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This course deals with the principles and theories of finance. This should be able to provide a solid background for the students to appreciate the concepts of individual, business finance and different structures that provide means to achieve goals of individuals and business. IV. COURSE CREDIT: V. COURSE OBJECTIVES: 3 UNITS

At the end of the semester, students are expected to be familiar with the concepts of money, credit and banking and have a firm foundation and application of using different financial instruments such as bank cards, checks, loans and other financial instruments. Where they can practice this immediately and apply in daily lives. In addition to the familiarization of the content and understanding of the concepts, the students are also expected to: 1. Embody an attitude of a cost-efficient corporate individual 2. Recognize that finance, as in any other business discipline, must be used ethically. 3. Limit and modify from their unnecessary spending habits 4. Experience financial transactions by themselves through use of different banking channels such as deposits, withdrawals and online transactions. 5. Apply and integrate learned lessons to their field of specialization VI. COURSE REQUIREMENTS: VII. COURSE GRADING SYSTEM: Item Midterm Class Standing
(Class participation, Quizzes, Project/Output )

Attendance, Financial Plan, Quizzes, Class Participation

Gross Grade 100 pts *20%

% of Grade 20 points max

Midterm Exam Final Class Standing

(Class participation, Quizzes, Project)

100 pts *20% 100 pts *30%

20 points max 30 points max

Final Exam Bonus points: reaching your SMART Financial Goal

100 pts *30%

30 points max Total 100%

Curriculum Guide, Principles of Finance

Neal Nikko Espejo, Far Eastern University- FERN College, Accounts & Business Department For rubrics: attachments: | Urgent concerns: +63-922-808-7255

RUBRIC: CRITERIA EXEMPLARY 4 Is able to link all concepts correctly SATISFACTORY 3.0 Is able to link most concepts correctly DEVELOPING 2.0 Is able to link only the basic concepts. BEGINNING 1.0 Not able to link or analyze any concept.

Correct analysis

This rubric varies based on the type of activity. Attendance is not a part of the grading system; though CHED requirements of not attending of at least 9 hours (5 meetings of 2 hours each) for 3-unit subject will automatically fail the student. VIII. REFERENCES: Money, Credit and Banking, 6th Edition, (Laman & Laman) Professor Rosemarie Gardiner-Buenconsejo, Far Eastern University-Manila (for the topics) Other lectures, Neal Espejo, Banko Sentral ng Pilipinas website ABS-CBN business section (for news, exchange rates, and stock market updates) IX. COURSE OUTLINE Topics Skills Place ment* Specific Objectives Strategies Activities
Instructional Materials



C2 A2

Discuss and respond to that students concern about finance to achieve better class cooperation in the next meeting To recognize and identify standards adjust topics that are more related to different business disciplines

P3 & P1

students share what they like and dont like to meet the expectations between the teacher and students

discussion identifying targets and expectations


Part I. MONEY 1. Evolution of Money and Barter -other related topics (economics, needs and wants; C2 A2 P2 To summarize, and/or discuss what they have researched why barter existed and its inconveniences. To describe and show More interactive class discussion for the students to Students will discuss/ share their prior knowledge and/or something that they have markers PC tablets and/or handouts 2

Curriculum Guide, Principles of Finance

Neal Nikko Espejo, Far Eastern University- FERN College, Accounts & Business Department For rubrics: attachments: | Urgent concerns: +63-922-808-7255

psychology (Maslows hierarchy of needs)

key points why money was created

encourage the students develop teamwork (C2)

share what they have researched making it more encouraging them to express themselves and increase their confidence

searched to the before coming to the classes

Group roleplay: imaging the world today 2020 without use of money (C3, A2 & P2)

roleplay; some props

2. Characteristics of a good money Functions of money, coinage

(Counterfeit currencies- How can we know if the money is fake?)

C5 A5 P5

To experience why money should have standards; to effectively design and develop skills of complying with the prescribed standards.

Use students creativity to increase intrinsic motivation

Creating own currency following the monetary standards (rubrics will be used)

coupon bond, pencil, coloring materials, laptops

3. Monetary Standards and Systems (Classification, Gold Exchange and Fiat Standards)

C4 A4 P4

To correct/alter wrong perceptions and distinguish the different impacts of different monetary standards in circulation and its role in sustaining economic progress

Essential question
(Why BSP doesnt produce money to pay all our national debt?)

Interactive discussion

4. Philippines Numismatic History (related topics devaluationeconomics) 5. Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas Tour

C2 A2 P2

To summarize, and discuss the major key points in the history of the Philippine currency for appreciation about the Philippines rich history.

6. Preparation/ Opening of a savings bank account and online account

Museum experience for the students to discover more beyond theories and stories of the old currencies Ensure that all students will transact on their own

Reflection paper about their field trip at BSP

(if field trip will not be available) reporting and/or class interactive


Projector (if not in BSP)

A4 P4 C3

To adapt to the requirements by the bank to prepare and to practice bank compliance

discussion (students prior knowledge)

documents may that the bank may require

Curriculum Guide, Principles of Finance

Neal Nikko Espejo, Far Eastern University- FERN College, Accounts & Business Department For rubrics: attachments: | Urgent concerns: +63-922-808-7255

Part II. Banking 7. Personal Savings and Investment (includes different types of cards and loans, interest rates)

C1 A1 P1

To identify, enumerate and to realize the different types of banks and its different roles and functions

8. Banks (Philippine Financial System, Development in the Philippines, banking institutions and classification) p.164 p.209

C1/2 A1 P1

To identify and to realize the different types of banks and its different roles and functions

Students are encouraged to take advance reading for these topics to minimize dead air while making them more prepared before coming to classes

Game: All Cards Up

Discussion, check students progress in savings


Discussion (students prior knowledge from their prev. law/ related subjects)


9. Online Banking

10. Other financial intermediaries

C4 A4 P4

Practice the use of these intermediaries Synthesize its use and to improve research and presentation skills

students are required to transact with the assigned intermediary Sharing from previous abroad travels

Screen shots using their accounts Group sharing From real-world experience

Projector/ Pictures for documenta tion

11. Foreign Exchange p.272

C5 A4 P4

To develop skills to be wiser in using ForEx; To manipulate computations to be prepared for international future travel spending To analyze the trends in investing in the country today. To build students confidence and change their wrong notions about the Philippine economy

Exam (one currency per student)


III. CREDIT 11. Credit on a macroeconomic perspective (credit ratings, fiscal policies may be included) 12. Classification and Nature of Credit

C4 A4 P4

This also aims to level-up students essays. Increasing their research skill and for them to see others perspective

Reflection grounded on statistics and journals and/or debate

speaker Projector/ video/ reflection from guided questions

13. Promissory Notes, Credit cards and interest 14. Checks / Demand Deposit

C3 A3 P3

To Differentiate, correct and distinguish the use of this financial instruments in different real-life situations

Discussion of different scenario in using these

Exams in different sets

Real checks and other available financial instruments

Curriculum Guide, Principles of Finance

Neal Nikko Espejo, Far Eastern University- FERN College, Accounts & Business Department For rubrics: attachments: | Urgent concerns: +63-922-808-7255

15. Stocks

C1/2 A1 P1

To identify and to realize the value of stocks and the opportunities on financial wealth

A talk from a manager in a financial institution

Discussion/ forum

Auditorium may be reserved if not available for class discussion


16. Credit on national/ macroeconomic level

(Credit ratings, corporate governance, importance of anticorruption, and related issues and topics related to investment today)

C6 A6 P6

To critique/ evaluate the current trends in the Philippines economic situation; embody the values of a corporate individual in using and helping the country in small ways using finance. Issues that may be discussed: Foreign ownership Financial literacy

As future The students business will be given to individuals accomplish any this final activity aims of the activities that they want to improve based on their their major that will research be helpful for skills and integration of their next subject/s finance to their major course Debate and/or Interactive discussion research Awareness campaign Minifeasibility studies (SWOT, market description, general plan, etc.)


Putting up a financial institution/ micro financing Business related to the financialeconomic situation in the country today

*Using Blooms Taxonomy (an educational tool to improve assessment and instruction)

Curriculum Guide, Principles of Finance

Neal Nikko Espejo, Far Eastern University- FERN College, Accounts & Business Department For rubrics: attachments: | Urgent concerns: +63-922-808-7255

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