citation style you should use!

At the UJ we use the Harvard method



Reference list A reference list at the end of a paper provides the full information necessary to identify and retrieve each source. It cites works that specifically support a particular article. References should be alphabetically listed by authors last name at the end of the paper or presentation. Bibliography A bibliography cites works for background or for further reading. Citation References and citations in text are the formal methods of acknowledging the use of a creators work. In-Text Citation Direct citations and quotations are acknowledged in the body of a research assignment. (Right in the sentence or paragraph)


Reference components Of printed and non-printed works, in this order:

Author Year of publication (or use copyright date, e.g. 1985) Title (exact wording, italics(?), combine subtitles with colon) Edition (mention any edition other than the first) Place of publication Publisher Numbering and/or pagination Series



Reference components Of electronic references: Author/Editor

Title of page/article (look in bar on top) Title of web page (look on sites home page) Type of medium (online, electronic journal, etc.) Date on which it was updated Full URL (http://www . . .) Access date Any other details


n.d. = no date of publication given n.p. = no place of publication given n.p. = no publisher given n.pag. = no pagination given



In-Text References
Include a reference at the end of a sentence (Greaves, 2004). Greaves (2004) says that references can be written in the middle of a sentence. For direct quotes, use speech marks and state the page number of the source in the reference. (Greaves, 2004, p.72) What you put in the in-text reference must direct the reader to the correct reference in the end list.


Meggs, P.B. (1998) A history of Graphic Design, 3rd ed., Chichester: John Wiley In-text (Meggs, 1998) Author surnames Publication year in brackets Title in italics Edition number (where relevant) Place of publication Publisher



Chapters of edited books

Samson,C., 1970. Problems of information studies in history. In S. Stone, ed. Humanities information research. Sheffield: CRUS, 1980, pp. 44-68. In-text (Samson, 1970) Author surnames Publication year in brackets Title of chapter Editor(s) surnames Title of book in italics Edition number (where relevant) Place of publication Publisher

Journal articles
Gera, T. (2002) Keep your hair on, New Scientist, 23 (12), 13 October, p. 28-35 In-text (Gera, 2002) Article author Publication year in brackets Article title in speech marks Journal title in italics Volume & issue / part number, and publication date Page numbers



Conference paper
Damiani, E., di Vimercati, S. D., Paraboschi, S., and Samarati, P. (2001) Fine grained access control for SOAP E-services. In Proceedings of the 10th international Conference on World Wide Web, Hong Kong, May 01 - 05, 2001, p. 504-513. In-text (Damiani et al., 2001) more than 2 authors Article author Publication year in brackets Article title Conference title in italics Location Date Page numbers

Web Sites
Jazz review. Your complete resource for jazz music reviews. (n. d.), Online. Available from: [Accessed 18 October 2003] In-text (Jazz review, n. d.) Title of web site in italics Web site address underlined The date you accessed the site in square brackets (this is important as web pages can change frequently)



Web Sites
For example, Aka Aki ( is a Germany-based mobile social networking site that let users discover and connect with members as they go about their day. Bluetooth is used to find similar users within proximity and alerts them via mobile device. Numerous Bluetoothenabled mobile social networking have been released in recent times such as Next2Friends ( , Imity ( and MobiLuck( (Buthcher, 2008).
Butcher M, (2008), Next2Friends: Another Bluetooth social network joins the fray, Online. Available from: [Accessed 18 October 2009]

Note that Aka Aki is a company with a web site you can ref it by its URL in text

Two authors
Previous research (Bertino et al. 2004), (Biskup & Wortmann 2004), (Bacon & Moody 2002), point towards the adoption of attribute-based access control as a means to address some of these problems.

Biskup J. & Wortmann S. (2004), Towards a Credential-Based Implementation of Compound Access Control Policies, SACMAT 2004, 9th ACM Symposium on Access Control Models and Technologies, Yorktown Heights, New York, USA, June 2-4, p 330 - 360.



More than two authors

The trend is towards implementing collaborative applications that are supported by web services technology (Gottschalk et al. 2002). Gottschalk K., Graham S., Kreger H. & Snell J. (2002) Introduction to web services architecture, IBM Systems Journal, Vol. 41, No. 2., p. 178 - 198






Harvard OWL, Online Writing Lab, Purdue University, Research and Documenting Sources, Plagiarism Sites,

Plagiarism in the News, p/plagiarism/index.html


Purpose of Turn-it-in Process Some Stats Example feedback Tolerances


Purpose of Turn-it-in

Automated system to confirm that research done by a student is original Provide a fair benchmark for all students in the group.

Some Stats

135+ million archived student papers 90,000+ journals, periodicals & books 823,414 active instructors 13.5+ billion web pages crawled 9,500 educational institutions 19 million licensed students 126 countries



Always upload an electronic copy of your assignment / practical to EVE This practical must be in the following formats: *.doc, *.doxc, *.pdf, *.zip Obviously do not encrypt your document Department will submit the assignments to turnItin Once TurnItin report is received, assignment will be assessed by lecturer.

Example feedback




25% - You receive zero & your case is forwarded to the Dean for a formal hearing 2010 - 10 cases sent, all was found guilty, various punishments was awarded... 2011 less


Let us find some papers on cloud computing





This is good to read as background, but not to quote in a formal research paper as the information may be unreliable Who is the author?? When was it written?





Is this a good source?



A very good source!!


The reference to it Remember to format it for Harvard



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Very important page




Due on 9 March at 17h00 Hand hard copy in with secretary Upload softcopy to EVE See EVE for more details


Our future environment is expected to be filled with invisible networks of tiny processors, all communicating with each other, unnoticed by us. The late Mark Weiser, former chief scientist at the XEROX Palo Alto Research Center, California (United States), described this future in 1991 when he coined the term ubiquitous computing. In his words: The most profound technologies are those that disappear. They weave themselves into the fabric of everyday life until they are indistinguishable from it.

Taken from:


Write a 5 page research report in which you agree, or disagree whether profound technologies have indeed disappeared. You must take a position, and motivate it with very good reasoning

You must refer to the 5 given sources in your reference list using Harvard:


You need to find more good sources on your own at least another 3. Use the template that has been provided.



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