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MEEN 651 Summer 2004 1) Solution:

G(s) = b s n 1 + ... + bn Y ( s) = n 1 n 1 U ( s ) s + a1 s + ... + a n a2 0 ... ... ... a n 3 / 5 1 / 5 4 / 5 ... 0 = 1 0 0 ; ... ... 1 0 0 1 0

Homework No. 7 July 23, 2004

a1 1 A= ... 0

1 B= 0 ; 0 C = [b1 ... bn ] = [0 2 / 5 2].

2) Solution: For model (1), the eigenvalues s , right eigenvectors x and left eigenvectors y H are given by
s = [- 0.4528 + 2.2477i x = [x1 - 0.4528 - 2.2477i 1.0995 3.8060] 0.0418 0.1113 0.9200 - 0.3734 0.2417 + 0.2944i - 0.2111 0.2417 - 0.2944i - 0.0984 - 0.2459i - 0.0984 + 0.2459i 0.4922 x4 ] = - 0.2937 + 0.0392i - 0.2937 - 0.0392i 0.2536 0.8348 0.8348 - 0.8056




y1 H - 1.0368 + 1.7572i 1.3002 - 0.1223i 0.3697 - 0.3236i 1.1824 - 0.6370i H y 2 - 1.0368 - 1.7572i 1.3002 + 0.1223i 0.3697 + 0.3236i 1.1824 + 0.6370i = = y H - 2.1915 + 0.0000i 2.6539 - 0.0000i 0.1902 - 0.0000i 1.0142 - 0.0000i 3 H y4 0.0918 + 0.0000i 0.0883 - 0.0000i 1.2430 - 0.0000i 0.4212 - 0.0000i

y1H * B = -3.1497 + 2.1929i 0 y 2H * B = -3.1497 - 2.1929i 0 y 3H * B = -5.6693 0 y 3H * B = 0.8253 0 Thus, the system is completely controllable and stabilizable.

MEEN 651 Summer 2004

Homework No. 7 July 23, 2004

For model (2), the eigenvalues s , right eigenvectors x and left eigenvectors y H are given by
s = [- 2 1] x = [x1 yH - 0.7071 x2 ] = 0.7071 y H - 0.9428 = 1H = y 2 - 0.7454 - 0.4472 - 0.8944 0.4714 - 0.7454

y1H * B = - 1.4142
H y2 *B =0

The system mode 2 is uncontrollable, and mode 2 is unstable, thus system is unstabilizable.

3) Solution: For model (1), the eigenvalues s , right eigenvectors x are given by

s = [- 2 1] - 0.8944 - 0.7071 x2 ] = 0.4472 - 0.70714 C * x1 = -1.3416 x = [x1 C * x2 = 0

The system is not completely observable; mode 2 is unobservable and unstable, thus system is undetectable. For model (2), the eigenvalues s , right eigenvectors x are given by

s = [- 2 - 1 - 5] - 0.8944 0.7071 0 x = [x1 x 2 x3 ] = 0.4472 - 0.7071 0 0 1 0 C * x1 = - 1.3416 C * x 2 = 1.4142 C * x3 = 1

Thus the system is completely observable and detectable. 4) Solution:

MEEN 651 Summer 2004 (a) We first compute the controllability matrix C

Homework No. 7 July 23, 2004

Since the system is completely controllable if and only if C has maximum rank, then the system is completely controllable if and only if 0 .

(b) The transfer function is given by

The system zero is located at s = -2+. Cancellation occurs if and only if this is also a pole of the system. To analyze that condition we substitute s = -2+ in the denominator. The result is (1- ). This proves that = 0 is sufficient to have a pole-zero cancellation. However we also see that the same happens if = 1. For this value of , the system is completely controllable ( C is full rank). Notwithstanding this, the system is not completely observable as it can be verified computing the observability matrix, O , as

which has rank 1. We conclude that = 0 is sufficient, but no necessary for the system transfer function to have a pole zero cancellation, since = 1 also yields a cancellation. The first case corresponds to a deficiency in controllability, while the second case corresponds to a lack of observability.

5) Solution: (a) The system pole is given by the eigenvalues of the matrix A Poles: -3,1 and 4. Because of the RHP poles, system is unstable. (b) System properties:

MEEN 651 Summer 2004

Homework No. 7 July 23, 2004

The eigenvalues s , right eigenvectors x and left eigenvectors y H are given by

s = [- 3 1 4] x = [x1 x2 - 0.9487 - 0.7071 0 x3 ] = 0.3162 - 0.7071 0 0 0 1 0.7906 0 - 1.0607 0 0 1

y1H - 0.7906 y = y 2H = - 0.3536 H y3 0 C * x1 = - 1.2649 C * x2 = 0 C * x3 = 1 y1H * B = 0 y 2H * B = -1.4142 y 3H * B = 1

1. Controllability,

Clearly, the mode 1 is uncontrollable, thus system is not completely controllable. 2. Mode 1 is unstable and uncontrollable, thus system is unstabilizable. 3. Observability, Clearly, the mode 2 is unobservable, thus system is unobservable. 4. Mode 2 is unstable and unobservable, thus system is undetectable.

6) Solution:

& = FX We are given X

& = 0 and a step input (or + Gu , Steady-state means that X


unit step) means u = 1(t). Thus, assuming that F is invertible, we have

0 = FX ss + G X ss

5 1 0 1 / 8 = F G = = . 3 1 1 5 / 8

1 / 8 Yss = X ss = . 5 / 8

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