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Project Proposal

Interactive Rainforest Tunnel



03 09 11 12

Background Material

Goals and Central Themes, Context, Intended Audience

Components of the Interactive Rainforest

17 20 24 25 28


Contingency Plan

Project Plan Overview

Project Plan Breakdown

Interaction and User Experience Walkthrough

Team Contributions


Our concept of our rainforest idea started by our groups love for nature and us wanting to raise awareness. Our rain forests are rapidly disappearing due to deforestation and pollution. Our first idea for this concept was inspired by an iPad app called WWF where it uses a lot of interaction to educate users about different animals around the world. In the end of the interactive section of the app, it gives a small tutorial of how to create an origami of the animal that the user just learnt about. We were really intrigued by the idea of chopping down trees in app and were trying to find ways to include that in our concept. Another aspect of this app that we really liked is creating an origami of the animal. For our concept we will get the users to create their own origami and hang it on a pole with branches that we will have set up, we wanted to show the user how they can create something amazing when they all join together.

Another one of our inspirations was from a project called the Funky Forest Project. This project is in interactive room where people can play around with water that is on the ground and can move around the room. These were very interesting because we were looking into planting seeds and seeing it grow. Having the same interaction but in a physical form where the user would be sprayed with some mist would give that feeling of being in a rainforest.

One of the more special projects was the Great Ormond Street Project. This project runs along a 50 meter length of corridor and aims to create a calming and engaging route to surgery. This wall includes interactive animals and comes to life when it senses presence. This was a great inspiration to us because having animals in our concept was a very important part of us. We not only wanted to raise awareness about the rainforest but also about the animals that live in it, and how by destroying the rainforest you are also affecting all the animals that live in there. We extended from this project by coming up with an idea where the user can mimic the motion of a flying bird and it can take around the rainforest and the user can learn more about it.

The Bird Interaction was inspired from a project called the The Treachery of Sanctuary. This is amazing because it turns anyone into a bird. When the user put their arms up they get wings and they can flap it around and it just beautiful and amazing and shows the user how amazing birds are.

The African Congo Jungle is known as the lungs of Africa, the size of this jungle is as big as India. One of the most beautiful sites that can be witnessed in this forest is seeing the water vapour move up into the skies and create clouds. The interesting aspect about this is that we want to create the same environment as the jungle so having some mist is important to experience the true meaning of being in the jungle. The part that really intrigued us is that the ground of the jungle would light up at night, because there is a type of fungi that illuminates at night. For our concept we want the floor of our concept to light up with every step the user takes, and this will add to the magical experience of being in the jungle.

For the lighting we got inspiration from a few places, the first one is the suspended LED lights and second the star projector. As the user enters the environment we created the LED lights will be suspended from the top to give this amazing mysterious and magical feeling. For the second source of lighting we also want to create this magical feel by having lights glowing on the top to show the amazing jungle night time experience. We wanted to show the rainforest in the night to immerse the user into the magical environment which the rainforest really is.

Another important aspect of our concept is manipulating the days. That is where the user can control the sun and moon and turn them around to see the seed that they planted blossom and grow. By seeing this happen the user can appreciate what they worked in doing and can see that they can make a difference.

There is also going to be a musical aspect in our concept. The user is going to see an instrument and as they are playing the forest trees start to collapse and that represents deforestation. As the trees start falling all interaction will stop, and no user can do anything. After the devastation there is always a chance for the forest to be rejuvenated and that is by the users touching the wall, the more users touch the wall the faster the forest will come back to life. The important task by doing this is to show that everyone can make a difference and by helping each other out they can create something extraordinary. The inspiration for the music came from a project that is an interactive music table.


The goal of our project is to educate the general public about the impacts of human activity to our natural environment by creating an interactive rainforest installed inside the public spaces of a concrete jungle (cities and metropolitan areas). In this way, we want to leave people with a greater sense of consciousness about the natural habitats of the planet we live in, triggering self-reflection of the actions that take place in their everyday lives. Ultimately, we want to influence a collaborative effort to preserve our natural environments from the general public.

The central themes that our interactive project will be based upon are playfulness, education, physical movement, awareness, storytelling, art, and visual display.


The interactive rainforest is to be installed in public spaces such as subway tunnels, bus stations, shopping malls, and city parks. For the focus of this project, the installation will take form of a tunnel, where the context is a subway tunnel leading to a train station, in particular, the Brisbane Central station.


To inspire a collaborative effort in preserving our natural environments effectively, educating a large number of people is ideal. This will be the general public of where the installation will be situated, in particular, people that commute to the city / CBD by train, where an underground tunnel space is encountered. Because a wide range of people commute to the city / CBD by train, we will define our intended audience according to different times of the day, and whether it is a weekday or a weekend.

During weekdays, the audience that is most abundant in the mornings and evenings are the working class people, corporate workers, restaurant managers, and university students. Those after lunchtime are primary and high school students, some families, and possibly working class people.

During the weekends, commuters that enter the city by train around lunchtime are predominantly families. This is similar in the case that Friday evenings are considered a weekend. Later in the weekend evenings, young adults are in abundance.

The work relates to the audiences mentioned above because their actions and lifestyles have an important impact on the natural environments of the planet they live on. Because the causes of natural devastations are human activity, making people aware of its effects on natural environments that we lack access of could result in influencing a collaborative effort to preserve our natural environment. Providing an experience that many city dwellers do not have ease of access to, and educating them on the impacts of their actions in their own habitats to these natural environments, can leave a strong message to provoke behaviour change.


The interactive rainforest will take in the form of tunnel during the exhibition. The installation consists of three major parts: the bridge entrance, the rainforest tunnel, and the origami tree sculpture. The bridge will be presented as if it was naturally constructed out of vine to set the scene that people will be entering a natural environment. The entrance of the tunnel will covered in a curtain of leaves so that as they enter, their first contact will be with nature itself.

Upon entering the tunnel, the audience will be immersed in an interactive rainforest environment firstly through the sounds of animals, rain, and breaking of twigs and leaves as they walk. The tunnel is set in the night time to give a sense of exploration and mystery, in addition to showing off the projected artistic vector illustrations users can interact with. Real plants will be placed along the sides of the tunnel to accentuate the mood of being close to nature. The roof of the tunnel will be filled with LED lights to mirror the night sky and also aid users with navigating around the tunnel. In the times when the rainforest tunnel mimics heavy rainfall, mist from the roof will be released, enhancing the user experience in showcasing real events that take place in these natural habitats.


The first interaction that users will encounter on the first wall are the seeds falling down from a tree. The seeds will glow with bright colours as they fall to prompt users that they should be able to hold onto it and be able to plant it using gestures. As soon as they plant a seed, they are able to control time of day by rotating the sun and the moon on the wall using gestures. Doing so will allow users to see the growth of their plants. As more seeds are planted, the richer the experience of the interactive rainforest will be: more sounds of different animals will be heard, more lights will light up on the roof, and the floor will glow resembling the illuminating fungi.

Seeing the perspective of one of the animals inside the rainforest is another interaction the user will experience. There will an abundance of jungle animals projected inside the tunnel, however, users will be able to interact with the birds and become one of the birds. To indicate that users are able interact with the birds, the birds will be coloured and will glow. When a user walks in front of a sensor, a bird in front of the user will slowly flap their wings to communicate to the user that they should mimic the gesture. In doing so, wings will appear on the arms of the user, turning them into a bird. After a few explorations of being a bird, facts about that specific bird will appear to educate their way of life, threats, and importance to other animals to the users interacting to it.


To really show the impacts of human activity to these rainforests, musical instruments, in particular, hand drums, will be available around the tunnel. These hand drums are a symbol of human activity. As they are fairly easy to play, it will intice users to pick it up and play it. For every beat of the drum, a tree is chopped down or burnt in the virtual rainforest symbolising deforestation and human ignited forest fires. Interactions on the walls of the tunnel will be disabled, the audio of the tunnel will change into sounds of chainsaws and logging, and animals screeching. The drastic change in the environment from serene and calm to loud and destructive will indicate to users that something is not right.



When the beating of the drums stop, the destruction stops also. The tunnel becomes quiet and silent. The walls on the tunnel will show glowing handprints, suggesting users to place their hands on the trees that have been chopped down or burnt. This gesture will begin to rejuvenate the plants and bring back the wildlife and livelihood of the rainforest that was experienced when they first walked into the tunnel. As more people place their hands on the fallen trees, the faster the recovery process. The interaction here will promote social activity and collaboration, teaching users that we can have a greater impact if we all put in the effort in preserving our natural environment together. As users leave the tunnel, they will be encouraged to show their support by folding origami animals and leaves to be hung on a tree sculpture and sharing a picture next to the tree on social media to create awareness. The tree sculpture, once filled with origami animals and leaves, will resemble the beauty humans can create collaboratively, by preserving our natural environments.


The interactive rainforest tunnel has much relevance to the studio theme with regards to the kinds of interaction, and ultimately, the exploration that takes place within the tunnel. Planting seeds to experience the growth of plants and its effects to other plants in the tunnel, becoming a bird flapping wings to feel what its like to be a bird, and playing with musical instruments and learning how its effects.

These interactions relate to everyday life that people wonder about from time to time: What is it like to have wings and fly like a bird? What happens if the whole floor was covered with seedlings? Most importantly, the context that this project situated makes it even more relevant to everyday life. As city workers pass by this tunnel every morning, are they going to reflect on the amount of paper they have wasted, or whether the energy they are using is renewable because they are learning its impacts to rainforest environments?

Not only is this project, its interactions, and its context to everyday life, relevant to the studio theme, its educational purpose and message is relevant in todays current situation.

Defining project constraints help influence how one manage their project, and may even determine whether or not they would proceed with the project. By recognizing these constraints, it increases the chances for one to discover all limitations affecting their project as they focus on the investigation. Theoretical Constraints In the concept that we have proposed, we have identified the one main constraint that would tip our exhibit installation between success and failure: behaviour change. Borden and Francis (1978) hypothesized that there are two kinds of people in the pro-environmental world: ones who are extremely selfish and possess a competitive orientation who are less likely to act ecologically, and ones who have quenched their personal needs and are more likely to act ecologically because they have more resources like time and money.

We have asked ourselves questions like: 1. What is the primary and secondary take-home message we want to achieve? 2. How do we change ones behaviour in minutes with experiencing our installation? 3. What is the best way (emotional, physical etc.) to achieve this?

Where what was said by Borden and Francis (1978) is true to a certain extend, we also believe that if we could tap on the emotion of one person, at the same time passing motivating environmental message or knowledge, it would ingrain in their memory at the very least. Therefore, this is a constraint we feel that it is important to take note of.

Methodological Constraints Cotton Paper Candy Planes are all about instilling methodologies that would best boost our chances of a successful project. In the introduction phase of the project, the team has been introduced to various methodologies such as world cafe iteration, design space map and body storming.

While these has helped us a lot in the development of the concept, one of the methodologies we foresee us integrating would be user testing. User testing is when we gather a couple of non-bias users, who has no knowledge of the project or interactions it entails, to test the installation that we have built. Due to the restriction of time and amount of workload each member have carrying on their backs for the semester, we might need to cut down the number of user testings that we intend to conduct. Our team feels that it is best to have at least 2 user testing conducted before our installation are being exhibited.

Technical Constraints Based on the concept that we have mentioned above, we admittedly believe that it is an plausible, but ambitious, idea with huge amount of technical constraints. Firstly, we would like to address the lack of knowledge and expertise in programming in ActionScript and Flash. While only some of the members have experience of the mentioned software, none of us have confidence in developing with hardware like sensors, kinect and such.

Also, we were thinking of developing visual assets, audio and videos. Thus, leading us to meeting an obstacle at which our knowledge for audio installation is very limited. Even though we are still at the stage of refining our concept, we are determined to self teach these software, and at the same time seek help from tutors like Andrew Dekker, or friends who are willing to help us in both programming and installation.

Practical Constraints If we refer back to the concept idea that we have presented earlier, it is a big scale installation, where space is factor that we need to consider. Due to the fact that half of our group members have not seen the venue of where the installation would be held, it was becomes uncertain to us as to where we would like to have the installation take place. However, that would change when the class will pay a visit to the venue of the installation the following after next.

With space, comes the cost of materials, time and human labour in building the installation. Therefore, it would be best for us to refine the concept so we would be able to have an idea on the size of the installation, the time it takes to build the installation and the manpower that we would have to install it for trial and for the actual event. Bringing our other friends and getting them to help us out can easily solve this.

Lastly, the lack of knowledge in building a tunnel is one our constraints. Luckily, two of the male group members, Daniel and Hans, are very fond builders. They have volunteered in finding out from Bunnings Warehouse on how to build a simple tunnel of the ideal scale.

Again, since it is still in the refining stage, there are a lot of things we would like to filter out to make our installation less complex. Also, there is a possibility that our installation would evolve or take a completely different path, baring in mind the experiences, themes and objectives of our concept.

Through the constraints or brief risk analysis that we have addressed earlier, it is only ideal for Cotton Paper Candy Plans to derive several contingency plans if the main idea of our installation fails. This is so that we can be prepared for unforeseen unfortunate events.

1. Single Tall Animal Projection Users are able to choose an animal of the rainforest and transform to the animal that is selected. This would allow users to interact with the environment, thus feeling the impact of what human can do to the environment, which affects them too.

2. Rainforest Room In this installation, it has the same objectives as the one mentioned in the main installation. However, due to the nature of the space, it would not go through the same journey as the one mentioned for the tunnel. We are debating on integrating the animal projection in this installation, together with limited interaction for the rest of the walls that would be consumed by the rainforest.

3. Dome Projection We wanted an installation that would be highly immersive. Like the Rainforest Room, it would have limited interactivity. However, we have planned to design an interactivity where rainforest lights up as users pass by the rainforest, and the rainforest dies if users walk backwards. This tells them of the human activities that they do not see or take notice once they turn their backs on the rainforest.

4. Cause & Effect The last contingency plan is to have 2 screen projections: one portraying human activities, and the other portraying the animals that are affected by these activities. Although this plan has not been clearly refined, it shows so much potential in conveying the message that we want to put across.


Re ect on presentation feedback Group Discussions Research new options Decide on nal concept design Write Introduction Section Write Constraints Section Write Relevance to Theme Section Write Project Plan Section Create Mock-up /Sketches Write Contribution Statements Document References

Create music Create animal sounds Design/Create animal visuals Design/Create tree visuals Find/book the required technology Research the best technology software to create the experience Test environment using assets developed Make required changes to assets

Test code Adjust code as needed Plan required props for experience Purchase the decorative elements to bring the experience to life Plan required props for experience Test the enviroment with props to decide what works best Put all parts together and conduct a run through Conduct user testing of environment Analyse user testing Make changes according to user testing Transport the experience

Set up

Create paper prototypes of all interactions Set up yurt Body storm interactions using prototypes Change prototypes as required Re-test changed prototypes with bodystorming Record bodystorming Prepare script for presentation Prepare visuals for presentation Edit video from body storm and other recordings made as documentation Practice presentation
br ea k

Final test

Design gestural controls Develop gestural controls Test controls

W ee k1 0

W ee k1 2

W ee k1 3

W ee k1 1


W ee k

W ee k

W ee k

Ea st

W ee k

W ee k


Final Concept Decision

Week Due

Work Breakdown
Reflect on presentation feedback


Team Member

8 (2hrs each)

Group Discussions Research new options

All All

16 (4hrs each) 12 (3hrs each)

Decide on final concept design Write Introduction Section

All Nab

8 (2hr each) 2

Complete Proposal Document

Write Constraints Section Write Relevance to Theme Section Write Project Plan Section Create Mockup/Sketches Write Contribution Statements Document References Create paper prototypes of all interactions Set up rainforest tunnel walls Paper, pens

Nab Hans/ Daniel Angie Hans All All Hans/ Nab

4 6 (3hrs each) 4 6 2 1 8 (4hrs each)

Initial Prototypes/ Testing

Wood, canvas sheets Prototypes


12hrs (3hrs each) All 8 (2hrs each)

Body storm interactions using prototypes

Change prototypes as required Re-test changed prototypes with bodystorming Record bodystorming Prepare script for presentation

Paper, pens Prototypes

Hans/ Nab All

2 (1hr each) 8 (2hr each) 4 (2hrs each) 4 (1hr each)

Video camera (iPad/iPhone)

Angie/ Daniel All


6 - 7

Prepare visuals for presentation

Angie/ Nab

4 (2hrs each)

Edit video from body storm and other recordings made as documentation Practice presentation Research the best technology/software to create the experience Find/book the required technology 3 x Kinect sensors Multiple Speakers 3 x Projectors Mist machine

Hans/ Daniel

8 (4hrs each)

All Daniel/ Hans

8 (2hrs each) 4 (2hrs each)

Obtaining Technology


Asset Development

7 - 8

Create music


Create animal sounds Design/Create animal visuals Design/Create tree visuals

Angie Nab/Angie

8 64 (32hrs each) 48 (24hrs each)


Developed Prototype/ Testing

Test environment using assets developed


12 (3hrs each)

Make required changes to assets

Nab/Daniel Angie/ Hans

16 (8hrs each 6 (3hrs each) 24 (12hrs each) 4 (2hr each) 8 4 4 (2hrs each)

Interactive Elements


Design gestural controls Develop gestural controls Test controls

Hans/ Angie

Nab/ Daniel Nab Nab Nab/ Angie

Unit Testing


Test code Adjust code as needed

Obtain Decorative Resources


Plan required props for experience

Purchase the decorative elements to bring the experience to life Test the environment with props to decide what works best

Cash (Plants Cushions Origami Paper/ Card Fairy Lights)

Angie/ Nab

16 (2 x 8hrs)


16 (4 x 4hrs) 16 (4hrs each) 8 ( 2hrs each) 8 (2hrs each)

Finish Installation Final Testing


Put all parts together and conduct a run through Conduct user testing of environment Analyse user testing



All All

Make changes according to user testing


16 (4hrs each)

Class Workshops


Attending scheduled class sessions


256 (64hrs each)

Zainab A R OMAR On top of the diploma received in Information Technology, specializing in Multimedia Design, Zainab A R Omar is currently pursuing her Bachelors in Multimedia Design to refine her designing skills in University of Queensland (UQ), and is in her last year. She is proficient in Adobe and Macromedia suite, and other designing tools like 3D design softwares. With this proficiency, Zainab has been working as a freelance designer in web and print since 2009, mainly in Singapore, and is constantly upgrading her skills with the ever-emerging softwares. This also arises the opportunity to allow her to become a tutor in Digital Prototyping in UQ. She has also undergone programming courses involving ActionScript, C++ and Java, and wishes to excel in it deeper to challenge herself in bigger goals. With her experience with Flash and ActionScript, Zainab will be the Head Programmer, and is responsible for overseeing coding, which all members will complete. She has also fill in the role as a HCI Analyst, and will be conducting unit testings. Zainab will also be responsible for the graphics and decorative elements, and she will play an integral role in all group related tasks.

Angie CAMPBELL Currently completing her last semester of a Bachelor of Multimedia Design at The University of Queensland, Angie has focused on Web Development, Information Systems and Interaction Design during her studies. She is confident with web development languages and tools, experienced with Adobe Creative Suite and Microsoft Visual Studio and has studied programming in Java, Python and ActionScript. Angie is currently working as a web development intern, utilising the aforementioned abilities and developing new design skills. Angie would like to further pursue the creative industries with a focus on HCI, Interactive Design and Digital Marketing. Angie will be taking on the roles of documenting the creative and development processes as well as taking control of the decorative elements and working on the sound and gestural controls required for the experience. Angie will be co-ordinating the group to meet their project deadlines and ensure things are running to plan as the project progresses to ensure the exhibit is completed on time.

Hans Einner BARROGA An aspiring Interaction and User Experience Designer, Hans has grounded skills in Graphic Design, Front-end Web design and development, and User Interface design. The growing enthusiasm of using design methodologies has aided has in appreciating the importance of human-centred design. Nearing the completion of his Bachelor's degree in Multimedia Design, He is currently learning to develop user interfaces on Android, learning more design methods, techniques and theories on user experience, and exploring server-side web development. The passion to be different, to explore new things, and to see life in a different perspective are the driving forces that allows Hans to push the boundaries of his skills and understanding of design. These passions and skills will aid in exploring clever interactions and experiences in the installations of their project through the use of design methods, theories, principles, and most importantly, intuition. Hans will be working on the flash and ActionScript components of this project as well as the gestural controls for user interaction along with Angie. He will also be an integral part of the visual development of assets for this experience.

Daniel ISKANDAR Currently completing his final year in multimedia design at the University of Queensland, Daniel has put on a lot of his efforts in improving his graphic design skills, illustrations, web design and structure. Daniel is very confident with web programming, and finds a passion in it. Over the past years, Daniel has improved his skills in both design and coding. His passion for music, and studying music technology will help in the musical aspect of this project. Daniel is a very happy, outgoing, and cheerful person and it can be seen in his designs. Although very easily distracted by everything that goes on around him, it seems to help him get creative. Daniel is responsible for resources for the project, building and constructing work and will be developing the music for the rainforest experience. Daniel will be sharing the role of documenting the design and development process throughout the semester.

Bird Interaction. Digital image. The Creator's Project, n.d. Web. < 8147_detail_em.jpg?1348571989>. The Creator's Project. "Amazing Art Installation Turns You Into a Bird | Chris Milk "The Treachery of Sanctuary"" Vimeo. The Creator's Project, June 2013. Web. 28 Mar. 2013. <>. Disney Parks. ""Glow With the Show" Ears Pulse With Technology." YouTube. YouTube, 01 Aug. 2012. Web. 26 Mar. 2013. <>. "Funky Forest - Installation for Cinekid." YouTube. YouTube, 27 Nov. 2007. Web. 26 Mar. 2013. <>. Funky1. Digital image. Cool Hunting. N.p., n.d. Web. <>. "Human Light Sculpture." Pinterest, n.d. Web. <>. Interactive Music Table. Digital image. Flickr, n.d. Web. <>. Luminous Fungi. Digital image. Flickr, n.d. Web. <>. Montgomery, Angus. "Great Ormond Street's Interactive Animal Wall." Graphics, Digital, Interior, Print, Retail, Design News & Jobs. N.p., 14 Dec. 2012. Web. 26 Mar. 2013. <>. Ormond Street Project. Digital image. JBS_natureTrail. N.p., n.d. Web.

< .png?1346320587>. Seleme, Shawn. "Moving Light Sculptures by Mihoko Ogaki." Visual News. Visual News, 17 Mar. 2013. Web. Mar. 2013. <>. Starlight Projector. Digital image. Pinterest, n.d. Web. <>. WWF App Panda. Digital image. Greensheep Blog. N.p., n.d. Web. <>.

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