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STATA: Statistical Inference and Hypothesis Testing Homework 6: POL 3085 Due: April 1, 2013 at the beginning of class

1) Please complete all parts of the following exercises in the Pollock workbook: Chapter 4, exercises 1, 4, & 5

All of these problems will require STATA and the data sets that are available on the cd that came with your Companion and on Moodle. When turning in the problems from the Companion, you may (1) tear out the pages, (2) turn in photocopies, or (3) complete on separate sheets. Along with your answers, you MUST attach a copy of your do and log files from STATA (please attach clean copies not ones with lots of error messages). If you have trouble with this, you can use the Pollock workbook and the help command in STATA as references.

NOTE: Please show ALL your work as you answer all parts of questions 2 and 3. You can do this all by hand on separate sheets of paper, but make sure you reproduce the question prompts. 2) A survey asked a random sample of 15 people (taken from a population of 100 people) to report their feelings towards Barack Obama using a feeling thermometer (values could range from 0-100 in 1-point increments). Using the following values: 25, 15, 50, 55, 55, 30, 37, 52, 80, 75, 75, 10, 90, 15, 65 a) Calculate the sample mean (rounded to nearest whole number) b) Calculate the sample variance (rounded to nearest whole number) c) Calculate the sample standard deviation (rounded to nearest whole number) d) Calculate the standard error for the population mean (rounded to nearest whole number) e) Based on your calculation of the standard error, you can be 95% confident that the true population value lies between what two values?

f) And you can be 99% confident that the true population value lies between what two values? 3) A survey of a random sample of 1000 likely voters in the US found that 42% said that if the election were held today, theyd vote for Obama and 58% said theyd vote for Romney. a) Whats the mean % of people saying theyd vote for Obama? b) How many people out of the 1000 said theyd vote for Obama? c) How many people out of the 1000 said theyd vote for Romney? a) Calculate the standard deviation of the sample mean of the proportion of people who said theyd vote for Obama (rounded to two digits). b) Calculate the standard error of the population proportion (mean) of people whod vote for Obama (rounded to two digits). d) Based on your calculations, you can be 95% confident that the true percentage of people whod vote for Obama if the election were held today is between what two percentages? e) Based on your calculations, you can be 95% confident that the true percentage of people whod vote for Romney if the election were held today is between what two percentages? f) Based on your calculations, you can be 99% confident that the true percentage of people whod vote for Obama if the election were held today is between what two percentages? g) Based on your calculations, you can be 99% confident that the true percentage of people whod vote for Romney if the election were held today is between what two percentages?

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