Halil İnalcık - The Ottoman Empire (Conquest, Organization and Economy)

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Varlorum: Revised Editions: M.-M. ALEXANDRESCU-DERSCA La campagne de Timur en Anatolie (1402) DENIS A. ZAKYTHINOS Le Despotat groc de Morée, Histoire politique [Le Despotat grec de Mord. Vie et institutions Varioram Reprints: NICOLAS IORGA. Philippe de Mézitres (1327-1405) ot ls croisade au X1Ve sidcle Paris 1896 edition RUY GONZALES DE CLAVHO ‘The Spanish Finbassy to Samarkand 1403-1406 ed. L.Sreznevsky. St.Petersburg 1881 In the Collected Studies Series: VLADIMIR MINORSKY ‘The Turks, Iran and the Caucasus in the Middle Agos BERNARD LEWIS Studies in Classical andl Ottoman Islam (7th-16th Centuries) CLAUDE CAHEN ‘Tureobyzantina et Oxiens Christianus NIKOLAI TODOROV La ille balkanique sous les Ottomans (XVe-XIXe. 8) NICOARA BELDICEANU Le monde ottoman des Balkans (1402-1566) PETER TOPPING Studies on Latin Greece A.D. 1208-1715 HELENE AHRWEILER Byzance: les pays et les teritoires ANTHONY LUTTRELL ‘The Hospitallers in Cyprus, Rhodes, Greece and the West (1291-1440) ELIYAHU ASHTOR Stuvlies on the T evantine Trade in the Middle Ages Halil inalek The Ottoman Empire: Conquest,Organization and Economy Collected Studies VARIORUM REPRINTS London 1978 British Library CIP data Published in Great Britain by, Printed in Great Britain by Inalcik, Hal ‘The Ottoman Empire. — Collected studies series, C587), 1. Turkey — History — Ottoman Empire, 1288-1918 — Collected works LTitle 949.6°008 DRaao ISBN 0:86078.032-5, Varioniem Repriate ‘2a Pembridge Mews London W11 3EQ Kingprint Lid Richmond Surrey TW9 4PD \VARIORUM REPRINT C387 CONTENTS Preface CONQUEST AND ORGANIZATION I u m Vv vi Ottoman Methods of Conquest Studia Isamica 1 Paris 1954 ‘The Problem of the Relationship Between Byzantine and Ottoman Taxation Alten des XL Internationaten Byzantinisten- Kongresses 1958, Munich 1960 The Conquest of Edirne (1361) Archiown Ottomanicum IHL. The Hague 1971 Land Problems in Turkish History The Muslim World 45, Hartford 1955 ‘The Turkish Impact on the Development of Modern Europe ‘The Ottoman State and its lace in World History, 4. Kemal H. Karpat. EJ. Brill, Leiden 1974 The Policy of Mehmed II Toward the Greek Population of Istanbul and the Byzantine Buildings of the City Dumbarton Oaks Papers 23/24, Washington D.C 1969/1970 104-129 237-242 185-210 221-228 51-58 231-249 Vil vit Suleiman the Lawgiver and Ottoman Law Archivum Ortomanicum L The Hague 1969 ‘Ottoman Policy and Administration in Cyprus after the Conquest Apyuldes Maibaas., Ankara 1969 Lepante in the Ottoman Documents Mediterraneo nella seconda meth del ‘500 alla luce di Lepanto. Firenze 1974 Beonomy x x1 XML ‘The Ottoman Economic Mind and Aspects of the Ottoman Economy Studies in the Economie History of the Middle Eas, ed. M.A. Cook. Oxford University Press, London 1970 Bursa and the Commerce of the Levant Journal of Economie and Soci or ofthe Orient T1I/2. Leiden 1960 ied Capital Formation in the Ottoman Empire The Journal of Heonamle History XIX. ‘New York University Press, New York 1969 105-138 5-23 185-192 207-218 131-147 97-140 (OTTOMAN DECLINE AND REFORM XII xIv xv XVI Index ‘The Ottoman Decline and Its Effects Upon the Reaya Aspects of the Balkans, Continuity and Change. Contributions to the International Balkan Conference held at UCLA, October 23-28 1969, ed Henvik Birubaum & Speros Vryonis Jr, ‘Mouton, The Hague 1972 The Socio-Political Effects of the Diffusion of Fire-Arms in the Middle East War, Technology and Society in the Middle East, ed. Ved. Parry and Me &. Yanp, Oxford University Press, London 1975 ‘The Nature of Traditional Society; Turkey Political Modernization in Japan and Turkey (Studies in Polltical Development 3), ed. Robert E. Ward and Daniowart A, Rostow. Princeton University Press, Princeton, N.J. 1964 Application of the Tanzimat and its Social Effects ‘The Peter de Ridder Press, Lisse 1976, (= Archivum Ottomanicum V. (1973), pp.97-128) This volume contains a total of 362 pages 338-354 195-217 I-19

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