Call For Engagement: "The Southeast ASEAN Water Challenge" Water Lab With Stakeholders

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The Southeast ASEAN Water Challenge Water Lab with Stakeholders

Delivering a water-focused community engagement agship project for communities within the ASEAN region
June 26, 2013 (Wednesday) | 9:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. | Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre, MALAYSIA
Organiser Strategic partner

Water connects us in the most fundamental way.

Asias Next Challenge: Securing the Regions Water Future. A report by the Leadership Group on Water Security in Asia: April 2009.

The stress on water resources due to rapid urbanisation, climate change, pollution, oods and drought has increased in a region with rising population growth such as ASEAN. The consequences of losing access to quality, clean water are severe, impacting the livelihood and well-being of communities within the ASEAN region as well as geopolitical relations within the ASEAN member countries. About the Water Lab The Water Lab is a platform gathering industry stakeholders, government agencies, universities, NGOs, individuals and organisations to Network among likeminded individuals and organisations Share best practices and implementation insights on corporate social responsibility initiatives Stimulate meaningful discussions on potential collaboration concerning water-related corporate social responsibility initiatives

The programme (June 26, 2013)

9:00 a.m. 9:30 a.m. Arrival and registration of participants Welcoming remarks Prof. Dr. Mohd Ismail Abd Aziz Deputy Vice Chancellor (Student Aairs and Alumni), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, MALAYSIA Interactive panel discussion "Building and delivering impactful corporate social responsibility projects: Towards strategic university-industry-community collaboration
Corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives have emerged as an organisational strategy in meeting economic, societal and institutional expectations of stakeholders and external communities. Initiating and managing the initiatives in a resource-constrained environment hence becomes a challenge : how should organisations work together strategically towards realising a shared vision which bene ts respective organisations and the communities at large? This session enables speakers and participants to explore the potential in forming strategic collaborations among dierent stakeholders, within the triple helix concept of university-industry-community relations.

9:45 a.m.

11:00 a.m. 11:30 a.m.

Tea break Roundtable dialogue Finding shared value in community engagement projects: The Southeast ASEAN Water Challenge as a case study Con rmed role player: Sara Farley Chief Operating Ocer, Global Knowledge Initiative, USA
This facilitated session translates the ideas and points of discussion explored in the previous session into action, with an actual water-based CSR initiative as a case study. The output of the roundtable discussion will be taken into consideration in the implementation of The Southeast ASEAN Water Challenge agship project.

12:45 noon

Closing address Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nur Naha Abu Mansor Director, Corporate Planning and Community Engagement, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, MALAYSIA End of Water Lab Lunch

1:00 p.m.

Fee: Free admission The Water Lab is part of an innovative data-gathering process for a research project awarded to UTM by the National Institute of Higher Education Research, USM to identify means that would enhance geopolitical in uence of Malaysian higher education through social and community engagement initiatives within the ASEAN region, especially in Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar and Vietnam. Registrationinformation Kindly fax/email the registration form to: UTM Community Engagement Centre (UTM CTC) Oce of Corporate Aairs Universiti Teknologi Malaysia 81310 UTM Skudai Johor Bahru c/o Pn. Norlia Isnin, UTM Community Transformation Centre (UTM CTC) (07-5530373 / For inquiries concerning the Water Lab, please contact the following project coordinators: Anubama Ramachandra [Mobile] +(60)14 913 7902 [Email] Teo Shieh Lin [Mobile] +(60)17 631 4268 [Email]

Salutation (Datuk / Professor / Dr / Mr / Mrs) Name Designation Organization name Mailing address


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I would like to know more about The Southeast ASEAN Water Challenge agship project. Please send me details concerning the project. I am interested in having a one-on-one meeting with representatives of The Southeast ASEAN Water Challenge outside of this Water Lab. Please arrange for a session with my organisation. I am interested in learning more about [please highlight wherever appropriate] community engagement activities / research niche and research projects / academic programmes / other initiatives of UTM. Please send me more details. I know of another organisation who might be interested in / who might bene t from the project. Please contact the following ..................................................................................................................................................................................... .....................................................................................................................................................................................

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