Deep Well Project - The American Embassy and Other Partners: Water Projects

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DEEP WELL PROJECT THE AMERICAN EMBASSY AND OTHER PARTNERS Since the first visit of United Hearts for Health to Nicaragua in 2002, we have been fortunate to have developed a good relationship with the American embassy. Most notable has been our friendships with the former Ambassador Paul Trivelli and Connie Johnson, retired USAID Supervisory General Development Officer and Chief, Human Investment Office. Through their generosity and diligence the first deep well in the Rosita area was made possible at the Rosita Hospital and Health Complex resulting in the abundant flow of clean, potable water in the summer of 2008. Primarily following a generous grant from Morning Rotary of Fond du Lac and a generous private donation, Ms. Johnson effectuated a matching grant via USAID, administered through Mr. Frank Matus, president of RTI, a private charitable organization in Nicaragua. Ambassador Trivelli personally orchestrated connections with CARE International and helped to secure a deep well rig from the Atlantic Coast which had been sent to Nicaragua following Hurricane Felix in the fall of 2007. Ambassador Trivelli came to Rosita for the groundbreaking of the well on March 31, 2008. He was the first American ambassador to visit Rosita. During the UHH medical mission trip in February 2010, then Ambassador Callahan visited Rosita to observe the efforts of UHH working with the local health care personnel. In addition he walked through the barrio Sol de Libertad in order to observe the expanding Filtron clay pot water filtration project in the homes. An update on the state of the Rosita Hospital well reports that it continues to supply abundant water free of contamination during both the dry and rainy seasons. Water samples are tested each month by the Save the Children organization. All have been negative. During the dry season, the hospital well, via a spigot, supplied the local population with clean water.

Dr. John Lent, Arely Garcia, and Ambassador Paul Trivelli at the groundbreaking of the Rosita well.

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