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(Illustrative Example Only) ANNEX A


Name of Accountable Officer : ___________________________________ Position/Designation: Administrative Officer V/Special Disbursing Officer CASH ADVANCES: Date 200__ Beg. Balance 0210 Jan. 15 0261 Feb. 15 0311 Mar. 20 0361 Apr. 2 0391 July 14 0481 Oct. 10 0501 Oct. 20 Total Cash Advances CA Voucher No. Check No. Purpose* Amount NONE P 300,000.00 400,000.00 500,000.00 400,000.00 500,000.00 300,000.00 500,000.00 P 2,900,000.00

131 161 201 241 291 371 401

LIQUIDATIONS: Liquidation Date Voucher No. 200__ 0291 Feb. 20 0281 Mar. 2 0321 July 2 0381 Oct. 20 Total Liquidations

Purpose/Remarks** P

Amount 300,000.00 100,000.00 500,000.00 700,000.00 P 1,600,000.00

UNLIQUIDATED CASH ADVANCES as of December 31, 200__

P 1,300,000.00

INSTRUCTIONS: *Specify the purpose stated on the voucher. If none is specified, indicate No purpose specified. **If specific CAs are liquidated, indicate In Full/partial liquidation of CA voucher(s) No(s) __. If no CA is specified, indicate None specified.

Prepared by:

_______________________________ Audit Team Leader

(Illustrative Example Only) Republic of the Philippines _______________________________ (Name of the Agency) _______________________________ (Address) OFFICE OF THE AUDITOR


______________ (Date) DEMAND LETTER __________________________ __________________________ __________________________

Sir/Madam: Records of this Office show that as of ________________, you have outstanding unliquidated cash advances in the total amount of ______________________________________________, (P_______________), per attached Statement of Cash Advances and Liquidations. Under Section 5.1, COA Circular No. 97-002, you are required to liquidate your cash advances as follows: 1. Salaries, Wages, etc. within five (5) days after each fifteen (15) day/end of the month pay period; 2. Petty Operating Expenses and Field Operating Expenses within twenty (20) days after the end of the year, subject to replenishment as frequently as necessary during the year; 3. Official Travel within sixty (60) days after return to the Philippines, in the case of foreign travel or within thirty (30) days after return to permanent official station in the case of local travel, as provided for in E.O. 248 and COA Circular No. 96-004. In addition, Section 5.8 requires that all cash advances should be fully liquidated at the end of each year, except for petty cash fund. The prescribed period for you to liquidate your cash advance has already lapsed, but to date we have neither received any of your liquidations nor a written explanation for your failure to do so. In view of this, demand is hereby made of you to settle your accountabilities with the Accounting Section within thirty (30) days from receipt hereof, through the submission of the necessary supporting documents, and to refund any excess amount or submit a written explanation for your failure to do so. Failure on your part to comply herewith shall constitute a ground for the withholding of the payment of any money due you as provided for by COA Circular No. 97-002 dated February 10, 1997, and a prima facie presumption under Article 217 of the Revised Penal Code that you have malversed the funds to your personal use and benefit (Martinez vs. Sandiganbayan, GR No. 126413 dated August 10, 1999). Your failure shall likewise constitute violation of Article 218 of the Revised Penal Code for failure to render accounts and of Section 89 of PD 1445 which is punishable under Section 128 of the same Code.

___________________ Auditor

Cc: The Agency Head

(Illustrative Example Only)


Narrative Report On Unliquidated Cash Advances

In compliance with COA Memorandum No. __________ dated _____________, particularly item no. 1 thereof, I identified and verified outstanding cash advances aged thirty (30) days or over from their due dates of liquidation. As a result, it was discovered that Mr________________________________, an employee/official of _______________________________________________________________________ has outstanding unliquidated cash advance as of December 31, 200__ in the amount of P________________, in violation of Section 5.1.2, COA Circular No. 97-002. Section 5.1.2. COA Circular No. 97-002 provides that the Accountable Officer shall liquidate his cash advance within twenty (20) days after the end of the year. It was observed that as of ____________________________________________ M _________________________________ has not yet liquidated his/her cash advances which had a balance of P____________________ (Annex A) as of December 31, 200___. Under the aforesaid rules and regulations Mr/Ms_______________ should have liquidated his/her cash advance not later than January 20, 200 ___. The liquidation therefore of his cash advance is overdue by more than twenty (20) days in violation of the COA Circular cited above. A demand letter was served to the Accountable Officer demanding liquidation or explanation for non-liquidation. However, as of date of this report, after the lapse of the thirty (30) day period given him/her within which to liquidate or explain why he/she has not liquidated his/her outstanding cash advances, he/she still failed to comply with our demand.

Prepared by:

_______________________________ Audit Team Leader

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