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Unit 8 Recovery and assessing the elderly

Word anaesthesiologist (n) Definition a medical specialist who administers an anaesthetic to a patient before they are treated a treatment that uses massage with pleasant smelling natural oils to reduce pain and make you feel well a disease that causes the joints of your body to become swollen and very painful more healthy or less ill or painful than before to get something for someone and take it to them a building where people who are old or ill live and are looked after a liquid used to make something completely clean Translation anestesilogo (n)

aromatherapy (n)

aromaterapia (n)

arthritis (n)

artritis (n)

better (adj)

mejor (adj)

bring (v)

traer (v)

care home (n)

geritrico (n)

cleansing solution (n) commode (n)

solucin limpiadora (n)

a piece of furniture shaped like a chair WC porttil (n) that can be used as a toilet to help or support you in your own home a place that contains electronic machines that store information and use programs to help you find, organise or change the information a visit to an interesting place when you go there and come back the asistencia domiciliaria (n) sala de ordenadores (n)

community assistance (n) computer room (n)

day trip (n)

viaje de un da (n)



Definition same day


dentures (n pl)

a set of artificial teeth worn by someone who does not have their own teeth any longer if you have difficulty doing something, it is hard for you to do a place where people eat meals used as a polite way of saying that someone is old or becoming old physical activities that you do in order to stay healthy and become stronger

dentadura (n)

difficulty (n)

dificultad (n)

dining room (n) elderly (n)

comedor (n) ancianos (n)

exercise (n)

ejercicio (n)

financial security (n) forceps (n pl)

to have enough money for your needs seguridad financiera (n) a medical instrument used for picking up and holding things the area of land next to a dwelling where there are flowers, grass and often a place for people to sit spectacles that help you see a device used to hold things to pick them up if a wound or a broken bone heals, the flesh, skin, or bone grows back together and becomes healthy again frceps (n)

garden (n)

jardn (n)

glasses (n pl) grabber (n)

gafas (n) asidor (n)

heal (v)

sanar (v)

hearing aid (n)

a small object which fits into or behind audfono (n) your ear to make sounds louder; worn by people who cannot hear well someone's identity is their name or who they are identidad (n)

identity (n)

infection (n)

disease that affects a particular part of infeccin (n) your body and is caused by bacteria or a virus swelling and pain in part of your body, inflamacin (n) which is often red and feels hot

inflammation (n)


Word introduce (v)

Definition if you introduce someone to another person you tell them each other's names for the first time to connect together if you keep in touch with someone, you keep communicating with them even though you may live far apart a part where one or more pieces of thread have been tied or twisted together a place where clothes are washed and ironed a room containing books that can be looked at or borrowed most of the people or things in a group existing in nature a journey on foot through the countryside that is designed so that you can see interesting plants, animals, etc. along the way

Translation presentar (v)

join up (phr v) keep in touch (phr)

unir (v) permanecer en contacto (loc)

knot (n)

nudo (n)

laundry room (n)

lavandera (n)

library (n)

biblioteca (n)

majority (n)

mayora (n)

natural (adj) nature walk (n)

natural (adj) caminata por la naturaleza (n)

oxygen mask (n)

a piece of equipment that fits over mscara de someone's mouth and nose to provide oxgeno (n) them with oxygen an amount equal to five, ten, etc. parts out of a total of 100 parts to lift something up a way of doing something, especially the correct or usual way a series of planned activities or events, or a list showing what order they will come in the process of getting better porcentaje (n)

percent (n)

pick up (phr v) procedure (n)

recoger (v) procedimiento (n)

programme (n)

programa (n)

progress (n)

mejora (n)





pull (n)

an act of using gentle force to take something from the place where it is fixed or held to remove something from something else by pulling it away to move your arm in order to touch or lift something with your hand to take something away from, out of or off the place where it is someone who answers questions, especially in a survey

tirar (v)

pull off (v)

extraer tirando (v)

reach (v)

alcanzar (v)

remove (v)

retirar (v)

respondent (n)

encuestado (n)

securely (adv)

tied tightly, especially in order to make con seguridad (adv) something safe to make a small cut with scissors to talk to someone about something designed for a particular purpose completely clean and not containing any bacteria that might cause infection a disposable instrument with a stainless steel blade; used to cut stitches a stitch that is used to sew a wound together cortar (v) hablar (v) especializado (adj) estril (adj)

snip (v) speak (v) specialised (adj) sterile (adj)

stitch cutter (n)

cter para puntos (n)

suture (n)

sutura (n)

take out (v)

to remove something from a bag, box, sacar (v) your pocket, etc. a narrow length of plastic that is sticky cinta adhesiva (n) on one side and is used to stick things together if someone tells you something they communicate information contar (v)

tape (n)

tell (v)


Word tray (n)



flat piece of plastic or metal with bandeja (n) raised edges; used for carrying things, e.g. medical equipment to pull with one or more short quick pulls body temperature, pulse or heart rate blood pressure and respiration rate tirn (n)

tug (v)

vital signs (n pl)

signos vitales (n)

walking frame (n)

a structure made of metal to hold onto andador (n) to assist walking a container which usually opens at the bolsa de residuos top used to hold unwanted items that (n) may be hazardous

waste bag (n)


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