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ME107B: Refrigeration Cycle 9/2

(for Sept 7,8 will have a lecture at 1:00PM in 6153 Etch, the Vogt room) Instructor: Ralph Greif Staff: Mike Neufer E-mail: Office: 60 Hesse Hall Staff: Scott G McCormick Office Hours: TBA ??? Objectives 1. Learn about refrigeration, efficiency of compressor, and performance of system including variations with parameters 2. Consider the validity of assumptions (constant pressure, adiabatic, steady-state temperature etc.) 3. Consider the effects of a precooler 4. Learn how to conduct experiments, analyze, synthesize material and present data and results 5. Improve technical communication skills and work as a group member

Preparation 1. Blank-CD-Rs, graph paper, extra data sheets 2. Three thermodynamics books- you will need property tables 3. Extra copies of p-h diagram (additional file) and color marker pen (red or blue) 4. Calculators- be ready to calculate & analyze data in the laboratory Data sheets -No calculations on data sheet, record atmospheric pressure, room temperature -Record data and time for each set of readings -Record raw data (you are expected to record raw data as well as log computer data) -Record any unusual observations -Record data about every five or ten minutes -Write all data with ink (No pencil) Safety -

Discharge pressure should not be exceeded < 150 psi Temperature of glycol should not be exceeded < 120 F Let Staff switch on/off for precooler Check freon levels frequently during experiment- freon level should always be above zero (do not allow freon level to go below zero).

Basic Idea- Transfer of Energy from a Lower Temperature Region to a Higher Temperature Region Theory
The reversed Carnot cycle (what are the assumptions for this cycle?) The Carnot cycle is a totally reversible cycle that consists of two reversible isothermal and two isentropic processes. It has the maximum thermal efficiency of given temperature limits, and it serves as a standard against which actual cycles can be compared.

Figure 1. The objective of a refrigerator and a T-S diagram of the reversed Carnot cycle COP = Coefficient of Performance

COPR,Carnot = Win = QH QL COPR,Carnot =

DesiredOutput QL = (1) WorkInput Win (2) QL TL = QH QL TH TL (3)

The ideal vapor-compression refrigeration cycle (what are the assumptions for this cycle? What are the differences for the laboratory system?)

Figure 2 Schematic and T-S diagram for the ideal vapor-compression cycle. (All operating systems are not ideal.) The ideal vapor-compression cycle consists of four processes: 1-2 Isentropic compression in a compressor 2-3 Constant pressure heat rejection in a condenser 3-4 Throttling in an expansion device 4-1 Constant pressure heat absorption in an evaporator The condenser and the evaporator do not involve any work, and the compressor is idealized to be adiabatic and reversible (isentropic). The ideal COP of the refrigerator can be expressed as follows.

COPR , Ideal =

QL h1 h4 = Win h2 h1


where the enthalpy of each state can be found from property tables
What kinds of irreversibilities exist for real refrigeration cycles?

COPR (General ) =

DesiredOutput QL m h = = WorkInput Win Win


Equation (5) is the COP we will use in the laboratory. Note that mh could be mf hf or mg hg (f = freon, g = glycol, freon is the refrigerant and glycol is being cooled. These fluids are discussed later). Perhaps try both values of mh. Figure 3 (below) is a p-h diagram for the ideal vapor-compression cycle. All operating systems are not ideal. We will use the p-h diagram in the laboratory and modify it as appropriate for our operating system.

Figure 3. P-h Diagram Components of the system 1.) Compressor

1 Freon out

Compressor Win = m f (h1 h11 )+Q

11 Freon in

Win =motor Pmotor Q (h h ) comp = m 1 . 11 =1 Win Win

Note that Win = the rate of work input to the compressor (= P in= P comp). 2.) Condenser
2 Freon in Qout = Qcond 15 Cold Water in

16 Warm Water out 4 Freon out

Energy balance (steady-state) Ein = Eout +/- (losses or gains)


m f h f =mwhw + / (losses or gains)


m f (h2 h4 )= mw (h16 h15 )+ / (losses or gains)

Think about the losses or gains in the condenser.

3.) Expansion Valve

5 liquid freon

6 liquid/vapor freon

Why is h5 ~ h6? What assumptions make them equal? 4.) Evaporator

Expansion Valve (h5 ~ h6) 6 Freon (saturated mixture,X=?) Qin = Ql = Qevap

17 Warm Glycol

18 Cool Glycol 7 Freon Vapor

m f h f = mg hg + / (losses or gains)

m f (h7 h6 ) = mg (h17 h18 )+ / (losses or gains)

Think about the losses or gains in the evaporator

where h6~h5 (expansion valve). (g=gw =glycol +~5%water, will discuss in lab) 5.) Pre-cooler Pre-cooler is a device, which produces a lower temperature at the inlet to the compressor. We will discuss the actual device later. Why use a pre-cooler? What

advantages could we achieve? In this experiment is the pre-cooling really being achieved? How can you determine this?

Test information
Schedule 1. The laboratory section will start at 1:00 P.M with lab staff (for Sept 7,8 will have a lecture at 1:00PM in 6153 Etch, the Vogt room). Transient conditions (1A, 1B) will be performed by staff, and steady-state conditions (1C,1D) will be run by students. (1D) may not be needed. Then proceed to next condition (2a). 2. Experiment will end at 4:30 P.M. The system takes 30 min to shut down. Thermo couple locations 1. TC#1 : R-134a vapor at compressor outlet 2. TC#2 : R-134a vapor at condenser inlet 3. TC#3 : R-134a vapor in condenser 4. TC#4 : R-134a liquid at condenser outlet 5. TC#5 : R-134a liquid right before expansion valve 6. TC#6 : R-134a liquid/vapor right after expansion valve(inlet to evaporator) 7. TC#7 : R-134a vapor at evaporator outlet 8. TC#8 : R-134a vapor at precooler inlet 9. TC#9 : R-134a vapor at precooler outlet 10. TC#10 : R-134a vapor between 9 and 11 11. TC#11 : R-134a vapor at compressor inlet 12. TC#12 : R-134a liquid before precooler expansion valve 13. TC#13 : R-134a liquid/vapor after precooler expansion valve 14. TC#14 : R-134a at precooler outlet 15. TC#15: Water at condenser inlet 16. TC#16 : Water at condenser outlet 17. TC#17 : Ethylene or Propylene Glycol at evaporator inlet 18. TC#18 : Ethylene or Propylene Glycol at evaporator outlet Test Schedule (TENTATIVE) Run freon flow precooler flow Run freon flow Week#2 runs 6-10 precooler flow Run freon flow Week#3 runs11-15 precooler flow Week#1 runs 1-5 1 a~d 130 0 5 a-c 70 0 10 a-c 70 0 2 a~c 100 0 6 a -c 140 0 11 a c 140 0 3 a~c 40 70 7 a-c 100 0 12 a-c 120 0 4 a~c 50 60 8 a-c 40 70 13 a-c 35 75

9 a-c 33 ? 77 ? 14 a-c 30 ? 80 ?

Note: You also need to record glycol and water flow rate (refer to data sheet). We will use different types of liquids (ethylene glycol or propylene glycol) which will be cooled by the freon. The liquid will be announced at the lab section.
Useful information about glycol Some useful conversions

1 hpas = 0.1 Kpas; 1 psi = 6.89 Kpas; C = (F-32)/1.8; 1 gal =3.78E-3 m3

Some tasks in the laboratory (Some of these items will be done for Interim and Final Reports.) A) Runs 1D (without the precooler) and 3C (with the precooler). At the measured value of psuction obtain Tsat and compare with measured T6 (% difference). B) Runs 1D (without the precooler) and 3C (with the precooler). At the measured value of T6 obtain psat and compare with measured psuction (% difference). C) For runs 1D and 3C tabulate values of enthalpy at points 1, 11, and h1 h11 (and compare using % differences) using tables ( from ASHRAE ) from a book p-h graph perhaps computer program ( Vapor Compression Refrigeration Cycle ) D) For runs 1D and 3C obtain the quality at 6, x6, based on h5 = h6 and psuction. E) Plot temperature as a function of time for a few locations to "evaluate" steady state. F) For some runs with the precooler (3C, 4C, 8C, ) tabulate temperatures at T6, T13, T14. Why do this? We should discuss this in the laboratory. Calculate % differences G) Evaluate compressor efficiency and COP thermo H) For runs 1D and 3C tabulate the 5 pressure measurements in kPa units ; calculate % difference between Psuction and Ptransducer1, between Ptransducer1 and Ptransducer2 and between Ptran2 and Ptran3. Summary of Results Table (Will be incomplete for planning report) 1. Conditions (gauge flow rate: 100,0, type of glycol: propylene glycol, etc.)

2. Electrical power to motor, Pmotor 3. Power delivered to compressor, Win = P in= P comp 4. R-134A mass flow rate(s) 5. Compressor efficiency 6. Water flow rate 7. EG or PG flow rate 8. Condenser mdot h )w , mdot h )F (use which one? try both?) 9. Evaporator mdot h )F , mdot h )EG (use which one? try both?) 10. COP 11. Temperature of R-134A at point 11 Plots/Tables (identify runs/data points on the plots, different symbols to readily distinguish w. and w.o. precooler, same/consistent symbols on ALL plots) 1. P-h diagrams for a few runs mark state points on diagram w/saturation dome (1D and 3D) last runs might be 1C and 3C 2. h1-h11 vs. R-134A mass flow rate with and without precooler and also all runs 3. Compress eff vs.TOTAL R-134A massflow with and without precooler 4. Compress eff vs. ratio of precool mass flow(II)/TOTAL mass flow(I+II) 5. COP vs. TOTAL R-134A massflow with and without precooler and all runs 6. COP vs. ratio of precool mass flow (II)/TOTAL massflow(I+II) 7. Temp vs. time for some runs at 6 or 7, 11, 18 (14 for precooler runs) 8. Table: P6, T6, Tsat, (for precooler add T13, T14 ) some runs (1D and 3D) 9. mdot h )Fevap , mdot h )E/PG ,Power E/PG vs. R-134A mass flow rate-no precool 10. Table: h1, h11, h1-h11 % difference (from ASHRAE tables [required], textbook [required], p-h graph [required], computer program in laboratory [optional]) for runs 1D and 3D? Some results to include in reports (some of this is for your later reports). 1. For sample calculations, do two calculations: run 1D(non-precooled) and run 4D (precooled), include: (typed equations and calculations) all calculations from interim report quality at point 6 comparison of Psat and Psuct using measured T6 ( make a table with % difference) - comparison of Tsat and T6 using measured P6 ( make a table with % difference) - comparison for values of h1, h11, and h1-h11 using textbook, p-h graph, and ASHRAE tables ( make a table with % difference) - be sure to always give references used for thermodynamic properties - give the run number and list of assumptions 2. Present results from the final runs/analyses in tables and in graphs. Tables should include any results from interim report calc. for each completed run

Some questions/considerations (primarily for final report) 1. Best performance at large R-134A flow rate? small R-134A flow rate? 2. If mdot is doubled does a) the compressor efficiency double? b) COP double? 3. Weak parts of system? What are the main sources of losses/inefficiencies? 4. What are the critical assumptions? Validity of assumptions? 5. Does | mdot h|F,evap + | mdot h|F,comp = | mdot h|F,cond? Condenser: Use mdot h )w or mdot h )F ? Evaporator: Use mdot h )F or mdot h )GlycolW ? What should the precooler be doing? What is it doing? Why do the enthalpy values vary between the p-h graph, textbook, and ASHRAE tables?

6. 7.


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