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INDIVIDUAL ASSIGNMENT This assignment calls for critical thinking and analysis of innovation and organization management in entrepreneurship.

ASSIGNMENT OBJECTIVES: The assignment is intended to foster the following objectives: Improving your critical thinking and application skills. Identifying innovation and organizational management opportunities and applying them strategically as needed to grow and sustain for profit / not for profit ventures. Combining knowledge from other courses with the new material presented in the course to develop sophisticated analyses and solutions to pursuing innovative solutions in todays fast-paced, global, and highly competitive environment.

ASSIGNMENT QUESTION (50%) Entrepreneurs in the 21st century face challenges unlike any faced in the past since the dawn of time. Organizations both new and old operate in vastly changing contexts. Some argue it has become more complex and others say it is more complicated. Most seem to agree that complexity in organizations is a lot more difficult to manage than organizations that are complicated. The salient points need to be considered in answering the above assignments are: 1. Are the key entrepreneurial terms and concepts defined and backed by evidence and sources? 2. How and what is understood by the statements and words? Is there a discussion and evaluation in the context of entrepreneurship? 3. What are the challenges facing entrepreneurs and their organisations in general and are specific entrepreneurs and their organisations used as examples? What are the implications for new start-ups within such contexts? 4. What approaches would you recommend to instill innovation and good organisational management considering complexity and complicated and the need for sustainability in entrepreneurship? 5. How risks can be mitigated and are those proposals realistic? Were local and foreign examples used to demonstrate an application of those approaches? 6. Was there a conclusion drawn linked to the discussion?


Note: The grade for this assignment will be substantially influenced by the originality and overall ability of the student to compare, evaluate and analyze the innovation challenges in entrepreneurship. Any form of plagiarism and / or lack of proper referencing will result in a substantial mark down or fail result.

ASSIGNMENT SUBMISSION: All assignments must be handed in at the stated time and in the stated form or they will automatically receive a grade zero. It is your responsibility to retain a copy of your assignments should any questions arise later concerning the said assignments.

PRESENTATION (10%) You will deliver an oral presentation (Power Point slide between 5 -10 minutes) at the end of the semester (Seminar 5) highlighting the salient points of your investigation and opinions. Online students are exempted.

ADDITIONAL GUIDELINES / ASSIGNMENT FORMAT: Your assignment should be typed on A4 paper using 12-point Times New Roman and 1.5 spacing. Your assignment should NOT exceed 2500 words, not including appendix and reference. Your must provide references. References should use the American Psychological Association (APA) format References should include the latest journal/book publication (year 2005 onwards). You are to submit a softcopy of your assignment via email. You must receive acknowledgement email from your facilitator to confirm submission. Plagiarism is not acceptable. If you are not sure what is meant by plagiarism, refer to the various websites which discuss this matter, e.g. Plagiarized assignments will receive a Fail mark.

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