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Clinical Medications Worksheets

Generic Name Trade Name Classification Dose Route Time/frequency

Glyburide Micronase Antidiabetics 5mg PO Q day
Peak Onset Duration Normal dosage range
1.5-3 hr 45-60 24hr 2.5-5 mg once daily initially (range 1.25-20 mg/day)
Why is your patient getting this medication For IV meds, compatibility with IV drips and/or solutions
Gestational DM N/A
Mechanism of action and indications Nursing Implications (what to focus on)
(Why med ordered) Contraindications/warnings/interactions
Lowers blood sugar by stimulating the release of insulin from Hypersensitivity, hypersensitivity to sulfonamides, uncontrolled
the pancreas and increasing the sensitivity to insulin at receptor infection, serious burns, or trauma. Use cautiously in pregnancy or
sites. May also decrease hepatic glucose production. lactation (safety not established; insulin recommended during
Common side effects
Photosensitivity, hypoglycemia, APLASTIC ANEMIA
Interactions with other patient drugs, OTC or herbal Lab value alterations caused by medicine
medicines (ask patient specifically) Monitor serum glucose and glycosylated hemoglobin periodically
None known for this patient during therapy to evaluate effectiveness. Monitor CBC periodically
during therapy. Report ↓ in blood counts promptly. May cause an ↑ in
AST, LDH, BUN, and serum creatinine.
Be sure to teach the patient the following about this medication
Instruct patient to take medication at same time each day. Take missed
doses as soon as remembered unless almost time for next dose. Do not
take if unable to eat. Review signs of hypoglycemia and
hyperglycemia with patient. If hypoglycemia occurs, advise patient to
drink a glass of orange juice or ingest 2-3 tsp of sugar, honey, or corn
syrup dissolved in water or an appropriate number of glucose tablets
and notify health care professional. May occasionally cause dizziness
or drowsiness. Caution patient to avoid driving or other activities
requiring alertness until response to medication is known. Insulin is
the recommended method of controlling blood sugar during pregnancy.
Counsel female patients to use a form of contraception other than oral
contraceptives and to notify health care professional promptly if
pregnancy is planned or suspected. Advise patient to carry a form of
sugar (sugar packets, candy) and identification describing disease
process and medication regimen at all times. Advise patient to notify
health care professional promptly if unusual weight gain, swelling of
ankles, drowsiness, shortness of breath, muscle cramps, weakness, sore
throat, rash, or unusual bleeding or bruising occurs.
Nursing Process- Assessment Assessment Evaluation
(Pre-administration assessment) Why would you hold or not give this med? Check after giving
Observe for signs and symptoms of hypoglycemic Overdose is manifested by symptoms of Blood glucose level maintained
reactions (sweating, hunger, weakness, dizziness, hypoglycemia. Mild hypoglycemia may be WNL
tremor, tachycardia, anxiety). Patients on treated with administration of oral glucose.
concurrent beta-blocker therapy may have very Severe hypoglycemia should be treated with
subtle signs and symptoms of hypoglycemia. IV D50W followed by continuous IV infusion
Assess patient for allergy to sulfonamides. of more dilute dextrose solution at a rate
sufficient to keep serum glucose at
approximately 100 mg/dl

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