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1. a. b. c. d. e. 2.

When she arrives at school 6.45 am, Atty greets her teacher by saying . Good morning Good night Good afternoon Hello Good bye A : How are John and Harry? B : They .Thank you a. Is fine b. Not well c. See you d. Are fine e. Will fine 3. The shoes are fairly new are in good condition. a. They b. Their c. Them d. Theirs e. it 4. Both of my brother and I refused to sign the petition, nobody could force . a. Him b. Them c. Me d. Us e. You 5. Mr. Ridwan : I really for disturbing you. Mrs Rika : Its Ok a. Sorry b. Fine c. apologized d. Thats nice e. Kind of you 6. Jaka : Id like some chocolate ice cream , please? Waitress : ., we havent got any chocolate left. a. I already order Miss b. Please go ahead c. Im sorry Miss d. Ive served e. I have chocolate 7. A : Let me introduce my self. I am Rika, I

am. B : How do you Rika? a. Sixteen years old b. Oh, yes c. Thank you d. Hello e. Hi 8. Riski : Rita, My friend Budi. Rita : How do you do. Budi : How do you do. a. Nice to meet you b. Id like to visit you c. Id like to meet you d. Nice to meet him e. Id like to introduce 9. Yuni served delicious dinner to her guest, Anita. Anita : Thank you for the delicious dinner, Yuni. Yuni : . a. Im very hungry too b. Dont eat too much c. Its my pleasure d. When will you invite me e. Yes, Im 10. X : Ill always be to you for what you have done Y : Dont mention it a. Thanks b. Thankless c. Thank full d. Thank giving e. Thank you


1. Mr. Sulis ia a performer. His work is to make a joke and make people laugh. He usually performs on a television program. He is s funny and makes other people feel happy. He is a.. a. farmer d. singer b. comedian e. doctor c. mechanic 2. March 23th 1983. The correct way to say this expression is a. March the twenty third, nineteen eighty three. b. March the twenty three, nineteen eighty three. c. The twenty third march, nineteen eighty three. d. The twenty third march, nineteen eighty three. e. The twenty second March, nineteen eighty third. 3. Nania is the of the student who goes to school in the morning. a. three d. second b. two e. four c. one 4. It is a quarter past eight. The correct numbering of this expression is. a. 6.38 d. 7.38 b. 7.37 e. 10.37 c. 8.15 5. It is half past nine The correct numbering of this expression is.. a. 10.30 d. 7.30 b. 9.30 e. 10.15 c. 8.45 6. It is thirty eight past seven The correct numbering of this expression is.. a. 6.38 d. 7.38 b. 7.37 e. 10.37 c. 8.37 7. It is twelve to ten The correct numbering of this expression is..

a. 10.12 b. 09.48 c. 11.12

d. 12.11 e. 10.11

8. 2nd October 2017. The correct way to say this expressions is.. a. The second October two thousand and seventeen b. October the second two thousand and seventeen c. The two October two thousand and seventeen d. October the two thousand and seventeen e. The second two thousand and seventeen 9. Tomorrow is Monday. Two days before is. a. Tuesday d. Thursday b. Friday e. Saturday c. Monday 10. A : Please accept my condolences B : .. a. Thank you d. Were sorry b. Thats ok for this time e. Yes, I will c. No problem

A : Mr. Ario. Let me introduce our 1. new manager. Mr. Raharja. B : .? C : How do you do? a. Hi, good morning b. Pleased to meet you c. How do you do e. Pretty well 2. Reza and Anita . Professional singers. a. am d. was b. are e. were c. is She buys a new motorcycle for.. a. us d. his b. them e. him c. our Anita .. in a store as shopkeeper. a. works d. working b. work e. had worked c. worked My parentsfishing with their friends a. went d. going b. goes e. had gone c. go The students . the sentences that the teacher said. a. wrote d. write b. written e. has written c. writes (-) Mr. Andre is not present today






(?) .. ? a. Are Mr. Andre present today ? b. Did Mr. Andre present today ? c. Do Mr. Andre present today ? d. Does Mr. Andre present today ? e. Is Mr. Andre present today ?


(?) Are they sure about that ? (-) a. They dont sure about that b. They are not sure about that c. I dont sure with them d. I am not sure with them e. the are not sure about that. (-) They do not distribute the food (?) ? a. Do they distribute the food ? b. Does they distribute the food ? c. Are they distribute the food ? d. Did they distribute the food ? e. Do they distributes the food ?


10. The rose is so pretty. I like it very much. a. brown d. blue b. pink e. blue c. orange

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