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GENRE ANALYSIS ESP The analysis of genres provides a broad view to researchers, teachers and learners for a further

understanding and comprehension of the language in a specific context. In the following lines there are several methodological procedures used by researches in ESP to analyze genre. I. Critical Genre Analysis, proposed by Vijay Bhatia (1993), in which describes seven steps for a full integrated analysis of social context with a textual analysis: 1. Place the genre within a general situational context or community of users. 2. Survey relevant literature 3. Define the genres situational/contextual framework in detail. 4. Select a corpus of texts 5. Study the institutional context of the genre a. Carry out linguistic analysis, for example textualization, move structure and lexico-grammatical characteristics 6. Revise findings with specialist informant (Bhatia, 1993,pp 22-36)


Corpus Research followed by Hyland (2000), in which he is able to compare the lexico-grammatical characteristics and the move structures from different disciplines using: 1. Concordancing software in which analysis were able to count the occurrences of a. Lexical features b. Grammatical features c. Identify collocations of words in multimillion-word corpora


Textography, named by Swales (1998), in which he refers a something more than a disembodied textual or discoursal analysis, but less than a full ethnographic account. He used this method on individuals working in a university building, in which he used:

1. Interviews 2. Broad analysis or also called textual histories 3. Close analysis of key texts to build a picture that impacted the individuals in their context. 4. Applied linguistics from scholars of rhetoric carrying out ethnographic researches such as Bazerman, 1994: Pare , 2002 and Smart, 2000.


Berkenkotters (2001), on Psychoterapists, this genre was originated by the concepts of the neo-Vigotskyan activity theory. Named by him as Meta-genre the study followed: 1. Participant-observation 2. Text analysis 3. Discourse-based interviews, in order to trace the therapists patients: a. interviews b. Assessments c. Treatments plans d. Notes e. Termination summaries

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