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About the rules: The following is a very simplified rule set for a one shot game.

The purpose of these rules is to give a framework for the game. No rule system is perfect. Most everyone will find things to like and dislike. Staff understands that mistakes will be made; however we ask that you do your best to follow the intent of the rules. BE WARNED, rules lawyers will not be tolerated. If a problem occurs during the game, do your best to follow the intent. Do not stop the flow of the game to argue about the rules. If you have a question, see the rule book or contact senior staff for clarification. You may use the call clarification to clear up a mistake if it is done quickly. Remember the flow of the game is important. The game's director's interpretation of the rules is final.
Cheating will not be tolerated. It destroys the purpose of having the rules system. Complaints about cheating are to be directed to the game director. There is no need to cheat. Please be adults and do you best to follow the intent of the rules. Thank you.

Safety and Courtesy:

Please be polite and courteous to staff and your fellow players at all times. No racial or religious slurs / jokes will be tolerated. No swearing or curing and keep the game PG 13. Stay in game at all times unless you are in a designated out of game area or the all clear has been called.

Safety calls:
Caution - this call is used to warn someone of a hazard like a rock that they are about to trip over. It briefly stops action in the immediate area until the person can move to a safer spot. Emergency In the case of MAJOR safety problems, injuries, lost glasses during combat, and the like, call "Emergency." ALL action stops within line of sight, and should start again only when the problem is resoled and a "Lay-On" has been called. Do not call "Emergency" for in-game reasons (like someone not noticing the spell you hit them withthis is what "Clarify" is intended for), but do not hesitate to call one when you think it might be needed, such as for real-life injuries. We would rather be safe than sorry! Excessive Force When you are struck for a blow that is uncomfortable or hurts call excessive force. The blow does not count. See combat force in the combat section for further clarification.

Other safety rules:

No weapons, drugs or alcohol are allowed on the game site. The fire pit in town is the only place a fire may be lit and must be tended at all times.

Running at Night - the single greatest safety risk you face in live role-playing is NOT combat. It is running at night over rough terrain, risking falling and bashing your brains out on a rock. Always use extreme caution when running. Avoid pursuing other players at night. Physical Contact - no physical contact is allowed without the other players permission. No direct physical contact is allowed in combat AT ALL, and if you are within arms length YOU ARE TOO CLOSE. However if a person with shorter arms than yours is just getting close enough to hit this is allowed. No Unsafe Stunts or Climbing -please do not climb trees or buildings, or jump out of windows. Blocking Doors - Blocking or holding a door with your body or furniture is not allowed. Do not try to physically force doors open. There may be in game ways of barring doors with items or in game skills. No carrying other People unless the person gives you permission to carry them. It is strongly recommended to role-play carrying someone. You may only do so at a slow walk and must role-play being encumbered. For safety, if someone is down in a position where they are likely to be stepped on, you may say something like I kick your body to the side, in which case they can move quickly out of the way to the nearest safe place. Searching another Person in many games you will encounter situations where someone has something you want. In this case you may (once they are dead or helpless), say "I search you." They may either say "go ahead," in which case you have permission to look in their pouches and other containers (avoiding personal contact), or they may give you all their game items. If someone says "go ahead", and you would prefer not to, simply say so, and they must give you all their items. Searching takes the time it takes the person to get out their stuff in a leisurely fashion (often while doing their best to act like a dead body). Like all out of game conversations, it should be handled as discretely as possible. Do Not Litter everything you bring to the camp should either leave with you or be placed in a suitable receptacle. Smoke in Designated Areas only. Take your cigarette butts with you and deposit them in the trash. Do not throw cigarette butts on the ground! If we find that this is happening, smoking may be permanently banned from the game.

Effects and Terminology:

Affliction This represents being infected with a poison or disease. If someone says I afflict you with ____ then you will need to go to the section of the pamphlet which contains the Afflictions and follow the instructions there. Agony If hit with this call you are in so much pain you cannot perform any action. You must role-play being in pain. Agony last for a 3 count (3 seconds).

Area effect If you hear someone call area effect______, you take whatever they called following the area effect. For example someone calls area effect refresh fatigue, then you are back to full fatigue, or someone calls area effect 2 damage, then you have taken 2 damage (2 fatigue). If everyone around you hears this call, then you are considered to have heard it also. If you did not hear it then nothing has happened. Barred If a tag or person states barred on a portal that portal cannot be opened. If a shatter is used against a barred portal then the portal is no longer barred. Brutal represents damage that cannot be blocked. If something calling brutal swings and hits either your weapon, shield or you take the number called as damage. For example 1 brutal would do 1 damage. Build points (bp)- Are used to buy Gifts and skills. Flaws will give you more build points. See Building/starting character for more info. Clarifications - When you did not hear or do not understand an in-game effect, call "Clarify." The person should explain what has happened or answer your question. This also creates a mini-"Hold" (see safety calls) during which others should ignore you and the person answering you. Please make this as brief as possible. Consumables- The following items are tagged items that are gone when used. Please tear tags and dispose of the waste properly. Alcohol/drug needed for addiction flaw Ammo tags needed for firearms Antidote X needed to cure affliction X Bandages can restore fatigue Rations can restore fatigue and are needed every 4 hours to maintain full fatigue. See Rations decription. Wound tags.

Cycles The event is broken down into 4 hour periods called cycles shown below. Some flaws and skills use them. Fatigue also depends on the cycles, you must consume 1 ration item every cycle or you will be at a max of half fatigue even when healed. You will go back to full fatigue once a ration is consumed. Cycles: start of game Friday till all clear Sat 10am 2pm Sat 2pm - 6pm Sat 6pm 10pm Sat 10pm till all clear Sun 10am Game over

Damage When you are hit by a weapon, packet or dart base damage (1 fatigue) unless a number is called then you lose that much fatigue. For example if someone hits you calling 3 damage you lose 3 fatigue. The exception is wound calls. If you are struck and the term wound is called you lose 1 wound tag. Detect X When you hear someone state detect followed by a description, such as wounded and the description fits you, reply Here in the same volume as the call. This works even if you are hiding and everyone hears it. Disengage When someone states disengage you must do you best to safely step back 10 feet space permitting. You may not attack or do other actions while this is occurring. Dying- When you are at zero wounds you are dying. You may wait hour for someone to attempt surgery on you. If the surgery fails or you have waited longer than the hour then you are dead. When dead please report to Monster camp Fallen You are in the fallen state when you have reached zero fatigue. When you hit zero fatigue move out of combat and find a safe place to sit or lie down with eyes closed (except for times needed to open them for safety) You are unconscious and may not use any game skills until at least 1 fatigue has been restored to you. When you regain fatigue you will wake up. If 15 minutes pass without someone tending your injuries take 1 wound, if you have no wound tags left then you enter the Dying state. Fatigue Basically this is your bodys ability to absorb blows as well as represents the bodies overall conditioning. Fatigue works like hit points in other games. When you take a hit you lose 1 fatigue from your total unless there is a number called with the hit like 3 damage, then you would lose 3 fatigue. Fatigue may only be restored to full by several methods. 1) You drink or eat a consumable food item. Once the item is fully consumed you are restored to full fatigue. 2) Being bandaged. 3) Refresh. 4) Using the courage gift. Flavor Traits Are used to describe how something was done. I.E. 3 damage by fire the by fire is the flavor trait. Some items/creatures may have resists or weaknesses to particular flavor traits. If an Item uses or has a weakness to a flavor trait it will specify so on its tag. Grenade - This call is similar to area effect but has two key differences. If you are in a room the effect applies to the whole room. If you are outside and hear the call and are within 5 feet of where the grenade it hits or rolls too, you take the effect. If the call is just grenade you take 3 damage. The call grenade can be combined with other effects. If you hear another effect with grenade then take that effect instead of the damage. For example: If you hear the call grenade stun then you take the stun effect.

Maim When a limb is struck with a main it cannot be used for a combat. After the combat is over you can spend 1 minute role-playing to get to function again. Note: if your leg is maimed you must go to 1 knee. You may not hop and fight. Persuade represent the ability to convince someone of something I.E these are not the druids you are looking for. It must be a simple statement. The more complicated the statement the less likely it is to work, also some people may be resistant. Phys Rep Is short hand for the prop that is used to physically represent an Item. For example a granola bar could represent a food ration or a Nerf gun could represent a pistol in game. Rations These are actual food and water items that you will need to provide for yourself. A ration can be a small bottle of water/drink or an item of food the size of a granola bar or apple. We will provide ration tags to make these in game items. In order for you to use a ration to restore fatigue or meet your cycle quota it must be tagged. Once an item is tagged it can be stolen or the tags themselves can be stolen if you havent tagged a food item yet. There will be more ration tags in game so you will want extra food/water to tag. Refresh The ability to restore your fatigue. You must rest sitting for a full 15 minutes doing nothing other than conversation. You cannot walk, run, bandage etc. If this is interrupted then you do not regain your fatigue but if successful you are back to full fatigue. (Note: this does not bring you to full fatigue if you have not had your ration for the current cycle you are in. It will bring you to half fatigue) Resist This calls represents that the target did not take the effect this one time. Root This call represents that both of your feet are stuck in place where you were standing when hit. Root is a physical effect which means you or others may free you by role-playing cutting or digging at it for a 30 count (30 seconds). For example your feet are tangled in roots. Shatter This call will break the tagged item it hits or open any barred doors. Stun You are unable to move or act for a 10 count (10 seconds). Wound This represents physical damage to your body. When you reach zero wounds you enter the dying stage. Wounds can only be restored by Medical skills II and III. White tags A white tag will have a Skill written on it. Anyone who has that skill may open the tag and read the information inside. Yellow hand If you see a Yellow hand you may not go into that area unless accompanied by a staff member.

Yellow tags Anyone can and should read a yellow tag. It contains information about the area.

Building a character:
A character starts with 4 fatigue and 2 wounds. This will change depending on which gifts or flaws you buy. You start with 5 Build points which may be used to purchase gifts and skills. Flaws will give you a build points. If you submit a character 2 weeks in advance to staff you will receive 1 extra build point. You may spend 20 game bucks for 1 additional build point. Starting equipment You will be given 10 rations tags plus any consumable tags that skills or flaws give you. Note you must provide the phys reps for any consumables (see rations). You may also bring with you a Cell phone and some basic tools. (Note: the game is not responsible for anything that happens to a cell phone or tools if you chose to bring one). Basic tools are things like pliers or a multi tool like a leather man. You may not start with any weapons. Lighting you may bring and carry a source of light from a light stick to a lantern or flashlight. Note: flashlights must have some covering to diffuse the beam so it cant be shined in the eyes for safety reasons. Game will not be providing lighting.

Gifts: You may purchase up to 2 Gifts.

Ambidextrous (1bp) You may use a one handed weapon in each hand. Courage (1bp) 3 times during the event you may totally restore your fatigue by roleplaying courage. You may do this in and out of combat or even if you are in the fallen state When used say restore fatigue by courage May not take the afraid of the dark or cowardly flaws. Dodge (2bp) you are extremely agile and can avoid an attack 3 times total for the weekend. Call dodge when using this gift. You cannot dodge area effect damage. You may not take the Lame leg flaw. Fencer/ street gang (1bp) - Somewhere in your past you got good with sharp pointy things. When using a edged melee weapon, you may use 3 3 damage attacks per refresh per number of times purchased. Hearty constitution (1bp) - 3 times during the event you may state resist when hit with an affliction. You may not take the Alcohol/drug addiction flaw. Marksman (1bp) You are an exceptional shot. When you take a 10 count (10 seconds) to aim you may call 5 damage on the shot. Single shots only.

Sand lot kid (1) You played a lot of baseball as a child. You know how to hit the sweet spot. When using a blunt melee weapon, you may swing 3 2 brutal attacks per refresh per number of times purchased. Toughness (1bp) You are hardy than a normal person. You start with plus 1 wound. This may only be purchased once.

Flaws: A character may have as many flaws as you like, but you must role-play them all
even in situations that will get you killed. Afraid of the dark (+1bp) - You will not go anywhere dark without a light. If you lose your light or in some other manner end up in the dark, you will be too afraid to do anything but yell for help or defend yourself. You will be too afraid to help others or search areas or use other skills. You will begin to immediately (safely) move towards the nearest light you see. Alcoholic/drug addiction (+1bp) Every 4 hours you must get your fix or start suffering the appropriate affliction in the affliction section. You will be 2 alcohol/drug tags at check in. Cowardly (+1bp) You will only fight to defend yourself. You will not go to other peoples aid and well do your best to leave (safely) a dangerous situation. Fast metabolism (+1bp) You are used to a bounty of food at all times. You require two units of Rations every 4 hours to have maximum of full fatigue when refreshed or tended. Otherwise you will be at maximum fatigue until you have consumed two Rations. Frail (+1bp) You are not very physically fit. You start with 3 fatigue instead of 4 and may not take the athletics skill or toughness gift. You are not strong enough to drag anyone or carry heavy objects. Gun phobia (+1bp) You do not know how to use a gun and are too afraid to use one under any circumstances. Hemophiliac (+2bp) You will bleed out quickly. You will take a wound in 5 minutes instead of 15 minutes. Lame leg (+1bp) Whether its your leg or some other reason you cannot run. The best you can do is a fast walk. Unhealthy (+2bp) Whether born this way or because of some illness your body is weakened. You start with one wound instead of two. You may not take the toughness gift. Please have a role-play reason I.E. I have a heart murmur

Venerable (+3bp) You are older than dirt. You must use makeup to appear old. You start with 1 less fatigue. You may not run and can only ever do Base 1 damage with melee weapons no matter what the tag says. You cannot drag other people or lift anything that is more than 10lbs. You may not take the Dodge gift.

Skills: You may purchase as many skills as you have build points for.
Athletics training (1bp) You work out in some manner. For each time purchased your character has a +1 fatigue to your base total. Chemistry Training (1bp) You may read and follow the directions on any chemistry tags found in game. You may also identify a chemical by role-playing for 1 minute then opening and reading the chemical tag. Combat engineer (1bp) You are trained to set and remove traps. You must successfully disarm the trap yourself. If you succeed, you have removed the grenade (a phys rep and mouse trap) and may use it later. To set a trap you must have a grenade and you must provide your own string. Make sure you set a safe trap that will not actually trip or hurt any one. You may also use a grenade to blow open a barred door or locked box. Role-play for 1 min setting an explosive, step away and call shatter. Cooking (1bp) Weather you are a professional chef or homemaker; you know how to stretch food to serve more people. You may take 3 rations of food and after 5 minutes of role-play you may serve it to five people to refresh them or as their necessary ration for the four hour period. Each person must consume some of the items. Electronics training (1bp) - You may read and do whatever an Electronics tag says. Fast talk (1bp) If you engage in conversation with a person for 1 minute you may then say persuade follow by a simple state as to what you are persuading them a about. Mechanical training (1bp) You may read and do whatever a Mechanical tag says. You may also attempt to pick any lock you encounter. Medical I (1bp) You have a basic medical background. You are able to treat a person who has fallen because their fatigue has run out. Spend 1 minute role-playing tending their health to restore them to 1 fatigue (do not use a bandage as part of the role-play). If you can tend their injuries for 1 minute without being interrupted then state restore 1 fatigue and the person automatically awakens. The ability to restore 1 fatigue only works on the fallen. You cannot aid anyone who is not fallen unless you have a bandage. If you have a bandage you may use this consumable to restore a non-fallen individual to full fatigue after 1 minute of role-playing bandaging. The bandage must be worn for hour after application. You will start with 5 bandages. Medical II (1bp) You have field trauma knowledge. You are able to treat a persons wound. You may restore one wound tag after 5 minutes of role-play. Wound tags are a

consumable item and this will cost one wound tag from a medical kit. When you are done role-playing hand them the tag and the wound has been restored. Requirement must have Medical I to purchase. You will start with 3 wound tags, 3 Epinephrine pens.

Medical III (2bp) You are a surgeon. You may attempt surgery on a person who has run out of wound tags and is dying. Doing surgery requires 15 minutes of role-play, one wound tag from a medical kit, and a draw from the marble bag. If you draw a white marble then you may give them a wound tag and you have revived them. If they draw a black marble, they are dead and must go to monster camp. (note: surgery is most likely to fail, the surgery Kit is 2 black marbles and 1 white) Surgery may only be attempted once on a dying person. If the surgery is interrupted, then it is an automatic failure. You may start with 1 free field surgery kit listed under equipment. Requirement must have Medical II to purchase. Physician (2bp) You are trained in the diagnosing and treating of diseases. You must spend 5 minutes role-playing diagnosing a patient. You may ask them questions about the persons symptoms during this role-play. You may read and will know the afflictions and cures found under the affliction section. You may administer the cures if you have the appropriate materials I.E antidotes. Requirement must have Medical I to purchase. Reload (1bp) you are an expert on munitions. You know how to make the most out of bullets. You may take 3 bullets and after 5 minutes of role-play turn it into 5 bullets. It takes 5 mins for each set you do. There will be space on the ammo tags for you to mark and sign your cooking. Note this only works on basic bullets. Scouting (1bp) allows you to read tags marked scouting and to follow tracks. Track tags will have a type of track written on them I.E Bear track.

Combat rules: Please fight safely at all times. Do not let desperation cloud your
judgment. Important Game note: Pistol and rifles shots do 3 damage unless the weapon tag says differently. You do not have to call damage unless it is something other than 3 damage. Combat speed There is a 3 swing flurry rule in effect. You may only quickly strike at an opponent 3 times then you must pause in some fashion. Any blows that are delivered after 3 without a break will not count. Note if you are using 2 weapons you still may only have a total of 3 strikes before the pause. Using weapons -You do not need a skill to use a weapon, unless the tag on the weapon says otherwise. The only two exceptions are you cannot use a gun if you have the Gun phobia and you can only use two weapons if you have taken the ambidextrous gift. Guns will require the use of ammo tags in order to be fired.

Weapon damage - Weapons may have tags that will state the weapons damage. When using a tagged weapon, call the damage stated on the tag. If they do not have a tag or the tag does not state a type of damage, the weapon does base damage. Melee and thrown weapons do a base 1 damage. Pistols and rifles do a base 3 damage. Note: you do not call pistol or rifle shots unless the weapon does more than 3 damage. If you are hit with a weapon shot, assume three damage unless something else is called. Taking Damage When you have taken an amount of damage equal to or greater than your fatigue drop to the ground in a safe place. You are now in the fallen state. If 15 minutes pass without someone tending your injuries take 1 wound. If you have no wound tags left then you enter the Dying state. Note: there may be damage calls that state wound These will take the number of wounds stated by the call. Please role-play taking a big hit. Combat Targets -Do not strike the head or groin. Hits to the hands do not count, however the hand may not be used to block or parry a blow. The purpose of this rule is for safety and is not a fighting technique. Combat Force -When fighting with padded weapons, you must always pull your blows so as not to strike too hard. No blow should cause real pain. If you are struck by a blow that you think is too forceful, say "Excessive Force." The hit DOES NOT COUNT! Everyone is different, so you will have to adjust to your opponent's level of comfort. Blows that some players would hardly notice are quite unpleasant for others. No one should feel uncomfortable about calling "Excessive Force." It doesn't mean you are a wimp. You are actually helping the game by keeping things under control.

Feats: Feats simulate heroic effort and you may use only 4 feats per game. Feats cost
Game bucks and we will accept Masi Game bucks. You may buy as many as you like and you can give them to others. Against the odds (5gb) When you are outnumbered 3 to 1 in a combat you may use this feat to gain 2 dodges versus these foes. The dodges will be gone after the combat and will only work on these foes. An Encouraging Word ((10gb) - This feat allows you to inspire a single individual, before or during battle. You must role-play by actually giving the target an inspirational speech before activating the Feat. Allows you to call "Refresh to <target's name>" restoring them to full fatigue. This cannot be shouted, you must be close enough to the target to speak normally so it is obvious that it is not an area effect. You cannot use this on yourself. Barrier (5gb) You may place your hand against a door and state barred anytime anyone tries to open it. It will remain barred as long as your hand stays on the door. If you break contact or a shatter is used against the door, it is no longer barred.

Desperation (5gb) When you are in a bad situation and are in the fallen state you may stand back up at full fatigue and continue fighting a total of 2 times, but at the end of the battle you will automatically take a wound. Dont die on me (20gb) A person with Medical III may use this feat for an automatic success in surgery. This may be used after a failed draw with the appropriate role-play. Dumb Luck (10gb) You may call resist to any one affect while coming up with a roleplay reason as to why it happened. Wow did you see that bullet bounce of my belt buckle. Man I am lucky. Flee (15gb) When you use this feat you must run safely away from the danger. You may call dodge on all attacks from behind except area effect. Its a Miracle (30gb) When you would normal take a death you may use this feat to avoid it. You must come up with some role-play reason for it. Rally (25gb) You must give 1 minute long impassioned speech about whats going on. If you can do this without being interrupted then you may state area effect refresh

Afflictions: Will be found on the wall of woe in town behind the tavern. Only read an
affliction, if it pertains to you, or you are a Physician. Only a Physician will know and can administer the cures except for the drug/alcohol addiction flaw. Drug/ alcohol You must have a drug or alcohol consumable every cycle or you start having the following symptoms. 1st cycle missed you have the shakes and blurred vision. 2nd cycle missed you are irritable, cant run plus previous symptoms. 3rd cycle missed you are hallucinating and have a max of 2 fatigue plus previous symptoms. Cure when you consume a drug/alcohol item it takes you back 2 symptoms. So if you are at stage 3 and consume 1 item you are now at stage 1.

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