Radiation Transfer

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RADIATION HEAT EXCHANGE BETWEEN SURFACES Determination of Heat Exchange Between Black Surfaces Electrical Network Analogy for Blackbody Heat Exchange
Rewrite the Stefan-Boltzmann result for radiation exchange between two black surfaces

& 1- 2 = S1F1- 2 ( Eb1 Eb 2 ) Q

into a form:

( Eb1 Eb 2 ) & Q1- 2 = 1 S1F1- 2

As for the heat conduction, analogy with Ohm's law:

&1 2 = current Q

E b = potential
1 = space resistance, related to a good view S1F1 2 how the objects see each other
Radiation network: A circuit representing the exchange equation is shown below:
Eb1 = T14
&1 2 Q

Eb 2 = T24

&1 Q

&2 Q

( Eb1 Eb 2 ) & Q1- 2 = 1 S1F1- 2


Radiation network for an enclosure of black surfaces An enclosure of 3 black surfaces.

2 1 3

Each surface is at temperatures T1, T2 and T3 or potentials Eb1, Eb2 and Eb3. Each surface exchanges radiation with other surfaces that it "sees"
R= R= 1 S1F1 2 R= 1 S1F13 1 S 2 F23

& i = net heat leaving surface i Q

= sum of heat exchanged with all surfaces


Apply Stefan-Boltzmann result and sum

R= R= 1 S1F1 2 R= 1 S1F13 1 S 2 F23

Eb1 Eb 2 Eb1 Eb 3 & Q1 = + 1 S1F1- 2 1 S1F1- 3

&1 = S1F1 j (Eb1 Ebj ) = S1F1 j (T14 T j4 ) Q

3 3 j =1 j =1


&1 = Q

Eb1 Ebj S1F1 j

2 3 1
1 3

j =1 1

&1 + Q &2 + Q &3 = 0 For steady state: Q

Figure (a)

Apply Stefan-Boltzmann result for n surfaces

& i = S i Fi j (Ebi Ebj ) Q
n j =1


&i = Q

Ebi Ebj S i Fi j

j =1 1

Fig. 10.6

&1 + Q &2 + Q & 3 + ... + Q & i + .... + Q &n = 0 For steady state: Q

Radiation Exchange Between Gray Surfaces

A graybody absorbs and reflects radiation
Objectives: (1) Determine the net heat transfer from each surface (2) Determine the heat transfer between any two surfaces in a multi-surface enclosure Types of problems: Two: (1) Specified surface temperature: Determine heat rate (2) Specified surface heat rate or insulated surface: Determine surface temperature

Assumptions: Opaque surface, = 0 Gray surfaces, a = , r = 1 - a = 1 - Nonparticipating medium Uniform surface temperature Uniform surface emissivity Diffuse emission, irradiation and reflection Procedure: (1) Define node, surface heat flux and surface resistance (2) Introduce the concept of radiation network and electrical circuit analogy (3) Apply the network method to radiation exchange in (i) Two-surface enclosure (ii) Three- and multi-surface enclosures

For the ith surface of an enclosure:


rG G

E i = emissive power W/m2 Gi = irradiation W/m2 J i = radiosity W/m2 q &i = net flux leaving surface [W/m2] (difference between what hits the surface and what leaves it)
At the fictitious surface: Incoming irradiation = Gi Outgoing radiosity = J i

tG G
Fig. 10.2

J i qi Gi ith surface

fictitious surface

From the definition of J i :

J i = Ei + ri Gi


ri = 1 ai = 1 i

and i = E i / E bi

(a) becomes Solve for Gi


J i = i Ebi + (1 i )Gi J i i Ebi Gi = 1 i

bs tit

Conservation of energy at the fictitious surface:

q & i = J i Gi


&i = q &i .S and express radiation heat rate Q

Ebi J i & Qi = 1 i i S


Ebi J i & Qi = Ri 1 i Ri = Si i


Ji fictitious surface ith surface Ebi

1 Ri = S i i i

& i = current Q Ri = resistance ( E bi J i ) = potential drop


Ri is known as surface resistance The drop ( E bi J i ) takes place at surface & i from (a), must know the radiosity To determine Q Ji

Two-Surface Enclosures
Enclosure is formed by two gray surfaces Uniform emissivity Uniform surface temperature
Q 12 Eb 2 , T2 , 2


fictitious surface


E b1 , T1 , 1


Examples: (1) Two infinitely large parallel plates (2) Two infinitely long concentric cylinders (3) A convex body enclosed by a surface

Given: Temperature, emissivity and area of each surface &12 between Objective: Determine the net heat exchange Q the two surfaces Conservation of energy at each surface & 1- 2 = Q &1 = Q &2 Q

&1 = energy added at the back of surfaces 1 Q & 2 = energy added at the back of surfaces 2 Q
Sign convention: Heat entering enclosure is positive Heat leaving enclosure is negative

Apply (a) to each surface & 1 = ( Eb1 J1 ) R1 Q

& 2 = ( Eb 2 J 2 ) R2 Q

R1 and R2 are surface resistances

1 1 1 2 R1 = R2 = S 1 1 S 2 2 we have three equations for four unknowns &1, Q & 2 . Need a 4th equation. J1, J 2 , Q
Consider radiation exchange between the fictitious surfaces:

&1 2 = fraction of J leaving 1 and reaching 2 Q 1 - fraction of J 2 leaving 2 and reaching 2


&1 2 = S1F1 2 J1 S2 F21J 2 Q

Compare equation for two black surfaces: & 1- 2 = S1F1- 2 Eb1 S2 F2-1 Eb 2 Q For a gray surface radiosity J i replaces blackbody emissive power E bi

The fictitious surfaces act as if they were black surfaces with potentials J 1 and J 2 instead of E b1 and E b 2
Use the reciprocal rule

& 1-2 = S1F1- 2 ( J1 J 2 ) Q


J1 J 2 J1 J 2 & Q12 = = 1 S1F1- 2 R1- 2

R1 2= the space or view resistance defined as 1 R1- 2 = S1F1- 2 &1 2. We have the 4th equation for determining Q And can complement the network: & 1 = ( Eb1 J1 ) R1 Q & 2 = ( Eb 2 J 2 ) R2 Q
& 12 = (J1 J 2 ) R1- 2 Q & 1- 2 = Q Eb1 Eb 2 R1 + R12 + R2
&1 Q
&1 2 Q

&2 Q


Use Stefan-Boltzmann law and definitions of resistances

& 1- 2 = Q & 1 = Q &2 = Q

(1 1 ) 1 (1 2 ) + + 1 S1 S1 F1- 2 2 S2

(T14 T24 )


This result applies to any two-surface enclosure, based on: (1) Gray surfaces, a = (2) Opaque surfaces, t = 0 (3) Diffuse emission, absorption, irradiation and reflection (4) Uniform emissivity and temperature for each surface (5) Nonparticipating medium

Radiation network
& 1- 2 = Q & 1 = Q &2 = Q

(1 1 ) 1 (1 2 ) + + 1 S1 S1 F1- 2 2 S2
1 S1F1-2

(T14 T24 )


11 Eb1 S11




1 2 S2 2

Eb 2


A gray surface adds a surface resistance The configuration of the two surfaces is reflected in the view factor F12 Equation (A) will be applied to three special cases:

(1) Infinitely large parallel plates: F1 2 = 1 S1 = S2 = S

4 4 ( ) S T T 1 2 & Q1 2 = 1 1 + 1 2 1

(2) Infinitely long concentric cylinders or concentric spheres: S2 surrounds S1, F1 2 = 1

4 4 S ( T T ) 1 1 2 & Q1- 2 = 1 / 1 + ( S1 S 2 )(1 2 ) / 2

(3) Small convex surface S1 surrounded by very large surface S2 S1 / S 2 0 and F1 2 = 1

& 1- 2 = S1 1 (T14 T24 ) Q

Radiation Shields
Radiation shield: Used to reduce radiation heat transfer Example: Place a radiation shield between two large parallel plates

J 1

31 32

J 31 J 32 J 2
shield 3

There are 6 resistances: 2 space and 4 surface



J1 1 1
S 1 1

J 3-1

Eb 3

J 3-2 1 3-2
S 3 3-2


Eb 2 1 2
S 2 2

1 S 1F1-3

1 3-1
S 3 3-1

1 S 3 F3-2

&1 2: Ohms analogy gives the net heat transfer rate Q

4 4 T T 1 2 & 1- 2 = Q (1 1 ) + 1 + (1 3-1 ) + (1 3-2 ) + 1 + (1 2 ) S1 1 S1F1- 3 S 3 3-1 S 3 3- 2 S 3 F3- 2 S 2 2


For large parallel plates: S1 = S2 = S3 = S and F13 = F3 2 = 1

4 4 S T T ( ) 1 2 & Q1- 2 = 1 1 + 1 2 + 1 3-1 + 1 3- 2 2

For concentric cylinders and spheres F13 = F3 2 = 1

& 1- 2 = Q

1 1 + ( S1 S 2 )(1 2 1) + ( S1 S 3 )(1 3-1 + 1 3- 2 1)

S1 T14 T24

NOTE: Additional parallel shields reduces the heat loss further Each added shield adds three resistances

If all surfaces have the same emissivity: One shield reduces the heat transfer rate by a factor of 2
N shields reduce the heat rate by a factor of (N + 1)
T1 T3 T2

How we can determine the shield temperature? Lets assume identical emissivities 1 = 2 = 3 =

T14 T24 T34 T24 q = &= 1 1 1 1 + 1 + 1 1 3 3 2


1 4 = T1 T24 2


Three-Surface Enclosures - gray

T3, S3, 3

Given: Temperature, emissivity and area of each surface Objective: Determine the heat transfer rate supplied at the back of
each surface:



T1, S1, 1

&1 , Q & 2 ,Q &3 Q


Assumptions: (1) Gray surfaces, a = (2) Opaque surfaces, t = 0 (3) Diffuse emission, absorption, irradiation and reflection (4) Uniform emissivity and temperature for each surface (5) Nonparticipating medium T
T3, S3, 3


For each surface, we can write an equation

T1, S1, 1

Ebi J i & Qi = Ri

Eb1 J1 & Q1 = R1

Eb 2 J 2 & Q2 = R2

Eb3 J 3 & Q3 = R3

Conservation of energy at each node: 1

T14 J1 J1 J 2 J1 J 3 = + 1 1 1 1 S11 S1F1 2 S1F1 3 T24 J 2 J 2 J1 J 2 J 3 = + 1 2 1 1 S 2 2 S 2 F21 S 2 F2 3 T34 J 3 J 3 J1 J 3 J 2 = + 1 3 1 1 S33 S3F31 S3F3 2

We have three unknown radiosities J1, J2, J3. Solutions to these equations give their values.


Lets proceed from the definition of radiosity:

T3, S3, 3

J 1 = 1T14 + (1 1 )G1



G1 S1 = J 1 S1 F11 + J 2 S 2 F2 1 + J 3 S 3 F3 1
Using reciprocity rule

T1, S1, 1

G1 S1 = J 1 S1 F11 + J 2 S1 F1 2 + J 3 S1 F1 3
After substituting for G1 :

J 1 = 1T14 + (1 1 )(J 1 F11 + J 2 F1 2 + J 3 F1 3 ) 14444 4 244444 3


Similarly for surfaces 2 and 3:

J 2 = 2T24 + (1 2 )(J1F21 + J 2 F2 2 + J 3 F2 3 ) 14444 4 24444 4 3 J 3 = 3T34

G2 + (1 3 )(J1F31 + J 2 F3 2 + J 3 F3 3 ) 14444 4 24444 4 3 G3

T3, S3, 3



Adding the equation for surface 1:

T1, S1, 1

J 1 = 1T14 + (1 1 )(J 1 F11 + J 2 F1 2 + J 3 F1 3 ) 14444 4 244444 3


we have a complete set of equations for radiosities J1, J2, J3:


J 1 = 1T14

+ (1 1 ) J j F1 j
T3, S3, 3

j =1



J 2 = 2 T24
J 3 = 3T34

+ (1 2 ) J j F2 j
j =1

+ (1 3 ) J j F3 j
j =1

T1, S1, 1

Now we can return to the equations for conservation of energy in the individual nodes


Conservation of energy at each node:

4 J1 J1 J 2 J1 J 3 T 1 & 1 Q1 = 1 1 = 1 + 1 S11 S1F1 2 S1F1 3 4 J 2 J 2 J1 J 2 J 3 T 2 & = + 2 Q2 = 1 1 1 2 S 2 2 S 2 F21 S 2 F2 3

4 T J 3 J 3 J1 J 3 J 2 3 & Q3 = = + 3 1 3 1 1 S33 S3F31 S3F3 2


Three-Surface Enclosures with an Insulated Surface - Refractor

T1 , Eb1 , 1

J 1

insulation T3 , Eb 3 , 3 J 3 3


&1, Q & 2 and Q &12 Find T3 , Q

The insulated surface is called a re-radiating surface or refractor

J2 2 T2 , Eb 2 , 2
Fig. 10.17a

2 3



Lets first remind the gray body surface:

4 T Ji i & Qi = = S i ( J i Gi ) 1 i S i i

Ji fictitious surface ith surface Ebi

1 Ri = S i i i

radiation that leaves the surface

radiation that irradiates the surface


energy deficit must be compensated &i for by heating the surface Q

&i = Q &3 = 0 In case of a refractor, i.e. insulated surface: Q

Ebi = Ti4 = J i = Gi

J i = i Ti4 + (1 i )Gi

T2, S2, 2
2 3 1


T1, S1, 1

& 1 can be written as a radiative heat transfer rate between Q

two potentials - Eb1 and Eb2 . From node J1 the heat flux follows two paths (a) and (b).

& 1 = Q &2 = Q & 1 2 Q

Eb1 Eb2 & 1 = Q &2 = Q 1 1 1 2 + Rekv + S 1 1 S 2 2

1 1 1 = + Rekv Ra Rb

1 Ra = S1 F1 2 1 1 Rb = + S1 F1 R S 2 F2 R

& 1 = Q &2 = Q

1 1 + S 1 1

Eb1 Eb2 1 1 S1 F1 2 + S1 F1 R

1 2 + 1 S 2 2 1 + S 2 F2 R

To determine the refractor surface temperature TR, the radiosity JR must be determined.
4 EbR = TR = J R = GR

From the energy balance in the R node it follows:

J R J1 J R J 2 & QR = 0 = + 1 1 S1 F1 R S 2 F2 R


Radiosities J1 and J2 are determined from nodes 1 and 2:

4 1 1 J1 T 4 1 & & J 1 = T1 Q1 Q1 = 1 1 S1 1 S 11 4 1 2 T J 4 2 2 & &2 = Q J 2 = T2 Q 2 1 2 S 2 2 S 2 2

In case of identical surfaces 1 and 2 and their view factors:

J R J1 J R J 2 4 & QR = 0 = + J R = J 1 + J 2 = TR 1 1 2 S1 F1 R S 2 F2 R JR 4 TR =


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