The Role of Livestock in Developing Countries

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The role of livestock in developing countries

Mark A. Mirando and Lawrence P. Reynolds

J Anim Sci 2007. 85:2787.

doi: 10.2527/jas.2007-85-11-2787

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The role of livestock in developing countries

In this issue of the Journal of Animal Science, you policymakers, and those who are the beneficiaries of
will find an invited review by T. F. Randolph and col- these efforts. We also wanted to provide a scholarly
leagues of the International Livestock Research Insti- analysis of the facts as well as some of the misconcep-
tute, Nairobi, Kenya; the Swiss Tropical Institute, Ba- tions concerning the contribution of livestock to the
sel; Cornell University, Ithaca, NY; the National Insti- health and economic progress of developing countries.
tute of Public Health, Cuernavaca, Mexico; the In fact, as Dr. Randolph and colleagues observe in
University of Toronto, Canada; the International Po- their review, “Animal-source foods are particularly ap-
tato Centre, Lima, Peru; the University of California, propriate for combating malnutrition and a range of
Davis; and the International Food Policy Research In- nutritional deficiencies,” and, “livestock clearly offer the
stitute in Washington, DC. This article is based on a most efficient utilization of resources that would other-
presentation made at the symposium entitled, “Interna- wise go unexploited. . .,” and thereby contribute to eco-
tional Animal Agriculture: Global Livestock and Poul- nomic development as well. Thus, “livestock keeping”
try Issues” at the Joint Annual Meeting of the American has been, and will continue to be, integral to improving
Dairy Science Association, the Poultry Science Associa- the well-being of people in developing countries, both
tion, the Asociación Mexicana de Producción Animal, from a health and nutrition perspective and from a
and the American Society of Animal Science (publisher socioeconomic one. However, as pointed out by Ran-
of the Journal of Animal Science), held July 8–12, 2007, dolph and co-authors, there is a critical need for objec-
in San Antonio, Texas. tive, scientifically sound studies on the role of and meth-
We invited Dr. Randolph and colleagues to write this ods to promote improved livestock production in devel-
review as part of our response to a request from the oping countries.
Council of Science Editors (CSE) to participate in their We could think of nothing more appropriate than a
Global Theme Issue on Poverty and Human Develop- review on this topic for the Journal of Animal Science
ment ( as part of this global effort to alleviate the suffering of
themeissue.cfm). As described by CSE, as part of the millions of people. To help ensure that they have the
Global Theme Issue, “Science journals throughout the intended impact, this editorial and the review article
world will simultaneously publish papers on this topic by Randolph and colleagues are being released as open
of worldwide interest—to raise awareness, stimulate access publications. We offer our sincere thanks to Dr.
interest, and stimulate research into poverty and hu- Randolph and colleagues for their thorough and bal-
man development. This is an international collabora- anced review of this important topic and to the review-
tion with journals from developed and developing ers and editors involved in bringing this paper to publi-
countries.” cation.
However, the purpose of our invitation went beyond
responding to the Global Theme Issue of CSE. Our pur- Mark A. Mirando
pose was to highlight the importance of livestock in the Symposia Editor, Journal of Animal Science
global effort to alleviate poverty and promote human
health, for those involved in livestock research, for Lawrence P. Reynolds
Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Animal Science

August 20, 2007. doi:10.2527/jas.2007-85-11-2787


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