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J U N E 8 - J U L Y 3 1 , 2 0 0 9

MICDS is pleased to present the 2009 Summer Teacher Institute for Technology and Curriculum
Innovation. This series of hands-on professional development workshops features distinguished educators
from MICDS and around the world. Each week offers a selection of new sessions that will engage partici-
pants and provide strategies for effectively utilizing technology in the service of teaching and learning.
Whatever your background, needs, or interests, our Summer Teacher Institute can provide you with the
knowledge and skills to transform your classroom into a truly innovative learning environment.

Weekly Registration
i t e d! 1 Day: $125
i s Lim
Add a 2nd Day: $50
Sp a c To Each Additional Day: $25
g i s ter
All Sessions 9:00—3:00
MICDS Olson Presentation Room
Register online at
Questions? Contact us at or 314-995-7375.

Will Richardson Karl Fisch Jeff Utecht Darren Kuropatwa

Alec Couros Kevin Jarrett Kim Cofino Dean Shareski Chris Lehmann
MICDS 2009 Summer Teacher Institute
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June 8—June 12, 2009
Monday, June 8: Literacy in the Foreign Language Classroom
Presented by MICDS Faculty The Tablet PC and Web 2.0 tools can create a
portable language lab that can be used to connect learners from different schools
and different countries to foster an understanding of culture and language acqui-
sition. Learn how video and audio commenting can facilitate simple practice ac-
tivities as well as cross cultural, inter-classroom connections. Explore the use of a
variety of free tools like Vaestro, Seesmic, TokBox, and Vocaroo that can turn
the Tablet into an audio workshop. We will also examine how tools like Glogster,
Scrapblog, GoAnimate and Mixbook provide a venue for creating engaging ac-
tivities that have students work with language in both oral and written form.
Tuesday, June 9: Writing and Connecting in a Networked, Digital World
Will Richardson is known internationally for his work with educators and stu-
dents to understand and implement instructional technologies into their schools,
classrooms, and communities. A public school educator for 22 years, Will’s
Weblog,, is a primary resource for the creation and implemen-
tation of technology on the K-12 level and is a leading voice for school reform in
the context of the fundamental changes these new technologies are bringing to all
aspects of life.

Will is a national advisory board member for the George Lucas Education Foundation, writes a quarterly
column called “Web 2.0” for District Administration magazine, and regularly contributes to Educational
Leadership, Edutopia, and English Journal. His best-selling book, Blogs, Wikis, Podcasts and Other Pow-
erful Tools for Classrooms, is used by thousands of teachers to reinvent their practice, and his keynotes,
presentations and workshops to audiences around the world communicate a fresh and inspiring vision of
what schools can and must become.

Join Will for an interactive day of learning how writing and communicating in a networked, digital world
can engage students in and out of the classroom and help create a community of learners.
Wednesday, June 10: Literacy in the Humanities Classroom
Presented by MICDS Faculty Literature comes alive and students acquire 21st
century skills when technology enters the humanities classroom. Consider Lord of
the Flies on a wiki island, Shakespeare in the movies, Antigone as a graphic novel,
and The Odyssey in cyberspace. Creating podcasts to listen to Shakespeare, using
OneNote for collaborative note-taking, making Quizlet flashcards for vocabulary,
and utilizing online grammar programs for practice make learning more fun, effi-
cient, and engaging. This session will explore how the humanities can leverage
technology to ensure that students love literature and understand the fundamen-
tals of expression and communication in today’s world.

MICDS 2009 Summer Teacher Institute

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June 15—June 19, 2009
Tuesday, June 16: Technology as a Cornerstone of Curriculum
Karl Fisch has been a classroom teacher for eighteen years. He has taught
middle and high school math and is currently Director of Technology at
Arapahoe High School in Centennial, Colorado. He is the project leader of
Arapahoe’s Curriculum Innovation Team, leading the staff development efforts
for 21st Century Learners, a group of teachers exploring constructivism and
21st century learning skills. Karl invites you to join the conversation at his
blog, The Fischbowl.

Join Karl as he shares examples of successful projects and discusses strategies for
designing engaging curriculum that balances content, technology, and skills to enhance student learning.

Wednesday, June 17: Designing Tech-Infused Curriculum Using UbD

Presented by MICDS Faculty It isn’t about technology, it’s about providing
students with a well-designed, relevant curriculum. This session will explore the
principles of Understanding by Design (UbD) and how to embed 21st Century
Literacies into the curriculum. Examples of tech-infused units from several disci-
plines/grade levels will be shared and participants will be guided through the
creation of a unit using UbD and technology tools that enhance the learning
process for their classrooms.

Thursday, June 18: Using Technology to Enrich Assessment

Presented by MICDS Faculty This session explores the ways that technology
can make the learning process more transparent and can provide greater opportu-
nity for feedback and student self assessment. Wikis make individual contribu-
tion to group work documentable. Online quizzes allow for formative and sum-
mative assessment of smaller chunks of information. Google Notebook provides
an opportunity for teachers to watch student research and provide feedback dur-
ing the research process. Blogs provide a venue for student self-reflection. As
more student work is created in electronic format, the electronic portfolio be-
comes a more viable assessment option. Join us to discover these and other tools for assessing learning.
Friday , June 19: DyKnow in 10 Easy Steps
Brian Coco, Upper School Biology teacher at MICDS, will illustrate the benefits
of DyKnow in the classroom. In 10 easy steps you will learn how to utilize
DyKnow Vision as an interactive teaching tool to maximize class time, foster col-
laborative learning and promote effective studying, and employ DyKnow Monitor
to maintain control of your digital classroom and foster responsible computer use.

MICDS 2009 Summer Teacher Institute

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June 22—June 26, 2009
Monday, June 22: Network Literacy and the Tools of Engagement
Dr. Alec Couros is a professor of educational technology and media at the Faculty of
Education, University of Regina. He is a scholar and advocate for openness in distrib-
uted learning environments and has given hundreds of workshops and presentations,
nationally and internationally, on topics including openness in education, social learn-
ing, instructional design, digital citizenship, and critical media literacy. Alec shares his
insight and experiences through his blog, Open Thinking and Digital Pedagogy.

Join Alec as he discusses how to build your own learning network for professional
growth and explores tools that allow teachers and students to connect and collaborate.

Tuesday, June 23: Literacies in the K-6 Classroom

Kevin Jarrett is a Google Certified Teacher, New Jersey Department of Education Pro-
fessional Development Provider, and a K-4 Technology Facilitator at Northfield Com-
munity School in Northfield, NJ. In this role he is responsible for instruction in a lab
setting for the entire elementary student body and works closely with classroom teachers
to develop engaging projects leveraging Web 2.0 technologies across the curriculum. His
resources and reflections can be found on his blog, NCS-Tech.

Join Kevin for an interactive, hands-on day that will highlight curricular examples and
provide opportunities to build lessons that utilize technology to enhance learning.

Wednesday, June 24: Global Collaboration & Connecting Students

Kim Cofino has nearly 10 years of experience in international schools and is cur-
rently the 21st Century Literacy Specialist at the International School Bangkok. Her
work focuses on helping core subject teachers utilize Web 2.0 technologies in the ele-
mentary classroom and creating a global and collaborative approach to learning. Her
inquiry-based, constructivist approach to teaching utilizes project-based learning experi-
ences developed using the Understanding by Design process and her professional blog,
Always Learning, is an invaluable resource for K-8 teachers seeking examples of authentic
student engagement.

Join Kim as she shares examples of her innovative projects and helps attendees learn the tools and techniques that
support a global, connected curriculum.

Thursday, June 25: Digital Storytelling & Digital Cartography

Presented by MICDS Faculty Digital Storytelling weaves images, music, and narrative together to form powerful
expressions of understanding. The first portion of this workshop will explore free tools and simple techniques for
incorporating digital storytelling into the curriculum. Digital cartography brings an interactive dimension to maps
and globes. Any discipline can be approached from a geographical point of view, and the second half the workshop
will focus on using Google Maps and Google Earth to teach core–content knowledge and skills.

MICDS 2009 Summer Teacher Institute

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July 6—July 10, 2009
Wednesday, July 8: Using WebAssign as an Effective Assessment Tool

Aaron Titus, co-founder of WebAssign, will guide users through the basic use of
WebAssign in the classroom. WebAssign is a versatile tool that provides online
homework and quiz delivery and allows teachers to design, collect, grade, and
record assignments instantly to better assess student performance. Aaron will be-
gin with creating classes, progress to writing a variety of question types, and show
attendees how to customize assignments for time, number of submissions, hints,
and solutions. Participants will be given time to create assignments of their own.

Thursday, July 9: What Should I Do Now That I Couldn’t Do Before?

Darren Kuropatwa is Department Head of Mathematics at Daniel McIntyre

Collegiate Institute, Winnipeg, Manitoba, and Convener of the K12 Online
Conference. Known internationally for his ability to weave online social tools
meaningfully and concretely into his pedagogical practice, he has over 20 years of
experience in education and 15 years in leadership training. Darren’s professional
blog is called A Difference.

Darren is masterful at using the technique of scribe blogging to create a social

learning environment that requires all class members to actively participate. Within the blogging process,
Darren uses images, news stories, and embedded media to generate student interest and promote deeper
thought. Students are encouraged to apply concepts to real world problems and scenarios.

Join Darren as he shares his strategies for creating an engaging, student-centric, 21st century mathematics
and science classroom.

Friday, July 10: Literacy in the Math and Science Classroom

Presented by MICDS Faculty MICDS Upper School teachers Amy Scheer,

Janet Purdy, Brian Coco, and Chris Muskopf will illustrate how one-to-one
computing affords students and faculty a multitude of powerful options for
teaching and learning in science and math. Utilizing various Web 2.0 tools and
software packages including OneNote, DyKnow, Fathom, Geogabra, Sketchpad,
and Stella, they have increased collaboration among students, promoted individ-
ual exploration of science and math concepts and models, made the learning
process more transparent, and deepened their ability to assess student learning.
This session will also explore the use of scribe blogs to promote student reflection and the implementation
of a student research portfolio.

MICDS 2009 Summer Teacher Institute

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July 13—July 17, 2009
Monday, July 13: Media Literacy and Video in the Classroom

Dean Shareski is a Digital Learning Consultant with the Prairie South School
Division in Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan. He believes teachers and students need to
use technology to connect ideas and learners in safe, relevant, and authentic ways
to answer questions, share ideas and develop community. His work, which he
shares at Ideas and Thoughts, involves helping students and teachers understand
what is different about learning and teaching today and how to make significant
changes to help kids learn.

Dean received a Masters in Communications and Technology from the University of Saskatchewan and
occasionally teaches undergraduates at the University of Regina. He has presented at the local, provincial,
national and international level on topics ranging from geocaching to digital storytelling. While he loves to
talk about Social Media and the changing nature of learning, he has a special passion for digital stories and

Join Dean to learn proven strategies for incorporating video and storytelling into the curriculum and dis-
cover why media literacy should be an integral component of any classroom.

Tuesday, July 14: Multimedia for Learning

Tex Tourais, MICDS English teacher, will explore the use of multimedia in the
classroom and examine ways to use and create audio and video files to enhance
lessons. He will explain steps that ensure student video projects meet learning
objectives and guide attendees through the various components (storyboarding,
scripting, shot selection, audio enhancement, and editing) of a successful project.
Tex will also share example of projects including animations, commercials, docu-
mentaries, and photo-essays.

Wednesday, July 15: Telling a Story: The Power of Images

Tex Tourais, MICDS English teacher, will examine visual literacy and the use of
images in the classroom. He will demonstrate creative ways to incorporate im-
ages to add meaning to written work and share several projects, including the
creation and publication of a graphic novel. Tex will also cover fundamental
image editing using Photoshop and free online or Open Source editors and pro-
vide information on copyright and Creative Commons’ licensing as it pertains to

MICDS 2009 Summer Teacher Institute

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July 20—July 24, 2009
Thursday, July 23: Cultivating Change to Support an Innovative Curriculum

Chris Lehmann is the founding principal of the Science Leadership Academy, a

progressive science and technology high school in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Chris returned to his native Philadelphia after nine years as an English Teacher,
Technology Coordinator, and coach at the Beacon School in New York City,
one of the leading urban public schools for technology integration.

Chris was an honoree for the Association of Supervision and Curriculum Devel-
opment's 2009 Outstanding Young Educator Award and was named one of the
"40 Under 40" by Philadelphia Business Journal in 2009. He has spoken at educational conferences all over
the world and has worked with many schools and districts in the U.S. and England as a consultant. Chris
writes for LeaderTalk, Grant Wiggins' Faculty Room, and is the author of the education blog Practical

Join Chris as he shares his experiences as an education leader and learn how to cultivate and sustain a
school environment that embraces change and supports an innovative curriculum.

Friday, July 24: Research and Library 2.0

Presented by MICDS Faculty Our library staff will convince you the role of the
school library hasn’t diminished. Our library ( has
embraced student culture; iPods are allowed, game systems are available for
check out, and applications like Flickr, Wikispaces, and Facebook are part of the
daily experience. We have rooms for group work, for viewing video assignments,
and for video editing. Teachers, librarians, and instructional technologists col-
laboratively grade student research projects, offering timely and detailed feed-
back. Delicious, OneNote, and Google Notebooks are used to facilitate the re-
search process. Attendance in the library is up; more books than ever are being checked out. Come explore
projects and tools to enrich the research process and make the library an integral part of learning.

MICDS 2009 Summer Teacher Institute

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July 27—July31, 2009
Monday, July 27: Intercultural Literacy
Jeff Utecht is the Elementary Technology and Learning Coordinator for the In-
ternational School Bangkok. He is also an adjunct professor for Plymouth State
University, a coordinator for the Learning 2.0 Educational Technology Confer-
ence in Asia, serves as a consultant for the East Asia Regional Council of Overseas
Schools, and is an Educational Ambassador for

A certified educator and administrator, Jeff has spoken at conferences and lead
professional development workshops around the world, and regularly shares his
thoughts on education and technology on his blog, The Thinking Stick. He and his blog have recently
been mentioned in the books Reinventing Project-Based Learning as an avenue for “free online professional
development” and Web 2.0: New Tools, New Schools.

Join Jeff as he shares his insight and offers practical strategies for developing and sustaining intercultural
connections that foster global awareness and cultural understanding.

Tuesday, July 28: Getting Connected and Creating Flat Classroom Projects
Presented by MICDS Faculty Learning collaboratively in a digital world is an
important skill for students and teachers. This session will explore the steps nec-
essary to create a professional learning network and how to utilize it for profes-
sional growth. We will examine the use of tools including social bookmarks, so-
cial networks, blogs, rss feeds, wikis, and Twitter. We will also explore how to
move concepts of networked learning to students. Once tools are understood by
teachers and students, opportunities to connect learners across geographic
boundaries and flatten classrooms are limitless.

Wednesday, July 29: Literacy in the History Classroom

Presented by MICDS Faculty Technology can be used to breathe life into his-
tory, and this workshop will help you explore ways to use technology in your
classroom. Learn how students can create electronic portfolios, electronic mu-
seum exhibits, and a Facebook social network for history personalities. See exam-
ples of classroom uses of Ning,, xtimeline, wikis, Diigo, Google Earth,
and podcasting to interact with history content. By using technology to collabo-
rate and create, students can engage with history in a truly 21st century way.

Thursday, July 30: Digital Citizenship and Social Media in the Classroom and Life
Presented by MICDS Faculty Digital Citizenship and social media are among the most important but
difficult themes to effectively address within a school; so many ideas, so many stakeholders, so little time!
This session will address the challenges of establishing and maintaining a Digital Citizenship program that
recognizes the important role of social media in today’s world and truly engages and educates students,
parents, and teachers.

MICDS 2009 Summer Teacher Institute

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