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EMBRYOLOGY WORD ASSOCIATION Week the heart begins to beat Fetal erythropoiesis occurs here during weeks 9-28

The ductus arteriosus gives rise to the Mechanism of closure of ductus arteriosus Dumps oxygenated blood from umbilican vein to IVC Urogenital sinus in male Urogenital sinus in females Week of gastrulation Genital tubercle in male Genital tubercle in female Fetal hemoglobin Whartons jelly Urogenital folds in males Urogenital folds in females Umbilical arteries gives rise to the Weeks of organogenesis Paramesonephric duct Bulbus cordis gives rise to the Week that gentitalia have male/female characteristics Fetal erythropoiesis occurs here during weeks 3-8 Primitive atria gives rise to the Labioscrotal swelling in males Labioscrotal swelling in females Fetal erythropoiesis occurs here during week 28 + Treatment for patent ductus arteriosus Adult hemoglobin Develops into fallopian tube, uterus, and part of vagina Umbilical vein gives rise to the Primitive streak, notochord, and neural plate being to form Week upper and lower limb buds begin to form Truncus arteriosus gives rise to the Fetal erythropoiesis occurs here during weeks 6-30 Development of mesonephric ducts is achieved by An endodermal evagination of the developing hindgut Smooth parts of left and right ventricle Week 10

Week 4 Spleen Ligamentum arteriosum Infant takes first breath and in O2 in prostaglandins that were keeping the DA dilated closure Ductus venous Corpus spongiosum, Bulbourethral glands, Prostate gland Vestibular bulbs, Bartholin glands, Skenes glands Within week 3 Glans penis Glans clitoris 22 Mucous epithelium of the umbilical cord Ventral shaft of penis (penile urethra) Labia minora Medial umbilical ligaments Weeks 3-8 Mullerian duct

Yolk sac Trabeculated left and right atrium Scrotum Labia majora Bone marrow

Indomethacin 22 Paramesonephric duct Ligamentum teres hepatis Within week 3

Week 4 Ascending arota and pulmonary trunk

Liver androgens


EMBRYOLOGY WORD ASSOCIATION which becomes surrounded by the mesodermal connecting stalk (umbilical vessels) Stylopharyngeus muscle Fuses with muscular ventricular septum to form the membraneous IV septum Distal transverse colon rectum Ist part of the aortic arch Pharynx duodenum Kidneys at 4 weeks then degenerate Week neural tube in formed Persistence of herniation of abdominal contents into umbilical cord Primitive artia gives rise to the Permanent kidneys Develops in females as mesonephric duct disappears Ductus venosus gives rise to the Codes for testisdetermining factor 3rd part of the aortic arch When ventral pancreatic bud abnormally encircles 2nd part of duodenum duodenal narrowing Left horn of sinus venosus (SV) CN X recurrent laryngeal branch All intrinsic muscles of larynx except cricothyroid Posterior 1/3 of tongue Foreamen ovale gives rise to the CN VII Hindgut Part of maxillary artery Foregut Pronephros Weeks 3-8 Tobacco Duodenum transverse colon Bilaminar disk is __ Failure of lateral body folds to fuse extrusion of abdominal contents through ab folds Morula Functions as interim kidney for 1st trimester, later contributes to male genitalia CT, muscle, bone, lymph, blood, serous linings Right common cardinal vein and right anterior cardinal vein gives rise to the Alar plate Develops into bladder, urethra, allantois Branchial arch 3 derivative Laryngeal cartilage

Coronary sinus Branchial arch 6 derivative Branchial arch 6 derivative Branchial arch 3 and 4 derivative Fossa ovalis Branchial arch 2 derivative Teratogen preterm labor, placental problems, ADHD Midgut Epiblast and hypoblast

Branchial arch 3 derivative Aorticopulmonary septum


Day 3 8 cells

Trabeculated parts of left and right ventricle Metanephros Paramesonephric duct Ligamentum venosum SRY gene on Y chromosome Common carotid artery and proximal part of internal carotid artery




Dorsal and sensory Urogenital sinus Think Pharynx Ectoderm

Annular pancreas

EMBRYOLOGY WORD ASSOCIATION 2nd part of the aortic arch Diethylstilbesterol (DES) Arises from dorsal mesentery but is supplied by artery of forgut Surface coverings CN X superior laryngeal branch Thalidomide CN IX Implants as a ___ Notochord gives rise to the Inner layer of chorionic villi Pia and arachnoid Most pharyngeal constrictors, cricothyroid, levator veli palatini ACE inhibitor One mechanism of hypoplasia of thoracic organs Stapedial artery and hyoid artery Teratogen Vaginal clear cell adenocarcinoma Spleen Ectoderm Branchial arch 4 derivative Teratogen - Limb defects (flippers) Branchial arch 3 derivative Blastocyst Nucleus pulposus of interventricular disk Cytotrophoblast Ectoderm Branch arch 4 derivative Teratogen renal damage Space compression due to diaphragmatic herniation of abdominal contents On left aortic arch On right proximal part of right subclavian artery Epiblast Branchial arch 1 derivative V2, V3 (1) VII (2) IX (3) X (4 and 6) components Adrenal medulla An endodermal evagination of the developing hindgut which becomes surrounded by the mesodermal connecting stalk Returns deoxygenated blood from fetal internal iliac arteries Branchial clefts are derived from The epiblast is a precursor to Develops into middle ear cavity Iodide Anterior 2/3 of tongue Cardiovascular structures Muscles of mastication Vitamin A Gut tube epithelium and other viscera epithelium Right horn of SV gives rise to the Dura mater Developed into the external auditory meatus Week fetus begins to move Septum transversum, pleuroperitoneal folds, body wall,



2 umbilical arteries

Ectoderm The ectoderm 1st branchial pouch Teratogen Congenital goiter or hypothyroidism Branchial arch 1 derivative Mesoderm Branchial arch 1 derivative Teratogen Extremely high risk for birth defects Endoderm Smooth part of right atrium Mesoderm 1st branchial cleft Week 8 What the diaphragm is derived from

4 part of aortic arch This invaginates to form the primitive streak CN V2 and V3 The nerves that supply branchial arches that are the only ones with both sensory AND motor


EMBRYOLOGY WORD ASSOCIATION and dorsal mesentery of esophagus Outer layer of chorionic villi Basal plate Becomes pancreatic head, uncinate process, and main pancreatic duct Branchial arch 1 derviative Rule of 2s for the 2nd week Rule of 3s for the 3rd week Rule of 4s for 4th week Weeks that fetus is extremely susceptible to teratogens Supplies oxygenated blood to fetus Maternal component of the placenta from the endometrium Nervous system Reicherts cartilage 3 germ layers (gastrula) in 3rd week Develops into inferior parathyroids Cocaine Kidneys, spleen, urogenital structures, adrenal cortex Branchial arches are derived from 6th part of the aortic arch Bones of skull Develops into the superior parathyroids Suppresses development of paramesonephric ducts 2 germ layers in bilaminar disk Mesonephric duct develops into this in males Muscles of facial expression Mechanism of fetal alcohol syndrome Failure of fusion of the lateral palatine processes, the nasal septum, and/or the median palatine process (formation of 2* palate) Pancreas is derived from 2 cavities in 2nd week Mylohyoid Becomes body, tail, isthmus, and accessory pancreatic duct Part of placenta

Mesoderm Mesoderm and neural crests Proximal part of pulmonary arteries and (on the left only) ductus arteriosus Ectoderm 4th branchial pouch (dorsal wings) Mullerian inhibiting substance secreted by testes Epiblast and hypoblast Seminal vesicles, epididymis, Ejaculatory duct, and Ductus deferens Branchial arch 2 derivative May inhibit cell migration

Synctiotrophoblast Ventral and motor Ventral pancreatic bud Think M 2 germ layers (bilaminar disk) 2 cavities 2 components of placenta 3 germ layers (gastrula) 4 heart chamber 4 limb buds grow Weeks 3-8

Umbilical vein

Decidua basalis Ectoderm Branchial arch 2 derivative Ectoderm, mesoderm, endoderm 3rd branchial pouch (dorsal wings) Teratogen Abnormal fetal development and fetal addiction Branchial arch 1 derivative

Cleft palate

Forgut Amniotic cavity and yolk sac Branchial arch 1 derivative Dorsal pancreatic bud Syncytiotrophoblast

Meckels cartilage

EMBRYOLOGY WORD ASSOCIATION that secretes hCG Mesonephric duct Warfarin, x-rays, anticonvulsants Failure of fusion of the maxillary and medial nasal processes (formation of 1* palate) Branchial pouches are derived from Develops into thymus 2 components of the placenta at 2nd week Develops into epithelial lining of palatine tonsil Allantois degenerates to form this in adults Mechanism of DiGeorge Syndrome Removes nitrogenous waste from fetal bladder Leads to T-cell deficiency (thymic aplasia) and hypocalcemia (failure of parathyroid development) Branchial arch 2 derivative

Wolffian duct Teratogen multiple anomalies

Cleft lip

Endoderm 3rd branchial pouch (ventral wings) Cytotrophoblast and syncytiotrophoblast 2nd Branchial pouch Median umbilical ligament Aberrant development of 3rd and 4th pouches Urachus

DiGeorge Syndrome

Think S

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