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Managing Performing Living - Fredmund Malik

Effective Management for a New Era

"Fredmund Malik has become the leading analyst of, and expert on, Management in Europe as it has emerged in the last thirty years - and a powerful force in shaping it as a consultant. He is a commanding figure - in theory as well as in the practice of Management."Peter Drucker Whether management is considered to be a matter of opinion, a kind of ideology or a question of fashion - in Managing Performing Living managers will find everything they need to know to be successful in their organization. Managing Performing Living tells you how you can achieve effective management and a fulfilling life - it is specific, practical, and effective. "Managers who want to come to a critical review of their management behaviour and management system will find no other book that is more stimulating." manager magazin "The management professor introduces techniques for preparing sound decisions, quantifying objectives, optimizing the development of staff, and replacing a failing war on many fronts by a few powerful projects." Die Zeit

Part I Professionalism
The Ideal Manager - the Wrong Question
The Universal Genius The Effective Person No Common Ground Being or Doing Interviews Are Useless Professionalism Can Be Learnt

Erroneous Theories and Misconceptions

Erroneous Theories Misconceptions and Errors

Management as a Profession
Constitutional Thought Management as a Profession The Most Important Profession in a Modern Society A Mass Profession A Profession without Training Elements of the Management Profession

Part II The Principles of Effective Management

Focusing on Results
A Self-Evident Fact? Misconceptions And what about Those Who Cannot Accept This? Pleasure or Result?

Contribution to the Whole

Position or Contribution? Specialist or Generalist? Holistic Thinking Contribution and Motivation Contribution instead of Title The Consequence of Organization

Concentration on a Few Things

The Key to Results Rejection without Reason Examples of Application

Utilizing Strengths
Fixation on Weaknesses Making Strengths and Tasks Compatible Should Weakness Be Ignored? No Personality Reform Why Focus on Weaknesses? Learning from the Great How Are Strengths Recognized? Types of Weaknesses The Two Sources of Peak Performance

Robustness of the Management Situation How is Trust Created?

Positive Thinking
Opportunities instead of Problems From Motivation to Self-Motivation

Inborn, Learnt, or Forced? Freedom from Dependence Doing Your Best

Summary: Management Quality

Part III Tasks of Effective Management

Managing Objectives
No Systems Bureaucracy Personal Annual Objectives The General Direction Basic Rules for Management by Objectives

Warning against "Organizitis" There Is no such Thing as "Good" Organization The Three Basic Issues of Organizing Symptoms of Bad Organization

Misconceptions and Mistakes The Decision-Making Process Participation in the Decision-Making Process

There Must Be Supervision Trust as the Foundation How Do We Supervise? Measurement and Judgment

Developing People

People instead of Employees Individuals instead of Abstractions Additional Aspects

Synopsis: And what about all the other Tasks

Part IV Tools of Effective Management

Reduce the Number of Meetings Crucial for Success: Preparation and Follow-Up Work Chairing a Meeting Is Hard Work and Requires Discipline Types of Meetings Meetings Should not Degenerate into Social Occasions Types of Items on the Agenda No Item without Action Striving for Consensus Are Minutes Required? Meetings without an Agenda The Most Important Factor: Implementation and Ongoing Follow-Up

The Small Step to Effectiveness Clarity of Language Bad Practices, Unreasonable Demands, and Foolishness

Job Design and Assignment Control

Six Mistakes in Job Design Assignment Control

Personal Working Methods

Boring perhaps, but Extremely Important Fundamental Principles of Effective Working Methods Regular Review and Adaptation The Basic Areas

The Budget and Budgeting

One of the Best Instruments of Effective Management, if Properly Applied From Data to Information Special Tips Clear Documentation

Performance Appraisal
No Standard Criteria No Standard Profile A Better Method Where Is Standardization, Allied to Caution, Appropriate? How Do the Experts Do It? And what about Those Who Do not Want to Be Assessed?

Systematic Waste Disposal

Largely Unknown, but Important From the Concept to the Method Key to Wide-Ranging Consequences The Path to Personal Effectiveness What if We Cannot Eliminate? A Tip in Conclusion

Summary: Touchstone of Professionalism

Postscript: From an Art to a Profession

Managing Performing Living - Fredmund Malik Part I Professionalism Part II The Principles of Effective Management Part III Tasks of Effective Management Part IV Tools of Effective Management Postscript: From an Art to a Profession

Managing Performing Living - Fredmund Malik Part I Professionalism Part II The Principles of Effective Management Part III Tasks of Effective Management Part IV Tools of Effective Management Postscript: From an Art to a Profession

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