75 Issue 6

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G O O D B Y E ...

Dean Zirker
to Take Job Down Under
Jed Barton Sports Editor
Dr. Daniel Zirker, dean of the College of Arts and Sciences at MSUBillings for the past six years, has announced his intention to resign from that position (effective Feb. 20) in order to take a job as dean of the faculty of Arts and Social Sciences at the University of Waikato in Hamilton, New Zealand. The move to New Zealand is something that intrigued Zirker. I like the way they structure their education system down there, and have had contacts over the years with many professors and other people from various schools there, and this offer just seemed to fit. The University of Waikato, according to its website, is a state run higher education institution with approximately 15,000 students. It is known throughout New Zealand and the world as a center for the study of that nations indigenous Mori culture, as well as having a deep commitment to international studies, hosting over 2000 exchange students from over 60 countries. Zirker, who came to MSU-B in 1998, is proud of the accomplishments

Volume 75-Issue 6

December 1, 2003

Photo by Richard Castillo----Dan Zirker saying goodbye after six productive years at MSU-Billings during his tenure as dean of MSU-Billings College of Arts and Sciences. He said, Over the last six years, the college has introduced its first graduate programs in public relations and psychology, had an increase in overall enrollment, and greatly expanded its online and distance learning programs. For the university as a whole, Zirker said, MSU-Billings looks very good, and is, I think, poised to grow rapidly in the next few years.

University Relations Woosley Retires Minus Usual Fanfare

Jed Barton Sports Editor
University Relations Director Ken Woosley retired on Nov. 14, ending a career of over 25 years with Eastern Montana College/Montana State UniversityBillings. Woosleys retirement came as a surprise to many in the MSU-B community, mainly due to the lack of formal announcement prior to his actual retirement. Thats just how I am. I made no attempt at keeping it a secret. Those who know me know I have been thinking about it for a while, said Woosley, who added that it was his decision to forgo the usual retirement party and accompanying fanfare. Woosley went on to say, I will miss the faculty, staff, and especially the students, but the time has come for me to move on. As to his plans for the future, Woosley remains guarded. I am pursuing several opportunities but have not made a decision at this time.

Winter Storm Caution: 511 System Updated! Break Out the Supplies for Road Trips Pg 3

Foods that Can Kill You! Carcinogens: Aspartame, MSG and Sodium in Your Lunch! Pg. 5

The Procrastinators Guide to Surviving Finals Pg. 6 Holiday Hilarium Pgs. 10 & 11

Now NowHiring! Hiring!Check CheckOut OutOur OurWebsite Websitewww.msubillings.edu/retort www.msubillings.edu/retort

Rant & Rave: Editors Opinion

Janna Huhtala Editor-in-Chief
I remember how the well wrapped gifts used to sound really loud as I would pick them up and try and figure out how to unwrap them without my mom or dad hearing me. Rustling, ripping, and the occasional snicker became a common sound for them to listen for during the week before Christmas. Of course, my brother sister and I would make like we were just checking out the smartly gift-wrapped merchandise, when in fact we were slowly unwrapping them, one piece of scotch tape at a time. By age 12, I had become a master un-wrapper and re-wrapper and it wasnt until then that my parents caught onto our sneaky methods. Since the loss of innocence, Christmas has been gone down hill. My dad, who used to take pride in decorating the house in a National Lampoons Christmas Vacation fashion, now forgets to take the lights down before March 1. My mom, who used to make batches of cinnamon candies and peanut brittle, actually brought home store-bought Christmas candy last year. Even the annual sneaka-peek-at-the-gift escapade has passed into a we-know-what-we-are-getting game of charades with a well thought out wish-list. This keeps the childs look of surprise at a mere blink and smile. After moving away for college, I came to anticipate going home for the holidays; until last year when I found my childhood home where the halls were not decked in boughs of hollybut just dust. Ok, maybe I dont believe in Santa the way I did when I was five; but make no mistake, I would still like to re-live some parts of my childhood before I am forced to graduate and, god-forbid, grow up. So when I made my 4.5 hour trek home to find that the Grinch had stolen Christmas from my house, I was crushed and I went on a personal mission to fix the problem at hand. Valiantly my brother, sister, and I tried to muster up some fake white snow to make up for the snowless winter, put up some lights and get out the little FAKE Christmas tree; alas we still couldnt get into the holiday spirit. There is no mystique about the gifts; there are no sugar cookie Christmas trees or bells with a glass of milk left on the table; and there are no longer any carrots set out for the reindeer. Where did all of the magic go? Help me out, because I am pretty sure that hell has frozen over in Chester, Mont., and the Christmas spirit has been sucked out like a Hoover vacuum in a sandbox. What happened to eggnog, cinnamon and peanut brittle candies, the smell of fresh pine trees, Christmas caroling, sleigh rides, and even our local fake Santa? It seems that the holidays are a few Christmas songs short of a medley. Traditions have gone MIA, causing a cataclysm of holiday emotions and tears. I want carolers! I want a white Christmas! And dagnabbit, I even want eggnog straight from the carton. I am getting on in years (a gracefully aged 21-year-old) and I have finally begun to understand the greatest marketing ploy of them allChristmas. When I was little, I was under the misguided notion that Christmas was about giving and being around your loved ones while celebrating the birth of Jesus. Now, Christ-

Ho, Ho, Hum? The Holiday Season Just Isnt the Same

1500 University Drive SUB 225 Billings, MT 59101 Business & Newsroom: 657-2194 Fax: 657-2191 e-mail: retort@msubillings.edu

Editors and Staff

Janna Huhtala Valerie Young Richard Castillo Jed Barton Nicole Maas Jennifer Fenton Mi Suk Kim Adam Wickens VACANT Amy Whittle Christopher Snow Dan Hansen Jason Lillie Betsy Harris Miranda Breding Becky Butcher Ron DeYoung Brett Harrison Evelyn Irmen Larissa Leonard Linsey Lindgren Jessalyn Remington Peter Richlen Jeremy Seidlitz Jesse Kester Nancy Swanson Editor-in-Chief Business Manager Layout/Design Editor Sports Editor News Editor A&E Editor Photo Editor Copy Editor Creativity Editor Advertising Manager Tech/Webmaster Cartoonist Reporter Reporter Staff Writer Staff Writer Staff Writer Staff Writer Staff Writer Staff Writer Staff Writer Staff Writer Staff Writer Staff Writer Graduate Consultant Advisor

Guidelines & Policies The Retort encourages the submission of letters to the Editor. Letters must be under 250 words in length and include name, signature, and phone number. The Retort reserves the right to edit for space and possible libel. Letters should deal with subject matter relevant to the students, faculty, and staff of MSU-Billings. The Retort is published every other Tuesday. Letters must be submitted by the Friday after the most recent issue date. The Publications Board of ASMSU-B advises The Retort, leaving content decisions to the editors. Opinions expressed in The Retort are not necessarily those of its members, the college, students, student government, state government, or federal government.

mas is still celebrated the traditional way in my heart, but my head is telling me that the only people profiting from the celebration of Christmas are the toy companies and my favorite tyrant/corporation WalMart. Wal-Mart is where I draw the line for my Christmas shopping; I refuse to set foot in that store after Dec. 15 (if you have to ask why, you are not as smart as I thought you were). The last holiday shopping season I spent in Wal-Mart was in December 2001, when I made the mistake of stopping by the mega-super-store to grab a few gift wrapping items before taking off for the break. Forget a shopping cart, there was barely room for me to squeeze in the double-wide doors, and I still knocked over the Salvation Army Santa. Heading in the general direction of the Christmas section via the long route around electronics, I made it into the gift-wrapping section. It was there that I found three elderly women blocking the aisle with their heaping carts of corporate Christmas cheer. I am happy to report that I made it out with minimal bruising from the jabbing elbows, carts, and talking Santa yard ornaments only to be accosted by the grouchy man at the check-out counter with zero enthusiasm. During this adventure I found out from the jolly-less Wal-Mart slave that Oct. 31 has become the official start of the Christmas shopping season at Wal-Mart. Why? I cant even begin to tackle this debacle of human error. Lets see now. Oct. 31 is exactly 54 days until Christmas. HELLO? Lets try celebrating Halloween and Thanksgiving first! Im still getting over the chocolate overdose caused by the lack of Trick or Treaters at my door. Its time to stand up for our future children, grandchildren, nephews and nieces. Get out the tinsel and a can-o-snow; get out your favorite argyle reindeer sweater and the strings of burnt out/unmanageable Christmas lights. Flood the stores; buy out every Christmas ornament and tacky lawn Santa. Join the other procrastinators on December 24 at your neighborhood Wal-Mart. But, let us not forget the true meaning of Christmasour maxed out credit cards, the gift that just keeps on giving. Welcome to Christmas in 2003. Despite my woes over the True Meaning of Christmas I plan to carry on as usual this year and try and spread just an ounce of my Christmas joy to my family, at least. If I have to put up 500 strings of Christmas lights and risk surpassing Chevy Chase for the worst Christmas ever, damn it, I will die trying. Lets see thats 200 lights per string, so over 1,000 light bulbs to check. Dang! I should have started planning this Christmas back in July.


Montana Department of Transportation Upgrades 511 System
Jeremy Seidlitz Staff Writer
The Montana Department of Transportation recently upgraded its 511 travel information system to allow voice activated navigation. The 511 system was brought online in early 2003 and allows individuals traveling in Montana access to current road reports. The system operates in 24-hour real time and includes weather forecasts, winter road conditions, construction information, delays, and road closures. With the increase of wireless communication, the 511 system allows travelers access to the most up-to-date road report while they are on the road. Prior to the 511 system, drivers had three options for gathering information on travel conditions. Travelers could phone ahead and listen to a pre-recorded message on road conditions, drivers could also tune into travel information radio if there was a station nearby, finally, travelers could access road conditions via the Internet on the MDT Traveler Information webpage. The upgraded system allows drivers to navigate through a series of voiceactivated menus to obtain information about specific road segments that they

Red Cross Safety Tips

Have extra blankets on hand. Ensure that each passenger has a warm coat, gloves or mittens, hat, and water-resistant boots. Assemble a disaster supplies kit containing: First aid kit and essential medications. Battery-powered National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration weather radio and portable radio, flashlight, and extra batteries. Canned food and nonelectric can opener.Granola Bars Bottled Water. Sleeping Bag. Have your car winterized before winter storm season. Assemble a disaster supplies kit for your car. If you do get stuck Stay with your car. Do not try to walk to safety. Tie a brightly colored cloth (preferably red) to the antenna for a rescuer to see. Start the car and use the heater for about 10 minutes every hour. Keep the exhaust pipe clear so fumes wont back up into the car. Leave the overhead light on when the engine is running so that you can be seen. As you sit, keep moving your arms and legs to keep blood circulation and to stay warm. Keep one window on the opposite side from the blowing wind slightly open to let in air.

Photo by KRT

plan to travel. This fosters safety, because the drivers can pay more attention to the road as they do not have to press the key-pad on the phone. Other upgrades to the information from MDT include several real time cameras placed throughout the state that can be accessed via the Internet. These cameras show current images on sections of Montana roads that can become dangerous with winter weather. For anyone who plans to travel during the winter, it is probably a good idea to spend a little time researching the conditions of the roads before driving across Montana.

MSU-Billings Student Organization to Attend March of Freedom of Choice In April

Nicole Maas News Editor
Students for Choice/VOX, a prochoice and womens advocacy organization on campus, was established last fall to promote awareness of reproductive health and rights as well as to inform MSU-Billings student body on related political initiatives. In light of Bushs signing of the ban on partial birth abortions, the organization, headed by MSU-Billings student Amber Kilwine, is currently directing its efforts towards sending at least 10 MSU-Billings students to Washington D.C. on Apr. 25 to attend the March of Freedom of Choice, an event in which millions are expected to attend. [Womens] reproductive rights are being pulled away basically by a group of men, says VOX secretary Cindy Wilson. Pointing out that the partial birth abortion bill signing party consisted of a group of six smiling menand not one womanWilson, like her fellow VOX members and prochoice advocates across America, is disturbed by the lack of female representation. It is hard to be a woman and make [reproductive] choices, she says. Whether to use birth control, whether youre going to have a family, whether youre going to adopt, whether or not to have an abortionit is a great responsibility, and it all falls on the woman. Wilson explains that approximately two percent of all abortions performed are what have been politically labeled as partial birth abortions and that they are carried out due either to a threat to the mothers life or to severe deformations or disease on the part of the fetus. What a soul-wrenching realization [for women] to know, at that point in our pregnancy, that our baby is so unprepared for life outside of our womb, our childs first home, or that were going to die either before, during, or shortly after giving birth to our precious one. We understand and live the entirety of our lives with the gravity and severity of such a decision. With this recent political coup for pro-life supporters, pro-choice advocates are more worried than ever about the threatened life expectancy of Roe vs. Wade, the 1971-73 Supreme Court case that led to the legalization of abortion in the U.S. In years prior to Roe, women were known to practice unsafe, often fatal methods of contraception and abortion in order to rid themselves of unwanted pregnancies. [If Roe is overturned] women will go back to using sticks, hangers, drinking turpentine, or rolling themselves down the stairs, and the percentage of women who die from pregnancy-related medical conditions will rise, Wilson says. However, as President Bush continues to pull funding for family planning and sex education programs in order to promote abstinence only. Students and national organizations like VOX are joining together and speaking out more than ever. In the year 2003, a woman, as well as a man, has choice. The choices about her life, about the life she generates or reproduces, and her ability to support and manage the family she brings forth, are what I would call pro-choice. Prochoice is not just about abortion; prochoice is about life and living, Wilson says. For more information on VOX or to join, weekly meetings are held every Monday at 11:40AM on the 8th floor of the L.A. Building. Men as well as women are welcome to attend.

Who Wants to Be a Governor?

Jed Barton Sports Editor
On Nov. 12 ASMSU-B hosted forums for the campus community and the rest of Billings to have an opportunity to meet and hear from the candidates for Montanas governorship running in the 2004 election. Five out of the seven declared candidates attended: Republicans Ken Miller, Bob Brown and Tom Keating, as well as Green Party candidate Bob Kelleher and Libertarian Stan Jones. Absent from the forum were Democratic candidate Brian Schweitzer and Republican Pat Davison. Miller, a small businessman, former state legislator, and former state Republican Party chairman from Laurel, decided to run for governor because My political career as a legislator and party chairman has led me to this point, and with the encouragement people have given me I think that I must have some ideas that will help the people of Montana. So with my familys support I decided to put my self in the race. Brown, who before being elected Secretary of State in 2000 had served in the Montana legislature and taught high school Social Studies in Whitefish, believes he has unique experience to bring to the states top job. Brown said I spent some time with the International Republican Institute, [an organization which with state department funds helps nations make the transition from dictatorship to democracy] and I think the things I taught the new legislators and officials in those nations, as well as what I taught my students in Whitefish: that governing is serious business and wise, stable and efficient government by consent of the majority is what freedom is all about; can help all Montanans. Keating, from Billings, is a self employed oiler and veteran legislator, especially known in state government circles as an expert on the state budget. Keating says he entered the race for the same reason he entered public life Out of a sense of duty, because I believe that I have a number of ideas that would improve Montanas economy. Kelleher, an attorney who has offices in both Butte and Billings says a run for governor is just another part of his ongoing attempt to revolutionize Montana and American government. At the 1972 constitutional convention I proposed that Montana adopt a parliamentary form of government and

The Race is On!

become a spring board for a larger federal parliament, in order that our standard of living in this country may be improved and I am still working towards that goal. According to Dr. Richard Estes of the University of Pennsylvania School of Social Work, the 26 nations that have a higher standard of living than the United States all have parliamentary governments, so their must be something to it. Jones, a retired Air Force officer and defense industry consultant, is also out to drastically change government. In this state and nation, there is a crisis of freedom. The government has grossly expanded upon the powers granted it in the constitution, and instead of the people controlling the government its the other way around. The Primary for the Gubernatorial race will be held during the first week in June, so if you have not remembered to register to vote, contact your local county court house because to quote Abraham Lincoln, The ballot is stronger then the bullet.

SomeFoodsare a Threat to StudentsHealth

Nicole Maas News Editor
It is no secret that Americans are among the most unhealthy and diseased of the worlds population, both physically and mentally. Illnesses such as depression, cancer, and diabetes are the Black Plagues of the modern world. The mainstream science and medical communities offer little assistance and even less explanation. What is the cause of this epidemic of poor health? Many non-mainstream medical researchers believe that the answer, in large part, lies in the foods we eatmore specifically, in the poisons added to the foods we eat. Aspartame, MSG, and sodium are but a few examples of many. Aspartame Aspartame is most commonly found in breath mints, cereals, sugar-free chewing gum, coffee beverages, frozen desserts, juice beverages, laxatives, multivitamins, pharmaceuticals and supplements, soft drinks, tabletop sweeteners (Nutrasweet and Equal), tea beverages, wine coolers, and yogurt. Aspartame contains the amino acids phenylalanine and aspartic acid , which, according to clinical nutritionist Carol Simontacchi, produce severe negative effects on the body, particularly the brain. of thousands of adverse reactions reported to the FDA, most concerned abnormal function, i.e., depression, fatigue, irritability, insomnia, vision problems, hearing loss, anxiety attacks, slurred speech, loss of the sense of taste, tinnitus, vertigo, and memory loss. Also included were a number of chronic illnesses, including brain tumors, multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, chronic fatigue syndrome,

Graphic By Richard Castillo

Parkinsons disease, Alzheimers, mental retardation, lymphoma, birth defects, fibromyalgia, and diabetes. While defenders of aspartame insist that only massive amounts cause such effects, numerous studies by numerous professionals, including Dr. Russell Blaylock, neurosurgeon and author of Excitotoxins: The Taste That Kills, suggest otherwise. The ingredients stimulate the neurons of the brain to death, causing brain damage of varying degrees. So why is aspartame on sale in over 90 countries, and why do it and its manufacturers have the blessing of the FDA? Dr. Wayne Green, in his information pamphlet Deadly Aspartame! , explains: Heres a government outfit that charges food and drug companies an average of around $250 million to okay a product for sale to the publica cost that we protected users have to pay with a higher price. So, how well protected are we? MSG MSG (monosodium glutamate), a flavor enhancer found in many common junk foods, including most flavored chips and crackers, is, like aspartame, chemically classified as an excitotoxin, a chemical that causes brain cells to become overstimulated and fire uncontrollably. In a study where MSG was fed to infant mice,

one single dose increased free-radical damage to the brain by sixty percent, an effect that lasted all the way to adolescence. This one dose also produced damage to the liver, endothelial cells, the circulatory system, and cells throughout the body, writes Simontacchi. According to Blaylock, the effects of MSG vary from less severe to highly severe, from, for example, a minor case of dyslexia to a more dramatic case of frequent outbursts of uncontrollable anger. Blaylock believes that excitotoxins like MSG could cause conditions such as autism, schizophrenia, seizures, and cerebral palsy; early exposure could cause a tendency for episodic violence and criminal behavior in later years. Experimental evidence in animals shows that such exposure can result in behavioral changes. In a 1967 study by researcher John Olney, M.D., results revealed that MSG destroys cells in the hypothalamus gland, a gland that controls the autonomic nervous system and is associated with feelings of aggression and anger. Again, why is a substance whose safety is significantly questionable being added to the food we eat? There is no problem with MSG, according to the government,

Bridge Reconstruction is Finally Underway at MSU-B

Press Release
BILLINGS The reconstruction of the main bridge which connects MSU-Billings to Poly Drive has been in the works for many years; and on Monday, November 17 the construction will finally began. The contractor working on the reconstruction was given 80 days to build a two-lane bridge with sidewalks. Due to the reconstruction, entrance to the campus from Poly Drive will be closed until February 4, 2004. Pedestrians are encouraged to use either the CEHS bridge or parking garage bridge. Montana State University-Billings is happy to finally have the construction in the works and to soon have a real bridge completed. This project has been part of the Long range building program of the university and was funded during the 2003-2004 Legislative Session. According to Facilities Services Director Eakle Barfield, the project had been on the long range building plan

Simontacchi writes. According to the FDA, FDA believes that MSG is a safe food ingredient for the general population. They regard it among food ingredients that are generally recognized as safe and require that it must be declared on the label of food to which it is added. Sodium Sodium is already denounced by many medical professionals due to its link with heart disease. However, the damage that sodium causes goes far beyond that of the heart. In rats, we understand high levels of serum sodium (called hypernatremia) lead to brain lesions, defects in the myelin sheath, neuron cell death, and dehydration of the brain tissue, Simontacchi writes. According to her research, excessive amounts of sodium disrupt the potassium-sodium balance our cells need to function properly, which leads to restlessness, lethargy, panic disorders, and irritability. Americans dont drink very much water. We drink coffee, a beverage that pulls even more minerals out of the tissues and excretes them in the urine. We drink soft drinks...we drink V8...we drink everything but water, which would pull the excess sodium out of the blood and out of the brain. We defeat the bodys own mechanism of balancing the critical sodium-to-potassium ratios by overindulging in these...beverages that contain so much sodium... Perhaps our university and other school systems across the country would, in the interest of restoring and protecting the health of its students, consider removing most or all of the soda and candy machines from what seems like every corner of every hallway of every floor and demanding that food contractors include more healthful selections on their lunch and breakfast menus. Such actions would also eliminate the alleged dental crisis that fluoride promoters and dentists suddenly decided Billings suffered from during their fruitless campaign recently to introduce fluoride, another poison, into Billings water supply. Kill two birds with one stone

list since he arrived in 1997. The project was originally put on the list because the bridge was deteriorating and needed to be replaced for safety reasons. For more information contact Chato Hazelbaker, Marketing Director of Montana State University-Billings at 406-657-2243.

Photo by Richard Castillo--A crane operator swings around to pick up more material for the new bridge construction of the main bridge that connects Poly drive to MSU

Do you have a comment or a reaction to anything you see in the Retort? We want to hear from you. Send your comments to retort@msubillings.edu or deliver them to the Retort office on the second floor of the SUB between housing services and Rimrock.

Procrastinators Guide to Finals

Evelyn Irmen Staff Writer
The dreaded finals are here, and if youre like me, youve been so busy you havent had a chance to sit down and study. With finals only a week away, its time to open your books, some for the thousandth time, others for the first time. Finding time to actually sit down and study is difficult for students who go to school, work, and get involved with the activities around them. Try setting up a schedule for the week or longer. Include all of the activities youre involved in: school, work, sports, etc. After making your schedule, set a time each day to study. Be realistic about how long you can study. Write down your schedule and use it as a reminder. When planning your schedule, try not to put off major tasks like term papers or reports. Time experts like Alan Lakein point out that many of us tackle simple tasks first, saving larger tasks for when we have more time, but we never really have more time. Thats the easy part, now you actually have to study. Studies have shown that a person has a 20 second short term memory. Therefore, sitting down and reading a chapter out of a book and walking away without giving it a second thought is pointless, unless youre a genius with a photographic memory. Here are a few different ways to study. Try to find a place to study where you can concentrate. Finding a place where there are minimal distractions, like no TVs, radios, or people talking, will help you get things done. Remember one thing, you test best in the same situation you learn in. Most of your study time is spent reading. Its hard to remember all you read, so here is a suggestion, try Robinsons

Graphic By KRT

(1970) SQ3R method. According to Psychology Themes and Variation, a psychology 101 book, SQ3R is a study system designed to promote effective reading by means of five steps: survey, question, read, recite, and review. In other words, survey all bold words and important figures and question each section. Read thebook two days before the exam, and, finally, review all of the information.

This may sound like a lot of work, but it really isnt. Next, reward yourself for studying. This will make studying much more enjoyable. Try these tips, get some rest, eat a good breakfast, and you will do fine. When all of the testing and term papers are done, its going to seem like you were panicking for nothing. Good luck.

The Giving Tree Allows MSU-Billings Students to Spread the Christmas Cheer
Imagine December 25 without a Christmas tree, shiny gift-wrapped toys, and yes, even that annoying silver tinsel. Now try to imagine being 6 years-old, wishing for a doll or even a pair of shoes on Christmas day. Christmas may not be celebrated by every family in America, but they have made that choice; this 6-yearold doesnt get an option. This child just wants to feel the love and happiness that other kids his or her age get to have on Christmas day. This is where The Giving Tree comes into play. Sponsored by Associated Students of MSU-Billings, The Giving Tree brings gifts to the needy through donations by the students at MSU-B. It is simply a Christmas tree with ornament cards attached to it, each with pertinent information about a child and one or two items that the child needs. Family Services of Billings provides names and wish lists for 240 children in the Billings area. One tree with 190 cards has been placed in the Student Union Building and the other is stationed in the College of Technology commons area, adorned with 50 cards. All promotion and distribution is done by ASMSU-B, who distributes the cards and makes sure that every child receives a gift.

Janna Huhtala Editor-in-Chief

How can you help? Pick up an ornament at either location on campus and purchase one or more gifts for the child based on his or her individual needs. There is no price limit, so you can give what you can afford. Then wrap the gift with the card nametag taped onto the gift (you may want to include a gift receipt for returning wrong sizes). Finally, bring the gift to SUB 213 or the COT information desk by December 6. ASMSU-B will personally deliver the gift to Family services for immediate distribution to the children. Dont let the children suffer this holiday season; bring Christmas to them in a way they can never forget. The Giving Tree: Make this Christmas memorable for a special child by selecting a name from the Giving Tree, sponsored by the ASMSU-B Student Government. Select an ornament from the Christmas tree in the SUB or at the COT, purchase a gift for the child, and bring the wrapped gift back to either the SUB room 213 or the COT Information desk by December 6. Be sure to attach the childs white nametag to the outside of the wrapped gift. If you would like more information or donate your time contact Family Services, located on 1824 1st Avenue N. in Billings or call 406-2592269.
Graphic by KRT

Urine and Poo , OH MY!

Acting Grown-up and the Other Yucky Stuff
Michael Selph Guest Writer
It is Monday morning, a bright and shining day. I have just reached my place of employment, the gym. I really enjoy my job, but I know that I have yet to face the one dread that haunts me: the locker room. The monster that awaits me abides in that domain. It has the potential to manifest itself in a variety of forms. The second I open the locker room door, I sense its foul presence, or at least its remnant. Its telltale sign of a pungent odor always reveals itself. It has marked its territory in both of the urinals: concentrated urine remains behind. In the crapper a grotesque poo remains. The monster has wreaked havoc everywhere. One might think that this monster was contained to the locker room; disorder of this magnitude surely took all night! This, however, is not the case. This monster runs rampant throughout the campus. Initially, the identity of this monster eluded me, but rest assured, everyone, I have finally rooted out the monster. Now that I am aware of the monsters identity, it flaunts itself blatantly and brazenly in my face. Who is this monster you might ask? This monster is none other than social irresponsibility. This example of social irresponsibility amazes me. Such a breach of bathroom etiquette is confounding to me. Did not these people have some sort of figure in their life that would beat them upon

breach of conduct such as this? I know that my mom sure got after me for these sorts of crimes. I have had very few hard and fast rules in life ordained upon me by my parental figures, and flushing the toilet is very high on the list of things proclaimed. It is my belief that everyone realizes that they have the responsibility to flush the toilet when they have completed their bodily functions. Therefore, lack of education is not the issue. The issue: pure laziness. As I began to think about this article, I decided that I needed to increase my observance of bathroom behavior. (Do not worry, I only observed the aftermath of the deed, not the process.) I quickly observed a behavior that concerned me almost more than not flushing at all - the partial flush. The majority of the bathrooms on campus have handles that are antiquated and not performing at peak functionality. Once again, this is something realized by every person. Yet, many people still give a half

ass jiggle of the handle and feel that it is adequate. No! This does not provide for a proper flush. To quote my dad, If your only going to do a job half way, dont waste your time doing it all. Why do people not flush the toilet? It troubles me greatly. Treachery is one reason that some may choose not to flush the toilet. Currently, America is in a state where reacting against the social norm is the common thing to do. Maybe not flushing the toilet is a form of expression that local anarchists are choosing to utilize. As previously stated, flushing the toilet is an obvious family value. By rebelling against this concept, society is eroding away from the values that previously held this nation together. Being a history major, I am fully aware that the Roman Empire was plagued by this epidemic. Some critics cite other reasons for the downfall of that society. Toilet flushing rebellions were, however, the obvious catalysts for the downfall. Another reason I can think of for not

flushing the toilet is germ phobias. I will admit that the fear of germs is valid to a certain point. (I will save my rant on germ phobias for another issue.) I feel that if you are a person whose character dictates not flushing the toilet, I would rather not touch the same thing that you touched anyway. If germs are transmissible, maybe this disease of social irresponsibility is also transmissible. I personally fear the transmission of this disorder much more so than the transmission of any disease. This is why I do not yell at people to come back and flush the toilet. I figure that once a person has committed to walking away from the toilet, they are already past a state of redemption. The lack of social responsibility should be of great concern to all. Roughly 25 percent of Americans will receive a bachelors degree, and virtually all leaders will be composed of a portion of this 25 percent. Why is this scary? We are producing a society whose leaders will be composed of a bunch of non-flushing toilet users. Are these the people who should be leading us? I know this is bad of me, but aside from trusting a non-flushing toilet user, I have a tough time even liking them. When I observe someone who does not flush the toilet, my perception of them instantly plummets. By not flushing the toilet, a person is showing blatant disregard for the rest of society. By not flushing the toilet, the rest of society is forced to take up the slack of a persons irresponsibility. I previously mentioned that those who did not flush the toilet were beyond a state of redemption. This is not entirely true. There is grace still available! Do not be self-condemning. There is still hope. I encourage all to no longer live under the oppression of their past. Walk in the freedom that flushing the toilet can bring! start planning for the Rose and Orange Bowls. Ladies, one and a half weeks to two weeks before school starts, you should schedule your hair trim or color. Guys, one week before school starts you should schedule your hair cut or color. If you are not throwing your own bowl party, make sure you have at least three possibilities of other college bowl parties. Get packed for school if returning from home. Start wrapping things up with your vacation time with good byes. Hit up the library to crack open those new class texts. Start preparing your body to wake up for classes by waking yourself up one hour earlier each morning and going to bed earlier. Two days before school starts, go to the salon again for eyebrow waxing if needed. Make your room your own and get it organized before school starts to make a nicer transition back to school. Basically, relax, have fun, and try to use your time wisely over the holiday break. This is the only large break besides summer vacation; use it to wind down, so you dont get burnt out. If fall semester did not go so well, then use this break to prepare for spring semester, but have some fun doing it.

HOW TO: AMustTryHoliday Break Checklist

Linsey Lindgren Staff Writer
Fall semester always seems to be the hardest to get through. Classes seem never-ending and the season is changing. Spring semester is right around the corner, and there are roughly 29 days, thats 696 hours of time that is for y-o-u. So now I have a challenge for you, can you check off this entire list before school starts again? If living in the dorms, get packed before finals so there is less stress during finals. Just keep the basics. Make a trip home the weekend before, and take a load of stuff from your room with you. This is a good time to unwind and relax before cram time. Survive all your finals. Make sure you are signed up for spring semester. Sell back old books to Beezers and use that money to buy next semesters books. Use any left over for extra spending money. Get your parking permit if you dont have it already.

Buy or sell things like old furniture or books that Beezers would not take. Check your Christmas list to make sure you have everyone taken care of. Now, either head home for the holidays, or nestle in just where you are. If there is snow, go skiing, snowboarding, or jump on a sled for old times sake. Play video games, go hunting, go ice fishing, ride snow mobiles, or bundle up and go horseback riding. If there is no snow, party indoors.

Whether it is a game of cards, board games, or drinking games, make the most of no school. Catch up on sleep! Honor the traditions of family, holiday movies, presents and food. After Christmas, make sure you are caught up on your sleep and rent movies way ahead of time for New Years. Make sure to have a date for this New Years. Whether it is a lustful lovers kiss, or just friends, pecks at midnight make it happen. After recovering from New Years,





Evelyn Irmen Staff Writer



Graphic By Richard Castillo

The Holiday season is here, and everyones getting ready to celebrate something, but what? MSU-Billings is full of different beliefs and cultures. Here are a few different beliefs and cultures and how they celebrate the holiday season. Atheism, according to http:// www.atheists.org, is a belief in which a person loves himself and his fellow man instead of a god. An atheist accepts that heaven is something for which we should work for nowhere on earthfor all men together to enjoy. An atheist accepts that he can get no help through prayer, but that he must find in himself the inner conviction and strength to meet life, to grapple with it, to subdue it, and to enjoy it. An atheist accepts that only in a knowledge of himself and a knowledge of his fellow man can one find the understanding that will help to a life of fulfillment. Some Atheists celebrate the holiday season with the traditional Christmas tree, Christmas dinner, and presents, but to others its just another day. Buddhism is a way of finding peace within oneself. It is a religion that helps one to find the happiness and contentment that they may seek. We dont celebrate Christmas in a Christian way. We just have a party, for the younger generation. We hang out with our boyfriends and friends, said Mi Suk Kim, a senior at MSU-Billings. Christianity is the belief in one God and the birth and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Most members of the Roman Catholic Church and followers of Protestantism celebrate Christmas on Dec 25 and some celebrate it on the Dec 24.

On Jan 6, the Eastern Orthodox Church celebrates Epiphany, a commemoration of the baptism of Jesus. It also commemorates the arrival of the Three Wise Men of the East in Bethlehem, where they praised the infant Jesus and presented him with gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. This historical event in the Christian faith is recreated every year, at church, on Christmas Eve. We decorate the house with two artificial trees and a bunch of nativity sets. My grandparents always come and the kids exchange gifts, said Jed Barton, a sophomore at MSU-Billings. Judaism is the religious culture of the Jews (also known as the people of Israel), one of the worlds oldest continuing religious traditions. Most Jews celebrate the holidays with Hanukkah or Chanukah. Hanukkah means dedication. It commemorates the rededication of the Temple in Jerusalem after its desecration by foreign forces. This holiday reaffirms the continuous struggle to live by Gods commandments. It includes an eight-day festival of lights beginning on the 25th day of the Jewish month of Kisler. This information was obtained from www.usisrael.org Hinduism is a religious tradition of Indian origin, consisting of the beliefs and practices of Hindus. Hindus celebrate the holiday season with Diwali. Diwali is the Hindus festival of lights, which was on Oct. 25. These are just a few of the many different beliefs and culture around campus. I hope everyone enjoys the holiday season, no matter what you celebrate, if anything.

!!! STUDENTS !!!

P H O N AT H O N MSU-B Foundation Phonathon Wanted: Enthusiastic students to call alumni to ask for support of the University! Earn $6.50 to $7.50 an hour.

Earn Money Free Food

Play Games

WIN Prizes

Call 657-2245 for more information!

Top 10 Worst ChristmasGifts

Betsy Harris Reporter

1. Cheese log 2. Make-up 3. Thigh Master or any weight loss device (How do you really feel about my thighs?) 4. Lingerie from Wal-mart (No explanation needed). 5. Hanson CD 6. Chia pet 7. Anything that needs feeding and taking care of. (If I wanted a puppy I would have one.) 8. Cooking utensils. (What am I, your mother?) 9. Lump of coal (unless severely compressed and set in platinum). 10. The famous football fruit cake.

Getting to Know You...Cindy Cassidy, Student Mom

Betsy Harris Reporter
Cindy Cassidy is possibly the most organized student at MSU-B, not out of choice but out of necessity. The 44-year old mother of five could never maintain her 4.0 GPA status if she werent. She is happy to display her calendar with dual agendas for school and kids. Cassidy, who lives in Hardin and drives 45 minutes to and from school every day, says, I dont procrastinate: when I have time to study, I study, because its probably the only time I will have. Cassidy is getting her BSLS degree at MSU-B to prepare for medical school. As an RN for several years, Cassidy felt that instead of handing instruments to doctors, she should be performing the surgery herself. Her husband, David Cassidy, agreed and fully supported her decision to go back to school, even though he completely understood what she would go through, since he is a family practice physician who works for Indian Health Services. After Cassidys youngest child entered school, she tried to figure out if she should go back to work, or continue her education. She decided that she wanted more knowledge and a more fulfilling career. Her main concern was if the children would suffer in any way. Her supportive husband said he would pick up the slack where he could, and the kids thought it was a good idea too. Thats how she ended up at MSU-B, taking a full 19 credits this fall semester. What Cassidy didnt plan on was her husband being called to active duty as a doctor and sent to Georgia for a year. Its a major income cut, and we only got three and a half weeks notice, says Cassidy, but at least hes in the states and safe. I just want him home. Thanks to a great sitter and a helping attitude from the kids, things are going smoothly so far. The kids, DJ,12; Jason,11; Ariel,10; and Zac,7, all pitch in to help each other and their grades have actually gone up since mom started school. Her good example is having a positive effect on them. Her oldest child, Heather, is in the Navy serving as an Arabic translator. Cassidy finds her fellow students at MSU-B supportive as well. She feels that most of the non-trads have more focus for their studies, but the younger kids have better memories. She realizes that she will be at least 50 by the time she actually becomes a doctor, and notes that she and her husband could have had an earlier retirement but as she says, I dont think I could die happy if I didnt continue on with my education. She is obviously not doing it for the money, but for the self-fulfillment that comes with continuously improving ones life. Cassidy decided on the more diverse BSLS degree instead of a basic biology degree because she feels humanities courses will help her deal with patients better. From experience she knows there is much more to being a doctor than treating the illness; you must treat the person as well. After graduating from MSU-B, Cassidy plans on attending the University of Washington on the WAMI program which allows medical students from Alaska, Montana, and Idaho to go to the university for in-state tuition. Her family has agreed to move to Washington when it is time for her to go. Marriage is a compromise, but I have to admit my husband is one in a mil-

lion, says Cassidy. Cassidy is originally from Sandusky, Ohio and has lived in several states including Washington, Texas and Montana. She likes the community of a smaller town and hopes to eventually work in one that really needs a doctor. She doesnt question her decision to go back to school, as she says, this is just what Gods plan is for me right now. It looks like Cassidys husband isnt the only person who is one in a million.

An Opportunity to Study Abroad in China Coming Soon!

Larissa Leonard Staff Writer
Have you ever wanted to travel abroad? MSU-B is offering a chance for students to study abroad in China beginning May 2004. The cost is very affordable between $2,000- $2,200. Any person who goes has the opportunity to earn three college credits toward their degree. In China, participants will have the chance to see many main cities such as Changchun, Beijing, Xian, and Shanghai. The students will also have the opportunity to walk the Great Wall of China, see the Forbidden City, float down the Three Gorges, ride a Mongolian pony, sleep in a Mongolian tent, watch a Peking Opera, and attend a class at Jilin University. This will give the participants a chance to experience the Chinese culture. Students who are interested in anything about China, such as Chinese language, art, culture, economics, politics, history, and education are welcome to go. Faculty members are also welcomed to go to China. You do not need to know the Chinese language in order to go. The purpose is to provide students with an opportunity to explore China and to learn about a different culture. Wenhua Cao interviewed students and teachers to get a feel of what people think of studying abroad. She concluded that traveling to other countries is significant because its important for everyone to experience a different culture. These students say that traveling abroad is a lifechanging experience. Many students think this is a good time in their lives to explore and travel to different countries. This is a time when students are young, adventurous, and have time if they are not married or dont have chilGraphic by KRT dren. This trip will led by Dr. Mary McNally, professor of business, and Wenhua Cao, an international student and part-time Chinese language instructor. Dr. Mary McNally led the first trip to Japan in 2002. Ms. Analicia Pianca, director of the Office of International Studies, will organize the group, so pick up your application today in the Office of International Studies located in Apsaruke Hall 125 or email her at apianca@msubillings.edu . Dont miss the adventure of a lifetime! Deadline is Feb. 1.

Microsoft Office: Alternative to Upgrading
Chris Snow Web Master/Tech
Microsoft has just released a new version of their Office software called Office 2003. Microsoft claims it is worth the almost $200 upgrade. I, on the other hand, am tired of upgrading my office software, In-fact, I am so tired of it I have decided to get rid of Microsoft Office all-together. I instead use an Office suite I obtained from www.openoffice.org. It is totally free and does just about everything that Microsoft Office does. Yes, that is correct; you get the entire Office suite for nothing. Open Office gives you a word processor, spread sheet (works just like Excel), presentation program (works just like PowerPoint), a drawing program, and a database program. OpenOffice.org is able to read and write Microsoft Office files. This allows users to open and save Word, Excel, and PowerPoint files on their preferred platform. It also has a PDF export option built into the office suite; that means you




Graphic by KRT

dont need to buy expensive third party software like Adobe Acrobat. It also lets you export your graphic files as flash files. This is a must-have for the college student and a great alternative for small and medium sized businesses. I have used this program for about two years now and find it to be a great tool and a great money saver. So instead of going out this year and spending your hard earned cash on a unneeded upgrade, try using an open source office suite.

Cartoon by Sporkman

We i r d Science Fa c t s
Compiled by Becky Butcher and Dr. James Barron, Assist. Prof. of Biology. The North Magnetic Pole is currently located in northern Canada. It wanders in an elliptical path each day. Most elephants weigh less than the tongue of a blue whale. Crocodiles and alligators are surpriseingly fast on land. Although they are rapid, they are not agile. So if you ever find yourself chased by one, run in a zigzag line. Youll lose him or her every time. Stress fractures in some dinosaur vertebrae may have been caused by the weight load of copulation. Relative to size, the strongest muscle in the body is the tongue. It has been recommended by dentists that a toothbrush be kept at least 6 feet (2 meters) away from a toilet to avoid airborne particles resulting from the flush! Name: Aric Weber Age: 23 Hometown: Billings, MT Junior Major: English Literature Favorite Beverages: Water, beers, or whiskey (depending on the time of day) Whats Your Pet? Whats with the 3rd degree? Hobbies: Sitting Favorite Things: Brown paper packages tied up with strings Favorite Bands: Tom Waits, The Beatles, and Pearl Jam Favorite Cartoon: Transformers Favorite Class: Anything Nancy Swanson teaches. Favorite Professor/Instructor: Nancy Swanson, of course. Professor Pet Peeve: Nancy Swanson not accepting the roses I bought for her. Best Holiday Memory: The guy undercharging me for cigarettes. Worst Holiday Memory: An old lady in line in front took forever to write a check (Refering to the Holiday gas station.) What do you drive? A car If you could only eat three foods, what would they be? 1. Anything I dont have to cook myself 2. Anything a nude woman cooks for me. 3. Anything a hot, nude woman cooks for me. Piece of Advice: Dont assume you know too much. Name: Mindy Mendenhall Age: 24 Hometown: Laurel, MT Senior Major: Biology Favorite Beverage: Dr. Pepper Whats Your Pet? Dog Hobbies: Anything outdoors Favorite Things: My daughter and camping. Favorite Band: The Clintons Favorite Cartoon: Chalk zone Favorite Class: Animal Physiology Favorite Professor: Dr. Castles Professor Pet Peeve: Test over things not lectured about. Best Holiday Memory: Every Christmas my whole family was together. Worst Holiday Memory: My brotherin-law and sister fist fighting at Christmas What do you drive? A Plymouth If you could only eat three foods, what would they be? 1. Pasta 2. Potatoes 3. Salad Piece of Advice: Work hard to keep your GPA high. Its easy to get a low GPA when you dont care, its almost impossible to bring it back up when you do! Name: Becky Herring Age: 26 Hometown: Laurel, MT Junior Major: Health & Physical Education Favorite Beverage: Wild Cherry Pepsi Hobbies: Running and reading Favorite Things: Hanging out with my girls. Favorite Cartoon: For Better or For Worse Favorite Class: Basic AT Favorite Professor: Dr. Randolfi Professor Pet Peeve: The professor thats not prepared. Best Holiday Memory: Sledding, making snowmen & snow angels. Worst Holiday Memory: When my sister got the Barbie doll I wanted. What do you drive? Chevy Malibu If you could only eat three foods, what would they be? 1. Banana cream pie 2. Twix bars 3. Mashed potatoes Piece of Advice: You regret more things you havent done than things you have done. When you sneeze all of your body functions stop, even your heart. The sensors on the feet of a red admiral butterfly are 200 times more sensitive to sugar than the human tongue. When duck eggs are boiled, the white turns bluish and the yolk turns a reddish orange. Trees help reduce the greenhouse effect by absorbing CO2. One acre of trees removes 2.6 tons of CO2 per year. Bamboo is not a tree; it is tree grass. On average the following amount of trees would have to be planted to offset pollutants (carbon dioxide) from: A dishwasher- 32 trees A refrigerator- 72 trees A washer and dryer- 27 trees

Becky Butcher Staff Writer

Photos by Jed Barton and Richard Castillo


The Montana State UniversityBillings Foundation is pleased to provide you with information regarding Montana State University-Billings scholarships. Scholarship applications for the 200405 academic year are available at the campus Financial Aid Office located in McMullen Hall, Room 103; call 1-800565-6782 for a printed copy; or visit the website at www.msubillings.edu/finaid/ forms.htm. The deadline to apply for scholarships is March 1, 2004 (unless otherwise noted). The completed application, along with a working copy of most recent grade transcript and letters of recommendation needs to be submitted to the Financial Aid Office by or before the March 1, 2004 deadline. All applicants must also have applied for admission at MSU-Billings prior to the March 1 deadline. The Scholarships listed below have been awarded in previous years or are new scholarships. A few awards may vary for the 2004-05 academic year in the selection criteria, amount and/or availability.
Henrietta Adams Memorial Endowed Scholarship * Award: $850. Elementary Education major; female student; junior or senior in college; financial need; full time student; 2.5 GPA. Russell Smith Adams Memorial Endowed Scholarship * Award: $400. Accounting or Information Systems major; financial need; Montana resident; full time student; 2.5 GPA or above. Harold S. Alterowitz Academic Excellence Award * Amount: $300. HPE major. Must be a graduating senior at MSU-Billings, and must have attended MSU-Billings for at least the last two years before graduation. Must have highest GPA of all HPE majors graduating in the year the award is being given. No award will be given if highest GPA is below the honors level. If, in a given year, the male or female recipient is not qualified, the award will be given to that member of the opposite sex who is qualified. The award will be given to that student certified by the MSU-Billings Registrar as fulfilling the above requirements. In odd numbered years, award will be given to a female and in even number years to a male. Anderson ZurMuehlen & Co., P.C. Scholarship * Award: 2 @ $665. Accounting major; 3.0 GPA; full time enrolled student. Art Endowed Scholarship * Award: $450. Art major; must be a currently enrolled full time student; 2.5 GPA or above. Three slides of current work must be attached or turned in to the Art Department Office. Additional criteria may be determined by Art Department. Charles Beardsley Undergraduate Endowed Scholarship Fund * Award: 10 @ $1,500. Scholarships are available to students with a major in Art or Music, and a minor in Native American Studies; recipients must have a high school or university GPA of at least 3.0 and must maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or above while receiving the scholarship; full time student with a minimum of 15 semester credits; available to freshman through seniors in college. Charles Beardsley Endowed Art Scholarship * Award: $170. Art major; must be a currently enrolled full time student; 2.5 GPA or above. Three slides of current work must be attached or turned in to the Art Department Office. The Berg Family Endowed Scholarship * Award: 2 @ $1,225 each. Resident of Montana community east of Billings with a population of less than 50,000; major OR minor in humanities area to include English, Philosophy or History; minimum of 3.0 GPA over the past two semesters of college or upon high school graduation; full time enrolled student with a minimum of 12 credits; traditional student as defined as a student between 18 and 22 years of age; definite financial need; available to freshman through seniors in college. Billings Chapter of CPAs Scholarship * Award: $1,190. Accounting major; junior or senior in college; Montana resident most of life and likely to stay in Montana for career; 3.1 GPA or above; full time enrolled student; financial need; extracurricular activities is a factor. Billings Junior Womans Club Scholarship * Award: $1,000. Female; sophomore, junior or senior in college; 3.0 GPA or above; full time enrolled student; Montana resident; Education major; non-traditional student; applicant needs to include a short essay on career goals, volunteer areas, etc. that will enable committee to judge their merit as a scholarship applicant. Chet Blaylock Memorial Scholarship * Award: $375 Full time student with minimum of 15 credits per semester; graduate of a Montana high school; Montana resident; high school GPA of 3.5 or university GPA of 3.25; two letters of recommendation; student who shows promise in chosen field. Helen Bressler PEO Chapter S Scholarship * Award: $5,000. Montana resident; Education major; female; junior or senior in college; 2.65 cumulative GPA or above; financial need; full time enrolled student; traditional or non-traditional student. Briggs Distributing Co., Inc./John & Claudia Decker Endowed Scholarship * Award: $1,500. Sophomore, junior, senior or graduate student; 3.0 cumulative GPA or above; traditional student; financial need; full time enrolled student. Preference given to children of employees of Briggs Distributing Co., Inc. Jimmy R. Bromgard Scholarship Fund * Award: Varies. Fund will provide money for tuition, fees, and books for any person who was wrongly convicted of a crime in Montana and set free and who wishes to attend MSU-



Jane Buttrey Memorial Scholarship * Award: 6 @ approx. $1,000 each. Student with humanities or social services major; 3.0 GPA or above; full time student; resident of USA; financial need; incoming freshman through undergraduates may apply. Prof. Ken Card Endowed Scholarship * Award: $1,100. Special Education major; 3.0 GPA or above; full time student; junior or senior in college; participation in extracurricular activities is a factor. The Bruce H. Carpenter Non-Traditional Endowed Scholarship * Award: $3,400. Non-traditional student; Montana resident; freshman in college; financial need; full time enrolled student with a minimum of 15 credits per semester; three letters of recommendation - at least one from a community member and one from a faculty/advisor; copy of high school or college transcript; letter describing applicants educational goals and objectives description of why they believe campus/community involvement is an important part of their growth and development and brief description of the contributions they would like to make to the campus and community during the time of their undergraduate education. First time enrolled freshman must have at least a 22 composite score on their high school ACT (or equivalent SAT score) and have a 3.5 GPA OR have an endorsement from a counselor or advisor. Currently enrolled freshman must have completed 15 semester hours or less of coursework at the post-secondary level and have earned a cumulative GPA of 3.5 or better. Kathryn A. Carpenter Scholarship in English Endowment * Award: $460. English major; junior or senior in college; 3.2 GPA or above; full time student; Montana resident; preference given to student who plans to attend graduate school for an eventual teaching career at the university level. Chancellors Excellence Awards * Award: 4 @ $2,500/year for four years. Interested students MUST complete the 2004 Chancellors Excellence Awards application. DEADLINE to submit application is JANUARY 15, 2004. Traditional or non-traditional entering freshman; full time student with a minimum of 15 credits per semester; 26 ACT or 1170 SAT; rank in top 10 % of high school graduating class OR have a cumulative GPA of 3.5 or better; (applicants who are home school, charter high school, or G.E.D. graduates, or applicants who have been out of high school more than three years, must satisfy the ACT or SAT requirements listed above); evidence of leadership and a record of school/ community service; three letters of recommendation. Applicants must sign a declaration of intent to complete a four-year undergraduate degree conferred by MSU-Billings and be enrolled in an MSU-Billings bachelors degree program. For more information please call the MSU-Billings Foundation at (406) 657-2244 or (888) 430-6782. Chefs & Cooks of Montana Endowed Scholarship * Award: $325. COT student enrolled in A.A., A.S., or A.A.S. program; full time undergraduate student enrolled for a minimum of 15 credits per semester; financial need; must have and maintain at least a 3.0 GPA; applicants must submit in writing a statement identifying need, importance and how scholarship money will be used. Child Care Scholarships * Number and amount of awards vary. Contact ASMSU-Billings, Room 213, Student Union Building for application and deadline dates or visit website at http://www.msubillings.edu/ asmsub. Bob Clark Memorial Scholarship * Award: 2 @ $950. Business major with option in accounting or finance; one female and one male recipient; resident of eastern Montana, Billings or northern Wyoming; 3.25 cumulative high school or university GPA; full time enrolled student; participation in extracurricular activities is a factor; achievement is strong consideration; students can reapply. Lulu May Clay Nursing Scholarship * Award: Varies. Student who has declared the Practical Nursing Program at the College of Technology as program of study; 2.0 GPA or above; full time enrolled student; financial need. Alexandra Morgan Coad Memorial Scholarship I * Award: $825. Montana resident; Information Systems major; junior in college; must have and maintain at least a 3.0 GPA or above; financial need; full time enrolled student; traditional student; must have one letter of recommendation from business faculty. Alexandra Morgan Coad Memorial Scholarship II * Award: $825. Montana resident; Chemistry major (if no qualified chemistry major, then a science major may be selected); sophomore, junior or senior in college; must have and maintain at least a 3.0 GPA or above; financial need; full time enrolled student; must have one letter of recommendation from science faculty. Cobb Foundation Scholarship * Award: $950. Montana resident; 3.0 cumulative GPA or above; financial need; junior or senior in college; full time student. Coca Cola Undergraduate Student Scholarship * Award: 5 @ $1,000 OR 10 @ $500. Full time undergraduate (minimum of 15 semester credits) or graduate student (minimum of 9 semester credits); sophomore, junior, or senior level class standing (must have 30 semester hours or more); applicant must be active in and demonstrate in writing a strong, ongoing commitment to effective University citizenship through their involvement in campus service learning, student organizations, and student government; 3.25 cumulative GPA; three letters of recommendation one from University academic advisor, one from University administrator or staff member, and one from a faculty member or other individual who can describe and attest to the applicants direct involvement and contributions to the University through service learning and effective University citizenship. Applicants must submit a one-page letter describing her/his approach to effective citizenship, commitments to and involvement in service and service learning at the University and include a brief statement as to why the applicant believe they are qualified for the scholarship. Scholarship awards are not need based. College of Arts & Sciences Alumni Excellence Awards * Award: $500.00. Junior or senior in college; College of Arts & Sciences major; 3.4 GPA in major area; 3.2 cumulative GPA; full time. College of Business Alumni Excellence Awards * Award: 4 @ $1,500 each. Declared Business major; 3.45 GPA or top 20% of class; student must have completed 60 semester credit hours; student must have completed Business requirements for admission to upper division classes; community and campus service participation.

College of Education & Human Services Graduate Scholarship * Award: 2 @ $1,000. Graduate student; 3.75 graduate GPA; Plan of Study accepted; must have demonstrated ability to provide leadership in Montana schools or human services; letter of support from the faculty advisor.


College of Education & Human Services Undergraduate Scholarship * Award: 4 @ $1,000. College of Education & Human Services major; junior or senior in college or individual seeking initial certification in second career masters; 3.4 GPA in major area; 3.2 cumulative GPA; letter of support from the faculty advisor; must have demonstrated commitment to quality education or human services in Montana. Collegiate License Plate Endowed Scholarships * Award: 10 @ $500. Recipients must have successfully completed a minimum of 30 semester credit hours at MSU-Billings; Montana resident; 3.0 GPA or above; financial need; full time student; graduate students are eligible. Colleen Conroy Scholarship Fund * Award: $1,000. Montana resident; full time enrolled student with a minimum of 15 credits per semester; undergraduate student; 2.75 cumulative GPA or above; junior or senior in college; recipient must be a single parent, male or female, who is at least nineteen years of age; applicant must submit a written statement (not to exceed 150 words) describing: a) your personal background and why scholarship is needed, b) how the scholarship will be used to help you attain your educational goals, and c) your experience(s) as a leader in performing voluntary service to your community and MSUBillings. Describe other efforts and activities directed specifically toward the benefit of others. E. Lyle Cooper Memorial Scholarship in English Endowment * Award: $675. English major; Montana resident; junior or senior in college; 3.25 cumulative GPA; financial need; full time student. Dr. C. Rockne Copple Graduate Studies Student Endowed Scholarship * Award: $1,000. Graduate student; must have Degree Candidacy status; must have a minimum cumulative graduate GPA of 3.25 and a desirable undergraduate record; enrolled for a minimum of 9 credits fall and spring semester; three letter of reference with application; preference given to students working towards a Masters Degree in Rehabilitation Counseling or School Counseling. See the Office of Graduate Studies regarding application and deadline date. The Frank Dell Memorial Scholarship * Award: $665. Montana resident; Elementary Education major; male student; available to freshman through seniors in college; 3.0 GPA or above; financial need; full or part time enrolled student. Dickerson/Knight Access to Education Scholarship Endowment for Non-Traditional Women * Award: Approximately $2,200 per year for four years. Female student; non-traditional student as defined by the Financial Aid Office; freshman in college; first time freshman must have a high school GPA of 2.5 OR have an endorsement from a counselor or advisor; freshman with coursework at the postsecondary level must have 12 semester hours or less in order to apply for the scholarship; full time enrolled student; financial need; three letters of recommendation must accompany the scholarship application; finalists must agree to be interviewed by the MSU-Billings Foundations Scholarship Committee. Diesel Technology Scholarship * Award: $1,000. Montana resident; student who has declared the Diesel Technology Program as program of study at the College of Technology; second year in college; 2.0 GPA or above; must have financial need and be PELL eligible (to be determined by Financial Aid); full time enrolled student; graduate of a class C high school. Mike Dimich Memorial Scholarship Endowment * Award: 2 @ $490. Montana resident; 3.50 GPA or above; traditional or non-traditional student; financial need; student interested in the medical field with a declared major or program of study in biology, chemistry and nursing; full time student (unless nursing student with other obligations). Betty Dunn Memorial Scholarship * Award: $100 in book credit. Elementary or secondary education major; female student; financial need; full time student; single parent. EideBailly, LLP Scholarship * Award: $360.00. Accounting major; incoming freshman in college; 3.0 GPA or above; full time student; Montana or Wyoming resident. Energy Laboratories Chemistry Endowed Scholarship * Award: $1,750. Chemistry major given 1st preference - will consider science majors with a chemistry minor; Montana resident; junior or senior in college; 3.0 GPA or above (negotiable depending on students qualifications); full time student. Elma Epstein Endowed Scholarship * Award: $850. Education major; Montana resident; sophomore in college while receiving scholarship; 3.0 GPA or above; full time enrolled student. Facilities Services Endowed Scholarship * Award: $475. Must be a full time employee of Facilities Services at MSU-Billings or member of employees immediate family. Donald E. Fox Memorial Scholarship * Award: $500. Accounting major; Montana resident; sophomore or above in college; 3.0 GPA; full time student; student with a desire to be a professional accountant. Charles L. Frank Memorial Endowed Scholarship * Award: $800. Education major; Montana resident; senior in college; 3.5 GPA; full time student. Willard E. Fraser Memorial Endowed Scholarship * Award: $1,000. History major; must be senior status while receiving award; applicant concerned with the broad interests which motivated Willards life (such as public service, love of country, style & Pizzazz); 2.5 GPA or above; full time student. Edna Frost Bookstore Scholarship * Award: Two awards covering tuition and fees for two semesters. One male and one female recipient; 3.0 GPA or above; financial need; Montana resident; must have completed two semesters as a full time student at MSU-Billings; full time student. L. R. Gajewski Scholarship Endowment * Award: $1,000. Music major; junior or senior in college;

must have and maintain at least a 3.5 cumulative GPA; student must have passed upper divisionals (must have both years of theory and both years of aural skills); recipient must be in band the entire year while receiving the scholarship; full time enrolled student with a minimum of 12 semester credit hours; financial need is not a factor; available to residents and nonresidents of Montana; scholarship may not be re-awarded to the same recipient. M. C. Gallagher Endowed Scholarship * Award: $460. Junior, senior or graduate student; Education major; 3.0 GPA; graduate of high school in Yellowstone, Stillwater, Carbon, Big Horn or Treasure counties; student with dedication and desire to succeed in education; preference given to student with financial need. Anthony Gerharz Scholarship * Award: $950. Accounting major; 2.5 cumulative GPA or above; full time enrolled student. Preference given to student members of Montana Society of CPAs. May Harper Glantz and Harry Glantz Memorial Endowed Scholarship * Award: $375. Elementary Education major; female student; Montana resident; junior or senior in college; 2.5 GPA or above; financial need; full time student; two letters of recommendation one from a faculty member. Graduate Studies Student Endowed Scholarships * Award: 4 awards @ $1,000. Awards honor Drs. McRae, Waterman, Wilson, and Copple. See the Office of Graduate Studies regarding application, criteria and deadline date. Grace K. Harkins Endowed Scholarship * Award: $100. Female graduate student; must be an elementary teacher in School District #2 (grades 1, 2 or 3) working on Masters Degree in Education; enrolled full time for summer semester; must have children. Award distributed summer semester. Dale C. & Mary E. Hawkins Endowed Scholarship * Award: $400. Business major; Montana resident; non-traditional student; financial need; 3.0 GPA or above; female student preferred. David & Barbara Hawkins Endowed Scholarship * Award: $250. Employee, spouse or child of employee of Treasure State Electric, Premier Realty, Inc., LAIS Development, or Premier Development, Inc.; 2.0 GPA or above; full or part time student. The Haynes Foundation Worthy Scholarships * Award: $2,000 per year. Number of awards to be determined. Undergraduate student; Montana resident; full time student with a minimum of 15 credits per semester; 3.5 GPA; financial need. Scholarships may be renewed. Hearst Endowed Scholarship * Award: $470. Recipient must be of Hispanic decent; full or part-time students with preference given to full time; 2.5 GPA or above; demonstrate community or extracurricular involvement; freshman through seniors in college. Kenneth W. Heikes Family Endowed Scholarship * Award: $2,000. Full time upper division undergraduate or graduate student; declared Business major with an option in Accounting or Information Systems; demonstration of academic and leadership potential; recipient must not be on academic or disciplinary probation; financial need (as defined by the selection committee); 3.0 overall GPA with at least a 3.25 GPA in declared major field of study. Clarence D. Hein/HEIN & ASSOCIATES LLP Scholarship * Award: $475. Traditional incoming freshman in college; Accounting major; 3.5 GPA or above; financial need; full time enrolled student. High Tech Construction Endowed Scholarship * Award: $475. Student accepted and enrolled in program within the College of Business or the College of Technology; financial need; 2.0 GPA or above; full time student; Montana resident; preference given to children of employees of High Tech Construction. Hole Nursing Endowed Scholarship * Award: $500. Nursing student; Montana resident; 3.0 GPA; full time enrolled student; if two or more students qualify for the scholarship, preference will be given to the student with the most financial need. Homesteaders Scholarship * Award: 4 @ $2,000 and 2 @ $1,000. $2,000 recipients must be graduates of high school in Petroleum County; traditional or non-traditional students; freshman through seniors in college; high school GPA of 2.0 or university GPA of 2.5; full time student; definite financial need. $1,000 recipients must be graduates of high school in Garfield County; traditional or non-traditional students; freshman through seniors in college; high school GPA of 2.0 or university GPA of 2.5; full time student; definite financial need. Adella S. Hummel Memorial Endowed Scholarship * Award: $1,850. Special Education major; non-traditional student; financial need; full time student; 2.5 GPA or above. Marguerite Hunt College of Technology Undergraduate Endowed Scholarship * Award: 2 @ $1,500 each. One scholarship awarded to a freshman and one scholarship awarded to a sophomore who have declared a program of study in the College of Technology; Montana resident; full time enrolled student with a minimum of 15 credits per semester; must have and maintain at least a 3.0 GPA; evidence of campus/community involvement/ civic engagement. Jarussi Sisters Scholarship Endowment * Award: Two awards covering tuition and books for two semesters (up to $5,000 each). Graduate of Carbon County high schools; education major; 2.8 GPA or above; financial need; full time enrolled student; available to incoming freshmen through seniors in college. Terry C. Johnston Memorial Scholarship * Award: $500. History major; junior or senior in college; 3.0 GPA or above; preference given to non-traditional student; preference given to part-time students enrolled for 6 to 9 semester credits. Florence Steele Kem Scholarship Fund * Award: 1 undergraduate @ $2,500 OR 2 graduate @ $1,250 each. Montana resident; Education major; undergraduate or graduate student; 3.25 GPA or above; financial need; undergraduate students preferred to be enrolled full time; graduate students may be part-time enrolled if demonstrating continuous enrollment by registering for a minimum of one course per semester. Preference given to students with an Early Childhood minor and/or students admitted to the teacher education

program from a tribal institution. Hardy Kindler Memorial Endowed Scholarship * Award: 4 @ $925. Eastern Montana or Northern Wyoming resident; male; sophomore or above; full time student; 3.0 GPA; financial need. KPMG Peat Marwick LLP Scholarship * Award: Varies. Accounting major; senior in college; full time enrolled student; 3.3 cumulative GPA; college related business activities considered a factor; student interested in pursuing a career in public accounting. Ruth Hveem Kronmiller Endowed Scholarship * Award: $500. Student who has declared a major in the College of Arts & Sciences or a program of study in the College of Technology; sophomore, junior, or senior in college; Montana resident; full time student, 3.0 GPA. Roger Larson Walleyes Unlimited of Billings Memorial Scholarship * Award: $500. Biology major; senior in college; resident of Yellowstone, Big Horn, Carbon, Stillwater, or Musselshell county; 2.5 cumulative GPA or above; financial need; full time enrolled student with a minimum of 12 credits per semester. Marjorie & Spencer Lauson Endowed Scholarship * Award: $500. Recipient must be an undergraduate senior working towards a Bachelors Degree in Elementary Education with a minor in Early Childhood OR a graduate student working toward a Masters Degree in Education with an Early Childhood Option; undergraduate students must have completed at least 30 semester hours at MSU-Billings to be eligible for scholarship; Montana or Wyoming resident; minimum of 3.0 GPA; full time enrolled student; financial need; traditional or non-traditional student; preference given to student who plans to teach kindergarten through third grade in Montana or Wyoming or plans to teach in the Early Childhood Program at the University level. Gail L. Maryott Elementary Education Endowed Scholarship * Award: 6 @ $1,000. Elementary Education major; financial need; 3.25 GPA; freshman through senior in college; full time student. Gail L. Maryott Music Endowed Scholarship * Award: 6 @ $1,000. Music major; financial need; 3.25 GPA or above; freshman through senior in college; full time student. Matz Properties, LLC Endowed Scholarship * Award: $1,100. Business major; 3.0 cumulative GPA; financial need; full time enrolled student; Montana or Wyoming resident. Rob McCarvel Memorial Scholarship * Award: $1,000. Science major; senior in college; 3.0 cumulative GPA or above; financial need; full time enrolled student. Hilda and Harold McCleave Endowed Scholarship * Award: $1,300. History major; 3.0 GPA or above; junior in college when applying for scholarship; full time student. McMullen Golden Years Endowed Scholarship * Award: $1,200. Incoming freshman in college; Montana resident; 3.5 GPA or above; financial need; full time student. MDU Resources Foundation Scholarship * Award $1,200. Business Administration major; must live in the MDU service area; financial need; 3.0 cumulative GPA or above; junior or senior in college; full time enrolled student. Memorial for Adults with Cerebral Palsy Endowed Scholarship * Award: Varies. Scholarships available to adults (18 and older) with cerebral palsy who seek to better themselves persons who inspire; recipients are not required to be students; funds are to assist adults with cerebral palsy with: scholarships for credit or non-credit courses, education (seminars & programs); job training, grants for part-time jobs, grants for aides, transportation, tutors, technology (CD-Roms, online services, computers), inspirational awards, and other grants to make life easier for the person and his/her parents or family. Bruce Meyers Memorial English Endowed Scholarship * Award: 3 @ approximately $500. English major; Montana resident; junior or senior in college; 3.3 GPA or above; financial need; full time. Montana Association for Rehabilitation Academic Scholarship * Award: 1 or more @ $500 each. Full-time enrolled student in the Masters of Science Degree in Rehabilitation Counseling Program; student member of the Montana Association for Rehabilitation; Montana resident; recipient must have satisfactorily completed the equivalent of at least one semester of graduate work (12 or more semester hours); 3.0 to 3.25 gpa or higher in completed graduate work; must have filed and accepted Plan of Study in Rehabilitation Counseling Masters Program; recipient must exhibit philosophy of rehabilitation and demonstrate significant concern for the life, environment and independence of persons with disabilities; recipient must not be a recipient of the Rehabilitation Services Administration Academic Scholarship that is paying for all tuition, books and fees; interested students must include the following with the scholarship application: a letter of application sharing their goals, philosophy, and future plans in the field of vocational rehabilitation and three letter of support including one from a Professor in the M.S. Degree in Vocational Rehabilitation Counseling Program and two from other resources, such as employers in the field, supervisors, etc. Students applying must be nominated in one of the following manners: a. By faculty member (Masters of Science Degree in Rehabilitation Counseling Program) at MSU-Billings; b. Representative of a State, Private or Non-profit organization currently providing vocational rehabilitation services in the State of Montana; c. Selfnomination. Montana Bankers Association 25/50-Year Club Scholarship * Award: $715. Finance major (if none acceptable, an accounting major may be selected); junior or senior in college; 3.0 GPA or above; student interested in pursuing banking as a future career; graduate of a Montana high school; Montana resident. Montana Cable Telecommunications Association Scholarship * Award: $475. Recipient must have completed at least one semester of academic work in the College of Technology and be working toward one of the following programs of study in the COT: Computer & Information Sciences; Marketing, Management & Business; Office Technology & Administration; or Technical & Industrial. Full or part time student; 3.0 GPA or above; financial need. Montana Center on Disabilities Undergraduate and Graduate Scholarships * Award: 7 undergraduate @ $1,000; 3 graduate @ $1,000.

Student with a disability that meets definition of the Americans with Disability Act; Montana resident; 2.6 undergraduate GPA or 3.25 graduate GPA; must have unmet financial need; full time enrolled student.


* Award: $1,250. Montana resident; English major with preference given to student with interest in Literary Arts or Library Science; 3.5 cumulative GPA or above; full time student (however if student is working, part-time status may be approved). Ronald McDonald House Charities of Montana Scholarships * Scholarships available for Asian Pacific and Hispanic American in-coming freshman students. For information, application, and deadline date check out the Ronald McDonald House Charities website at http://www.rmhc.com/mission/scholarships/index.html. Application deadline is February 1, 2004. Mike Ross Endowed Scholarship * Award: $600. Sophomore or above in college; 3.0 cumulative GPA; financial need; preference given to the employees and family members of employees of HDA Management L.L.C. Uta Mae Satre College of Technology Undergraduate Endowed Scholarship * Award: 4 @ $1,500. Student who has declared a program of study in the College of Technology; Montana resident; full time enrolled student with a minimum of 15 credits per semester; must have and maintain at least a 3.0 GPA; evidence of campus/community involvement/civic engagement. Homer A. & Mildred S. Scott Foundation Scholarship * Award: 2 @ $950. Business major with option in Finance or Accounting; Montana or Wyoming resident; full time student; achievement and involvement in extracurricular and community activities is a factor. John Self Rehabilitation Counseling Scholarship * Award: Up to $250 available. Graduate student in Rehabilitation Counseling; must have and maintain at least a 3.75 graduate GPA; full time student; Plan of Study must be approved. Lesley Sherman Memorial Scholarship * Award: Varies. Student who has declared a program of study in the College of Technology; 2.0 cumulative GPA or above; full time enrolled student; financial need; must be from a small town. Ellen Shields Endowed Scholarship * Award: 1 @ $7,500 each (approximately 75% of room, board & resident tuition for a full time student annually for up to four academic years). Student with economic need who is not normally entitled to scholarships provided by the larger companies based on achievement; must have and maintain at least a 2.5 cumulative GPA; traditional or non-traditional student; full time student enrolled in a four year degree program; freshman in college. Siegel/STS Scholarship * Award: $1,000. Student who has declared a program of study in one of the following COT Required Certified Programs: Automotive Technology, Diesel Technology, or Automobile Collision Repair & Refinishing; must have completed two full time semesters (at least 30 semester credits) and be entering the second year of his/her Required Certified Program; 3.0 gpa; Montana resident; full time student with a minimum of 15 credits per semester. Sigma Tau Delta/English Department Textbook Scholarship * Award: 2 @ $200 or more in book credit. English major or BSLS with English concentration; Montana resident; junior or senior in college; 3.3 GPA or above; financial need; participation in extracurricular activities is a factor; full time student. The Elaine Marie Smith Scholarship Endowment * Award: $1,150. Vocational Rehabilitative Services major with preference given to a student specializing in Vocational Rehabilitative Counseling. If no Vocational Rehabilitative Services major is eligible, a student working towards a M.S. in Special Education will be considered. U.S. Citizen; graduate student recipient must have completed one year of study or have candidacy for graduate program approved through an accepted Plan of Study; 3.0 GPA or above; participation in activities pertaining to field of study is a factor; full time student; financial need. Scholarship will be disbursed fall and spring semester. Sports Medicine Scholarship * Award: $1,000. Graduate student fully admitted to the Athletic Training Program; recipient must maintain Graduate Candidacy; full time graduate student with a minimum of 9 credits per semester; applicants must submit a resume and one page essay on why they want to be an Athletic Trainer Certified. Emma Chatham Standish Scholarship Endowment * Award: $1,450. Secondary Education major; Montana resident; 2.5 GPA or above; financial need is #1 priority; full time student; non-traditional student. Mary Maxon Stratford Education Scholarship * Award: $1,000. Education major the essay portion of the students scholarship application must include a statement addressing their interest in education; entering freshman in college; 3.5 GPA or above; financial need; full time enrolled student. Student Opportunities Services Scholarships * Award: Amount and number of scholarships available varies. Students interested in applying for scholarship funding must complete the MSU-Billings Scholarship Application For Scholarships, Waivers, and Exemptions, have a 2.0 GPA or above, and attach a double spaced paper answering the following questions to their scholarship application: a) A paragraph entailing your participation with TRiO. Please describe any prior TRiO programs you have participated in and currently your involvement with Student Opportunity Services. b) A paragraph detailing difficulties you have or are overcoming to be a successful student. c) A paragraph stating why you are the most deserving student to receive this scholarship. Benedict & Frances Surwill Memorial Teaching Award for the Outstanding MSU-Billings Female Graduating Elementary Education Major * Award: $1,500. Female student, 3.25 GPA, graduating senior at MSU-Billings Spring Semester 2004; elementary education major; must have shown evidence of strong participation in extracurricular college activities at MSU-Billings and participation in community activities; recommendations in support of a student for this award must be submitted to the CEHS Awards Committee from the students elementary cooperating teacher. Students must be nominated by college supervisor for student teaching, MSU-Billings faculty member who has had nominee in class, students cooperating teacher for student teaching, or elementary principal of school where student taught. Scholarship awarded upon graduation, Spring 2004. Tractor & Equipment Company Scholarship * Award: $950. Employee, spouse or child of employee of Tractor & Equipment Company; full time student; 2.5 cumulative GPA or above.



Veraldi Family Endowed Scholarship * Award: $1,600. Montana resident; Business major; sophomore, junior or senior in college; 3.25 cumulative GPA or above; financial need; full time enrolled student; leadership skills. Helen E Voelker Scholarship Endowment * Award: $240. Recipient must be a past or present employee of Westpark Village Retirement Center with at least one year of satisfactory work experience; 3.0 cumulative GPA or above; financial need; full time student. If several students meet the above criteria, preference will be given to science majors and/ or underclassman. Barbara J. Walborn Scholarship * Award: $1,000. Accounting major; 3.0 cumulative GPA or above; non-traditional student; full time enrolled student. Shannon Weatherly Memorial Endowed Scholarship * Award: $800. Graduate student working towards a M.S. in Special Education; 3.5 GPA or above; part-time student; female student; must have completed at least 9 graduate credits and have Plan of Study approved by advisor; must be recommended by Faculty Selection Committee. John Weinschrott Memorial Endowed Scholarship * Award: 11 @ $1,000. Incoming freshman in college; eastern Montana resident; 3.5 GPA or above; full time student; participation in extracurricular activities is a factor. Applicants from Fallon County (Plevna, Baker, Ekalaka, Willard or Webster) will receive first consideration provided all criteria is met. John Weinschrott Recognition Endowed Scholarships * Award: 4 @ $100 each. Eastern Montana resident; freshman in college; no specific GPA but must have a counselors endorsement; financial need; full or part-time students. John Weinschrott Endowed Scholarship Fund for Upperclassman * Award: 8 @ $500. Education major; Montana resident; sophomore, junior or senior in college; 3.25 GPA; financial need; full time student. Wells Fargo Bank Endowed Scholarship * Award: 2 @ $700. One scholarship awarded to an incoming freshman in college and one scholarship awarded to a currently enrolled student; Montana resident; 3.5 cumulative GPA or above; full time enrolled student. Westmoreland Resources in Hardin/Big Horn County Scholarship * Award: $1,000 or more. Incoming freshman in college; must have ranked in the top 10% of high school graduating class or have at least a 3.0 GPA; must have leadership qualities and record of community service; resident of Hardin School District or School District on Crow Reservation; full time student. If no qualified freshman, scholarship may go to an upperclassman that meets remaining criteria. Eugene F. Wiesner Endowed Scholarship * Award: 1 @ $750 or 2 @ $375 Psychology major; Montana resident preferred; junior or senior in college; 3.5 GPA or above; financial need; full time student (part-time status may be approved); must have completed at least 15 semester hours of psychology credits at MSU-Billings. Wine Festival Recognition Scholarships * Award: 22 @ $1,000. Sophomore or above in college; 3.25 cumulative GPA or above; full time student; preference given to students involved in extracurricular or show evidence of volunteer activities. Harold H. Winter Memorial Endowed Scholarship * Award: 2 @ $1,150. Business major; financial need; full time student; 2.5 GPA or above. Womens Studies Book Scholarships * Award: Number of awards varies, ranging from $50 to $100. For information concerning criteria and application, contact Sue Hart, Professor of English, MSU-Billings, at 657-2879. Walter E. & Esther M. Woods Memorial Endowed Scholarship * Award: $950. Graduate of Saco High School; incoming freshman in college; 3.25 GPA or above preferred; financial need; participation in extracurricular activities is a factor; full time student. In the event no incoming freshman applies or is eligible, the award may be awarded to an upperclassman. Yellowstone Valley Electric Cooperative/MSU-Billings Student Wellness Scholarship * Award: Amount Varies. HPE major; 3.0 GPA or above; financial need. Applicants are required to submit a one-page essay on the importance of self-empowerment, self-esteem, and self-defense for the well being of women in our society. Zonta Club of Billings Book Scholarship * Award: 3 @ $200. Yellowstone county resident; female; 3.25 cumulative GPA or above; financial need; full time enrolled student. Carolyn C. Johnson Memorial Scholarship * Award: 2 @ $1,000 each. Single parent; sophomore in college (if no qualified sophomore, a junior may be selected); definite financial need; Montana resident; 2.5 or above cumulative GPA; preference given to full time student enrolled for 12 semester credits or more; recipient must be working toward a four-year degree program (either B.S. or B.A.). Student selected is eligible to receive scholarship remaining three years of college if all criteria are maintained.

Montana Society of Public Accountants Scholarship * Award: $2,500. Accounting major; junior in college while receiving scholarship; Montana resident; full time student preferred. No specific grade point average, however student must be in good academic standing. Morningstar Non-Traditional Endowed Scholarships * Award: 6 @ $500. Madison and/or Ruby Valley resident given preference; graduate of a Montana high School; Montana resident; 2.5 GPA or above; financial need; part or fulltime student; non-traditional student; student enrolled in undergraduate, graduate or vocational degree program. Morningstar Traditional Endowed Scholarships * Award: 4 @ $1,000. Graduate of high school in Madison County (includes Sheridan, Twin Bridges, Ennis & Harrison) given preference; graduate of a Montana high School; Montana resident; incoming freshman in college; 3.0 GPA or above; full time student; student enrolled in undergraduate, graduate or vocational degree program. MSU-Billings Alumni Association Scholarship * Award: $1,000/yr. for 4-years. Recipient must be related to an alumnus of MSU-Billings (EMC); incoming freshman in college; graduate of an accredited high school; full time enrolled student; financial need; evidence of leadership, community service and scholarship ability; written statement of personal/educational goals and objectives; major in B.A./B.S. degree program at MSU-Billings; minimum of three letters of recommendation. First time enrolled freshman must also have one of the followings: cumulative GPA of 3.5 or above, rank in top 10% of high school graduating class OR have an ACT score of 26 or better/SAT score of 1100 or better. Continuing freshman must have a 3.5 GPA or above and have earned 15 semester credits or less to apply. MSU-Billings Foundation Memorial Endowed Scholarship * Award: 2 @ $800. Incoming freshman; must have ranked in the top 10% of high school graduating class; financial need; full time student; 2.5 GPA or above. MSU-Billings Recognition Scholarship Endowment * Award: Number of awards varies, ranging from $100 to $1,000. Scholarships awarded to any student enrolled at MSUBillings who exhibits the potential and dedication to succeed; freshman through seniors in college; full time student. MSU-Billings University Women Endowed Scholarship * Award: $500. Relative of a MSU-Billings faculty member, employees of MSU-Billings, or employees of MSU-Billings Foundation who are at least .50 FTE as defined by the employer and taking at least six credit hours per semester. (Relative is defined as spouse, children, niece, nephew, and grandchildren.) Annetta Nielsen Chapter E, P.E.O. Endowed Scholarship * Award: $250. Female student; junior or senior in college; 3.0 cumulative GPA or above; full time enrolled student. Sam Norman Memorial Scholarship * Award: $2,000 or more. Business major; must have and maintain at least a 2.5 GPA; full time student with a minimum of 12 semester credits. Non-Resident Scholarships * Number and amount of awards vary. Non-resident of Montana. Contact Admissions & Records at (406) 657-2158 for information. NorthWestern Energy Foundation Scholarship * Award: $950. Business major; financial need; full time enrolled student; graduate of a Montana high school; junior or senior in college. The George OConnor Scholarship * Primary Award: $1,500 per year for three years; Runner-up Award: $500 per year for three years. Montana resident for four years prior to the award; successful demonstration of academic ability during the freshman year, as demonstrated by a GPA of at least 3.0; indication of a sense of service to school, community, and state; enrollment in a business, engineering, scientific, political science, or history degree program. Laura Odegaard Scholarship * Award: 2 @ $500 or 1 @ $1,000. Female student; 3.0 cumulative GPA or above; definite financial need; full time enrolled student; non-traditional student. The Orser Family Scholarship * Award: $950. Accounting major; financial need; 3.0 GPA or above. Additional criteria may be determined by the Accounting Department. Bill Patek Leadership Award Endowment * Award: $500. Student who has declared a program of study in the College of Technology; second semester in college; 3.0 cumulative GPA; full time enrolled student; traditional or nontraditional student; must have demonstrated leadership through participation in campus and/or community activities. Oliver W. Peterson Math Endowed Scholarship * Award: $1,000. Math Education and/or Math major with preference given to student enrolled in Math Education; Montana resident; sophomore, junior or senior in college; 3.0 GPA or above; full time traditional or half time non-traditional student; financial need is not required but may be a consideration; student with personal character and values. If no qualified math students, award may be given to a science major. (Student may not receive the award two years in a row.) Phi Theta Kappa Scholarship * Award: 2 @ $1,000/year for two years. Transfer student from Miles Community College; 3.25 cumulative GPA or above; three letters of recommendation one from a Phi Theta Kappa Advisor. Jean King Rahn Memorial, P.E.O. Chapter E Endowed Scholarship * Award: $750. Female student; junior or senior in college; 3.5 GPA or above; financial need; full time student. RBC Dain Rauscher Scholarship * Award: 5 @ $1,000 each. Must be a non-traditional student, young woman, young single parent with dependent child(ren) , and/or Native American student; enrolled in the College of Business; enrolled in any course of study offered by the College of Business; available to full or part time students; may be from any geographic region, however preference is given to students of Native American descent who are non-traditional students. RBC Dain Rauscher employees and their family members are not eligible for the scholarships. Pauline H. Rich Memorial Endowed Scholarship

REMEMBER!! The deadline to apply for scholarships is March 1, 2004. APPLY NOW!

A Creative Writing Piece:

Grandmas Guardian
Chelsie Jolley Guest Writer
Chelsie slid her chair closer to Grandma, eager in anticipation to hear Grandmas story. Chelsies homework assignment was to write about her family history, and Grandma was a key link. How I came to America..., Grandma muttered to herself recalling the past. That was long ago when I was about your age, 15...I was in church when they came. Who is they, Grandma? Chelsie asked. The German soldiers. They came to our Catholic church in my home country, Poland. It happened at my cousins wedding, during WWII. We had to have the wedding at night to avoid any snipers. The priest just pronounced them husband and wife, when my brother pulled me aside. He whispered to me, Julia, you have to hide. The Germans came to the house to find you, but you were not there. In place of you, they took father. They are looking for you now; please hide. Along with other children, I hid in the basement, squeezing myself into one of the empty, wooden crates. When I thought it was safe, I darted home. My mother begged me not to turn myself in, but I insisted that it was not right they had taken father in place of me. In dismay, she packed me a loaf of bread and clean clothes, then I made my way to the building where they held father. Grandma, why did they want you? I was on their list for work. When I entered the building, they exchanged me for my father, and I was sent off by train to a concentration camp. Once I arrived at the living hell, I was pushed into one of the barracks along with about 200 other people. The German soldiers treated us like caged animals, ordering us to strip our clothes and put them in a bundle by the wall. Then, the soldiers informed us they were going to put something on our heads to kill the bugs. The liquid smelled horrible...like kerosene. It burned my eyes, making me temporarily blind. Grandma slid her glasses down, rubbing her eyes in remembrance of the pain. The German soldiers commanded us to follow them. They claimed there was a place to shower, but because I could not see, I got lost. As I wandered around the hallways, the panic began to build. Grandma paused to clear away the lump in her throat. Suddenly, I felt a warm hand grab my arm. I was led to a faucet, where my hands were guided to flush my face with water. I felt refreshed, and my vision had returned. When I looked up, I saw a young man, about the age of 20, in a German uniform. Grandma stirred the spoon in her coffee, then slowly took a sip. Oh yes, I remember his face well; he was incredibly handsome, which is why I became utterly ashamed and embarrassed that I was completely naked in front of him. After a moment, he handed me new clothes to put on. As I slipped the last piece of the garment on, I turned around to thank him, but he had disappeared. The room was empty. I

knew he was my guardian angel. Wow, Grandma. Were the showers actually the gas chambers? Yes, Princess, but I was still stuck in the camps. Later, I was put to work doing various tasks. I worked in hospitals and for individuals who were very short tempered with me. I could not completely understand them since they spoke a different language. When they asked for the butter and I mistakenly brought them the milk, I got whipped. How did you finally escape? Chelsie questioned, as she gazed at her grandmas weathered face. I met grandpa in the camps. Eventually the war ended, and we were set free.

Your grandfather and I escaped to America, and headed to Butte, Montana. We heard many workers were wanted for the mining industry there, and I have lived here ever since. Wow, Grandma. I cannot believe that happened to you. We are so lucky to be here today. Yes princess, every day in my prayers, I thank the Lord for sending me my guardian angel.

Thank you for your submission Chelsie. Keep writing! All creative submissions can be emailed to retort@msubillings.edu or dropped off at SUB 225.

2003 Writers Roundup

Press Release
BILLINGS The MSU-Billings English Honor Society, SIGMA TAU DELTA, will be sponsoring the 2003 Writers Roundup on Saturday, December 6, 2003. The book sale and signing will be from 12 p.m. to 5 p.m. at the Metra Expo Center. The Writers Roundup is an annual event where local and regional authors gather to sell and autograph their books, as a fundraiser for SIGMA TAU DELTA. Authors attending include DeeAnn Brandon, Roland Cheek, Meridith B. Cox, Ann Cullen, Fred DeFauw, Roxanne Duke, Dianne Elliot, Hap Gilliland, Sid Gustafson, Tami Haaland, Janet Hill, Dee Marvine, Peggy Neiss, James Paddock, Leonard

Schonberg, Andrew Seddon, Dick Wheeler, and more. There will also be a raffle, including give-a-ways such as a basket of signed books and gift certificates. The drawing will be held at 4:30 p.m. Raffle tickets are $1 each or six for $5, and are available for purchase at the event. SIGMA TAU DELTA is a nonprofit academic organization. The honor society uses its share of the proceeds to support a variety of English scholarships, awards, and activities. The Writers Roundup will be in conjunction with the Family Tree Centers Festival of Trees. For more information contact Rachel Schaffer, a faculty advisor at MSU-Billings in the English/Philosophy Department at 657-2954.

A Brief Histor y of the Middle East

Jason Lillie (Opinion) Reporter
The crisis in the Middle East has been the topic of many conversations since 9/11/2001. The Middle East has been controlled by foreign powers since the end of WWI. It is not hard to see why the people of the region have resentment towards America. America decrees policy in the region, and if the countries dont comply, they face economic sanctions and possibly war. America has established Israel, a country no one in the region wants there, as Americas watchdog of the area. America says it would like to see democratic rule in the areawith the caveat that it not be Islamic. It is often said that America has set up puppet governments such as Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Jordan, and Egypt. If a country does not bow to U.S. wishes they will face U.S. wrath. Take Iran as an example: when the shah was in power, Iran had favored trade relations with America. When the shah was ousted and the Ayatollahand Islamic rulecame to power, that ended. Following is a brief history of the Middle East that will shed some light on why most of the people of the Middle East have anti-American sentiments. The first thing to consider is that the present day borders in the Middle East did not exist until the end of WWI. Prior to WWI, the region was part of the Ottoman Empire, which had been in existence for over 400 years. At the end of the war, France and Britain established a mandate system over Iraq, Syria, and Palestine. In 1920 it was determined that Syria and Lebanon would be a mandate of France, and Iraq and Palestine would be a mandate of Britain. A mandate was basically a form of colonialism. It was determined that the countries of the Middle East were too inexperienced to govern themselves, so France and Britain would help guide them to self-rule. France and Britain did little to help any of the countries achieve self-rule; in fact, they did their utmost to prevent it. During Britains mandate of Palestine, the issue of Israel was brought into bought prime farmland from Arabs and kicked the Palestinian tenant-farmers off the land. This led to much resentment by the Palestinians. They saw the Jewish people living quite well, in their homeland, while they were living in poverty. This situation eventually led to a power to hold their mandates. In many eyes it was too late for self-rule for the countries involved under the mandates. France and Britain had encouraged political infighting to maintain their control, and this atmosphere carried over politically after they left the region. The next problem to arise in the Middle East was oil. In the 1930s, America and Britain had begun to explore for oil in the region. At first they were not very successful, but they signed agreements with various governments in the region for the rights to any oil they did find. The agreements were heavily in favor of the Americans and British, paying small royalties to the Arab governments. It was not until 1973 that the governments in the region were able to wrestle control of oil production away from the U.S. and British foreign companies. Until that time, the Arabs saw foreign countries getting rich off of their natural resources. There have been many conflicts in the Middle East since the end of WWII, and America, in one way or another, has been involved in most of them. The U.S. supplies Israel with advanced weapons and does not offer these technologies to other countries in the region, giving Israel a clear advantage in any conflict. The U.S. feels Israel has been a cornerstone of stability in the region since the end of WWII. It can be argued that Israel would have been defeated long ago by neighboring Arab countries if not for the military assistance of the U.S. During the war between Iraq and Iran in the 1980s, America publicly supported Iraq, yet secretly traded arms with Iran. With this double standard, many Arabs felt America did not care about Arab lives. Many in the area saw America as war mongers who only cared about making money off arms sales at the cost of Arab lives. Other governments in the region supported Iraq because they did not want to see an Islamic revolution spread to their borders and weaken their political power. By supporting Iraq, America showed people in the Middle East that it did not support Islam. This is a very brief history of the Middle East. It shows that the region has not been treated fairly by outside powers. These injustices include acts by France and Britain, with their handling of the mandates; the creation of Israel, which no one in the region supported; the displacement of the Palestinians, who lost their homeland to Israel; American support of Israel, both politically and militarily; and the outside worlds thirst for oil and its interest in supporting governments that are friendly to western powers. In addition is the Islamic faith itself. Many Islamic people feel threatened by the many corruptions of western civilization: the drinking, drugs, and sex. Islam is a conservative religion, especially the way its practiced in the Middle East. Western civilization is far from conservative, at least its portrayed that way in pop culture. There is one final thought to be considered when thinking of the Middle Eastif America is interested in democratic rule in the region, and the region wants Islamic rule, what is America to do then?

Graphic by KRT

existence. With the issuance of the Balfour Declaration, Jewish Zionists declared that all Jewish people should move to Palestine. Britain did its best to control Jewish immigration, but they could not stem the flow. In addition, the Zionists had political power around the world and almost unlimited financial backing. The Zionists envisioned the creation of not just a Jewish homeland, but also a Jewish state. The Zionist policy in Palestine was to buy as much land as they could. They

civil war in 1947. It was a bloody conflict and Israel was relentless in its attacks. Jewish soldiers decimated entire villages of Palestinians and Arabs. It was at this time, May 1948, that the British withdrew from Palestine. Within 12 hours of British withdrawal, Israel declared itself an independent nation. It was not until the end of WWII that much of the Middle East got a chance at self-rule. France and Britain had been devastated during the war and did not have the political or military

Af ter Sant a go t his ne w Aft Santa got new ,t he el ves cus tom c hopper cust chopper hopper, the elv kne wt hings w ould ne ver knew things would nev be t he same ag ain. the again.

Dec. 1-7, 2003 Aries (March 21-April 20). Family restrictions and home tensions are lifted this week. Early Wednesday, expect loved ones to adopt an attitude of acceptance for older relatives, long-term obligations or group planning. Offer encouragement and fresh ideas. New suggestions will be welcomed and appreciated. Friday through Sunday, romance intensifies. Expect potential lovers or long-term friends to ask probing questions or demand public promises. Remain distant, if possible. Passions will be high. Taurus (April 21-May 20). Before midweek, workplace promises may be overly enthusiastic. Monday through Wednesday expect older colleagues to introduce revised documents, new payment schedules or joint assignments. Wait, however, for reliable or consistent information. At present, sudden business reversals and financial restrictions are continuing themes. After Thursday, loved ones may be moody or unresponsive. Dont confront. Private moments are needed and enjoyable. Gemini (May 21-June 21). Ownership, long-term rental contracts and passionate discussions between loved ones are accented over the next six days. Pay attention to new legal agreements, property payments or financial promises. Rely on diplomacy and expect rare complications. Outstanding details will be settled in the coming weeks. Thursday through Sunday, controversial social invitations may create conflict. Avoid gossip or misinformation. Someone close may wish to trigger a dispute. Cancer (June 22-July 22). Monday through Wednesday are strong for finalizing permissions, securing contracts or in-

creasing salaries. Ask authority figures or older relatives for special favors. After midweek, loved ones may offer powerful indications of their love, affection or long-term intentions. Stay open to rekindled romance but wait for obvious signals. Over the next 12 days, lovers or close friends may need to gain public support or test the limits of trust, loyalty and emotional intimacy. Leo (July 23-Aug. 22). Yesterdays love affairs or friendships are accented over the next three days. Late Monday, expect unique information to captivate your attention. Use this time to settle unresolved disputes or challenge the ideas of distant friends. A new era of social involvement will arrive soon. Watch for subtle invitations. Thursday through Sunday also highlight financial freedom, new projects and revised job titles. Complex decisions are needed. Discuss all proposals with loved ones. Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). Close friends or colleagues may require extra patience over the next four days. After Monday, watch for prideful comments or unusual attitudes from loved ones. Areas strongly affected are career gains, job proposals or public reputation. Agreement will be reached if, and only if, honesty prevails. Refuse to avoid difficult realizations concerning skill development or financial limitation. Late this weekend, energy may be low. Rest and avoid key family discussions, if possible. Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). Business ventures begun approximately five weeks ago may be temporarily postponed. No permanent or lasting affects can be expected, but do watch for brief financial delays. Remain determined. Revised deadlines will eventually work in your favor. Later this week, loved ones may outline new career

hopes. Be receptive. Your attitude is important. Friday through Sunday, romantic proposals may arrive without warning. Quick love affairs are accented. Stay balanced. Scorpio (Oct. 24-Nov. 22). Previously withheld opinions or observations may be freely expressed. Monday through Wednesday expect minor outbursts from friends or relatives. Areas affected are family obligations, age-appropriate relationships and long-term commitment. Someone close may need to feel validated. Remain flexible and watch for new progress. After Thursday, workplace assignments may dramatically increase. Make sure authority figures understand your limitations. Sagittarius (Nov. 23-Dec. 21). Money decisions may be fast and scattered this week. Late Tuesday, expect a brief but intense flurry of financial details or outstanding requests. Stay focused and carefully complete all assignments. Before next week, accuracy and dedication will be vital to the success of short-term projects. Thursday through Sunday also accent deepening romantic commitments, bold home discussions and sensuality. Remain alert. Friends and lovers will expect renewed passion. Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20). Romantic invitations will be intriguing but purposefully vague this week. Watch for potential lovers to offer coy flirtations and undefined promises. Enjoy seductive moments but avoid strong expectations. New relationships, although highly promising, will be temporarily delayed. Later this week, a rare disagreement with authority may be bothersome. Take none of it personally. Older officials or colleagues may need to end a phase of social withdrawal. Aquarius (Jan. 21-Feb. 19). New

employment assignments may be unusually complex over the next nine days. Wait for officials to resolve outstanding office disputes before taking action. At present, competing sources of information may be misleading. After midweek, a social invitation may demand a quick response. Be honest. Your need to define emotional boundaries and bring balance to strained relationships is valid. Friday through Sunday ask family members for financial favors. Success is possible. Pisces (Feb. 20-March 20). Shortterm romance may be highly distracting over the next few days. New friends or colleagues may wish to become more intimately involved in your life. Fast proposals are unrealistic. Boldly discuss your long-term expectations and wait for deeper personality traits to emerge. Thursday through Sunday, a business plan requires detailed research. New career options are available. Carefully evaluate all suggestions or new partnerships. If your birthday is this week ... Family relations may be mildly strained over the next two weeks. Short-term travel or complex social plans are accented. After midmonth, however, a powerful wave of compassion and group enjoyment arrives. Some Sagittarians, especially those born after 1964, will also experience a sharp increase in romantic promises and family invitations. Early in 2004, changing roles in the workplace may be bothersome. Before mid-March, authority figures may abandon key projects. Pace yourself and watch for new assignments throughout April. Financial improvement and quick career changes are continuing themes for most of the coming year. Respond to all opportunities. Educational programs, planned expansions and newly developed skills will demand constant attention.

Twas the Night Before Finals

Twas the night before finals, And all through the college, The students were praying For last minute knowledge. Most were quite sleepy, But none touched their beds, While visions of essays danced in their heads. Out in the taverns, A few were still drinking, And hoping that liquor would loosen up their thinking. In my own apartment, I had been pacing, And dreading exams I soon would be facing. My roommate was speechless, His nose in his books, And my comments to him Drew unfriendly looks. I drained all the coffee, And brewed a new pot, No longer caring That my nerves were shot. I stared at my notes, But my thoughts were muddy, My eyes went ablur, I just couldnt study. Some pizza might help, I said with a shiver, But each place I called Refused to deliver. Id nearly concluded That life was too cruel, With futures depending On grades had in school. When all of a sudden, Our door opened wide, And Patron Saint Put It Off Ambled inside. Her spirit was careless, Her manner was mellow, She started to bellow: What kind of student Would make such a fuss, To toss back at teachers What they tossed at us? On Cliff Notes! On Crib Notes! On Last Years Exams! On Wingit and Slingit, And Last Minute Crams! Her message delivered, She vanished from sight, But we heard her laughing Outside in the night. Your teachers have pegged you, So just do your best. Happy Finals to All, And to All, a good test. - Unknown

Graphic by KRT

The Day After Christmas

Twas the day after Christmas, and all through the house, Every creature was hurting even the mouse. The toys were all broken, their batteries dead; Santa passed out, with some ice on his head. Wrapping and ribbons just covered the floor, while Upstairs the family continued to snore. And I in my T-shirt, new Reeboks and jeans, I went into the kitchen and started to clean. When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter, I sprang from the sink to see what was the matter. Away to the window I flew like a flash, tore open the curtains, and threw up the sash. When what to my wondering eyes should appear, But a little white truck, with an oversized mirror. The driver was smiling, so lively and grand; The patch on his jacket said U.S. POSTMAN. With a handful of bills, he grinned like a fox Then quickly he stuffed them into our mailbox. Bill after bill, after bill, they still came. Whistling and shouting he called them by name: Now Dillards, now Broadways, now Penneys and Sears Heres Robinsons, Levitzs and Targets and Mervyns. To the tip or your limit, every store, every mall, Now chargeaway-chargeaway-chargeaway all! He whooped and he whistled as he finished his work. He filled up the box, and then turned with a jerk. He sprang to his truck and he drove down the road, Driving much faster with just half a load. Then I heard him exclaim with great holiday cheer, ENJOY WHAT YOU BOUGHT.......YOULL BE PAYING ALL YEAR! Taken from http://www.ampland.com


If you would like to advertise in The Retort Classifieds, contact Val or Amy at 657-2194. $7.50 for 4 lines, $2.50 each additional line. AUDITIONS FOR PLAY- STILL LIFE-----VIETNAM MEMORY PLAYOPENING FOR 3 PEOPLE-----AUDITIONS HELD DEC 4 @ 7PM AND DECEMBER 6 @ 2PM-----LOCATED AT LA620----SCRIPTS AVAILABLE FROM RANDY PUGH - LA 610

Loadstone Triumphs over Technical Difficulties

Adam Wickens Copy Editor
The night started off slow at Caseys Golden Pheasant on Fri. Nov. 14, but that didnt stop Bozeman band Loadstone from delivering a quality show. Starting late due to problems with some microphones and the PA system, Loadstone kicked off the night with some solid rocking songs played with a nice dose of emotional intensity. The same problems that caused the show to start a little late also plagued the first set, but the band played through it very well, not losing their edge or intensity. Instead of succumbing to adversity, Loadstone waded through the problems to deliver a quality, entertaining show of original music. After the first set, the sound problems were fixed and Loadstone really began to show why they are so popular in Bozeman. The sounds ranged anywhere from Stone Temple Pilots to slower Pearl Jam to something that seemed like a nice mixture between classic rock and funk. Each song seemed to take a different musical direction, but the band pulled it off very nicely, still managing to maintain a distinct musical identity amongst the diversity of styles and tones they covered. The instrumentation was very solid all around. Lead vocalist Lyle Johnson II gave an outstanding performance behind the microphone. He employed a nice range of vocal stylings that complemented each song well, and he sang with an intensity that the rest of the band seemed to rally around. Lead guitarist Jason Norris was at his best when playing off of the solid rhythm parts laid down by rhythm guitarist Darrin Wood. The two guitarists complemented each other quite well, often playing interlocking parts that combined for a very pleasing layered effect that gave the songs depth. While neither player showcased any outstanding soloing skills, the shifting harmony parts and little fills throughout the songs gave each one enough character to really stand apart from each other. The rhythm section was comprised of twin brothers Jeremy and Justin Countryman on bass and drums, respectively. The bass lines laid down by Jeremy were very full and fitting to each song. His intricate fretwork laid a very nice foundation for both guitars to build upon, and his adventurous style added a lot of variation to the songs. Sadly, Jeremy broke his D string

Photo by Loadstone----Left to Right: Jason Norris, Lyle Johnson II, Jeremy Countryman, Darrin Wood and Justin Countryman (not shown) early in the night, which prevented him from truly showcasing his skills, but even with three strings he was very adequate and did a great job of changing his bass lines on the fly to compensate for the lack of a string. Drummer Justin Countryman had quite the task of laying down the beats for such a diversity of styles, but did very well at keeping the band in time while adding his own flavor to the mix. He was at his best in the driving rock style songs, showing a good mastery of tom-tom fills and syncopated bass drum beats. Overall, the real strength of Loadstone is their ability to play together. The sounds all blended nicely, with no one person taking over the song. As a live band, Loadstone has proven they can deliver a quality set. The level of energy onstage was a real boost all night long. All of the band members were very animated, which helped the crowd to feel the energy. Some of the slower songs packed the dance floor and some of the harder ones got people up and moving in front of the stage. Originally from Big Timber, Mont., Loadstone has been playing together for three and a half years. The name Loadstone refers to a rock with magnetic qualities that one of the band members stumbled upon while thumbing through a work by Plato. They recently hired a manager and such an extraordinary production. The show was a re-enactment of the actual East End murders that took place in London in 1888. It portrayed the way of life for women who were forced to become prostitutes in order to survive and the brutality they faced. There were many hilarious scenes that provided a break from the serious events that the play reenacted. One of these was a scene in which the police dressed up like females in order to catch the serial killer who had been murdering prostitutes. The audience burst into laughter at the five cast members wearing dresses. The play also demonstrated the separation between the ruling class and lower class people in London in the 19th century and the tendency of royalty to look the other way. The play was definitely not meant for hope to make it to L.A. sometime soon to cut an album. They currently have a 12 track CD which they produced themselves and sell at shows. The band has been playing about every other week for the past six months. The guys have also been writing songs to use for future recordings and live shows. Judging by the way they played at Caseys, we havent heard the last of Loadstone. It was definitely worth the $3 cover charge to hear a full night of ear -pleasing rock, and the band has all of the tools and potential to take their show to the next level, so check them out while you still can for such a small price. all ages, as it contained many sexual and violent scenes. However, the cast managed to perform these scenes without taking away from the enjoyment of the play. The set, costumes, props, and makeup were excellent and added a lot to the production. The action filled the stage and even extended into the audience at times which pulled onlookers even further into the drama. Some of the main characters included Marie, played by Christi Fisher, and Montague Druitt, played by Pat McDonald. Each part was played exceptionally and the cast members seemed to play off of each other very well. It was not hard to tell that the success of the production was a result of the dedication and the many hours of hard work that were put in by director Randy Pugh, the cast, and the ASMSU-B Drama Committee.

Jack The Ripper: A Musical Play Full of Talent

Jessalyn Remington Staff Writer
Music, dancing, and drama filled Petro Theatre as college students dazzled the crowd in the ASMSU-B production of Jack The Ripper: A Musical Play on Nov. 12-15. The news that the theatre department would be putting on such an unusual production was no doubt surprising to many. This must have encouraged people to attend the play, because the theatre was full on three of the four nights that it ran. We had a great audience, said cast member Evelyn Irmen, who played a townswoman in the ensemble. They gave us adrenaline and we gave them excitement, she said. The cast was comprised of extremely talented actors and singers who played their parts exceptionally well. A dance portion in the beginning of the play demonstrated the time and preparation that were involved in putting together

The Matrix: Revolutions concludes, with notably less grace than its predecessor, TheMatrix-NicoleMaas,newseditor
Nicole Maas News Editor
The Matrix: Revolutions concludes, with notably less grace than its predecessor, The Matrix, the not-so-highly-acclaimed, three-part Matrix trilogy as the third and final installment. Neo (Keanu Reeves), Morpheus (Lawrence Fishburne), and Trinity (Carrie-Anne Moss) return as the pleather-clad threesome, continuing their grueling battle against a society of machines intent on maintaining control of the Matrix and thus dominance over the human race. Neo must simultaneously fend off the pesky Agent Smith (Hugo Weaving) while searching for a way to curb the machines advance towards the worlds only existing human city, Zion. While the first Matrix films popularity relied primarily upon its unusual storyline, the third relies almost entirely upon visual stimulation. Several of the battle/fighting scenes are so intricate that they took months of training on the parts of the actors to prepare for and still more months for the actual filming. Despite the exemplary technical sophistications and unsurpassable visual effects, however, the film failed to capture my favor in the way the first one did; the plot of Revolutions is identical to those of every other modern action film: excessive amounts of guns and violence and very little intelligence. Having predicted this of Revolutions after seeing The Matrix Reloaded, I entered the theatre with a lets get this over with attitude. The fact that two more Matrix films were made in the first place was a disappointment; the first said all that was needed. The second and third exist due to the reputation of the firstand to the prosperity it drew to its creators. In all fairness, Revolutions does, admittedly, have a few good points. Aside from the aforementioned stunning special effects, the acting was not nearly as annoying as in Reloaded. Although Keanu Reeves fails to drop that dry, flat monotone that he is famous for, Laurence Fishburne is not quite as much the sagacious, all-knowing Buddha type weve known him to be throughout the trilogy, and Trinity only has one tantrum that I remember. Unfortunately, after the first, the Matrix films were stripped of what made them worth seeing in the first place: the plot, the storyline, the ideas presented that made one think that, metaphorically, the enslavement of the human mind as portrayed in the first Matrix film is not so dissimilar from our own reality.

Photo by KRT

Photo taken from KRT---Keanue Reeves Co-stars in the third installment of the Matrix trilogy; Matrix Revolutions

Peter Richlen Staff Writer

The Matrix is over Mr. Anderson. Finally! Does this mean that the legacy that is The Matrix is over? Lets hope so. While the first movie was a spectacular film, the second was a big let down as it went on forever with whispered speech. Although this last one was better than the second one, and the battle scenes were as usual, awesome, the movie turned out to be a let down. The one thing I have always hated about The Matrix movies was the acting by Lawrence Fishburne and Keanu Reeves and Revolutions is no exception. As usual Lawrence Fishburne took an hour to complete each sentence he started, and Reeves returned with his

same drab tone of voice. People hate Bob Dylan for his voice, but they will praise Reeves for a talent he does not have-acting. Throughout all three movies, and especially in this movie, every character in the movie is wearing sunglasses. The only reason a director would want everybody constantly wearing sunglasses is to help their characters look cool. When did they ever need Jack Nicholson or Harrison Ford wear sunglasses look cool? They were cool already. Although there are reasons to try and get Reeves to look cool, the creators and directors must

The Matrix is over Mr. Anderson. Finally!Peter Richlen, staff writer

realize, that no matter what you do, you cannot make Reeves look cool. Wa t c h ing the characters fight on the big screen is always intriguing and fun, but one thing I cannot understand is how anybody can fight like that in trench coats. I love trench coats and wear them all the time, but they do not work with jumps and flips. I am a war movie buff, and the weapons and fighting techniques they used in Revolutions were very cool and satisfying. There are some times in life where you have to take a dumb

movie and admire it for the special effects, and the action scenes. And, of course, the evil Agent Smith always brings a smile to my face. Of course, if this final edition is like the others, the DVD release wont allow you to hear the actors dialogue due to the loud background music which drowns out their voices. The outfits were cool but not necessary. With the exception of Keanu Reeves and Lawrence Fishburne, the Matrix Revolutions was awesome! It is the sort of movie you would want to watch on the big screen in a dim room with sound blasters. So if you rent it, be sure you are home alone or in a deserted area, and kick it baby! My rating 2 1/2 stars out of five. Making it half a movie. Mindless, and mediocre acting, yet entertaining.

Right Here Right Now Songs For The Occasion

Jennifer Fenton A&E Editor
Its around four in the morning and I still have one of those annoying songs that I last heard when I was driving in the car stuck in my head. It is literally driving me nuts. It is something that I just cant shake, and I dont know about others, but I cannot seem to go anywhere without listening to music, making my problem unavoidable. So as I sit by the computer and ponder how the heck I am going to get rid of this song thing, I realize just how circumstantial music is in our society. Think about it, have you ever attended a wedding that did not have music? What about a funeral? How about a graduation or school dance. Anyway, what would a dance be without music? There are so many functions that would not exist if it werent for music. Lets take a wedding for example. The guests have all started to arrive, and they are sitting there in pure silence, except for your dear aunt who cant seem to keep her mouth shut about anything and everything that comes to mind. Wouldnt a great song come in handy right about now? Traditionally, there is a song playing as guests sit down. It is now time for the wedding party, followed by the bride, to march down the aisle. Imagine that there is no music playing. I know that in todays society the wedding march is old news, but there are still songs that one can march down the aisle to. You have gone through your vows and its time to light the unity candle; here is where they play the song that the couple has chosen together to best describe their feelings for each other. Of course it was picked out of On a more serious note, we attend funerals. At any funeral I have attended there has been music. The family usually chooses the favorite song of the deceased and then a few others that can best describe the person. These are slower and softer, usually a church hymn. This may seem like the most inappropriate time for music, but it is often used to relax those in attendance and to bring back happy memories of the one who is gone. So, it would seem that no matter what the circumstance are, music would always be there. When youre driving in the car, listening to the latest chart topping CD or just a local station, anything is better than the sound of the old car humming down the road. In the shower, as youre washing your hair and belting out the annoying song stuck in your head. --Hanging out with your friends and singing as loud and as carefree as possible, is the one and only thing that drives everyone else around you nuts. --When youre hard at work and need that little bit of motivation that only your favorite song can give you. --The karaoke bar. Need I say more? Music can relax and stimulate. It can bring you up when youre feeling down and bring you down when youre feeling up. We would not be able to dance and have a good time, and every movie and play would be nothing but words. The dictionary would be without words such as musical or musician. So next time you have one of those songs that you just cannot seem to clear your head of, remember it is one of the most important forms of art around, and without it we would all be forced to sit in silence and listen to the gossip of your dear aunt. Songs represent and interpret our feelings and thoughts. Pictures can say a thousand words, so just how many words are songs worth?

Graphic By Richard Castillo

one of those songs for weddings books, but it still sets the mood. So now that everything is all said and done, once again it is time for music. There should always be a song playing as the guests leave the church. Its on to the reception, where the bride and groom, along with their guests, will dance the night away. And in order to dance, dont you need music? As tradition dictates, you nevertheless need music at your wedding to make the night one you will never forget. Or maybe youve gone through the dreaded four years of high school, and the time has come to walk across the stage and accept your diploma. Before all that

can happen, the choir has to sing and the band has to play, giving all the senior members one more time to shine. I dont know about your schools, but our senior class chose a song to represent us and it played at our graduation. Who can forget that annoying Pomp and Circumstance playing over and over? High school in general was filled with music. At the football games the marching band would play, and at the basketball games the pep band would play. At the dances there had to be music, and about three times a year there were recitals. During the school plays you heard the show tunes. School events revolve around music.

Have a reponse? Reply at retort@msubilling.edu,Attn: Jennifer Fenton

Yellowjacket Sports
Lady Jackets 31 Game Winning Streak Ends
Jason Lillie Reporter
The last time the womens basketball team lost at home was Jan. 6, 2000 against Western Washington. After an outstanding performance on Monday, Nov. 17, against the Sonoma Seawolves, which the Jackets won 8272, the Jackets fell to the Seawolves in the second game of the series on Nov. 18ending a 31 game home win streak. It was a great testament to the program. We are disappointed, but we cant base our season on one game. We have to take it one game at a time. Im confident well bounce back, head coach Melissa Slone said about the end of the win streak. Slone said, Im pleased with the performance on Monday. Several players had double figures and all 11 players contributed; it was a good starting point. Robin Milne recorded a double-double with 20 points and 16 rebounds, Kayla Frize and Tanya Petersen scored 14 points, and Jenny Langford scored 17 points. When asked about the loss, Slone said, Execution was good, we had some good shots, but we gave up too many second chance points and had too many turnovers. In the second game of the series, the Jackets shot 48.1 percent in the first half, compared to 10.7 percent in the second half. Sonomas experi-

Jacket Men Play Their Own Game

Jed Barton Sports Editor
The MSU-Billings Mens Basketball team is playing a little different kind of game this year. With the tallest player on the team being 68, the squad finds itself without a true center. We are going to play an up -tempo style, continuing our emphasis of recent years on shooting the three pointer and pressure defense, said head coach Craig Carse. The Jackets high scoring attack (the team put up 121 and 125 points in its two exhibition games) is popular with its players. I think we have an exciting system that uses our strengths and exploits the opponents weakness, said senior forward David Carse. As to what the Jackets expect to accomplish with the system, Our goal is to work hard and with some luck make the regional and even the Elite Eight, said senior forward Jerret Skrifvars. Perhaps the best early season indications of how the team is doing in achieving that goal will come on Dec. 13 when the Jackets travel to Arcata, Calif. to take on Humboldt State, and again on Dec. 29 when those same Lumberjacks pay a visit to Alterowitz Gym. Humboldt State is currently ranked number one in the nation in polls conducted by the Division II Bulletin, Street & Smith and the Basketball Times. The Jackets will then begin the Pac-West Conference portion of their schedule with a visit to Hawaii Pacific for two games on Jan. 6 and 8, followed by a game at BYU-Hawaii on Jan.

Photo by Jason Lillie---Tanya Petersen (34) shoots against Sonoma State, while Kayla Frize (21) looks on. ence paid off. As we missed shots, we got tight, Slone said. Slone says, We have a tough opening schedule the first couple weeks. Well learn a lot from it. Well be excited to get back home. The Jackets return home Monday, Dec. 1, against cross-town rival Rocky Mountain. Game time is 6 p.m. at Alterowitz gym. We have to focus on one game at a time. We are still trying to find our focus and rotation. Playing is the best experience we can get, says Slone.

Jed Barton Sports Editor







The MSU-Billings Yellowjacket volleyball team concluded its season on Nov. 14 by dropping a match to Western New Mexico in five games, losing the fifth by just two points. It was just one of those matches that could have gone either way, said head coach Paulasi Matavao.

The match marked the last of the collegiate career of middle blocker, senior, and four year Jacket Katrinia Dahlgren, as well as fellow middle blockers and seniors Sandy Beal and Brittany Uffelman. I really enjoyed my time here, and am glad for the friends I have made on the team and at college, said Dahlgren. The Jackets finished the season with

a record of 6-10 overall, 2-8 in the PacWest conference. It was a tough year. We had injuries all throughout, making it hard to find time for the team to come together as a unit, said Matavao. Looking towards spring practice and next season, Matavao said, The program is in good shape; we are looking at recruiting some good middle blockers and have

experienced players coming back at the other major positions. Junior outside hitter Olivia Munro is also optimistic about improving MSU-B fortunes. She said, As a young team we hope to work on our fundamentals this spring, and come August, be able to take the veterans and freshmen and put together a cohesive unit that will get better throughout the season.

Photo by Jason Lillie--The New Couch Crew cheers on the new Yellowjacket Basketball Season.

Photos by Jason Lillie--Above:Shannon Harvey battles for the ball and Jenny Auer goes to grab the ball. Below: Willy Davison, of the Alumni team, takes on two current MSU-Billings ballers.

Photo by Jason Lillie--Trae Fortier goes for a free throw.

Photo by Jason Lillie--Cheerleader Richard Castillo lifts an iron cross.

MBB:Mens Basketball

WBB:Womens Basketball

Wade is Pissed!!!

Wade Kiedrowski is graduating from Montana State University-Billings this fall. With his degree in Liberal Studies (concentrating in Philosophy and Sociology), Wade is hoping to obtain a job as a dishwasher at an exclusive downtown Billings restaurant, where he will earn almost as much as what Burger King pays its starting employees. While his lackluster high school grades, transfer credit from Arizonas Youth Offender to School Program, letter of recommendation from his Parole Officer, and Tourettes Syndrome were unable to assist in his getting any financial assistance, he was able to overcome those disadvantages and complete his degree within only seven years. Like many other recent graduates, Wade finds himself financially overextended and $28,000 in debt. And, having actually attended the majority of his classes and completed the homework, he is overqualified for many of the low paying, service industry jobs available to most Montanans. On the upside, Wade has met tons of new friends at the Job Service and Food Bank. Montana State University-Billings is not the only institution where in so short a time Wade could have received such a dramatic introduction to the alienation, disillusionment, and embitterment awaiting his entire generation: he originally planned to attend Billings Bible College and become a preacher. In retrospect, Wade believes he made the wrong decision and feels he should have devoted his life to passing on the teachings of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We, his friends and colleagues, humbly disagree. Wade, you have inspired and enlightened us through your friendship, and knowledge of the Holy Spirit. We thank you and wish to say Congratulations, we are glad you finally made it!!

Double Trouble

Dan Hansen
Name: Dan Hansen Age: 24 Major: Education Hometown: Everett, Washington What would you do with 100 pounds of Jell-O? I would add 5 gallons of Vodka and have the worlds largest Jello shooter. When I graduate college I want to...Stay out of jail. My dream job is...Be a high school Math teacher.

Jeremy Seidlitz
Name: Jeremy Seidlitz, Staff Writer Age: 26 Major: Public Relations, Graduate Student Hometown: Great Falls, MT If I had a One Million Dollars, I would...Buy a Shelby Mustang (Classic). When I graduate college I want to...Work on my PhD. My dream job is...Presidential Cabinet Member

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