Affirmative, Negative, and Questions Forms. and Questions Forms

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ACHIEVEMENT INDICATOR: Review the topics studied during the 1st term. The present workshop of reinforcement will have a value of 10 %; the works, folder, guides and the complete notebook with excellent presentation 5 % and the evaluation 75 % for a total of 90 %. Remember that the suitable development of the workshop will allow to reinforce the knowledge and hereby to be prepared for the Evaluation. It must be realized by hand, with excellent presentation. Before realizing the workshop, check and correct the notes, guides, quices and synthesis evaluation. 1. Put the verbs into the correct form using present 2. Write sentences using present continuous. A) simple. A) Write all the sentences in: Write all the sentences in: affirmative,negative, affirmative,negative, and questions forms. and questions forms. a. (he / drive to work every day) a. (we / go to the cinema later) b. (I / not / think youre right) b. (they / work now) c. (we / have enough time?) c. (you / not / walk) d. (I / eat cereal in the morning) d. (they / learn new things?) e. (they / write e-mails every day?) e. (when / he / start work?) f. (you / watch a lot of TV) f. (why / I / stay at home?) g. (he / not / read the newspaper) g. (it / get dark?) h. (she / dance often?) h. (we / not / win) i. (where / I / come on Mondays?) i. (they / not / bring a cake) j. (what / you / do at the weekend?) j. (the dog / not / play with a ball) 3. Write a story about things that people usually do every day using present simple. (15 lines long.) 4. Write a story telling what they are doing (present continuous)

5. Rewrite the letter completing the blanks using present simple or present continuous My name___ (to be) Peter; l___ (to live) in the suburbs of Boston with my family. Most people___ (to believe) we___(to be) rich because we____ (to live) in a big house. But our family___ (to seem) to be like any other one. Have a look: Maggy, my wife,___(to like) cooking. She___ (to enjoy) being in the kitchen with her friends. At the moment she___ (to make) a cake and you can't talk to her. What really___(to worry) her is our daughter who___ (to prefer) to chat in front of her computer instead of cooking with her. Like many teenagers, Jenny___ (to think) it___(to be) easier to get advice from someone you___ (not + to go to) see later. It's 5 pm. Paul, my son,___ (to play) basketball in the garden and I___ (to watch) TV, I___(to wait) for this delicious cake that Maggy___(to cook) . I told you, a family as yours. ' Peter. 6. Complete the letter using simple past or present perfect. a. Last night I ___ (lose) my keys I had to call my flatmate to let me in. b. I ____ (lose) my keys can you help me look for them? c. I ____ (visit) Paris three times. d. Last year I ___ (visit) Paris. e. I ___ (know) my great grandmother for a few years she died when I was eight. 7. Complete the sentences using ING FORMS OR INFINITIVES a. I can't afford____ (GO) on vacation right now. I've got too many expenses. b. If you happen___(COME) to Glasgow in summer, please give me a call! c. She doesn't mind___(HELP) us with the party. d. Lisa enjoys___(LOOK) around antique shops. e. We could go for a walk when you finish___(DO) your homework.

f. I ___ (know) Julie for three years. We still meet once a month. g. I ___(play) hockey since I was a child. Im pretty good! h. She ___ (play) hockey at school, but she ____ (not / like) it. i. Sorry, I ___ (miss) the bus, so Im going to be late. j. I __ (miss) the bus, and then I __ (miss) the aero plane as well!

f. We shouldn't forget___(CALL) her before we leave for the airport. g. I hope___(BECOME) an excellent lawyer one day. h. I can't stand___(HAVE) to do housework on Saturdays. It kills me! i. Do you fancy___(WATCH) a horror movie tonight? j. Luisa and Justin decided___(SPEND) their vacation in Italy

8. Complete the sentences using ed or ing forms of adjectives a. He's such a monotonous speaker. I was ___ stiff. f. The whole school was ___by the tragic event. (bored / boring) (saddened / saddening) b. Most sequels are ___ (disappointed / disappointing) g. I don't like watching ___films on my own. (depressed / depressing) c. Everyone is very ___about the news. (excited / exciting) h. I was ____when she told me she'd got divorced. (amazed / amazing) d. I had such a ____day I went straight to bed. (tired / tiring) i. He's such a ___guy. He only ever talks about himself. (bored / boring) e. That lamp produces a very ___effect. (pleased / j. I'm very ____ in films and theatre. (interested / pleasing) interesting)

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