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of emotional development by the kind of psychosocial crisis which is likely to occur. Also Piaget postulated that children must be permitted to manipulated objects and symbols, to test their questions and supposition against reality.

UNIT 3: NATURE AND MEANING OF LEARNING: This unit 3, explains that learning is acquisition of new behaviour or a change in behaviour whether positive or negative change. It shows some theories of learning which explains learning by focusing or changes in mental processes that people use in their effort to make sense of the world.

UNIT 4: BEHAVIOUR MODIFICATION: Unit 4, states that behaviour modification is the response of an organization to a stimulus and based on that response judgment is passed as to the normalcy or otherwise of that behaviour. The essence of behaviour modification is to reduce the undesirable behaviours and to increase the desirable behaviours.

UNIT 5: PSYCHOLOGICVAL TEST IN GUIDANCE AND COUNSELLING: In Unit 5, psychological test was defined as a standardized or nonstandardized measure of an individuals response to a systematic sample of trait5 or stimuli from which inferences about general behaviour can be made after the necessary qualification interest and level of social adjustment.

The important of the psychological test was to secure accurate and reliable information about each clients abilities, attitudes, aptitudes, interest and personal characteristic in order to help the client gain a better understanding of self.

QUESTION: Problem solving inquiry and discovery teaching method interact but are not the same. Give account of their meaning, differences, similarities and uses. ANSWER: Introduction: When through experience, behaviour is said to be changed in relatively permanent way, learning is said to have taken place. This implies that learning leads to change in behaviour and the change is through practice. Hence we shall consider, the methods of teaching known as problem solving and discovery teaching method. Problem solving and discovery teaching method. School subjects present some problems that need to be solved. Such problems exist in any situation in which there is a difficulty which needs creative or logical solution. In order to deal with these problems that arise a rational and organized approach is needed to solve these problems.

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