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Name Form

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Learning outcomes Band Performance standard Descriptor Evidence

Able to ask simple questions to get information and respond appropriately to questions. 2 B2 Understanding meanings at word, phrase and sentence level B2 DL1 Talking about self, family, friends and interests B2 DL1 E1 Able to ask simple questions to get information and respond appropriately to question on any one of the following: Self Family Friends Interests

In pairs, take turn to ask simple questions to get information and respond appropriately . You may use the following notes How old are you?

What are your parents occupations?

Who is your best friend?

What is your hobby?

How do you spend your free time

Where do you stay?

What is your favorites food?

Name Form

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Learning outcomes Band Performance standard Descriptor Evidence

Obtain information from various text types 2 B2 Understanding meanings at word, phrase and sentence level B2 DB1 Reading and locating information from a linear / non-linear text B2 DB1 E1 Able to read aloud with proper pronunciation and intonation

GARDENING CLUB Grow your own vegetables. Plant flowers to keep your school beautiful. Visit farms. Be active and healthy. Join our club. SWIMMING CLUB Swimming is the best exercise. Be strong. Be fit. Be healthy.

NATURE CLUB Lots of healthy outdoor activities. Camping in the jungle Trips to nature parks

KEEP FIT CLUB Lots of exercises, sports and games to keep you fit and healthy. Jog on the beach! Climb Gunung Kinabalu!

Instruction : Complete the sentences based on the notices given.

1. Fiona loves adventure and outdoor activities such as ________ in the jungle. 2. I love swimming because I want to be ________, fit and _______. 3. Lily prefers to join Keep Fit Club because she likes to _________ on the beach. 4. Teo enjoys planting flowers. So, he should join _____________. 5. My brother and I love sports. We should join either ___________ or ___________.

Name Form

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Learning outcomes Band Performance standard Descriptor Evidence

Obtain information from various text types 2 B2 Understanding meanings at word, phrase and sentence level B2 DB1 Reading and locating information from a linear / non-linear text B2 DB1 E2 Able to find the meaning of unfamiliar words from a variety of sources, for e.g dictionary, theasaurus, etc.

GARDENING CLUB Grow your own vegetables. Plant flowers to keep your school beautiful. Visit farms. Be active and healthy. Join our club. SWIMMING CLUB Swimming is the best exercise. Be strong. Be fit. Be healthy.

NATURE CLUB Lots of healthy outdoor activities. Camping in the jungle Trips to nature parks

KEEP FIT CLUB Lots of exercises, sports and games to keep you fit and healthy. Jog on the beach! Climb Gunung Kinabalu!

From the notices, find the meaning of these words. NO. 1 2 3 4 5 WORD Grow Outdoor Nature Fit Climb MEANING

Name Form

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Learning Outcomes Band Performance Standard Descriptor Evidence

Take part in social interaction by carrying out a variety of language functions and making plans and arrangement 1 B2 : Understand meanings at word, phrase and sentence level B2 DT1 : Writing short messages B2DT1E1 : Able to write simple instructions and invitations

Your school is organizing a trip to Sunway Lagoon. Write an email to invite your friend to join you for the trip. Remind her to bring her swimming suit and food for the trip. Fill in the blanks with the correct answer. well how are you invite Sunday 7am School school trip punctual swimming suit

Dear Kavita, Hi, __________________? I hope you are _______. I would like to ________ you to our __________ to Sunway Lagoon this ___________. We are leaving at _______. Please be _________ if you are coming. Do not forget to bring along your ______________. Hope to hear from you soon. Love, .


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