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Pans labyrinth Fire burning in the background as the captain discusses the rebels movements with the other

men, all gathered around a table, planning. Bring all the food, medicine and resources here- rations them, and for people to access them they need ration cards. Merecedes was suspicious and looking at the plans. You have to come up and see him, the wound is getting worse- ominous music is playing, something secretive and sad is occurring. This is all I could get, im sorry Doctor says to Mercedes, Something secretive is occurring between Mercedes and the doctor- there is a secret negotiation as the doctor gives her a package Ofelia sees and Mercedes looks startled, and the music got more intense, and dramatic. Makes the relationship stronger because she knows something cos she has seen something. Close up shots highlights intensity of the scene. Mood is tense and ominous- something is going to happen but we dont know what. Crackly noises, creaky, in the night. The house are all- as if they are speaking- she whispers, now she brings an imagination like ofelias She is going to give her a surprise, and ofelia asks if it is a book, and she says no it is something much better- turns out it is a very pretty dress she made for the dinner party that the captain is throwing. Mum needed to get married because she was alone for too long, as ofelia asks her mother why she had to get married. But ofelia claims that she was never alone and she was always there- too young to understand again, but she will understand when she grows up. married him for safety and money. never says she loves him. Carmen always brings ofelia back to reality, stresses the differences between living in the city and the countryside, and they were living through difficult times. They are at different wavelengths. She tells a story through the stomach to the baby. -Flower at the top of a mountain, anyone that gets the flower gets immortality, but the mountain made out of rock and black stone is full of thorns which are posionness so no one can get the flower, so it wilts by the day and no one can see the power of the flower. forgotten at the top of the mountain, forever alone. accompanied with loud and magical music. There is a distinction between reality and the fiction- the war and the stories that ofelia tells and the labyrinth. Camera goes to the captain, who is trying to fix the watch. How is she? No eye contact with the doctor, until he asks about my son. Doctor tells the captain about the mother first and her state, and the captain asks about the son- obviously the son is his main priority, not concerned. The captain is an arrogant and cold hearted man- macho, doesnt show any signs of feelings.

what makes you think the baby is a boy the captain replies dont fuck with me no me hoda captain found these two farmers, who they thought were rebels. Take your hat off in front of me. They questioned them and the other men searched them/]. They claimed that they were hunting rabbits, for his daughters that were sick, there is no medicine available and not enough food available (this is a bad time in spain) and the captain has hoarded all the medicine and food- and the son said if my father says he was hunting rabbits he was- obviously the captain doesnt like people speaking to him like that, so he battered him ferociously with bottle until he was dead. The father exclaimed- youre killing him, hes dead you son of a bitch, and the captain shot him. music builds up and gets dramatic, and quietens when they are dead. It was only then that the captain searched the bags to find the rabbits and said to the men next time search these assholes properly before you come bothering me and seemed unharmed by the fact he killed two innocent men. didnt care at all, brutal and violent. Goes back to ofelia, the fairy comes back (you hear the noise of the fairy)- but the mother cant hear the noise- she is scared at first, the light is dark and blue, and the music starts to get louder as she gets more scared until she sees what it is and she smiles and the music becomes more magical, - it then turns into a fairy as she shows a picture of a fairy in one of her books and leads her to the labyrinth as ofelia can tell that she needs to go with the fairy, and the music gets more magical and majestic, very dramatic, it is tense and theatrical and it is pleasant, not ominous. Loud magical and majestic music starts to play, as though as whole new world is coming to light. She goes down into a well, and says hello many times. looked like a scary situation, the environment is not very inviting and it is creepy. A creature hears her and says its you youve returned, dont be frightened, I beg you, dont be scared they know each other? She isnt scared at all and says her name The creature says your highness. she is princess moanna- daughter of the king of the underworld He says that her real father created portals all over the world to allow your return and this is the last of them. He has to check that she is mortal and her essence is still intact, so she must complete three tasks before the moon is full. Gives her a book of crossroads- el libro de las encrucijadas and it shows her the future. The book is empty, but the faun is gone. Constant contrast of reality and fantasy. Captain cares a lot about his appearance, as it goes to him shaving with playing very joyous and loud music in the background,- very masculine, with a cigarette in his mouth and then to a scene where he is polishing his shoes. Captain says cook the rabbits for dinner tonight. Mercedes always looks scared when talking to the captain. very authoritarian. Says the coffee is burnt- and makes her try it, little bit flirting with her as he put his hand on her.

The mother loves the luxuries, shows ofelia the dress she made for her fathers dinner party tonight, and some shoes. She opens up the book again when she walks into the bathroom, and a drawing starts to create, and a story builds up- a drawing of a tree appears. music gets louder as the page starts to come about/ unravels the story and the tasks she must complete, until she is interrupted by her mother knocking on the door, and the music stops instantlyagain it is as though the mother is bringing ofelia back to reality. I want you to be beautiful for the captain says the mother while she is in the bath. (ofelia) She sees the moon on the left shoulder that the faun said she had and the mother says she will look like a princess in her dress, and ofelia smiles and says a princess Ofelia tells what she saw last night to Mercedes, asking her if she believed in fairies, to which Mercedes replies with no, but I did when I was a girl. When ofelia claims that she saw a fairy last night, Mercedes replies with really?, and then ofelia goes on and says she has seen a faun, and Mercedes says that her mother said that Mercedes is then called, and the fantasy is interrupted again. When she sees everything in the room she is very serious, and pays a lot of attention to the supplies. Mercedes has the key, and he keeps the key and says is this the only one? Ofelia starts to read the book as she is walking through the forest, and magical calm music plays. cuts to the men on their horses and more dramatic and tense music plays, then cuts back to ofelia reading the story and the music becomes magical again. (through the use of the trees- transition of the trees, to show the movement through the forest) (contrast of fantasy and reality) there is dust when ofelia is moving, like a magical world, but there is no dust when the camera returns back to the men. She is following the steps in the book, and she has to go into the tree and restore the fig tree again so it can flourish. put the three stones in the toads mouth. She takes her dress off- she is scared and doesnt want to get the dress dirty. Inside the tree- (no music, only hear her breathing, bugs/maggots crawling aroundnormally young girls would be squeamish with that type of thing but ofelia is brave) The captain is also in the woods, as they saw a fire- he knew it was them. He is very good at detecting the scene. how many are there, and whenand finds antibiotics He realises that they are watching them in the woods, and tricks them by saying that they left their lottery ticket, but no reply. You then see a man standing in the woods looking, and a whole group of men come out with guns, they could be the rebels. music becomes more intense The first thing she says is hello I am princess moana, as though she is starting to believe it. The creature inside eats the stones and a huge cocoon like thing comes out from the creature and she finds a key. By the time she is out it is nighttime and it is stormy, she looks around intensely and she has a worried look on her face. And she comes out the tree and her dress is ruined, all muddy and wet. You see the captain looking at his watch again as he waits for the guests. it is rainy and stormy and the colour is very blue, pathetic fallacy.

Ofelia is missing, but the captain doesnt notice. Carmen says is she in the garden? In the barn?- all places that are in the outdoors. We almost got them, I found antibiotics. The doctor looks worried and looks intently at Mercedes. We are all here by choice and not everyone is equal. Is what he says at the dinner. wants his son to be born in a clean and new state. Mercedes goes off into the woods and gives off a sign for someone to come. she is going to try warn the rebels, the music becomes more dramatic. The camera lurks behind the trees while she is giving off the sign, as though we become the people in the woods. And sees ofelia. The mother is the only one wearing light colours at the dinner- she is different to them, not of the same level. How did you and the captain met- from a woman who loved gossip, the mother takes the lead, and the captain doesnt look impressed, and the Carmen holds his hand and he moves away almost instantly- and takes a drink. the man has to be the one that takes the lead. Makes him more real and vulnerable, and more equal to them but he said that they are not equal and doesnt want people to know about his personal life. She thinks these silly stories are interesting to others says the captain, as she tells the story of how they met. it is as though she isnt there, speaks lowly and badly of Carmen in front of all the guests, she must feel inferior to him. His father smashed his watch on the rock, so that his son could tell the time that he died, to show what a brave soldier that he was. Ofelia goes to the labyrinth again, after her bath and her mother says she is disappointed with ofelia.

She has two more tasks to complete and the moon is almost full- being the moon on her shoulder. as she sees the faun again. Shows the faun the key. She asks who the baby is on the rock, as the faun says the picture is of the faun and her, and she asks who the baby is and the faun rejects the question. Reality and fantasy break, as it goes from ofelias key to a key opening a lock- in the storage. Ofelia opens the book again and she says what happens next, and a picture of a bloody uterus comes up, the music got more intense and ofelia instantly looks up, but she closes the book and the music dies down.- she cant escape the reality. The uterus looks like the fauns head. She hears noises of her mother and the music gets intense again, and the page filed with blood, ofelia ran out of the bathroom and show her mother clenching her stomach and blood all over her front, and looking frail. She shouts captain and not dad.

Mercedes comforts ofelia and says her mum will be alright, and she comes to sit next to her and strokes her hair. Ofelia says you are helping the men in the woods, arent you? Mercedes shakes her head, but she knows that ofelia knows and says you havent told anyone? and ofelia says no. they hug and Mercedes sings her a lullabythere is a very close relationship between the two. Mercedes is collecting letters, and the doctor comes in Are you ready? merecedes says and they go into the woods. The man that we saw in the woods come out to Mercedes, and we now know the relationship as she says my brother, pedro. Back to ofelia sleeping. The faun is now in the room, because she is alone. she didnt complete the tas, because her mother is sick. her mum is her source of reality, and her mum is not in the room so the faun can be in ofelias new room. Mercedes is supplying the men with food and spice and medicine. And the doctor is making them well- they are all staying in a cave. Mercedes knows where they are going, so they have been there before. The doctor is trying to save one of the mans legs, but the man (frenchie) knows that his leg is bad and asks the doctor if his leg will be okay, and the doctor says there is no way of saving it. saws the leg off. Mercedes is right by the man while it is being sawed off, she is a very caring character and has close relationships with many people. Goes back to ofelia and her reading the book, she opens up a door into a secluded place and the music starts to build up and gets more and more intense. Theres a banquet of food on a table, and a creature like a man with no eyes, his eyes are on a plate in front of him- who is at the end of the table/head of the table-(like the captain). The environment is very church like, with the sturcutre of the room, and there are paintings on the walls like a church. There are paintings around the room of him klling people, ofelia starts to breath heavily. Fire in the background- orangey colours- the fantasy world. She finds the lock to open with her key- she knows which lock it is, the fairys say it is another one, and the camera goes back to the hour glass with the sand going down- as time is running out. She finds a knife in the locked compartment. The creature isnt moving; the music becomes more intense, as she picks up a grape. The creature starts to come alive as his hands move, and he puts the eyeballs in his hands and up to his face, the music gets louder and louder. Ofelia turns around to see the creature swarming off the fairys- the fairys are trying to protect her because she is the chosen one, and eats them one by one. Ofelia is scared and runs off, as the creature follows her through the corridors. The door shuts as her time has run out. The music is intense and dramatic- like a heartbeat- like a nightmare, when you wake up from and all you can hear is your heartbeat. She leaves through the top, and uses her chalk to draw out a box, which she pushes up and leaves out of. The lights disappear as she puts the box down- as if it was never there, and she is back in her room. (did she go down there at all) This is the first time that something has gone wrong in her fantasy world- she cant escape her horrible life. Is she losing control of her magical world?

There is no choice says pedro, as the doctor says their plan is silly and that they cannot win because even if they kill the captain, they will find another like him. they should run across the border. no food, no guns, no shelter, no medicine- the resistance have it tough. There was dust in the forest with the rebels- as though they are delusional. I am a coward for living next to that son of a bitch- Mercedes, and she questions whether the doctor is right, that they cant win. She gives him the key- access to all the rations- the captain will know who gave them the key- so it is a risk. Goes back to the captain shaving- to look tidy, very masculine, and the same music plays that was playing before. He looks at the watch, which is ticking really fast, like a heartbeat- the watch means that the dad died at some point. So vidal cuts his throat in the mirror/ in his reflection. ruthless Ofelia puts the root under her mums bed, and gives it a drop of her own blood. The doctor and vidal come in and the doctor says her temperature is very low, and doesnt know why, the captain immediately says- has it gone down because of ofelia and her magical world? She is improving- he had the slightest smile. If you have to choose, save the baby- vidal says who will carry my name and my fathers name then suddenly a loud bang goes off- like the sound of thunder, all of vidals mean are outside waiting and vidal comes out to see the huge fire blow up behind the trees. things out here arent very good, but you have to come- dont hurt her when you come out. When she smiles you will love her even though she is sad at many days at a time. she is very pretty but not very happy. She is realising that her mum might not make it. But she says that she will take her brother to her kingdom, to make him a prince. The music is a mellow lullaby that is consistent throughout. The train blew up- it is a distraction. Another bomb goes off, more than one starts to go off, - they are under attack, they got into their resources and took their food and medicine. and he sees the padlock unlocked. He puts his hat on and starts shooting. It is raining and blue- shows the darkness of the real world. He keeps looking at his watch, as though he thinks he may die. he is prepared to be shot. He values being seen as a brave man, so he isnt at the back, but he is very much in the fight. He finds a rebel that is dying- and says can you talk, and he cant. He points the gun to his face, the rebel pushes the gun down, he keeps on pushing it down, and the captain shoots his hand and the bullet goes through his face. Mercedes goes out, whispering pedro. They capture one that is still alive- they take him into the storeroom- Mercedes says she needs to go into the storeroom- because she wants to see who it is. They have eye contact, and they know each other.- look of fear and sadness

Goes to the captain- in the storeroom with the man they captured.- the man with a stutter He talks about tabacco as he is smoking a real cigarrette and the man says go to hell. He is about to torture him as he says he is going to get something out of him, and he is playing him and condescending him. He brings out each tool that he has to torture him by, and each one they become closer and closer, like brothers and he knows he will tell him everything and anything by the last tool- as each tool gets worse and worse. Vidal goes up to the man and says if you can count to three I will let you go, the man looks behind at the other man and vidal says dont look at him, look at me, no one is above me. He knows that he cannot count to three, the tension builds as he tries to say each number slowly and precisely, he gets one and two, but when it comes to three, he is shivering and scared and he stutters and the captain says shame and hits him with the first tool he showed. Goes back to ofelia in her room- the faun comes and says she has failed, and made a mistake, and that she is not allowed to return and her spirit will remain with the humans, and she will grow old like humans and die like humans. Goes back to the captain outside the storeroom, the doctor comes and he is going to look at the man they tortured, obviously the doctor knows the guy and says he is sorry. The captain says it is handy having you here, after he picked up the antibiotics which is the same as the one that he found in the woods with the rebelsso the doctor has been giving them medicine it seems. The man says he talked, not much, but he talked, and says that he wants to die, and says to the doctor kill me, kill me now. The doctor gives him euthanasia. The captain hears a noise from the mothers room as he is on his way to see the doctor.- to confront him about the antibiotics. Ofelia goes under the bed to see the root, and the captain pulls her out by her feet and the music gets increasingly louder and more intense. He pulls out the root, which is sitting in milk like substance. He picks it up and she screams no. Its a magic root the faun gave me- ofelia Its from the stupid stories she has been reading at night, look what you have donesays the captain Ofelia says she wants to leave this place! But the mother says it is not that simple. Youre getting older, and you will soon see that life isnt like the fairytales Magic do not exist, not for you, not for me, not for anyone. The world is a cruel place.- Carmen says. She is the way she is because she cant escape the realms of a woman in that time. The root starts screaming as it dies in the fire, and the mother instantly clutches her stomach and falls to the floor, and ofelia exclaims help. So maybe the root was in fact making her better- or it could be the stress, as she was agitated. The doctor killed the man- it was the only thing he could do.

You could have obeyed me- I could have but I didnt I dont understand, why didnt you obey me? To obey without questioning that is something only you would do, captain. The doctor walks out, and it is raining, and you can tell that he is going to be shot because he has made the captain look like a fool and has talked back to him, which is not a sign of respect which the captain is not used to and doesnt tolerate, and the captain shoots him from behind.- with one shot, sign of respect? As he usually shoots people more than twice. Sad melodramatic music starts playing, as the captain walks a few steps, takes off his glasses and falls to the ground.- almost a relieved expression on his face. The camera shot moves so that you can see the doctor and the captain. Two women come to call the captain, as the wife is giving birth. he just killed the doctor because of his ego- so is vidal to blame for carmens death? There is blood everywhere, the music is dramatic and the people are rushing and it is hectic- the expression on Mercedes face is worried Ofelia and the captain sit on a bench outside the room, ofelia further away from the room, and both at each end of the bench- not comforting each other, as the mother could die. vidal is waiting for his son, and ofelia is waiting for her brother. The captain stands up when the doctor comes out, not ofelia- and without hesitation says that his wife is dead, and the captain walks in straight away. Ofelia stands up and takes in the fact that her mother is now dead. And she walks slowly to the room It then goes to the funeral, and the captain is standing in the middle holding his son. Mercedes is standing behind ofelia. she is now the motherly persona in her life Reality is taking over her life, and this is the worst thing that has happened in her life yet. Ofelia takes the sedative in the room and looks longingly at the chair her mother used to sit in. The stutterer talked about an informer in the mill, can you imagine, right under my nose.. Says it in a condesecending way- implying that it is she, as though he knows that it is mercedes that betrayed him. he almost doesnt believe it because it is a woman. You must think I am a monster It doesnt matter what I think- Mercedes, she knows the role of women in that time. She has been low key for a long time. Mercedes stands up as he says she is to go get more alcohol. Arent you forgetting something? The key, is it the only one?? He knew that someone else had the key, as the lock was not blown up, but was open with a key Mercedes goes and collects her letters, as she is going to leave And immediately she tells of ofelia of her plans to leave she cant leave ofelia on her own.

The next scene is ofelia and Mercedes walking in the rain, under an umbrella, walking into the woods. They hear a noise and Mercedes says it is nothing, but as they turn around we see the captain and his men. He looks very aggressive when he says, mercedes, ofelia- the way vidal says ofelia seems almost disappointed and disgusted. A woman and a girl is able to laugh at him and disobey him- this is not what he knows and understands. He seems quite agitated by it, as he throws her into her room and slaps her and says how long have you been laughing at me He takes his hat off and combs his hair back, as though he is a bit agitated and distressed by the fact that ofelia has known this whole time. Watch her!- vidal If anyone tries to come in, kill her first He says that right in front of ofelia Goes back to the storeroom- the stance of vidal is very manly as he pulls out dry meat, and tobacco- takes each one out one by one and drops them to the floor. If you asked for it, I would have given it to you, mercedes you secretely know that he wouldnt have. Mercedes is being tied up in the storeroom. You can go garces, as he unbuttons his shirt For gods sakes, shes just a woman- captain, as garces says you sure? Thats what you have always thought, Thats why I was able to get away with it, I was invisible to you. Mercedes The captain is smirking and says damn

Youve found my weakness- pride

The captain prepares to torture Mercedes- torture routine, like he did with the stutterer. It is simple- you will have to talk. As though he has done it all before. She stabs him in the back, and slits it down, and he turns around and she stabs him again and she puts the knife in his mouth and slits his mouth across, and blood splats everywhere. dont you dare touch the girl (that is the first thing she thinks of) Mercedes walks out, one of the men says that he let her go, and garces is confused by this and says what, and shouts out to Mercedes and Mercedes picks up the pace Mercedes runs into the woods, and the captain comes out saying get her god damn it! there is hesitation when she is walking, as though she is thinking of ofelia, and doesnt want to leave her. - the music starts to build up and gets more and more intense. as the camera goes through the woods

They capture Mercedes- she is surrounded by the men. Garces, who is the boss when the captain is not there, because he is the captains right hand. He gets off his horse slowly and dramatically, building up the tension. The camera moves to birds eye view so that we can see all the men and Mercedes surrounded. Mercedes brings out a knife, and garces says shh She puts the knife to her throat. Dont be a fool, sweetheart, if anyone is going to kill you, id rather it be me- garces is taking the role of the captain. All the men get shot by the rebels, and shoot them twice like the other men- it is a ruthless war. Mercedes runs to pedro and cries in his arms. Vidal is now a monster as his mouth is gone. Ive decided to give you one last chance, the faun says as ofelia is sitting in the room Ofelia has nothing else but her fairytale life, so she needs to faun to give her a second chance. Ofelia runs to the faun and hugs him This time you must do as I say- bring the brother to the labyrinth, dont ask questions. She is a bit scared about it. she is confused as to why they need her brother, and the faun disrupts her and says, no more questions- obviously the baby that they saw on the stone is her brother. Then it goes back to the captain, as he is washing his face, and prepares to stitch up his own wounds- he cant have a paramedic do it for him because he is a man, and it would make him seem less manly. super macho. He is in pain but he still goes through with the stitching. He doesnt want to have anyone to help him, which he doesnt. He drinks the alcohol to heal the wound, and blood seeps out and it is seen through the bandage. although it hurts, he pours another glass of alchol, as he can take the pain. He finds the chalk from ofelia, and picks up his gun. Drugs, alcohol and then sees the chalk. he picks it up and breaks it in half. Who would use a chalk other than a kid, yet he still brings out the gun. One of his men comes in and says that Serrano is wounded Ofelia puts the sedative into his drink Vidal walks back into the drawing room- where we first saw them planning their movements against the rebel groups. The fire is still buring and vidal walks in slowly looking at Serrano in a concerned manner. Instantly- where is garces, all he has to do is shake his head and vidal understands. He looks genuinely upset for the first time- or is he just concerned because he has no other men that are up to his fighting standard. He sits down- he is now conforming to serranos wounded level- as though he himself is wounded by the fact that garces is now dead- first time we see genuine emotion about someones death.

They now realise that they have less men thatn the rebels and that they may not win the warVidal looks scared. Ofelia walks off with the baby- we think she is going to escape, until we hear voices of the men returning and ofelia has to hide immediately Ofelia backs up into the doorway, and right when she is at the doorway an explosion goes off- is the explosion at a specific time as vidal turns around and sees ofelia holding his son. Leave him- vidal The seadative starts to work as he starts to look drowsy. Ofelia runs off and we start to feel the effects that vidal is at the camera because a sort of illusion and moves like a wave, and vidal cant walk straight. He still picks out his gun and follows ofelia. Ofelia runs out into the war, and so does the captain and he ignores the fighting and all his men dying, and bombs blowing off- it is a ruthless war. And he follows ofelia into the labyrinth He chases her through the labyrinth and the music gets more and more intense, and a consistent drum is beating. She gets lost in the labyrinth, but the walls open up- reality is turning into her fantasy Ofelia sees the faun and he asks for her brother, for a drop of his blood and ofelia says no- she would give up her fantasy for her brother- a strong love. she sees the dagger and doesnt want the faun to harm her brother. But the captain comes from behind and he sees ofelia talking to no one- so her fantasy is not real- all this time she was talking to herself. confirmation that this magical world doesnt exist. but then again, vidal is under a sedative He takes the baby she looks around for the faun- for protection, maybe she realises now that her fantasy world didnt exist, and shoots her with no remorse. no regrets or mercy, and he is merciless. Walks out of the labyrinth to see all the men in the resistance- he knows he is going to die- so he passes his son on to them- as though he trusts them to look after his son. All he has ever wanted is a son- it is the most precious thing for him, and in the end he has to hand the baby over. Brings out his watch because he wants his son to know that he saved the time of his death but Mercedes says that he will not even know his name- he isnt nobel like his father and doesnt deserve to be remembered. shoots him in the face, and he falls to the floor. Mercedes walks into the labyrinth to see ofelia on the floor dead, with her hand hanging over the well- Mercedes starts to hum a lullaby to her- to let her sleep- and the music is soft and melodramatic- same lullaby that has been throughout the film. All the blood in her hand- represents all the blood of an innocent person.- there is a close up shot of her hand and the blood. Her blood drips into the well- she has the blood of an innocent- so the portal can be open.

She goes into her fantasy world at last and meets her mother and father on a throneshe has finally succeeded. it is a perfect world, no blood in her hands, wearing a pretty dress The most important test for her was that she put her brother before her- gave her own blood and not her brothers. happy ending in the fantasy world. Carmen says for ofelia to sit next to her dad There is a close up shot of ofelia in the real world with a small grin- she is happy. Mercedes cries over ofelia and the lullaby plays in the background A narrator explains that she left behind small traces a narration connotes a fairytalelike story- like her legacy will continue

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