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Church of the Holy Family

The Episcopal Church in Mills River

Fourth Sunday after Pentecost June 16, 2013

Please observe silence after the Altar Candles are lit

A bell rings three times; the people stand.

Hymn #410 Invitatory

Praise My Soul the King of Heaven BCP pg. 80

Hymn S-35 Venite Psalm 5:1-8 spoken Insert Insert BCP pg. 86 Insert BCP pg. 88 Theres a Wideness

I Kings 21:1-10, 15-21a Canticle 10 Galatians 2:15-21 Canticle 12 Hymn # 470

The Holy Gospel: Luke 7:36-8:3

The Sermon The Apostles Creed Suffrages A The Collects

The Rev. Ruth Clausen BCP pg. 96 BCP pg. 97 BCP pg. 98

The Peace (Sung to the tune of Hymn #304, Land of Rest) When charity and love prevail there God is ever found; Brought here together by Christs love by love are we thus bound. With grateful love and holy fear his charity we learn; Let us with heart and mind and strength now love him in return. Forgive we now each others faults as we our faults confess; And let us love each other well in Christian holiness. Offertory Hymn #397 Now Thank We All Our God

All Baptized Persons are invited to receive Holy Communion

Healing Prayer is available at the right rear of the church

The Great Thanksgiving: Eucharistic Prayer C Hymn #S-130 Holy, Holy, Holy Lord

BCP pg. 369 Sanctus

The Lords Prayer (contemporary) Hymn #691 My Faith Looks Up To Thee BCP pg. 101

The General Thanksgiving Announcements The Blessing

Hymn #411 The Dismissal

O Bless the Lord My Soul

Hospitality and Fellowship We give thanks for those who serve God and us today. Altar Server Altar Guild OT Reader NT Reader Prayer Team Linda B Carol B/Diane C Molly P Diane C Molly P Chalicist Listener Intercessor Usher Counters Diane C Carol B Dick S Liz Sm/Linda C Cissy F/Michele B

This week at Holy Family June 17 through June 23

Thursday Next Sunday 1:30 pm Book Study 10:00 am Holy Eucharist

~Announcements and Events~

Thanks to the Rev. Ruth Clausen for preaching and celebrating today! Rob+ is the chaplain at Camp Henry for the week, along with Sam Bailes. Our lunch servers at the Hendersonville Rescue Mission on Thursday, June 20 from 11:50 to 12:45 are Muriel Flynn and Molly Pace. Reading Enrichment Program at La Capilla: La Capilla has invited us again this summer to join with them in providing reading enrichment for the children there. We will be with them Mondays and Wednesdays from 9:45 to 11:30 for the last week of June and 4 weeks of July. If you like to read with children you are invited to participate in this ministry. Please check your calendars to see if you can help us on these dates:

Monday, July 15 and Wednesdays: June 26, July 3, 10, 17, and 24. Sign up sheet is in the hall, for questions see Michele Burnette or email her ( Please stay after the coffee hour for the Green Teams final presentation on Environmental Justice given by Cindy Gaffney. This will last no more than 30 minutes. There is a change of plans for the Holy Family lunch! It will be at Lake Pointe Landing at 333 Thompson St., Hendersonville, this Wednesday, June 19 at noon instead of 1:00. Sign up on the information table. Evie. Sunday June 30th: The first outdoor service of the year will be held in the Pavilion. We will be having a Pot Luck Picnic afterwards. This is a great opportunity to have fun and see the results of the hard work put in by the Streamkeepers in the buffer zone on Boylston Creek. Father Rob will be attending the 3rd Wild Goose Festival, to be held in Hot Springs NC on August 8-11. Think about joining him and Linda Sue Barnes for a long weekend just north of Asheville! Scheduled speakers include Krista Tippett, Philip Yancey, Phyllis Tickle, Nadia Bolz-Weber, Brian McLaren, and music groups include The Indigo Girls. Information is on the Bulletin Board. In his new position as Episcopal Chaplain to the University of North Carolina in Asheville, Rob will be attending the Episcopal Young Adult and Campus Missions Conference in Chicago on June 26-29 The Thursday Adult Formation class will meet this week to begin a study of Speaking Christian: Why Christian Words Have Lost Their Meaning and Power by Marcus Borg. The class meets every Thursday from 1:30-3 pm at Holy Family. You are invited to join in! The book is available on line at Barnes and Noble. Liz Spahr will deliver the altar flowers for the Flower Ministry this morning after the service. The new Rescue Mission Schedule is on the Bulletin Board. Thank you for signing up!

The people of Holy Family, Ministers The Rt. Rev. G. Porter Taylor, Bishop The Rev. Robert Lundquist, Rector The Rev. Diane Livingston, Deacon The Rev. Posy Jackson, Honorary Associate The Church of the Holy Family is a parish of the Episcopal Church in the Diocese of Western North Carolina Mail: 419 Turnpike Road, Mills River, NC 28759 Phone: (828) 891-9375 Website: Vestry
Liz Spahr [14] Senior Warden, Robert Miller [15] Junior Warden Carol Braud [13], Michele Burnette [13], Cissy Ford [15], Cindy Gaffney [15], Jim Neal [14], Susan Seacord [13], Dick Smith [14] Ellery Aldrich, Office Minister Molly Pace, President Daughters of the King Louise Rooney, Altar Guild Coordinator Mary Frances Burkett, LEM Coordinator Terri Karlsson, Music Minister Jaye Peterson, Flower Chair Dick Smith, Treasurer Michele Burnette, Outreach Chair

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