Temperature Change and Equilibrium Odaro Osayimwen Chem 1212L-197 April 11, 2013

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Temperature Change and Equilibrium Odaro Osayimwen Chem 1212L-197 April 11, 2013

Purpose and Procedure: The purpose (goal) of this experiment is to determine the thermodynamics variables of H, S, and G for the dissolution reaction of borate in water. The procedure for the experiment is from the lab manual referenced below. Block/McKelvy/Denniston/Silverstein (2012). Laboratory Experiments for Chem 1211L and 1212L, with contribution from Georgia Perimeter Faculty, 7e, p 193 (Temperature Change and Equilibrium).

DATA 50 *C Temp. Final Read. Initial read. Conc. HCl 50.1 14.81 .01 .467 M 45 *C 45.3 26.60 13.81 40 *C 40.4 11.3 .05 35 *C 35.3 28.81 20.87 30 *C 30.6 34.89 28.81

Calculation Final Read. Initial read. volume 14.81 26.60 11.3 28.81 34.89











Mole of H

(.467 M *14.80/100 0)= 6.9116 E-3 Moles of 6.9116 Eborate 3mol/2= 3.4558 E-3

(.467 M *12.79/1000)= 5.9729 E-3 5.9729 E-3/2 = 2.9885 E-3

(.467 M *11.25/1000)= 5.2538 E-3 5.2538 E-3/2 = 2.6269 E-3

(.467 M *8.76/1000)= 4.0909 E-3 4.0909 E-3/2 = 2.0455 E-3

(.467 M *6.08/1000)= 2.8394 E-3 2.8394 E-3/ 2 = 1.4197 E-3

Molarity 3.4558 E3/(5/1000) =.69116 Ksp 4(.07714)^3 =1.3206744 6 0.27814 3

2.9885 E3/(5/1000) =.5977 4(.06979)^3=0. 854102039 -0.1577

2.6269 E3/(5/1000) =.52538 4(.06368)^3=0. 58007026 0.54461

2.0455 E3/(5/1000) =.4091 4(.05277)^3=0. 273872502 1.29509

1.4197 E3/(5/1000) =.28394 4(.03935)^3=0. 091567156 2.39068


50 *C Temp. *C Temp. K 1/T 50.1 323.1 .00310

45 *C 45.3 318.3 .00314

40 *C 40.4 313.4 .00319

35 *C 35.3 308.3 .00324

30 *C 30.6 303.6 .00329

1 0.5 0 0.00305 -0.5 Ln(Ksp) -1 -1.5 -2 -2.5 -3 1/T

y = -13551x + 42.432





0.0033 ln(Ksp) Linear (ln(Ksp)) Linear (ln(Ksp))

H= - 13551*-8.314

=112663/1000= 113 kJ/mol S= 42.432*8.314 =353 J/mol*K G= 113 298(353/1000) = 7.87 kJ/mol

Result: H= 113 kJ/mol S=353 J/mol*K G=7.87 kJ/mol

Error analysis The errors from this experiment came from the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The measurements of the volumes of each solution. The buret reading of each solution. The uncertainty of the analytical balance. The reading of the temperature. The solids that still managed to get into the solution.

This affected my results in the following: 1. The more the borax solid is the longer it would take to get to the end point, so the volume of HCl would be altered. This would lead to a false mole of HCl and Concentration of borax, leading to a false ksp. 2. When the concentration and the temperature is false the graph would be altered leading to a different H, S, and G.

Discussion In this experiment, we determined H, S, and G of borax. Due to the fact that the substance is insoluble in water at room temperature, we had to supersaturate it, and let it cool to our desired temperatures. Then we titrated a sample of HCl, the mole ratio

became 2:1, HCl to borax. So this relationship is present in my calculation. The heated solution cools quickly and if the sample isnt pipet quickly then there would be a discrepancy. Look at my data, I noticed that the higher the temperature the greater the amount of HCl is needed to titrated, which creates the negative slope. I think this is due to the fact that at a high temperature more borax solids are dissolved, which enables them to get into the pipette.

Question 1a. this affected the volume of HCl used, affecting the concentration, but I dont think it would have caused a huge error. b. They are dependent on temperature if the temperature if altered, they would be altered. c. Well the equation I got had a high correlation, R2= .943, so from my data and my calculation the intercept was pretty accurate, maybe only a slight error.

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