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HLR Subscriber Data Management

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Upon completion of this course, you will be able to:
Know about UMTS Common Service Grasp Subscriber Data Basic Maintenance

Copyright 2009 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.


HLR9820 Hardware Description Manual HLR9820 Maintenance Manual

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1. UMTS Service Introduction 2. Subscriber Data Management

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UMTS Service Classification

Tele Service Bearer Service Supplementary Service ODB Service CAMEL Service GPRS Service Specialty Service

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Tele service
Tele service supported by the HLR9820 can be classified
into: Speech service Short message service Facsimile service

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Tele ServiceSpeech service

Speech service is the elementary feature of a telecom network. The service consists of the functions such as:
Telephony (TS11). Emergency call (TS12). Emergency call for special service.

The call involved in the speech service can be classified into mobile originated call (MOC) and mobile terminated call (MTC), depending on the role of a mobile subscriber in a call.
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Tele ServiceShort Message Service

Short Message Service (SMS) is a teleservice that allows subscribers to send and receive a small amount of information through the short message center (SMC). The information can be texts, pictures, and voices. Short Message Service can be classified into:
Short message mobile terminated point-to-point (MT/PP, TS21). Short message mobile originated point-to-point (MO/PP, TS22).
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Tele ServiceFacsimile Service

Facsimile service group 3 is a telecom service that transfers documents in A4 format between two terminals. At present, the GSM and UMTS networks support the following facsimile services:
TS61: alternate speech and facsimile group 3. TS62: automatic facsimile group 3.

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Bearer Service
Bearer Service enables lower-layer information transmission between access points. Bearer service comprise bearer services in CS domain and in PS domain. Bearer services in the PS domain are also called GPRS services.

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Supplementary Service
Supplementary services supported by the HLR9820 can be classified into:
Line identification Call forwarding Call completion Multi-party communication Advice of Charge Call barring USSD CUG
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Supplementary ServiceLine Identification

Line identification service can be categorized as:
Calling Line Identification Restriction (CLIR) Calling Line Identification Presentation (CLIP) Connected Line Identification Restriction (COLR) Connected Line Identification Presentation (COLP)

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Supplementary ServiceCall Forwarding

Call forwarding service allows the incoming calls addressed to a subscriber to be transferred to the forwarded-to number (FTN) registered by the called subscriber. Call forwarding service can be classified into:
Call Forwarding-Unconditional (CFU) Call Forwarding-Busy (CFB) Call Forwarding No Reply (CFNRy) Call Forwarding on mobile subscriber Not Reachable (CFNRc)

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Supplementary ServiceCall Completion

Call completion supplementary service enable subscribers to process two calls at the same time. Call completion supplementary service provides two services:
Call Waiting (CW) Call Hold (CH)

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Supplementary ServiceMultiparty communication

Multiparty (MPTY) service provides multiple call connections for one subscriber. That is to say, three or more than three subscribers can take part in a session at the same time.

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Supplementary ServiceCall barring

Call barring service allow mobile subscribers to perform barring on incoming or outgoing calls with special properties. Call barring supplementary services are classified into :
Barring of all outgoing calls


Barring of outgoing international calls


Barring of outgoing international calls except home PLMN country


Barring of all incoming calls


Barring of all incoming calls when roaming outside the

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home PLMN country


Supplementary ServiceOther
Unstructured Supplementary Service Data (USSD) is an interactive data service based on the GSM/UMTS network. Closed user group (CUG) server enables subscribers, who are connected to a PLMN and other networks, to form closed user groups (CUGs) to and from which access is restricted.

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ODB Service
Operator Determined Barring (ODB) service enables the PLMN operator determines whether the subscribers can access the UMTS or the GSM network. ODB services are categorized as follows:
Barring of incoming calls or mobile-terminated short message (SM MT) Barring of outgoing calls or mobile-originated short message (SM MO) Barring of roaming Barring of supplementary service Barring of packet service
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ODB Service (1)

Barring of Incoming Calls or SM MT (ODB-BIC), The operator of a PLMN can restrict a subscriber to receive calls of a certain type or SM MT. This service includes:
Barring of all incoming calls BIC-ROAM

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ODB Service (2)

Barring of Outgoing Calls or SM MO (ODB-BOC), The operator of a PLMN can restrict a subscriber to originate calls of a certain type or SM MO. This service includes:
Barring of all outgoing calls Barring of outgoing international calls BOIC-exHC BOC-ROAM when roaming outside HPLMN country

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ODB Service (3)

Barring of Roaming (ODB-ROAM), The operator of a PLMN can restrict a subscriber to roam within a certain area. This service includes:
Barring of roaming outside HPLMN Barring of roaming outside HPLMN country BROHPLMNCGPRS: bar GPRS when roaming outside the home PLMN country

Barring of Supplementary Service (ODB-SS), This service includes:

Barring of supplementary service access (ODBSS) Barring of subscriber registration of call forwarding services(ODBRCF) Barring of call transfer service(ODBECT)

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ODB Service (4)

Barring of packet Oriented Services (ODB-POS), This service includes:
BAPOS: bar all packet-oriented services. BHPLMNAPROAM: bar packet oriented services from access points that are within the HPLMN while the subscriber is roaming in a VPLMN. BALLAPROAM: bar packet-oriented services from access points that are within the roamed-to VPLMN.

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CAMEL Service
CAMEL Service, CAMEL network allows subscribers to use the special services provided by carriers.

Originating CAMEL Subscription Information Terminating CAMEL Subscription Information VT-CSIVMSC Terminating CAMEL Subscription Information SS-CSISupplementary Service Invocation Notification CAMEL Subscription Information TIF-CSITranslation information Flag CAMEL Subscription Information U-CSIUSSD CAMEL Subscription Information UG-CSIUSSD General CAMEL Subscription Information SMS-CSIShort Message Service CAMEL Subscription Information GPRS-CSIGPRS CAMEL Subscription Information M-CSIMobility Management CAMEL Subscription Information D-CSIDialed Services CAMEL Subscription Information

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GPRS Service
HLR9820 interacts with the SGSN and the GGSN to transmit the burst data. Compared with the CS data services, GPRS service provide higher bear capability and greater bandwidth. Thus, the GPRS subscribers can access the PLMN and the internal data networks more effectively. The GPRS services provide point-to-point and point-tomultipoint channels for data transmission.

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Lock Service (1)

HLR9820 can provide several mode to lock sub
ODB Lock

Operator determined Barring, in the case of sub owe charge

SAB Lock
apply for stop service

Operator maintaining staff handle in the case of losing mobile and sub

Supplementary Services
Supply SS for sub to handle by themselves

GSM lock/GPRS lock

Allow or forbid GSM/GPRS sub call in and call out

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Lock Service (2)

The difference between Lock and SAB Lock:
Lock: This command is used for modifying subscriber's GSM lock state through ODB SAB

Subscriber Application Barring LockThis

operation is used to modify the subscriber application barring (SAB) Lock status through Supplementary Services

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1. UMTS Service Introduction 2. Subscriber Data Management

Copyright 2009 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.


1. Subscriber Data Management
1.1 Overview 1.2 Operator Management 1.3 Subscriber data management 1.4 Network maintenance

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PGW System Structure

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PGW Functions
The subscriber data management subsystem performs the following functions:
Providing open MML and Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) interfaces Supporting the access from Web clients Implementing authentication and authority verification of the users from the provisioning system and Web clients Implementing modification of the subscriber data

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Introduction to the Web LMT

The PGW Web LMT is intended for the following audiences:
Maintenance engineer Network monitoring engineer

On the Web LMT, you can perform the following operations:

Running MML commands: The MML is short for Human-Machine Language. You can operate and maintain the PGW at the local end through the MML commands. Managing files: You can upload files to or download files from or deleted files from the PGW through the Web LMT. Performing batch operations: You can run the MML commands in batches to implement a function or a task.
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Logging Into Web LMT

Type the IP address of the PGW in the address bar of the browser, and then press Enter or click Go. The login dialog box is displayed.

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PGW Web LMT Interfaces

The Web LMT provides three interfaces, USC PGW (main interface), WebLMT File Manager, and Batch. The main interface is used for running MML commands.

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1. Subscriber Data Management
1.1 Overview 1.2 Operator Management 1.3 Subscriber data management 1.4 Network maintenance

Copyright 2009 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.



Configuring the Security Policy

When configuring the PGW security policy, you must configure the account lockout policy, password validity period, and password complexity. Run the SET SECPOLICY command.

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Managing Operator Rights

Log in to the PGW Web LMT. For details, see Logging In to and Logging Out of the Web LMT. Select System Management from the MML Tree drop-down list box. Run the ADD SYSHLRSN command to add the number of the system HLR. Run the ADD VHLRSN command to add the number of the virtual HLR. Run the ADD VHLRRANGE command to add the number segments to be managed by the virtual HLR. Run the ADD OPR command to add the operator. NOTE:
If the priority level of the added operator is Custom, the parameter Command group must be specified. You can run the ADD CCG command to add the information about command groups G_8 to G_127.

Run the ADD OPRHLRSN command to add the serial numbers of the virtual HLRs on which the operator is authorized to perform operations.

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Manually Unlocking an Operator

When an operator is locked, the administrator can manually unlock the operator. Only an administrator can unlock an operator. Procedure
Log in to the PGW Web LMT. For details, see Logging In to and Logging Out of the Web LMT. Select System Management from the MML Tree drop-down list box. Run the SET UNLCK command to unlock the operator.

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1. Subscriber Data Management
1.1 Overview 1.2 Operator Management 1.3 Subscriber data management 1.4 Network maintenance

Copyright 2009 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.



Subscriber management operation includes:
Setting subscribers` authentication data in GSM and UMTS. Subscriber definition, subscriber deletion, card reissue, MSISDN change, service suspension, service resumption, subscriber data query functions. Providing lots of services for a subscriber, to provision or withdrawal Services.

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Subscriber Management-1
MML GU Service Management

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Subscriber Management -2
Common MML command usage and Service subscription

Normal Single Sub

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Subscriber Management -2
Load a KI.
Run the ADD K4 command to set the K4 value used for encrypting the KI. Run the ADD KI command to load the KI. NOTE: Skip this step if the subscriber is already loaded with a KI. You can run the LST KI command to check whether the subscriber is loaded with a KI.

If you need to define the subscribers with inconsecutive IMSIs or MSISDNs through batch operation, compile an IMSI file or MSISDN file and upload it to the specified directory on the PGW
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Sub Definition

Template Add KI Add Sub Normal Batch Template




Subscriber Management-3
One Sub with Normal Method


3If CAMEL service needed, CAMEL Template is needed to define firstly. 4SIM/USIM can be adopted here. 2G use SIM card3G use USIM card.
1 Choose all kinds of service here. 2 KI value can be added here or before this operation.

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Subscriber Management-4
One Sub with Normal Method



including GSM and GPRS sub KI/K4 are always inputted in advanceno need handle here
NAM default value is BOTH

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Subscriber Management-5

One sub with template Mode ADD TPLSUB MML

Firstly, use ADD SUBTPL command to define a sub Template We have two choice to add KI for sub. One is to add during adding subscriber, the other case is to add before adding subscriber. The second one is always chosen.

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Subscriber Management-6
Batch Operation

We can use batch operation in normal subscription as well as template subscription. The differences are : To define several subscribers with consecutive numbers, you only need specify the start IMSI, start MSISDN, and the RECORDCOUNT. Others are same as define one subscriber

To define subscribers with inconsecutive numbers, you need edit the batch resource file beforehand and FTP it to PGW.

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Subscriber Management-7
Batch Operation

Consecutive Numbers Batch Operation ADD SUB: IMSI="333333333333333",

ISDN="333333333333333", RECORDCOUNT=10, CARDTYPE=USIM, DEFAULTCALL=TS11, TS11=TRUE, TS21=TRUE; Inconsecutive Number Operation



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Subscriber Management-7
Sub Deletion

IMSI/MSISDN are two condition. You can delete one specified sub, or continuous sub segment , or discontinuous sub through handling resource file.


The other batch operations are same as subscriber definition.

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Subscriber Management-8
Other Operation
If a subscriber loses the SIM or USIM card but hopes to keep the original MSISDN, he can apply the service of reissuing card.

change MSISDN number for a subscriber

Subscribe CF Service Register CF Number


Provide Call Forward Service,


Register Call Forward Number;

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Subscriber Management-9
Other Operation
Active Service

ACT XXX inactive ServiceERA XXX CAMEL Subscription MOD xCSI

Other Operation

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Subscriber Management-10
Query the subscriber's dynamic data, including the GSM, GPRS, ODB, short message service, not supported service and the status of the LCS service

Query the static data of the subscribers

Query the statistics data of the subscribers

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Configuration Management


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OFA (Origin for Forwarded-to number Analysis) Template is used to set the prefix of allowed FTN( Forwarded-to Number ) to check whether FTN is valid or not. RULE: Forward-to prefix allowance flag, allowed when setting to TURE. DEFAULTRULE: Indicates whether to forward the call when the FTN does not match the prefix set in the OFA template. Allowed when setting to TURE.

in order



Configuration Management
2 X-CSI Template
DP triggered. GSMSCFADD TDPs.

Triger DPIndicates the detection point (DP) where the CAMEL service is Address used by a subscriber to access the gsmSCF. It is an E.164
The code for gsmSCF to identify IN services.

number used for routing. Different gsmSCF addresses are associated with different

Service Key

Default call handling : Determines whether the call is released or continued when an error occurs in the dialogue between gsmSSF and gsmSCF or when a call is limited by the CallGap in gsmSSF. DP Criterion

Indicates whether gsmSSF requests instructions from gsmSCF.

Default call handling : It determines whether the call is released or continued if error occurs in the dialogue between gsmSSF and gsmSCF or if a call is limited by the CallGap in gsmSSF.
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Configuration Management
ADD VSLIST Roaming Restriction Service

We need to pay attention to two points

the sub can only

Once there is no address and no ODB-ROAM service here, sub can roam in any VLR. Once there is some address in this template roam to VLR/SGSN.

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Authentication Management
Authentication Authentication Management mainly handle with KI and K4 including


Two methods to add KI

one sub) The other is through ADD KI.

One is through ADD SUB( For

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Batch Operation
Batch Create Batch File
Batch File is a pure txt format file, called script. It includes all continuous command that we want to execute. Once we have the same operation , we can use it again.

Upload Batch File to Specified folder

The default directory is *\..\other\pgwtmpfile\SYSHLRSN+Operator name. Here, * stands for the installation directory of the PGW server, and .. indicates the upper directory of the current directory. Assume that SYSHLRSN is 1 and Operator name is admin. The batch operation file is stored in the *\..\other\pgwtmpfile\001admin directory.

Execute Batch Operation BAT) Check Batch handling status CHK BATSTAT)
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1. Subscriber Data Management
1.1 Overview 1.2 Operator Management 1.3 Subscriber data management 1.4 Network maintenance

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Send cancel location message

This operation is used to send the Cancel Location message manually by simulating HLR on the Web LMT, so as to delete the information of the designated subscriber from the corresponding VLR/SGSN in the HLR. Once a sub has error during location update and result in problem in service, we can let the subscriber update location again through this operation.

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Cancel Location communication flow



On the receipt of the location update request from MSC/VLR, if the HLR finds that the subscriber has moved to an area controlled by a different MSC/VLR, it will initiate location cancellation procedure to remove the subscriber information from PVLR.
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Send reset message to VLR/SGSN

This command is used to send Reset message to VLR/SGSN. This message can be sent to one VLR/SGSN, several VLR/SGSNs defined in a template or all the VLR/SGSNs that allow the subscriber to roam. The operation will delete user information in VLR/SGSN and result in the subscribers update location. This operation only can be executed when HLR upgrade and on non-busy hour! RESET only can be sent by admin.

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HLR Reset communication flow






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The course have a briefly introduce to UMTS services and subscriber data management operations on HLR9820.

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