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Eastern Europe Ministry - Romania

BUCHAREST - NEW LIFE CHURCH VISION A church that operates with spiritual gifts and express itself in a relevant way in the actual social contest. MISSION A church that: Plants small fellowship groups in every area of Bucharest, Sends evangelists on the streets to spread the Word of God, Sends missionaries in different cities to plant churches in those areas. Our mission is to reach and consolidate new people, equipping, sending and supporting them to fulfill Gods mission according to: Mathew 16 : 15, 16. PROJECTS Here are four different projects that we have. The first two* are already started and we intend to develop them all in the year of 2005. No: ACTIVITY NEEDS 1. Youth Outreach Department (Y.O.D.) * Evangelization in University Campuses through cell groups. One concert per month with Christian contemporary music. Internet Club - for church use only Chat evangelization - in weekends. Youth Club within the church Sports and games. Hospital Bucharest Outreach (H.B.O.) * Evangelization in hospitals Counseling, evangelization, prayers, etc. Family Social Project (F.S.P.) Helping families with financial problems by providing for a limited number of children. Childrens Department (C.D.) Every Saturday: games, songs, watching cartoons, easy studies, etc. Promotion: flyers, New Testaments, etc. Promotion, hall rent, sound system, musicians support, etc. 10 computers. Materials and accessories.


Promotion, New Testaments, etc.


Once a year: school clothing, notebooks, books and other needs. Books, pencils, water colors, puzzles, etc.


THE PASTOR AND HIS FAMILY Founders and Pastors of the Bucharest - New Life Church are Romica and Mihaela Avadanoaei. Pastor Romica served for 2 years as a leader of the Glina Bethania Church, Ilfov district as he was sent from the Bethesda Church of Bucharest wen he was deacon and member of the church board. He has a degree in Theology, studied at the Pentecostal Theological University in Bucharest and he graduated in July 2003. Mihaela graduated in Christian counseling courses at Ellel East Bible School in 2003. She serves along with her husband helping with evangelizing and counseling women. Romica and Mihaela both the ages of 37 have 2 children Andy and Ines - 11 years of age respectively 8 years old.

CHURCH HISTORY - The New Life Church started with a small group of people gathering in the Pastors apartment since 17th of May 2002. - In the beginning the church was called Student Church. - The first public meeting took place in September 2003 in the Amphitheater of the History Faculty at the University of Bucharest. The New Life Church is a nondenominational church that is connected with : Christian Faith International

WHY WE SERVE IN BUCHAREST? In Bucharest are over 10% of all Romanians and the evangelicals churches are only 0.74%. There is over 3 millon people that need to be reached. We serve out of the church boundaries in houses, streets, parks, hospitals, universities, companies, etc. We dont put barriers between people and God using religion practices. We encourage people to develop their Spiritual gifts and to work with the power of the Holy Spirit. REQUESTS FOR GODS MINISTRY For the Church: - Renting a building that would give us the possibilities to have several rooms for different activities like: church, children, music training, office, counseling, guests, etc. Request: 700 1,000 Euro for building rent. Or - Renting a building just for Sundays and 2 Wednesdays costs about 300 350 euros / month. - Accessories: computer & printer, projector, sound system, musical instruments, etc. For Pastors family: - Support for the apartment 200 Euro for renting +150 Euro for bills and invoice maintenance. - Family expenses 150 Euro for food, children school, etc. HOW CAN YOU INVEST IN GODS MINISTRY FOR ROMANIA? You have the opportunity to be partakers of Gods ministry. We will be happy if there is any one that will be able to support us with any kind of contributions big or small. God will reward every investment in His work according to the Word. The church members monthly give 150 Euro for renting the church building. Last year the pastors family received 75 Euro/month from a Christian organization and another 240 Euro from a Norway family. If you wish, we can give you the church financial balance. We are waiting for you in Bucharest! May God bless you! Pastor Romica Avadanoaei Bucharest - New Life Church, Romania Fix: +40 21 430 57 26 Mobile: +40 721 094 128. FOR FINANCIAL INVESTMENT USE: BANCA TIRIAC, BUCHAREST, ROMANIA AVADANOAEI ROMICA, IBAN cod : (for NOK) RO61 CBIT 4220 3439 2400 1000 (for USD) RO27 CBIT 4220 3439 2400 2000 (for EUR) RO90 CBIT 4220 3439 2400 3000

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