CMDA Atlanta Ministry Newsletter June 2013

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Partners in ministry

making a difference

June 2013

My daughter , Emmy, and the family on the day of her graduation from high schoolnext fall she is going to Univ. of North Georgia

Dear Ministry Partner,

This is the season for graduations. That fact has been never more true for me than this year. Personally, my oldest daughter Emmy graduated from high school & CMDA Atlantas 4th year medical students from Emory, GA-PCOM and Morehouse graduated as well. It has been exciting to watch these students over the past years, not only grow in their medical confidence and expertise, but also grow in their faith as theyve taken on student leadership, gone on medical missions, been mentored by CMDA doctors and shared their faith with their fellow students. One of the great privileges we have with the CMDA students at the culmination of their medical school experience, is to invite them to a Commissioning Service. This is a time to honor their accomplishment, have them take the Christian Physicians Oath, and to lay hands upon them in prayersending them off into their medical career. Please pray for these students as they enter into their various residency programs that they would continue to grow and develop into doctors with a deep abiding faith in the Lord Jesus.

Wanted to thank you again for putting together the commissioning service Saturday. It was very special to my family and I. I will always look back on that service as a special point in my training. Thank you
Brian Burgess GA-PCOM Student 13
Serving Him Together,

Reaching out to the next generation of doctors is a key mission endeavor of CMDA Atlanta. We need your financial support to continue to resource and support our ministries at all four medical campuses in the Atlanta area Emory, Mercer, GA-PCOM & Mercer (Atlanta). Please prayerfully consider giving a gift today. Thank you and God bless.
(678) 350-

Thank you very much for your faithful support of this CMDA ministry.
My check is enclosed Please charge my: Please send information on automatic bank and credit card draft options Please remove me from the monthly Heartchangers update

Bill Reichart Atlanta Area Director

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Contributions are made with the understanding that the donee organization has complete control and administration over the use of the donated funds.

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