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Q 1:-What is controlling? Explain various principles and steps in controlling

Q 2:-What is social responsibility of the business? Explain the responsibility of

business towards owner, employees, customers and society in detail?

Q 3:-Who is the leader of the business? Explain in detail the various qualities of
the leader and the various types of leaders and leadership?
Solution 1,

Definition:-“Controlling is a process of monitoring and performance and taking

corrective measures, if required.”

According to George Terry, “Controlling is determining what is being

accomplished that is, evaluating the performance and if necessary applying
corrective measures, so that the performance takes place according to the
plans.”Another example of controlling in the word of Robert, “Management
control is the process by which managers assure that resource are obtained and
used effectively and efficiently in the accomplishment of organization objectives.”

Various principles of controlling:-A good control system offers the following


 Guide to operation:-Control system guides the action of the organization.

Activities are undertaken in the right direction. It acts as a traffic signal post
and keeps the activities moving on the right track.

 Facilitates performance:-Controlling system facilitates employee appraisal.

The actual performance is measured in the light of the plans. The superior
can easily measured the performance of his subordinates and provide them
necessary performance feedback.

 Improves morale:-Employees are aware that their performance is reviewed

periodically. They will put in their best efforts to show better performance.
Thus, employee morale is improved because those employees who show
better performance are normally rewarded.

 Facilitates coordination:-Controlling facilities coordination among the

various department of the organization. Whenever there are any deviations,
the concerned departments come together to review and to take collective
and corrective measures.

 Higher efficiency:-Controlling brings in higher efficiency to the

organization. This is because of optimum utilization of resource and
minimization of wastages. Again, the right corrective measures are taken at
right time.
Steps in the control process:-Managers control activities by monitoring the
performance and checking it against planned targets. Thereby taking corrective
measures, if required.

The steps in the control process are as follows.

 Setting Targets:-While planning, managers, fix, targets that are to be

achieved by individuals and departments. Specific targets are generally set
for a definite period. For instant, the marketing department may set the
target to sell 10,000 units of a product during the month of March, 2007.

 Implementation of Targets:-The manager must make arrangement to

implementation of targets.

 Implementation involves:-

i) Organizing resource

ii) Directing the subordinates

 Measurement of performance:-Performance of individuals departments is

measured periodically. Necessary reports are prepared to indicate the
performance of individuals. The reports may be prepared section wise,
activity wise, and period wise.

 Finding the cause of deviations:-The manager may study the cause of

deviations, especially, when there are negative deviations. For instance, there
can be shortfall in sales. This may be due to any or many of the following

i) Poor advertising campaign.

ii) Poor dealer relationships.

iii) Problems with the quality of product etc.

 Review or follow-up:-The manager needs to review the corrective measures

to find out whether the corrective measures taken are in a position to correct
the deviation, if necessary. Additional, corrective measures may be taken, or
the targets may be set again.
Solution 2,

Social Responsibility:-Social responsibility is a nebulous idea and hence is defined

in various ways. Adolph Berle has defined social responsibility as the manager’s
responsiveness to public consensus. This means that there cannot be the same set
of social responsibilities applicable to all countries in all times. These would be
determined in each case by the customs, religions, traditions, level of
industrialization and a host of other norms and standards about which there is a
public consensus at any given time in a given society.

According to Keith Davis, the term ‘social responsibility refers to two types of
business obligations, viz.

a) The socio-economic obligation.

b) The socio-human obligation.

The socio-economic obligation of every business is to see that the economic

consequences of its action do not adversely affect public welfare. This includes
obligations to promote employment opportunities, to maintain competition, to curb
inflation etc.The socio-human obligations of every business are to nature and
develop human values (such as morale, copration, motivation and self-realization
in work).

Every business firm is part of a total economic and political system and not an
island without foreign relations. It is at the centre of a network of relationships to
person, groups and things, ‘pie business should, therefore, consider the impact of
his actions on all to which he is related. He should operate his business as a trustee
for the benefit of his employees, investors, to ensure that each gets a square deals
and that nobody’s interested are unduly sacrificed to those of others.

The changing image of business in recent years has lent further support to the
idea of social responsibility. Some public opinion polls of the 1960s and 1970s in
the United States have left the businessman disenchanted. These polls have
revealed that the businessman is viewed as an individual who does not care for
others, who ignores social problems, who preys upon the population, who exploits
labour and who is a selfish money grabber. On the other hand, until these opinions
were unveiled, the businessman in America believed that others viewed him as he
viewed himself as a practical, down to earth, hard working, broadminded,
progressive, interesting, and a competitive free enterpriser. He believed that all
others in society looked up to him as a self sacrificing community leader, pillar of
society, generous to a fault , great supporter of education ,patron of the arts, and in
short ,the salt of the earth. Indeed the businessman in the pre-poll days thought of
himself as a happy mix between Plato, Gandhi, and Churchill.

Every businessman is at the center of a network of relationships, which consist

of those between him at one end and his workers, employees, consumers,
shareholders, other businesses, community and the government on the other. A
businessman’s social responsibilities to each of these parties are briefly enumerated

Responsibility towards the Consumer and the Society:-

 Production of cheap and better quality goods and services by developing

new skills, innovations and techniques, by locating and markets as proper
places and by rationalizing the use of capital and labour.

 Leaving out seasonal variations in employment and production through

accurate forecasts, production scheduling and product diversification.

 Deciding priorities of production in the country’s interest and conserving

natural resources.

 Avoiding ostentation.

 Honoring contracts and following trade practices.

 Some important but dishonest trade practices are making misleading

advertisements calculated to deceive the purchaser, misbranding of articles
with respect to their marerial,ingredients quality, origin etc.Selling rebuilt or
secondhand goods as new procuring business or trade secrets of competitors
by espionage, bribery or other means restraining free and fair competition by
entering into combination agreements using containers that do not give a
correct idea of the weight and quantity of a product making false claim of
being an ‘authorized dealer’, ‘manufacturer’ or ‘importer’ of certain goods,
giving product misleading names so as to give them a value which they do
not possess, declaring oneself insolvent through questionable financial

 Preventing the creation of monopolies. Monopolies are bad in that they

make the community face high price, short supply and inferior quality of
goods. Inequalities of wealth distribution are accentuated and the standard of
public morality deteriorate as bribing the judges, legislators and the
government to gain favors becomes very common.

 Providing for after sale servicing.

 Ensuring hygienic deposal of smoke and waste and voluntarily assisting in

making the town environment aesthetically satisfying.

 Achieving better public relations (that is, creating a more favorable attitude
towards the enterprise) through education and other means.

 Providing to the community, true, adequate, and easily intelligible

information about its working.

Responsibility towards Employees and Workers:-

 A fair wage to the workers, which is possible only when the businessman is
willing to accept a voluntary ceiling on his own profits.

 Just selection, training and promotion.

 Satisfying conditions of work and social security measures.

 Good human relations.

 Freedom, self respect and self realization. A businessman should devote his
knowledge and ability not only to making his workers life more affluent, but
also to making it more satisfying and rewarding. There should be awareness
that the quality of man’s life is as important as the quantity of his material
 Increase in productivity and efficiency by recognitions by providing
opportunities for creative talent and incentives.

Solution 3,
A Manager is the original leader of the business. Leadership is the art of
influencing others to direct their will, abilities and efforts towards the achievement
of leader’s goal.
According to R. J. House, leadership is "the ability of an individual to
influence, motivate, and enable others to contribute toward the effectiveness and
success of the organizations of which they are members". No matter how one
defines leadership, it typically involves an element of vision. A vision provides
direction to the influence process. A leader (or group of leaders) can have one or
more visions of the future to aid them to move a group successfully towards this
A manager is chiefly concerned with setting objectives and goals, developing
plans, strategies, policies etc.Making job assignment, co-ordinating and
controlling. His main task is to integrate the individuals and formal groups with the
organization. So, as to optimize their efforts for the achievement of the enterprise
goals that depends upon the ability to:

 Understand that people are different in their motivational patterns and

individual is also subject to change form time to time.
 Gain an understanding of group dynamics.
 Stimulate and inspire employees as individuals and group goals their
optimum contribution to organizational efficiency and effectiveness.
 Make sense of changing environment, interpret it to employees and redirect
their efforts to adapt to changing situations.
Characteristics of Leader:-
 Leadership implies the existence of follower. As a leader he should have
some kind of quality, those are strong commitment. By answering of
questions he does have some kind of follower. A leader is always related
with upward and downward in his organization.
 Leadership involves a community of interest between the leader and his
followers. The objective of both the leader and his men are one and the
same. On the word of G.R Terry, “Leadership is the activity of influencing
people to strive willing for mutual objectives.”
 Unequal distribution of authority among leader and group members. The
group members should obey the direction of leader. They can’t similarly
direct the leader’s activities
Quality of Good Leader:-
 Good Personality:-Personality is the sum totals of physical, mental and
social qualities, Successful leader do have good personality.
 Intelligence:-A leader should have good educational or technical
knowledge. He need to have superior knowledge’s than that of his followers.
 Initiative:-Leaders need to have the quality of initiative. They should be in
right position for doing right things at right time.
 Innovative:-A leader needs to have an innovative mind. He should have the
imagination of thinking new ideas.
 Communication Skill:-Good leaders are effective communicat.His followers
should understand his directions by communicating.
 Human Skills:-The knowledge of human skill is very important to the
leader as he constantly interacts with his followers.
 Administrative Skill:- He should have the ability to plan ,to direct ,to control
the activities of his group.
 Patience:-He should have to take appropriate decision not hasty. He also
needs to have patience to listen the various complaints of his followers.

Types of Leader and Leadership:-

According to the Fidwin Flippo, “Leadership style is a pattern of behaviors
designed to integrate organization and personal interest in percent of some
 Auto critic style :-In this kind of style ,who takes all decision by himself and
expect to be obeyed by his subordinators.
 Burial critic style:-These kinds of styles are more followed by government
 Consultative style:-Lead or consult with his subordinate before taking
 Participative style:-The leader not only consults the subordinates but also
allows them to take part in decision making.
 Socio critic style:-Socio critic attempts to run their organization like a social
 Situational style:-Now a days in most will managed organization the
manager follow situational leadership style ,this means the leadership style
various depending upon the situations.
Individuality of Successful Leader:-Following are the characteristics of leader.
 Leadership implies the existence of followers:-We appraise the quality of a
person’s leadership in practice by studying his followers. We ask how many
and what kind of followers does he have? How strong is their commitment
as a result of his leadership? How long wills their commitment last? By
answering questions of this nature we get to know the quality of leadership.
We must know, however, forget that leaders within organization are also
followers. The supervisor work for a branch head, who work for a division
manager ,who work for the vice-president of the department and so
on.Thus,in formal organization of several levels ,a leader has to be able to
wear both hast gracefully, to be able to relate him self both upward and
 Leadership involves a community of interest between the leader and his
followers:-In other words, the objectives of both the leader and his men are
one and the same. If the leader strives for one purpose and his team of
workers for some other purpose, it is no leadership. In the word of
G.R.Terry, “Leadership is the activity of influencing people to strive
willingly for mutual objective.”
 Leadership involves an imbalanced distribution of authority among
leaders and group members:-Leaders can direct some of the activities of
group members that are the group members are compelled or are willing to
obey most of the leader’s directions. The group members cannot similarly
direct the leader’s activities; through they will obviously affect those
activities in a numbers of ways.
 Leadership implies that leaders can control their follower or subordinates
in addition to being able to give their followers or subordinates rightful
direction:-In the words, leader not only can tell their subordinates what to do
by way of command but can also influence by their behavior and
conduct.Urwick has rightly said, “It is not what a leader says, still less what
he writes, that influences subordinates. It is what he is. And they judge what
he is by what he does and how he behaves.

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