James The Guilty Magician

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EXT. STREET JAMES THE MAGICAL (22) is doing simple card tricks on the street. JAMES THE MAGICAL And now (beat) For my next trick (beat) I will need a volunteer to assist me. A man, DALE (44), steps forwards from the small crowd. JAMES THE MAGICAL (CONTD) Wonderful! What is your name sir? DALE I love magic! I always want to know how its done! JAMES THE MAGICAL First, look at this deck, and show the audience it is indeed a real deck. He outstretches his hand, holding a deck of cards. Dale takes a card. JAMES THE MAGICAL (CONTD) Now, take a card. Dale takes a card from the middle of the deck. JAMES THE MAGICAL (CONTD) Look at the card (beat) And throw it away! DALE What? JAMES THE MAGICAL Throw it away! Over there! Dale gingerly drops the card. JAMES THE MAGICAL (CONTD) (sighs) Thatll do.


JAMES THE MAGICAL (CONTD) Now (beat) Do you recall your card. DALE Yes! JAMES THE MAGICAL Was it, (beat) This one!? He throws the deck in the air, all of them containing the three of hearts DALE Yes! Amazing! I wish i knew how to do that. Close up on James face. He begins to sweat. He looks nervously at Dale, then the audience, then back. JAMES THE MAGICAL Alright! You broke me! (begins to speak very quickly) I had a rigged deck in my sleeve as soon as you showed the audience my real deck I used slight of hand and switched the decks and then you took the card which I knew cause they were all the same and then I was just really dramatic. Dale and the audience are astounded. JAMES THE MAGICAL (CONTD) Phew! It feels good to get that off my chest. He puts a hand on Dales shoulder. JAMES THE MAGICAL (CONTD) Sometimes, being a magician, you know all the deception it really gets to you, and you just gotta... Dale swats his hand off his shoulder DALE Why on Earth did you tell me that!?


JAMES THE MAGICAL (looks bewildered) You said you wanted to know. DALE I was just saying that. JAMES THE MAGICAL You know buddy, lying like that can really take a toll on your health, maybe you should just let it out and... Dale storms away, off stage. James, after hesitating for a moment looking at Dale walk away, turns back to the audience dramatically. JAMES THE MAGICAL (CONTD) For my next wondrous illusion, I will need a different volunteer. A huge biker-type guy is about to step forwards. JAMES THE MAGICAL (CONTD) Preferably a tall blonde, with luscious lips, long legs and perfect, round perky A woman just like he described, AMY(20) steps forwards. JAMES THE MAGICAL (CONTD) Wonderful! And what is your name? AMY Amy. JAMES THE MAGICAL Alright Amy, will you pick up this hat, and show the audience that it is empty. James hands her a large, oversized top hat. Amy shows the inside to the audience, proving it is empty. JAMES THE MAGICAL (CONTD) And now (beat) For the magic words (beat)(shouts) Abedabra gobibritta Four doves soar out of the hat


AMY Oh my god! That was amazing! How did you do that!? Close up on James again. He quivers nervously, and is sweating profusely. JAMES THE MAGICAL (speaking quickly) Ahhhhhhh theres a hidden panel in the bottom of the hat where I put the doves and then I pull a switch and the panel opens and the birds come out fast cause theyre already so scared, I mean its probably animal cruelty already, but I still keep them in there. (beat) Youre welcome. AMY Youre the worst. JAMES THE MAGICAL What! (beat) Why!? (beat) I was just doing you a favour, I never want to lie to you, I feel we have a connection and even though we have only known each other for a short while I think we could eventually become... AMY Ughh. She storms off stage. James turns to the audience in a large sweeping motion, with a smile on his face. JAMES THE MAGICAL For my final illusion (beat) I will attempt to escape from... He pulls a sheet of a large box, decorated to look like a temple JAMES THE MAGICAL (CONTD) The Mayan Temple! I will need a volunteer BIKER #1 and BIKER #2 guys step forward.


JAMES THE MAGICAL (CONTD) (looks scared) Oh! (beat) Good, great, wonderful, wonderful. Now, here is what I will do, to amaze and astound you! I will step into the Mayan Temple! This box is soundproof, air-proof, and escape proof (beat) Unless you are a professional like me! He throws his arms in the air, and flowers shoot out of his sleeve. JAMES THE MAGICAL (CONTD) Sorry, sorry. Keep that one. Now! (beat) With chains binding me tightly! (beat) I will escape, before my air runs out. The audience claps. James puts on the chains. JAMES THE MAGICAL (CONTD) And your job, is to hold on to this key... Hands the key to BIKER #1. JAMES THE MAGICAL (CONTD) And unlock the box should I prove unable to make my daring escape. James opens a glass panel on the side of the box, and steps in. JAMES THE MAGICAL (CONTD) And now sir (beat) Close the Mayan Temple Biker #2 closes the glass panel. James begins to stuggle, and move his arms around within the chains. BIKER #2 Wow, I wonder how hes gonna pull this off! BIKER #1 Me too!


Close up on James face. He is shaking and sweating again. BIKER #2 Whats he doing? James appears to be trying to bite his collar. BIKER #1 I dont know? Old magicians secret? James pulls out an uncapped magic marker, holding it in his mouth. He begins dragging it on the glass. BIKER #2 Key (beat) In (beat) My (beat) Ass, oh come on! James shrugs. BIKER #1 You suck, you know that? James is about to say something, but he starts to hyperventilate. BIKER #2 Oh what? You want this? He holds out his hand, displaying the key. James nods vigorously. BIKER #2 (CONTD) Oh well, if only someone had explained to me how to use a key. James opens his mouth about to say something. The bikers walk away pissed. Cut back to James one final time, as he passes out. FADE TO BLACK.

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