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DROPS Design

DROPS 148-37

by DROPS Design

Kn itted DRO PS jac ket with s h o r t s leev es , lac e patter n an d fan s in Delig h t. Size: S - X X X L . DROPS design: Pattern no de-098 Yarn group A ---------------------------------------------------------Size: S - M - L - XL - XXL - XXXL Materials: DROPS DELIGHT from Garnstudio 300-300-350-350-400-450 g colour no 06, pink/purple DROPS CIRCULAR NEEDLE (80 cm) size 4 mm or size needed to get 21 sts x 40 rows in garter st = 10 x 10 cm. And 16 sts lace pattern according to A.2 = width 10 cm. DROPS STRAIGHT NEEDLES SIZE 3.5 mm for edges in garter st. DROPS ANGULAR SILVER BUTTON NO 534: 4-4-4-4-5-5 pieces Max prices as of 18.02.2013: DROPS DELIGHT PRINT - 2.10 GBP per 50 g DROPS 148-37 Average yarn cost: 9.60 GBP
Attention! In patterns that use more than two yarns, the calculation is inaccurate.

So c kalic io u s - 25% dis c o u n t. Activity price valid until 28.02.2013 DROPS DELIGHT PRINT - 1.60 GBP / 50g Offer valid while stock lasts.
All yarns are DROPS yarns. Color charts and updated retailer lists at

DROPS Spring & Summer 2013!

Users have voted for their favorites among the new summer designs and the final collection is ready! Thanks for all the comments and votes, they have weighed heavily on what has been included in the catalogs! Our DROPS team is now putting the final touches on proofreading and translation, and right now the first patterns are being published online. See if your favorites made it! Did you know that our skilled, international knitting and crochet experts follow up on all patterns with useful instructional videos and are constantly developing new and explanatory videos specially tailored for each pattern, which you can find links to below the pattern text.

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Bind/cast off from wrong side (WS) Buttonhole - smaller Cast on new sts at side of work Decrease - P2 sts tog Decrease - sl1, K1, psso Decrease - sl1, k2tog, psso 1/9


DROPS Design

Decrease K2tog (knit 2 together) Garter stitch Increase - using loop under Move stitches from a thread back onto needles Pick up sts along edge Put stitches on a thread all at the same time Shoulder seam Side seam yo (yarn over) GARTER ST (back and forth on needle): K all rows. 1 ridge = 2 rows K. PATTERN: See diagram A.2. Diagram shows all rows in pattern seen from RS. Diagram A.1 (choose diagram for correct size) shows the entire bottom part of jacket with fan pattern seen from RS. ---------------------------------------------------------JACKET: The bottom part of jacket consists of several "fans" knitted together along the way. Beg at the bottom of jacket in the order the fans have been numbered see A.1 (choose diagram for correct size). Always knit up new sts from RS. FAN 1A: Cast on 61 sts on circular needle size 4 mm with Delight and work as follows: Row 1 (= RS): K all sts. Row 2 (= WS): K all sts. Row 3: K 2 tog, K 9, * slip 1 st as if to K, K 2 tog, psso, K 6 *, repeat from *-* 5 times in total, K 3, K 2 tog = 49 sts. Row 4-7: K all sts. Row 8 (= WS): K 1, * 1 YO, P 2 tog *, repeat from *-* the entire row = 49 sts. Row 9-10: K all sts. Row 11: K 2 tog, K 7, * slip 1 st as if to K, K 2 tog, psso, K 4 *, repeat from *-* 5 times in total, K 3, K 2 tog = 37 sts. Row 12-15: K all sts. Row 16 (= WS): K 1, * 1 YO, P 2 tog *, repeat from *-* the entire row = 37 sts. Row 17-18: K all sts. Row 19: K 2 tog, K 5, * slip 1 st as if to K, K 2 tog, psso, K 7 *, repeat from *-* 2 times in total, slip 1 st as if to K, K 2 tog, psso, K 5, K 2 tog = 29 sts. Row 20-26: K all sts. Row 27: K 2 tog, K 3, * slip 1 st as if to K, K 2 tog, psso, K 5 *, repeat from *-* 2 times in total, slip 1 st as if to K, K 2 tog, psso, K 3, K 2 tog = 21 sts. Row 28-29: K all sts. Row 30 (= WS): K 1, * 1 YO, P 2 tog *, repeat from *-* the entire row = 21 sts. Row 31-34: K all sts. Row 35: K 2 tog, K 7, slip 1 st as if to K, K 2 tog, psso, K 7, K 2 tog = 17 sts. Row 36-42: K all sts. Row 43: K 2 tog, K 5, slip 1 st as if to K, K 2 tog, psso, K 5, K 2 tog = 13 sts. Row 44-48: K all sts. Row 49: K 2 tog, K 3, slip 1 st as if to K, K 2 tog, psso, K 3, K 2 tog = 9 sts. Row 50-54: K all sts. Row 55: K 2 tog, K 1, slip 1 st as if to K, K 2 tog, psso, K 1, K 2 tog = 5 sts. Row 56-58: K all sts. Row 59: K 1, slip 1 st as if to K, K 2 tog, psso, K 1 = 3 sts. Row 60: Knit all sts. Row 61: Slip 1 st as if to K, K 2 tog, psso = 1 st. Cut the thread and pull it through the remaining st and fasten. Work FAN 2A, 3A etc. on 1st row the same way. 2/9


DROPS Design

HALF FAN IN LEFT SIDE OF FRONT PIECE FAN 1B: Cast on 31 sts on needle and work as follows: Row 1 (= RS): K all sts. Row 2 (= WS): K all sts. Row 3: K 2 tog, K 9, * slip 1 st as if to K, K 2 tog, psso, K 6 *, repeat from *-* 2 times in total, slip 1 st as if to K, K 1, psso = 25 sts. Row 4-7: K all sts. Row 8 (= WS): K 1, * 1 YO, P 2 tog *, repeat from *-* the entire row = 25 sts. Row 9-10: K all sts. Row 11: K 2 tog, K 7, * slip 1 st as if to K, K 2 tog, psso, K 4 *, repeat from *-* 2 times in total, slip 1 st as if to K, K 1, psso = 19 sts. Row 12-15: K all sts. Row 16 (= WS): K 1, * 1 YO, P 2 tog *, repeat from *-* the entire row = 19 sts. Row 17-18: K all sts. Row 19: K 2 tog, K 5, slip 1 st as if to K, K 2 tog, psso, K 7, slip 1 st as if to K, K 1, psso = 15 sts. Row 20-26: K all sts. Row 27: K 2 tog, K 3, slip 1 st as if to K, K 2 tog, psso, K 5, slip 1 st as if to K, K 1, psso = 11 sts. Row 28-29: K all sts. Row 30 (= WS): K 1, * 1 YO, P 2 tog *, repeat from *-* the entire row = 11 sts. Row 31-34: K all sts. Row 35: K 2 tog, K 7, slip 1 st as if to K, K 1, psso = 9 sts. Row 36-42: K all sts. Row 43: K 2 tog, K 5, slip 1 st as if to K, K 1, psso = 7 sts. Row 44-48: K all sts. Row 49: K 2 tog, K 3, slip 1 st as if to K, K 1, psso = 5 sts. Row 50-54: K all sts. Row 55: K 2 tog, K 1, slip 1 st as if to K, K 1, psso = 3 sts. Row 56-60: K all sts. Row 61: Slip 1 st as if to K, K 2 tog, psso = 1 st. Cut the thread and pull it through the remaining st and fasten. HALF FAN IN RIGHT SIDE OF FRONT PIECE FAN 2B: Cast on 31 sts and work as fan 1B but reversed (i.e. on 3rd-11th-27th-35th-43rd-49th-55th and 61th row read the sentence backwards but beg with K 2 tog and finish with slip 1 st as if to K, K 1, psso For example work 3rd row as follows: K 2 tog, * K 6, slip 1 st as if to K, K 2 tog, psso *, repeat from *-* 2 times in total, K 9, slip 1 st as if to K, K 1, psso = 25 sts. First row with fans has now been worked. FAN 1C: Knit up 30 sts along the left edge of FAN 2B (seen from RS) i.e. knit up 1 st in every ridge (= 2 rows K) and approx. 1 st in every row with holes, and then knit up 31 sts along the right edge of FAN 1A (seen from RS) = 61 sts on needle. Then work as FAN 1A but from 2nd row (i.e. beg with K from WS). Work FAN 2C, 3C, 4C etc. on 2nd row the same way see placement in diagram A.1 (remember correct diagram for your size). Second row with fans has now been worked. Work FAN 1D, 2D, 3D etc. on 3rd row the same way - see placement in diagram A.1 but when knitting up sts, do as follows (example explains fan 1D): Knit up 30 sts along the left edge on FAN 1C (seen from RS), knit up 1 st at the tip at the top on FAN 1A and knit up 30 sts along the right edge on FAN 2C (seen from RS) = 61 sts. FAN 1E: Knit up 30 sts along the left edge (seen from RS) on last fan on 2nd row, knit in addition up 1 st at the tip at the top of FAN 1B = 31 sts on needle. Then work as FAN 1B but from 2nd row (i.e. beg with K from WS). FAN 2E: Knit up 1 st at the tip at the top on FAN 2B, then knit up 30 sts along the right edge on FAN 1C (seen from RS) = 31 sts on needle. Then work as FAN 2B but from 2nd row (i.e. beg with K from WS). Third row with fans has now been worked. 3/9


DROPS Design

FAN 1F: Knit up 30 sts along the left edge on FAN 2E (seen from RS), knit up 1 st at the tip at the top on FAN 1C and knit up 30 sts along the right edge on FAN 1D (seen from RS) = 61 sts. Then work as FAN 1A but from 2nd row (i.e. beg with K from WS). Work FAN 2F, 3F, 4F etc. the same way see placement in diagram A.1. Fourth row with fans has now been worked. Now work a finishing edge with half circles to even out the line at the top knit up for yoke along this edge later. HALF CIRCLE BETWEEN EVERY FAN (FAN 1G, 2G, 3G, etc.): Knit up from RS 61 sts along the edge between 2 fans i.e. knit up 1 st in every ridge and approx. 1 st in every row with holes + 1 st between two fans at the tip at the top of fan from the row below. Then work as follows: Row 1 (= WS): K all sts. Row 2 (= RS): K all sts. Row 3: Knit all sts. Row 4: * K 3, K 2 tog *, repeat from *-* until 1 st remains and finish with K 1 = 49 sts. Row 5: K 1, * 1 YO, P 2 tog *, repeat from *-* the entire row = 49 sts. Row 6: Knit all sts. Row 7 (= WS): K 1, * 1 YO, P 2 tog *, repeat from *-* the entire row = 49 sts. Row 8-14: K all sts. Row 15 (= WS): K 1, * 1 YO, P 2 tog *, repeat from *-* the entire row = 49 sts. Row 16-17: K all sts. Row 18: K all sts tog 2 by 2 until 1 st remains, finish with K 1 = 25 sts. Row 19-25: K all sts. Row 26: K all sts tog 2 by 2 until 1 st remains, finish with K 1 = 13 sts. Row 27: Knit all sts. Row 28: K all sts tog 2 by 2 until 1 st remains, finish with K 1 = 7 sts. Row 29: Knit all sts. Row 30: K all sts tog 2 by 2 until 1 st remains, finish with K 1 = 4 sts. Row 31: Knit all sts. Row 32: Slip 1 st as if to K, K 3 tog and psso = 1 st. Cut the thread and pull it through the remaining st and fasten. HALF CIRCLE AT THE EDGE IN LEFT SIDE OF FRONT PIECE FAN 1H: Knit up 30 sts along the left edge (seen from RS) on last fan on 4th row, knit in addition up 1 st at the tip at the top of FAN 1E = 31 sts on needle. Then work as follows: Row 1 (= WS): K all sts. Row 2 (= RS): K all sts. Row 3: Knit all sts. Row 4: * K 3, K 2 tog *, repeat from *-* until 1 st remains and finish with K 1 = 25 sts. Row 5: K 1, * 1 YO, P 2 tog *, repeat from *-* the entire row = 25 sts. Row 6: Knit all sts. Row 7 (= WS): K 1, * 1 YO, P 2 tog *, repeat from *-* the entire row = 25 sts. Row 8-14: K all sts. Row 15 (= WS): K 1, * 1 YO, P 2 tog *, repeat from *-* the entire row = 25 sts. Row 16-17: K all sts. Row 18: K all sts tog 2 by 2 until 1 st remains, finish with K 1 = 13 sts. Row 19-25: K all sts. Row 26: K all sts tog 2 by 2 until 1 st remains, finish with K 1 = 7 sts. Row 27-29: K all sts. Row 30: K all sts tog 2 by 2 until 1 st remains, finish with K 1 = 4 sts. Row 31: Knit all sts. Row 32: Slip 1 st as if to K, K 3 tog and psso = 1 st. Cut the thread and pull it through the remaining st and fasten. HALF CIRCLE AT THE EDGE IN RIGHT SIDE OF FRONT PIECE FAN 2H: 4/9


DROPS Design

Knit up 1 st at the tip at the top on FAN 2E, then knit up 30 sts along the right edge on FAN 1F (seen from RS) = 31 sts on needle. Then work as FAN 1H. Fifth and last row with fans and half circles has now been worked. Jacket now measures approx. 93-93-111-111-130-130 cm along the straight edge at the top and approx. 38 cm from bottom edge and up on the longest. YOKE: Knit up from RS 194-194-236-236-274-274 sts on circular needle size 4 mm with Delight, along the straight edge at the top of piece with fans - knit up approx. 1 st in every st (if more or fewer sts have been knitted up, inc/dec to correct no of sts on 1st row from WS). K 1 row from WS. K 1 row from RS while AT THE SAME TIME dec 26-10-34-14-30-6 sts evenly = 168-184202-222-244-268 sts. Work in GARTER ST back and forth on needle - see explanation above, until 2-4-66-6-6 ridges in total have been worked after fans (piece now measures approx. 39-40-41-41-41-41 cm from bottom edge on the longest). K 1 row from RS while AT THE SAME TIME dec 38-44-48-52-58-64 sts evenly = 130-140-154-170-186-204 sts. P 1 row from WS. Insert 1 marker 33-35-39-43-47-51 sts in from each side (= 64-70-76-84-92-102 sts between markers on back piece). Now divide the piece at both markers and work front and back piece separately. BACK PIECE: = 64-70-76-84-92-102 sts. READ ALL OF THE FOLLOWING SECTION BEFORE CONTINUING: Then work pattern according to diagram A.2 (1st row = RS) while AT THE SAME TIME on 1st row casting on 1 new st in each side (= edge st for seam) = 66-72-78-86-94-104 sts (work edge st in garter st). On next row from RS, beg inc for sleeves and cast on 2 new sts at the end of the next 2 rows. Repeat inc with 2 sts at the end of every row in each side 3 more times (= 4 inc in total in each side), then cast on 20-20-20-18-1816 sts at the end of the next 2 rows = 122-128-134-138-146-152 sts NOTE: Work the inc sts in the pattern. After last inc continue pattern as before but work the outermost 5 sts in each side in garter st (= sleeve edges). When piece measures 24-25-26-28-30-32 cm from marker where piece was divided, slip sts at beg of every row in each side on 1 stitch holder for diagonal shoulder as follows: Slip 5 sts on to holder 3 times in total (work sts before slipping them on holder to avoid cutting the thread) and slip 33-35-37-3943-45 sts on to holder 1 time in each side NOTE: Slip 1st st on left needle after the sts that have been slipped on 1 stitch holder, tighten thread, and continue to work. This is done to avoid big holes in the transitions. AT THE SAME TIME when piece measures 25-26-27-29-31-33 cm from where piece was divided, cast off the middle 22-24-26-26-26-28 sts for neck and finish each shoulder/sleeve separately. Then cast off 2 sts on next row from neck. When all sts have been cast off for neck and slipped on 1 stitch holder for diagonal shoulder, piece measures approx. 27-28-29-31-33-35 cm from marker where piece was divided and up to shoulder on the longest and approx. 66-68-70-72-74-76 cm from bottom edge on the longest. RIGHT FRONT PIECE: = 33-35-39-43-47-51 sts. READ ALL OF THE FOLLOWING SECTION BEFORE CONTINUING! Then work pattern according to diagram A.2 (1st row = RS) with 1 edge st in garter st in each side while AT THE SAME TIME on 1st row casting on 1 new st at the end of row towards the side (= edge st for seam) = 3436-40-44-48-52 sts. On next row from RS beg inc for sleeve and cast on new sts at the end of every row from RS as on back piece = 62-64-68-70-74-76 sts. Continue pattern as before with 1 edge st in garter st towards mid front and 5 edge sts in garter st towards the side (= sleeve edge). When piece measures 2122-23-24-26-28 cm from marker where piece was divided (jacket measures approx. 60-62-64-65-67-69 cm from bottom edge on the longest), slip the outermost 6-6-8-8-8-8 sts on 1 stitch holder for neck (work the sts before slipping them on the stitch holder). Continue to cast off for neck at the beg of every row from mid front as follows: 2 sts 3 times and 1 st 2 times. AT THE SAME TIME when piece measures approx. 24-25-26-28-30-32 cm adjust according to back piece, slip sts on 1 stitch holder for diagonal shoulder from the side as on back piece. When all sts have been cast off for neck and slipped on 1 stitch holder, piece measures approx. 27-28-29-31-33-35 cm from marker where piece was divided and up to shoulder and approx. 66-68-70-72-74-76 cm from bottom edge on the longest. LEFT FRONT PIECE: Work as right but reversed, i.e. work 1st row from RS but cast on 1 new st at beg of 1st row (instead of end of 1st row = edge st for seam). And cast on new sts for sleeve at the end of every row from WS (instead of 5/9


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every row from RS). ASSEMBLY: Slip the 48-50-52-54-58-60 sts from stitch holder on one shoulder on circular needle size 4 mm and work as follows: K 1 row from RS - NOTE: To avoid holes in every transition where sts were slipped on stitch holder, pick up the thread between the 2 sts in the transition and K tog with 1st st on left needle. On next row loosely cast off all sts with K from WS. Repeat the same way along the 3 other shoulders. Sew shoulder seams inside cast off edge - make sure the seam is not tight. Sew underarm and side seams in one inside 1 edge st. LEFT BAND: Cast on 5 sts on needle size 3.5 mm with Delight. K 1 row (= RS) and turn piece. Work next row as follows (from WS): Pick up the outermost st in garter st at the neck line on left front piece (with WS towards you), work first st on left needle, pass the new st from left front piece over this st and K the rest of row, turn piece, K 1 row over all sts, turn piece. Then work as follows: * Pick up next st in garter st at the edge of left front piece (with WS towards you), work first st on left needle, pass the new st over and K the rest of row, turn piece, K 1 row over all sts, turn piece *, repeat these 2 rows from *-* until 1 st has been knitted up in approx. every st in garter st along the entire front edge on jacket. RIGHT BAND: Work as left but beg at the bottom of right front piece (with WS towards you). Dec in addition for 3-3-3-3-44 buttonholes on right band (dec for last buttonhole on neck edge). 1 buttonhole = K tog third and fourth st from edge and make 1 YO. Place bottom buttonhole in the transition between fans and lace pattern and upper buttonhole approx. 7-7-8 8-7-7 cm from neck line. Distribute the 1-1-1-1-2-2 remaining buttonholes evenly between upper and bottom buttonhole. NECK EDGE: Knit up from RS approx. 94 to 116 sts around the neck (incl sts on stitch holders at the front and also knit up sts over bands) on circular needle size 3.5 mm with Delight. Work in GARTER ST back and forth on needle. When 2 ridges have been worked, dec for last buttonhole over the other buttonholes on right band. Continue to work until neck edge measures approx. 2 cm and then loosely cast off with K from WS. Sew the buttons on to left front piece. DRO PS Max Pr ic es - Y o u r g u ar an tee o f a g r eat pu r c h as e! We know that you invest a lot of time and effort in your knitting projects. When you choose to use our patterns, it is therefore a pleasure for us to provide you with affordable quality yarn that ensures a great result. As Northern Europe's largest brand of hand knitting yarns and designs, we have unique opportunities to work with the very best raw materials and make savings that benefit you. That's why you can buy DROPS yarn 20-30% cheaper than similar products! DRO PS SU PERSTO RE The Crochet Chain

Explanation to pattern diagram

= P from WS = 1 YO between 2 sts = K 2 tog = slip 1 st as if to K, K 1, psso

Diag r am fo r DRO PS 148-37 6/9


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We take pride in providing knitting and crochet patterns that are correct and easy to understand. All patterns are translated from Norwegian and you can always check the original pattern for measurements and calculations. All patterns are carefully reviewed, but we make reservation for possible mistakes. In the case of discrepancies please post your remark in "knitting help" or contact your local Garnstudio retailer.

Copyright 2011 DROPS DESIGN. We reserve all rights. This document, including all its sub-sections, has copyrights. Read more about this by clicking on the "Copyright" link on the footer of our website.



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