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Contact Number Cd Office 047 72784 (from South) or 00353 47 72784 (from North) Matthews mobile 07900197871 (from

om North) or 00447900197871 (from South) Parental Comments My 16 year old daughter travelled to Taiz with Clogher don ige last summer. It was a week without Facebook, BBM, mobile phones and even hairdryers, so I was not sure how it would go down. The whole experience for Niamh, was in her own words one of the best weeks in her life. When she said it was better than The Gaeltacht I knew it had made a huge impression on her. She met young people from all over the world and learned about their different cultures and life experiences and came to appreciate her own. She explored faith in different ways and saw it through the eyes of her peers. In herself she gained confidence, developed her interpersonal skills (without a Blackberry) and came home with a drive and a commitment to do more to develop herself and to help others. That has stayed with her almost a year later. Amid all the serious stuff she made good friends, acquired great role models and had a ball! I could not recommend this opportunity highly enough. As a parent I found Clogher don ige and its leaders were very thorough in ensuring that the questions of the kids and the parents entrusting their children to their care, were answered. I found they kept me well informed and involved in the preparation for the pilgrimage every step of the way. We had meetings to allow us to get to know what and who Clogher don ige is and what they are about. I was very happy with the arrangements for the trip and my daughter who was nervous about the trip had a wonderful time and enlightening experience which she will never forget. My daughter is excited to be returning to Taize with Clogher don ige again this summer! Thank you Matthew and all the team for making it a great and safe experience for my daughter and all the kids.

Assume Summer Camp 2013

Parents Information Leaflet

Purpose This leaflet is published to inform parents/guardians about Clogher don ige (Cd). It should be read in conjunction with the Assume Summer Camp 2013 brochure. Who are we? Cd was set up in 2003 by the Catholic Church in the Diocese of Clogher. The aim of the organistaion is to provide activities, events and programmes for young people, both at diocesan and parish level. The objective of Cd to inspire young people to grow in confidence, self-esteem and faith. In 2013, over 1,000 young people will participate in Cd activities making us one of the largest youth work providers in the Monaghan and Fermanagh areas. Staff The organisation employs 2 staff: 1. Mr Matthew McFadden Diocesan Youth Director 2. Ms Geraldine McKenna Administrative Officer Volunteers Cd could not function without the assistance of a large team of dedicated volunteers. Volunteers are recruited in line with Diocesan Safeguarding Children Policies. Full training is given to ensure that volunteers have the necessary skills and knowledge to coordinate and lead events for young people. Activities, Events and Programmes for Young People Cd is best known for the Pope John Paul II Award and pilgrimages to World Youth Day and Lourdes. Below is a list of our core activities. 1. Pope John Paul II Award 2. Papal Cross Award 3. Summer Youth Pilgrimages to: World Youth Day in Rio de Janeiro Lourdes Taiz 4. Accredited Youth Work Training 5. Accredited Leadership Training for under 18s 6. Music Ministry 7. Youth Liturgies 8. Crossroads Youth Festival 9. Assume Summer Camp 10. Community Relations Work 11. School Retreats 12. Parish Support 13. School Support

Residentials/ Camps/ Pilgrimages Cd has taken 369 young people on 10 youth trips since 2005. It has become a particular area of expertise since 2008. Young people have ranged in age from 12-25. Year 2005 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 No. of Trips 1 1 1 1 2 4 No. of Young People 50 50 16 32 101 120

Assume Summer Camp 2013 Assume Summer Camp is a joint project with the Diocese of Armagh. This is our first year to embark on a summer camp. Please read the Assume Summer Camp brochure to learn a bit more about the trip. We aim to take 40 young people aged 12-14 on this camp. Accompanying them will be 6 leaders. Leaders from Clogher don ige Matthew McFadden Matthew has led 13 pilgrimages and taken 7 under 14 gaelic football teams on residential to the All Ireland Feile na ng. He is one of the most experienced leaders in Ireland when it comes to taking young people away on trips. He has a wealth of experience in dealing with any situations that might arise. Matthew is employed full time in youth ministry. Liza Hughes - This will be Lizas fourth time to lead a trip for young people. Liza is a trainee teacher and she specialises in youth ministry, drama and games. Killian Barrett - This will be Killians fifth time to lead a trip for young people. Killian is currently on a year out volunteering for Clogher don ige and intends to resume teacher training in September. Killian specialises in youth ministry, sport and games. Leaders will ensure a safe, caring and fun environment for children. A contract, guidelines and rules will be agreed with children at the first meeting of leaders and participants. Participants and leaders must adhere to these agreed contracts. Participants will have a group leader to whom they can bring any concerns. Leaders will have emergency contact phones should parents/guardians need to contact leaders in the case of an emergency. An information evening for parents/guardians will take place before the trip

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