JS For Templates

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JS forTemplates

write once - debug forever

Wednesday, 12 June 13

data: xml/json/bson

Wednesday, 12 June 13

data: xml/json/bson
server: easy to consume on server but slow encoding

Wednesday, 12 June 13

data: xml/json/bson
server: easy to consume on server - Rails magic parse on-y

Wednesday, 12 June 13

data: xml/json/bson
server: easy to consume on server - Rails magic parse on-y client: ???

Wednesday, 12 June 13

data: xml/json/bson
server: easy to consume on server - Rails magic parse on-y client: XSLT

Wednesday, 12 June 13

data: xml/json/bson
server: easy to consume on server - Rails magic parse on-y client: XSLT or *some js framework*

Wednesday, 12 June 13

data: xml/json/bson
server: easy to consume on server - Rails magic parse on-y client: XSLT or *some js framework* parse xml to json
Wednesday, 12 June 13

data: xml/json/bson
server: easy to consume on server or consume

Wednesday, 12 June 13

data: xml/json/bson
server: easy to consume on server or consume client: plenty of framework template engines

Wednesday, 12 June 13

data: xml/json/bson
same as json + very fast encoding

Wednesday, 12 June 13

Using same objects on server and client

Wednesday, 12 June 13

Common JSON

Wednesday, 12 June 13

Client Template

Wednesday, 12 June 13

Want more real examples?

Wednesday, 12 June 13

Example Data

Wednesday, 12 June 13

Getting template Data

Wednesday, 12 June 13

Perform templating

Wednesday, 12 June 13

Perform templating


Wednesday, 12 June 13

Benets Avg. request response much much faster

Wednesday, 12 June 13

Benets Avg. request response much much MUCH faster One API for whole project

Wednesday, 12 June 13

Benets Avg. request response much much MUCH faster One API for whole project Bottle neck Users browser/computer speed

Wednesday, 12 June 13

Visible problem

Slow internet = crap templates

Wednesday, 12 June 13

Visible problem Slow internet = crap templates One error somewhere = stop js = crap templates

Wednesday, 12 June 13

Lazy load or eval on server

Loading and templating before show to


Wednesday, 12 June 13

Lazy load or eval on server

Loading and templating before show to


Eval on server with V8 or NodeJS

Wednesday, 12 June 13

Famous implementation


Wednesday, 12 June 13

Famous implementation

Project closed faster than you can imagine

Wednesday, 12 June 13


Wednesday, 12 June 13


Wednesday, 12 June 13

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